
Supernatural: Stronger than God

I own only the MC and OC’s. MC is Lesbian. A girl wishes to be in to be in a world of Supernatural with wishes.

xGodofSwordx · TV
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Chapter 1 - It’s my turn

Addy POV

I woke up in a field as I raised up to look around as I look to see I'm in the middle of nowhere as I look around.

Addy: Well, I'm here.

I walk or teleport to sense a demon passing by me as I stop to turn around to tap it's shoulder to teleport us to an abandoned building as I threw him across the room.

Demon: What the hell?

Addy: Alright you low level prick, what's a demon doing here?

Demon boy got up to have black eyes.

Demon: You don't know who your messing with you little bitch.

He came walking to me as I materialized out a gun to shoot him in the leg.

Demon: Was that supposed to hurt?

But then he noticed he couldn't move.

Demon: Why can't I move!?

Addy: Cause dumb dumb, that is a special bullet for demons, try to escape, come on.

He tried to smoke out of the body but then realize he couldn't.

Demon: Why can't I leave!!

Addy: Bullet keeps you nice and gift wrapped in that body, now let's chat.

Demon: I got nothing to say to you bitch!

Addy: Oh, how original but we don't have time for this.

I brought my hand up and squeezed him as he was dying inside.

Demon: Okay! Okay! I'll talk.

Addy: Good, now let's begin.

Demon: what do you want to know?