
Supernatural: heaven change of fate

A fan of Supernatural dies and gets reincarnated and he wishes for him to be an Angel at the beginning of creation. Let's see how he changes the story or will he fail and let fate play itself out? (The cover image is not mine I will replace it if the creator wishes me to)

Nonstop_Hamilton85 · TV
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John and Mary

It's 1973, and boy the last 24 years has been a wild ride of emotions having watched both the life and birth of John and Mary.

In that time I crafted a identity for myself as a hunter named Kane Janardan, my vessel was a tall fair-skinned man with blue eyes and golden hair. (Looks like thor from mcu)

During my time as a hunter I would make sure to run into Mary and the Campbell's during hunts and introducing myself as a fellow hunter.

For John, I interacted with him when hid Father Henry Winchester, had to flee from Abbodon and went to the year 2013

I thought of helping him but in the grand scheme of things it wouldn't really change anything and I didn't want to deal with Abbodon and the Mark of Cain.

I was like an older brother figure to John throughout his life, making sure that he didn't get killed by both humans and monsters.

It felt like talking to a younger version of Michael before Lucifer's fall and everything else that happened.

I was waiting for John with Mary at a docking port waiting for his boat to dock and greet him.

The whole way to the port Mary wouldn't stop gushing over John and how her boyfriend was now a war vet.

It was times like this were I thought about reversing my decision to make Cael be the one to shoot his bow and make these two lovebirds fall in love.

Mary, kept telling me about John's letters to her about the war and how he was missing her, which I knew due to protecting John during the war.

I thought I would have to hear another thing about John, when I saw him he was wearing his uniform when he was a Marine in Vietnam.

I alerted Mary and the two of them hugged each out as they were catching up with each other face- to- face.

After that we all went back to the Campbell's to have a sort of welcome back dinner with them.

Samuel was less than pleased with seeing John back, even before he joined the war effort deeming John unworthy to date his daughter due to the fact that he was some civil normime.

Once, he even outright demanded that Mary should break up with John and date me. Which I made a fast objection and a strong No.

Which made the both of us have a private conversation, about why it would be better for me who was a hunter to date Mary then John a non-hunter in an attempt to stop Mary leaving hunting.

Well, let's just stay that the aftermath of that conversation was me breaking Samuel jaw and nose and straining our relationship.

I didn't really pay attention to the dinner conversations, as I didn't care and was busy listening to a meeting with the seraphs and angel radio.

I disconnected angel radio when John tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if the special gift was ready yet.

The special gift was two wedding rings that John, had me prepared for him to propose to Mary.

I told him it was ready for him to pick it up from the shop and I wished him good luck, however he wanted me to come with him.

When we were in the car driving to the jewelry shop for the rings, John asked me a question.

"Do you think that Mary will Like the gift? John asked my opinion on the matter.

"John, for the amount of time that was wasted when you were away and me listening to Mary pray that nothing bad were to happen to you."

"And hear her talk about your letters, she be a Goddam fool to refuse your proposal John." I told him with full honesty in my voice

John smiled at that and thank me for my honesty and being a good and loyal friend all these years.

We got to the shop and John got the rings they were beautiful golden rings, I decided that John get a job, and I had the perfect place for him to work and get the famous Impala.

We headed to Rainbow Motors, where I convinced Mr Woodson, to hire John as a mechanic. He agreed and made John follow him to sign papers.

I went outside and found the Chevy Impala in one of the lots and when Both of them were finished, I purchased the car for John as a early wedding gift.

I left and returned to the Campbell's house where they were discussing the Whitshshire farm. And how there was something demonic happening there yesterday.

Me, Samuel, and Mary went to the farm and questioned Charlie Whitshshire about what happened and he told us about the deal with Azazel.

I didn't care for much afterwards as I just waited in heaven until midnight, when John was planning on proposing to Mary.

I waited on top of a tree invisible to anyone, I was deeply contemplating the plan moving forward and what would happen next.

This event would mark the most important moments in supernatural history, the day that Mary made the deal with Azazel to come to her house and make Sam a psychic kid.

If this event were interrupted then Azazel would miss this chance to get to Sam.

But, I knew that he had many opportunities to do it later if not tonight, and I knew that if I interfered with fate then I would be hunted.

Not by Heaven or God but by those heartless, cold, stick up their assess The Fates. Those bastards cause so much problems in their will of Destiny bullshit.

Castiel wasn't lying when he said that the angels were "agent's of Fate" and were responsible for helping maintain the natural order of Destiny and Fate.

The Fates, were to heaven as something not even important, Heaven was a sort of contractor for the Fates.

But, the Fates in their arrogance thought because Father, got tired of deciding humans Fates and chose them to handle it. They had any powers over the angels.

The Fates, had a slight amount of authority in ordering aurond the normal class angels, but in the face of me, the council, and the seraphs they had no power.

But, they had only had one advantage in this situation and that's the Winchesters, even if I stop Azazel and the apocalypse, the Fates could attack anyone from the family and I wouldn't have time to babsit them 24/7.

John was kneeling and just finished proposing to Mary, waiting on her answer to be his wife.

Just then Azazel in Samuel's body, appeared and before he could do anything I blasted light at him and threw him back into the forest.

"Of course it's you Isaiel, ruining my plans." Growled Azazel

I didn't even answer him and attacked him again punching him with holy light and burned his face off with holy fire.

I then grabbed him by the throat and slammed him to the ground as my grace shone in the dark and was waiting to smite the prince of hell.

Azazel, realizing that I truly intend to kill him leaves Samuel's body in black smoke as I completely incinerated the body.

I immediately flew to both John and Mary's side and show them confused and frightened, I quickly put the two of them to sleep and teleported them to a motel.

I erased their memories and implanted fake ones, that they got here to celebrate being engaged and enjoyed a night of passion.

I then left and reappeared at the Campbell's house and I burned the house down to cinders and then I ate a burger and began planning for the next 10 years.


The day was November 2, 1983, and it was the day that was so famous in supernatural community. I knew that Azazel would try again to infect Sam with his blood.

Azazel, had been hanging around the house recently, and I know that tonight everything hands in the balance.

If my plan succeed, then Azazel will be dead, Mary alive, and the boys never becoming hunters.

Azazel had just opened the window to Sam's room and went inside and silently put his arm if his mouth.

Just then I appeared, my eyes were glowing in the dark and before Azazel could react I tore his arm right off and punched him with white holy light.

He was sent flying into Dean's room and before he could recover I was on top of him, and I pressed my palm into his head as holy light was purging and purifying the body.

Just then, I heard several angels on angel radio they were near me, it was Anna's garrison but they weren't supposed to be here.

Then I realized something it wasn't a simple trip to Earth, they were fighting Anna and trying to capture her.

I ignored it and continued to purify Azazel's body and keep the Family out of the room.

I felt something familiar and then I realized that it was a banishing silgl, and I immediately ordered anna and the angel's to ceasefire.

But, Anna didn't care she didn't want to be captured and hit the silgl and then it was bright and the only thing I thought was Why didn't God give me anti-banishing silgl immunity.