
Dean x Reader

// let me know if you want a part two !

Sitting at your kitchen table, your eyes wandered over the words on the back of the cereal packet in front of you. Of course you weren't actually reading the ingredients, your eyes just focused on them as your mind drifted off elsewhere. Letting out a loud yawn, rousing yourself from your daydreams and finishing the rest of your breakfast, there was one thing that still played over in your thoughts.About three days ago, you had been running errands, just the usual shopping for groceries and those not so usual weirdly circular batteries for a watch you had wanted to wear. As you left the shop, a man, obviously in a hurry brushed roughly past you. "Oh how pleasant." You muttered casting your eyes back to look at the rude passer by, now you couldn't be sure but something about him seemed familiar. Was he from a TV show? Or your old high school? You couldn't work it out, and that was bothering you more than it should have.

Moments of recognition often come at the oddest of times, and this was no exception. A small sparrow like bird had somehow managed to find its way into your kitchen, and no amount of endless cooing or pointing at the window was encouraging it to leave. You found yourself talking animatedly to the bird, "Alright you know, I wanted to finish watching Gilmore Girls but I guess maybe you wanted to join me huh?" The bird just sat on the counter top, pruning it's wings, almost as if it was purposely ignoring your presence. It took a further ten minutes and a lot of skipping round the table in your kitchen with a make shift net aka a laundry basket to eventually remove the bird. Wiping a bead of sweat from your forehead, and muttering about the cheek of that bird, the man's identity came to you; "Ah! It was that Winchester boy from high school.. I always wondered where he'd got to, I may even still have his number..."

"Just, call the god damn number Y/N, it's probably three years old anyway and might not even work, don't be a baby, you are the confidence ." This small pep talk wasn't getting you anywhere, so adjusting your hair and letting out a small cough to clear your throat you pressed call. The ringing appeared to last minutes but was probably only a few seconds; "Hello? Dean Winchester, who's calling?"Oh. Crap. He had actually answered, you hadn't got this far in your pep talk."Oh uh hey it's Y/N from high school? Don't know if you remember me but I think I saw you in town today and um maybe we could meet up, if you wanted I don't know maybe?" You cringed at yourself, nice one Y/N, smooth.There was a pause from Dean, you could almost visualise him shrugging nonchalantly as he replied, "Sure I remember you, you were a good friend. We can get coffee and lunch unless you're into all that vegan stuff then I ain't got a clue." You laughed softly, "You could come round my place ? I make a pretty mean grilled cheese." You told him your address, arranging a time and then ended the call. A small thump that seemed to come from the ceiling above you caught your attention, frowning you decided to investigate. These noises had been occurring a lot recently, but only really during the day, you just put it down to rather enthusiastic water pipes.

"No, Dean honestly I'm sure it's nothing, a maintenance guy sent by my landlord came over and did a check on the plumbing and such about three weeks ago..." you paused, thinking; "Well now you mention it the noises weren't a problem before he came."Dean stood, half a grilled cheese in his hand, next to you looking up at the ceiling in the living room, he scratched his head. "Doesn't sound like pipes to me Y/N. You mind if I have a look around?" Bemused by his interest in something that seemed so trivial to you, you nodded and he muttered something about needing a torch from his car. Once he left you breathed out heavily, peeking out through the blinds of your living room window, biting your lip you couldn't help but think he had somehow got even more attractive. "He aged like fine wine huh." You mumbled, hurriedly moving from the window and resuming your spot by the couch as he re-entered the house. "Got my torch, got my sidekick uh," he looked at you, "Watson? Or are you more of a Velma?" It took you a second to understand what the hell he was going on about, "Watson." He nodded, switching on his torch giving you an exaggerated wink, gesturing for you to lead the way.

The playful air dissipated almost immediately when you both reached the stairs leading to the attic. "Huh, funny I never thought I had a lock on the attic door." You said, almost too casually for Dean's liking. Another thud came from above your heads and your breathing hitched. Then another, and another, steadily getting louder almost like they were advancing towards you. Almost like footsteps. Dean's eyes widened and he grabbed your arm, yanking you into the nearby bathroom, you were about to speak, asking him what the hell he was doing being so spooked by some stupid pipes, when the door to the loft, with the most eerie silence swung open. Instinctively you moved closer to Dean, seeking some sort of comfort. Dean sensing your nervousness, reached out to take your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Rubbing your eyes and opening them again, to your dismay the door to the attic was still open.

The noises started up again, the lamp in the hall shaking with the vibrations, a pair of dirt covered black steel capped boots emerged on the first rung of the ladder and you inhaled sharply, the boots stopped their descent onto the second step, cursing internally you realised whoever it was had heard you.