
Supernatural: heaven change of fate

A fan of Supernatural dies and gets reincarnated and he wishes for him to be an Angel at the beginning of creation. Let's see how he changes the story or will he fail and let fate play itself out? (The cover image is not mine I will replace it if the creator wishes me to)

Nonstop_Hamilton85 · TV
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93 Chs

Out with the old and In with the New

As the form of Hestia was flickering, I healed the wound and sent her away as she was going to be needed later.

Zeus threw a bolt of lightning at me as I simply took no damage from it, he glared and then looked at the other Olympians for assistance.

"Brothers! Sisters, and children. Put aside the petty grievances that had splintered us for so long, we will unite and stand together, and I will wipe out this plague! Olympus will prevail!!! He roared as all the gods transformed into their divine forms.

"You know Zeus, the last person to use that speech said the same thing, but then had to watch as all the gods aurond him died brutally, for himself to then die in a grousome manner and I'm not Kratos, but I am bringing the destruction of Olympus."

Zeus threw another lightning bolt as Hermes, blitz towards me with his speed and tried to fight me with his Caduceus.

For being the messenger of the gods, Hermes could fight very well and with his speed made his movements unpredictable.

But that still meant nothing with my new powers, I caught up to him and grabbed his leg and sliced it off, much to the gods dismay.

Dionysus tried to use with his powers on me and Apollo, went to heal Hermes severed leg.

"You damn bastard! I knew you were trouble the moment I saw you, I will get rid of your existence for daring to challenge the gods."

"Pffft! I'm sorry, do you honestly think your an challenge to me? I have barely shown you the tip of the iceberg yet." I focused on my power over souls to jump through space and appeared in front of Dionysus face.

Dionysus got so arrogant that he let down his guard, "you fool, don't let that sword touch you or your finished." Hades attempted to warn Dionysus but it was too late, my sword had cut his neck but it looked like nothing had happened.

Hades used his powers over shadows to move Dionysus towards him, and had Apollo check on him even when there was no wound.

"Hades, what is the fuss about? The idiot's attack did even damage me at all, look no woun---

Dionysus didn't even finish his sentence as his head rolled to the ground, and some of the gods looked at the head in shock.

"Dionysus should have listened to Hades, anything that my soul powers touches will lose it's essence entirely, for example; if my power were to touch someone's arm, then that arm lose it's functions and that energy would transfer to me." Ares and Athena attack me simultaneously as the other gods supported them.

The twins fired multiple arrows with sun and moon energy, as Ares and Athena showed me their synced battle prowess.

I released a beam of purple lightning greater than anything Zeus could create, both Ares and Athena were incapacitated due to the power, and Hades was using his powers over darkness to obscure my vision.

"Ara, what a strong and powerful thing man you are, why don't you lay down your weapon and spend some time with me? Aphrodite gave me a seductive look that would make even the most abstinence of men fail their oaths.

However, I was not like normal men and was able to refuse her hypnotic charm, I grabbed her mouth and put my spear into her gullet, and ripped it out as golden ichor flowed from her mouth.

I appeared in front of Hades, who summoned hordes of dead zombie and skeleton armies, and then used darkness to teleport aurond and fight me from the shadows.

"Tell me Hades, what reason are you supporting Zeus for? He abandons you, doesn't give you a Throne, and always breaks his oath and kills your children."

Hades hesitated and looked at Zeus, who was not even engaging in the battle, and was pondering about my words, when Poseidon tried to sneak behind and impale me with his trident.

"Brother, don't listen to him, he's just trying to twist your head against us, even though we don't always show it, we all love and appreciate you." I grabbed the trident from Poseidon's hands and threw it in the head of Hera.

I wanted to try out a new power I got from Ouranos, and put my hand to the sky as darkness came down to the sky, and enveloped the remaining gods in the form of black chains.

I felt a bit neausous from using that ability, I theorized that it was due to the fact that I was an angel, a being of light using an ability of darkness.

"There's no use in struggling, the chains cannot be broken, these are the same chains that Ouranos used to bound the Elder cyclops and Hekatonkeires, before flinging them into Tartarus." As many of the gods tried to break free.

I got in front of Apollo as he glared and tried to punch me." I'm warning you, I am Apollo the god of the sun, and if you think you can defeat me with this, then you underestimate my true power." Feel the power of the Sun!!!

