
Supernatural: heaven change of fate

A fan of Supernatural dies and gets reincarnated and he wishes for him to be an Angel at the beginning of creation. Let's see how he changes the story or will he fail and let fate play itself out? (The cover image is not mine I will replace it if the creator wishes me to)

Nonstop_Hamilton85 · TV
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93 Chs

The Lightning Thief

After I put Percy and Grover in the medical wing and made sure that they were okay Chiron and Dionysus, began to question who I was and what I was doing here in camp.

The tone of Dionysus was pissing me off so I backhanded him and began to violently beat him to a pulp.

"How dare this pathetic useless drunk that calls himself a god, dare question me, the one who can easily wipe this universe off the face of the earth and its petty gods."

When I was done disciplining the baby, I cleaned up and went outside to where Hestia, was and sat down near the fire as she gave me a warm smile.

We talked for a bit as I kept her company, and learned more information about what was going on with Olympus, not that I really cared about the state of Olympus.

I sensed Percy waking up from unconsciousness and went inside the big house to talk with him.

I sat at the table as Dionysus started to shuffle cards to play pinochle,I denied the invitation to the game as I despised gambling.

"So, Mr Brunner you work here or something? Percy anxiously wanted to break the silence as Brunner told him his true identity as Chiron.

"OK, but what about Isaiel and Mister D. What are they exactly? Since it's clear they are not human, are they similar to each other?

I looked at Percy as he said that and never have I wanted to smack the molecules out of his mouth, to say that a lesser being and I are anything similar is an insult to everything I stand for.

"No! Percy, let me be frank with you names have power, especially when someone like me is involved."

" And trust me, if you knew what I was, what I could do, you would be screaming and afraid to look in me in my eyes much less my presence, and if you could I pride myself in not being compared to by filth and bastards."

I picked up a Pinochle card and threw it near the window, as the air simmered Annabeth appeared shocked as I knew she was spying and made her visible.

I tuned out the rest of the conversation as Percy struggled to grapple with the mythological world until the subject of Father came up.

"My Father is not a different matter Chiron, or else why would I be here? The twelve great beings of Olympus are nothing but children and fools, only higher than humans by age and power, you should all be grateful that he has seen you worthy to continue to exist, as I have seen many pantheons fall and burn."

"The only thing that I regret with you worms, is that I wasted my time allowing things like you the right to breathe, none of you deserve such a gift." With each word spoken the camp became colder and colder, until it reached absolute zero.

As my disparagement of the gods was heard around camp, I only returned the heat before Percy was about to die.

"You false gods should be lucky that you have free will like humanity, because every second I see your work in the world, is a second I contemplate about revoking that free will and perhaps I will, If I decide that you gods are even worth the honor."

I disappeared and reappeared in the Underworld, near the gates of Hades when Charon stopped me from passing.

"Leave angel, the firstborns here are already dead, you have no business here."

"Be silent ferryman, I know that already and you have no right to tell me what to do as I am more powerful than your master and your mother." Annoyed at the lack of respect and wasting my time in this dimension.

"Yeah, yeah I don't really care about all of that just pay me the toll, I have better things to do like suit shopping." Charon stretched out his skeletal palm and had a face of greed.

I sucked my teeth in annoyance as I gave him a pouch of gold coins and threw it in his face, I flew straight into the castle and smashed open the doors to the Throne room as Hades looked at me angrily.

"SO, YOU BUST YOUR WAY INTO MY DIMENSION, CLAIM YOUR BETTER THAN ME, AND SMASHED MY JUST FIXED DOORS, TELL ME WHY YOU COULDN'T HAVE JUST KNOCKED." Hades started to rant about the cost of the doors, as I waved my hands, and the doors were fixed instantly.

"I am here for business Hades, not to come chit-chat mundane things, I am here to ask you to release the soul of Sally Jackson, the mother to the son of Poseidon and I will give you your helm."

"You know where it is, where? No, the son of Poseidon took it and you are here to trade on his behalf aren't you." His eyes glowed darker as he gripped the armrests of his Throne.

"You are mistaken Hades, the son of Poseidon couldn't possibly take your helm, he isn't even aware of his parentage yet and I have watched him since he came from the womb, and he is not a demigod with such capabilities you have my word."

Hades pondered for a moment and then agreed on the condition that Percy had to deliver his helm personally.

I left the underworld and appeared back at camp where the children were playing capture-the-flag against each other, I went near the creek and saw Percy fighting the children of Ares and then getting pushed into the creek.

I looked beside me and a Hellhound was in the trees, ready to attack Percy when I appeared in front of it and poofed it out of existence with a snap of my fingers.

When I turned around I saw Percy in the creek getting claimed by Poseidon, I knew that the time for waiting was over as I felt Zeus's rage at the revelation. I teleported to the attic of the Big House and looked at the host of the Oracle.

I made a disgusted face as I looked at the withered corpse, it reeked with the smell of dead snakes in the attic.

Just as I was about to leave the attic, the corpse of the oracle started to convulse and twitch, white smoke started to come from her mouth and engulf my body as my vision became blurry.

When I woke up, I was laying in a field of silver lilies, I got up and took a look aurond as I was in a different dimension than I was used to.

I did an internal scan of my body and grace and found everything in working order, there was nothing as far I could see but lilies and a big Gazebo in the distance.

I teleported to the Gazebo and drew my sword as I cautiously walked inside, if the person who brought me here was powerful enough to breach through my mental defenses, then I have to be on guard incase they prove to be an enemy.

