
Supernatural Skirmishes

Back in 2023, technology continued to advance, making breakthrough after breakthrough. Discoveries and mysteries solved. Until one fateful day, an incident was classified as a "Hypernova Transfusion." A hypernova exploded near Earth. The radiation from the explosion tickled the atmosphere and touched the surface, infecting humans with diseases and causing radiation poisoning, such as cancer. Only a small proportion of the population inherited powers from the hypernova. These people are classified as stellar, said to be an evolution and a further advancement for mankind. But society has come to despise the stellar, because of their powers that make them superior. They are looked down upon, due to the weak fearing their supernatural abilities. Quinn is a stellar human with the powers of the dark, living in an apartment complex after his job of being a PMC marksman and engineer during his teenage years. Still, on a mission for something, follow Quinn and his missions on the agency to protect Earth from the supernatural. For around the globe, Earth is now an arena of Supernatural Skirmishes.

Hosh_Brown · Action
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8 Chs

Final Stretch

"Ugh, you!" Eres pants and quickly aims her barrels at Cloaker, firing multiple times. With Cloaker evading all the attacks.

"Mars! Save your energy! You no longer have to contend with the number of times you use your Stella! Wait for Luna!" Remram hurriedly exasperated. With drooping eyes and sweat flowing down her face.

Immediately, Quinn rushes to Cloaker to buy Eres time to find safety. Shooting his revolver whilst charging at him.

Cloaker retaliates, creating distorted portals in front of him to nullify the bullets being shot at him. Instantly charging at Quinn, equipping two Uzis to retaliate fire.

Eres successfully escapes with Remram to a nearby cliff to watch the battle. Ready to support aid for Quinn whenever it feels like he's in trouble.

Quinn notices Eres is gone to safety, so he becomes more serious. Paying his full attention to the battle, and Cloaker.

Quinn creates a portal of darkness, suppressing the fire of bullets being showered down at him.

That same eerie sound can be heard, chilling Quinn's spine. Shortening his breath, and jotting his eyes, Quinn felt genuine fear for this trained killer.

Then, a distorted portal appears below him, making him fall through it and to the location of the madman that is Cloaker.

"Done already? Thank you for making my job easier." Cloaker chuckled sarcastically. With him walking up to Quinn sinisterly and nonchalantly.

Quinn regains his focus, his heart rate increases, and his mind is focused on Cloaker. In an instant, he gets up and calls his sniper before him for use in action.

"You are so dead!" Quinn roared as he charged up the railgun sniper to its maximum killing power and increased the number of wounds and fatalities he had on him.

Cloaker, standing there unfazed by this action, prepares to make another portal to nullify the bullets.


The bullet shoots through the portal, and Cloaker responds just in time to dodge it. But he was shot through his shoulder without any repercussions as a result.

Trying to flee to a safe space, his portal malfunctioned, leaving him stunned.

Quinn quickly rushed towards the Cloaker, aiming his revolver at him.


In an unexpected move, Cloaker rushes at Quinn, dodging the first bullet that comes his way.

Taking measures to prevent Cloaker from seeing him, Quinn throws a blind of darkness at him.

Quinn tries to pin Cloaker to the ground, but Cloaker wrestles Quinn to buy time for him to shoot his leg.

"Hng!" Quinn grunted.

"I don't get enough for this shit."

Before Quinn could reshoot him, Cloaker regained his Stella and escaped through a portal to never be seen again after yelling.

"I'm tired… Where's my energy drink?" Quinn pants.

"Luna? Luna!" A faint distant voice yelled.

Not long afterward, Quinn fainted from exhaustion and blood loss.

To pick them up, Eres and Remram call the plane. With the mission being successful.

All slaves held captive have escaped through armored vehicles. With only one unconscious and two injured.

Quinn is sent to the clinic back at HQ, with Anetha healing his wounds and getting a bullet out of his leg.

After the whole operation, Quinn's eyes opened sharply, causing him to sit up in a hurry and his heart rate to increase rapidly.


Then, Quinn calms down and looks around the room. Sighing in relief after seeing Anetha.

"Return to sleep. You must rest yourself to recover fully." Anetha suggested, grabbing a clipboard and a pen.

Quinn looks down at himself to see him covered in bandages and a couple of IV tubes. Looking up, he tilts his head in question.

"But what about Remram and Eres? Are they fine?"

Quinn lies down slowly, yet remains a vision of Anetha writing something on the clipboard. Probably writing about his injuries and such.

"Ara~, caring for others before yourself? What a sweetheart you are. But to answer your question. Yes, they already recovered and went to their dorms. They received minor injuries unlike you."

Quinn sighs in relief knowing they're safe. But also ponders on that last sentence, wondering if it was an insult or not.

"What about the mission?"

Anetha smiles and drops the clipboard and pen down on her desk.

"You three pulled it off nicely. Good job to you guys~"

Quinn keeps a straight face, looking down to think. But before long, he feels a very sharp pain in his left leg.

Quinn flinches in pain, looking under the covers to see his left leg bandaged up.

"So doctor, what're my injuries?"

"Well, you'll live, that's one. Two, you might have difficulty walking with your left leg, so I advice using crutches for a bit of time. Three, all three you will have a full week off agent duties. So congrats."

Quinn smiles slightly, happy to take a break, before closing his eyes slowly to fall asleep again.

But after his encounter with Cloaker, he knows that he must train to the fullest. Break his limitations. Because if there are people just like or stronger than Cloaker, he must be ready to take action and charge head-on.