Apollo released the power of the sun and tried to incinerate my body, I grabbed his face and slammed it in my knee repeatedly.

I pushed my hand Into Apollo's chest and started the process of extracting his domains, and when the process was completed, his face was pale as if he was close to death.

Completely mortal, I broke Apollo neck and grabbed his head, I started to pull with all of my might and as Apollo was screaming, I brutally tore off his head.

(Kratos killing hellos for reference)

Artemis cried out in pain as I showed her the severed head of her twin, she continued to try and break the chans with her strength, but it was futile and just stood there weeping.

I threw the head of Apollo to the side and got in front of Zeus, as he was struggling to use his powers due to the chains.

Just as I was about to deal with the biggest problem in this pantheon, time froze as the Fates appeared and teleported us to a dimension that was covered in strings and webs.

"You! This is all your fault, because of you, we ca no longer see the path of history of mortal and gods." The three old ladies raged as the strings aurond the room snapped and rejoined together.

"And how is that my problem, your services are no longer required anymore, this is an end to the present reign and the start of a new era."

"New Era? What about this is new? All we see is chaos, we are the sisters of fate and it is our responsibility to create the fate of every being in this world, and everything goes according to our will." The sisters started to glow as they combine to one powerful entity.

Fate began to fight me by casting magic spells, and sending me throughout various points in time by using their loom of fate.

Our battle disrupted the flow of time by so much, timelines we're being created and destroyed, as we fought and changed history.

"There is no power greater than the sisters of Fate trespasser, and if you continue to challenge us, you will die! The haughty voice of Lachesis echoed in the chamber.

"I hate to break it to you three, but I can't die even if I wanted to, but you can still die or be erased."

I grabbed the Fates and dropped us into the loom, wrapping the both of us in the fate of people, and breaking the string that kept the loom together.

"You fool! If you let the loom fall, then the both of us will drop into the void of chaos and be destroyed forever." The three sisters trembling in fear as they saw the look in my eyes.

"Really, well I always wanted to test the limits of my immortality, being evaporated into nothingness is a fine test, wouldn't you agree? I used my strength to rip the final string as the both of us fell into Chaos.

The sensation I felt was my whole body on fire, even though I knew that I wouldn't die it was still painful to experience, and at the last second, I created a portal to Olympus.

When I returned to the Throne room, my body was smoking, as parts of my body were on fire.

I removed the chains that bound Zeus to his Throne, and without hesitation he sent arcs of lightning to overpower me.

I didn't even worry, as my power over lighting was so great, that I was able to negate any electricity thrown at me.

"Is this really the best that you can do? Is this the power of so called king of the gods? You steal the thunder to speak in my Father's voice as a baby who attempts to burble a word, oh how creation will not miss your tantrums Zeus." Zeus leaped from his Throne and tried to overpower me with his strength.

"I will prevail! Zeus will endure forever! I have put down Titans, Giants, and Gods." I refuse to have my crown removed by someone who isn't even a god."

I punched him and brutally beat him over and over again, until he was barely-alive and had the strength to summon a volt of lightning

"You have made many people suffer Zeus, it's about time to you experience a fraction of the pain that you caused, you are an open wound and I am here to bleed."

I knew that a simple death was too good for someone like Zeus, so I decided to give him a punishment that was similar to fate of the main character of a game in my old life, Ultimate Custom Night.

(Zeus pov)

I woke up from the attack from that insect that dared to end my reign, however something was wrong as I was still chained on my Throne and only had my shield, as there wasn't a single god in sight.

Then without warning, people started to appear left and right, Ares,Athena, Metis, prometheus, Kronos, and so many others came at once bitting, slashing, and began to rip me apart limb from limb.

The pain was immeasurable, even for a god as powerful and Supreme as myself, this was to much for me to bear.

"Oh chaos! make it stop, make it stop please." For the first time, I begged as the pain was getting increasingly worse every second.

Then it became quiet again and the pain stopped, It was like the world had been reset, and then it began again and again, was this his personal hell? Was he doomed to relive all the punishments that he ordered in his life for the rest of Eternity?

(Isaiel pov)

After Zeus was settled in his personal hell, I began to change the rule of Olympus, and with my help the minor gods were given a voice on the council, the Greek and Roman demigods ended their ancestral feud, and the Greek pantheon was becoming much better under new management as I left to return to continue my work in the supernatural universe.