"Oh, you woke up fairly quickly then I thought you would, but what else did I expect from someone who is worthy to be my fated one."

I immediately turned aurond and swung my sword at the voice, and just before I could slice at her neck, my sword stopped as if it had hit an invisible barrier.

I took a good look at the figure in front of me as she gave me an amused and mischievous smile, as if she knew what I was thinking.

The figure was was a beautiful woman with white skin and hair akin to moonlight, different colored eyes, one the color of blood and madness, and the another blue as the azure sky.

She spoke in an enchanting French accent, and wore a dress with the colors of every planet that was formed.

"What do you mean by Fated one? And who exactly are you? My face was covered with suspicion as my eyes lit up ready to fight this mysterious woman.

"Answers shall come in a moment my sweet ange, I have been waiting for this moment since we first met and I wish to savor every second of it." Perhaps, it would be better to talk with refreshments no?

She pointed to the table where food, desserts, and other refreshments were present and sat down in a chair as she looked at me expectantly.

I sense no lies from her mouth and sat down across from her, my sword on my lap and ready to reach in case of danger.

"Now, you asked what was I correct? Well, there is no easy way to say this but I am one of the physical aspects of the natural order." She watched with amusement as I blinked at that information.

"I see, OK so your like Father and the Darkness, and you said that your one of the physical aspects, then how many are there? Unsurprised and curious about her identity.

"Precisely, just as your Father is the aspect of light and his sister Darkness, I am an aspect of order unlike my other half Azubah, or the Empty as she likes to be called."

We continued to talk as we learned more and more about each other such as, we had previously met before but Father erased my memories of the event entirely, and that her name was Coseama.

Finally it was time for me to leave and before I returned to the Percy Jackson universe, Coseama gave some parting words.

"You are my Fated one Isaiel, mine and nobody else's, you were given the blessing to live forever no matter what, even if your own father were to try and kill you, you would still live, so let we warn you now that if try to hide from me I will track you down even if I have to burn every single universe till I find you."

Her red eye gleamed as if she were possessed by madness, and then with one passionate kiss, I was sent back to the Percy Jackson universe as a bus was speeding towards me.

I didn't even panic as I willed myself to become intangible, and passed through the bus as I observed the scene infront of me.

Percy, Grover, and Annabeth were currently fighting the furies, already fed up with all of this nonsense for today, I told them to shut their eyes as I produced a blast of holy light from my palm as the passengers were temporarily blinded by the brightness.

I opened the bus doors and ordered the children to follow me into the woods, when we found an open clearing to stay as the sun was going down.

"Wait, Isaiel where were you? Me and Grover looked everywhere aurond camp for you, but you disappeared and then you appeared in the middle of the road and pashed through the bus, which was super cool by the way and then you..." I gave him a tired look and told him I was handling personal affairs.

Just then trio's stomach started to grumble as they were panicking as they didn't have food, I rolled my eyes and with a snap of my fingers, created a picnic table with a bunch of food.

After they finished eating, they went to sleep in the trees as night soon came, I spend the night thinking back about what Grover said about nature and the wild, and how humans have almost ruined it completely.

He was right, I remembered when the Earth was first completed and how beautiful it was when the first plants grew, and now in the 21st century, all that beauty was completely eradicated and the only places with that look are Heaven, Eden, and my personal dimensions to re-create the feeling.

When the sun rose up under the insistence of the child of Athena, we went to the st.Louis arch and looked at it, I saw Echidna and her monstrous spawn as I burned them to a crisp with a simple glance.

I then told them we were wasting time and touched them and teleported them to L.A, the city where the mortal portal to the underworld could be accessed.

Just before we could move to the direction of the underworld, the sound of a motorcycle could be heard as Ares rolled up with an arrogant smirk on his face.

I wasn't playing these games nor did I want to hear him monologuing, so I punched him through a couple of buildings and grabbed the bag and the ski hat that were the items of Zeus and Hades, and threw them to the kids and sent them to the underworld.

I flew to a breach as Ares as getting up from the shore, and laughed as he drew his spear and looked at me crazed.

"Haha, about time I found you ya bastard, we haven't settled the score from fifty years ago." He rushed at me, as he tried to attack me without taking me seriously.

I parried all of his attacks and got a few hits of my own, as he kept trying to taunt and mock me as we fought, and became more predictable to fight against.

I finally had enough of this, and dodged his spear, took it and snapped it in two and then kept on punching him and grabbed his throat.

"You know, for a god of war, you seem to forget one of the most important rules, and that's to never challenge someone who is stronger than you alone." I put my fist through his stomach and then ripped out all of his intestines, before throwing him into the sea.

I went to the Empire State Building and snapped my fingers,as Percy, Annabeth, and Grover appeared next to me, shocked that they were here and not in the Underworld.

I told Percy to go up to the 600th floor, and to tell Zeus what truly happened with his lightning bolt.

I flew Annabeth and Grover back to camp and stayed there in the big house, listening to a report given to me by Gadreel and Abel.

When I opened my eyes, I heard the sound of panicking as Percy was dragged inside and was currently dying from pit scorpion venom.

I placed my hand on him and healed him from the poison, as he woke up and told us about Luke, son of Hermes and how he had orchestrated the theft of both Zeus bolt and Hades helm.

I didn't care about the oncoming war or finding Luke, that would be the problem of the Greek gods, as I went back to heaven to confirm the troubling report that I just received and to prepare for an interesting conversation.