
Supernatural Hunters: Team 4 United Kingdom

Brighton, year 2015, on a rainy night, a teenage girl known by the name of Carmen Grace was about to head home after a hard day she had at high school as a freshman. She was about to take the bus, but her mother make a call to go to the store and pick up a few things to help at preparing the dinner. And that call, has changed her life in a good way and in a bad way because he met the Vewolf, a werewolf that has green fur colour and is a type of werewolf who doesn't consume meat. And when she met the Vewolf, she also met her first crush, and a call in her life. Available on Dreame: https://www.dreame.com/story/2754487296-hunters--carmen-and-vewolf

Septic_Red · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
84 Chs

Killing zombies in Scotland - Part 16


  On an abandoned building, Carmen and Hannah, are running upstairs from the zombies who are chasing the two of them. The two huntresses are in danger because they've become weak, sued all of their devices and energy to fight the three hundred and twenty zombies, now there are only thirty more zombies reaming, those are the ones chasing after them.

  Carmen couldn't morph certain body parts into Vewolf boy, not she can try to launch her nail attack to zombies. And Hannah has run out of ammo, her only weapon being a normal dagger. The two girls can do at this very moment is run, hide and think of a solution to kill the remain zombies.

  Hannah and Carmen are entering a room, that is barely standing. After they've entered it, Hannah holds the door, while Carmen is pushing a piece of desk to block the door. When she did push it close to the door, Hannah moves away and helps the newbie push the desk to the door to block it. After a few seconds, the desk blocks the door, the two girls are looking at the door, all breathing heavy from the running and fighting.

  "We need some kind of weapons to kill these." says Carmen.

  "I know." says Hannah to Carmen, still breathing heavy. "All we have is a dagger." she shows Carmen the dagger she is holding. "We're screwed."

  "We are not." says Carmen, looking around. "In these types of games, anything can be a weapon."

  "This is not a game." says Hannah to Carmen. "And what are you doing?"

  "Using creativity." says Carmen looking around the room.

  Carmen walks for a bit around the room, she finds a small wooden pole under a chair, then she observes a blade that is stuck on the wall. The girl takes that blade from the wall barely handed, not afraid she would cut herself by mistake. After she took the bade, she notices the blade had some blood spots on the top, meaning this must've been used to hurt something. She looks around the room, and observes there are a few pieces of cloth that can be used to tie the blade to the top of the wooden pole.

  In a minute, Carmen managed to tie the blade to the top of the pole with a green piece of cloth. After she finished the process, she tries to do some kind of stabbing exercise like it is some kind of spear. The blade looks to the standing well and not fall easy. 

  Seeing this improvised spear won't do enough damage, and it can break, Carmen continues looking around for a weapon to use it against these dead things. Carmen sees another piece it can be used as some kind of weapon, a metallic baseball bat. Upon taking that thing, Carmen notices this baseball bat has some blood spots on the top and all over the handle.

  "What the hell happened here?" she asks herself curious about the things happened on this very room because most of the things she found were having all blood over it.

  Hearing how zombies are starting to push the door, Carmen drops the thought and looks around to ideas to make more weapon. She walks toward a broken drawer, she opens the drawers, all she found is a rusty screwdriver with star shape. Seeing this may be put to a good use, she takes it, and closes the drawer.

  "What you've got?" asks Hannah seeing Carmen coming with the metallic baseball bat and the improvised spear. 

  "A lot." says Carmen handing the baseball bat to Hannah. "You take the bat. I have this."

  "You've made a spear?" asks Hannah impressed.

  "Sort of." says Carmen preparing herself in spear wielding stance position. 

  "You know how to use it?"

  "Not really. But I've seen a co-worker do it once in training room."

  The co-worker she saw using the spear was Kyle who brought Carmen to training room a few days ago to show her some moves on combat fighting and how to block certain enemies weapons. He showed Carmen how to block and take it to use a spear from an enemy, a thing that can rarely happen, but it is good to know. The training went well because Carmen has the ability of photographic memory from Vewolf virus. But she did lose it when that parasite left her body, but she still has some of the knowledge in her.

  The zombies start to break in the room. The desk was moved from the door by how strong these things have pushed the door. Carmen and Hannah, are on their position and waiting for these creatures to break in and meet their end.

  When the twenty zombies break in the room, Carmen and Hannah are fighting these things by the help of their weapons. Both having good skill at fighting zombies, they've killed the twenty zombies in about ten minutes. They've killed one, then dodged their attacks, and attacks another zombie who meet their end. 

  "Is it over?" asks Carmen after she stabbed the last zombie with the screwdriver because the improvised spear broke. The blade got stuck on the head of the eight zombie she killed.

  "I think." says Hannah looking around at the pile of corpses lining in this room.

  The two girls are looking at the window, they notice the sky. It is still night outside, which is a good thing. But now, they have to act quick to delete these numbers of corpses from the streets and this building. Hannah and Carmen are quickly throwing the device to disintegrate the corpses from this house, then they ran out of the house, run to the streets and throw the other devices there to clean the masses of zombie bodies.

  When they were done, they can go back to the Tavern and rest for the final battle of this campaign. Before they've left, they have to take back the device that creates a dome all around the city. This device will have to be reused for attacks like this in order to protect the Individuals that reside on the First Dimension. 

  The two hunters are entering the opened portal.

  When they've arrived back in the Tavern, they landed in the dining room where all of the hunters participating in this campaign have already been gathering in the dinner room, where the two leaders of this campaign are going to prepare an announcement for all of them. This must be an important one because the atmosphere of this room alone is serious.