
Supernatural: heaven change of fate

A fan of Supernatural dies and gets reincarnated and he wishes for him to be an Angel at the beginning of creation. Let's see how he changes the story or will he fail and let fate play itself out? (The cover image is not mine I will replace it if the creator wishes me to)

Nonstop_Hamilton85 · TV
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93 Chs

All Hell Breaks Loose

(This combines part 1 and 2 of all hell breaks loose so that's why it's so long, so enjoy.)

I was in a café enjoying some crepes with a chocolate milkshake when Sam came in looking for food to return to Dean.

Suddenly I smelt the smell of sulfur and knew that demons were coming into this location, as the radios and TVs were malfunctioning the sound of static could be heard. 

A black fog of smoke encompassed the entire café as the demons took the customers as vessels, and Sam tried to fight with one of the demons in an attempt to kill it.

I jumped out of my seat placed my hand on top of one of the demon's heads, and watched as his eyes were burned out of his skull.

I teleported in front of two demons and smote them.

I grabbed another demon's hand smashed his head on the counter, and watched as his body fell to the floor in a puddle of blood, i turned around and saw Sam missing and knew the demons had taken him in the chaos.

I wasn't worried as I tracked down his location within a millisecond and teleported to Cold Oak, South Dakota, where it was practically a ghost town without a single soul for miles except for the special children that Azazel turned.

"Really, a ghost town was the best spot that they could hide the children? I mean aside from an evil lair or a tall tower, this is pretty much a cliché."

I entered the building that Sam was in and went inside, Sam was knocked out unconscious as the demons had knocked him in the head before coming to this place.

I camouflaged my grace with Vincent's soul and meditated, as I waited for Sam to wake up to start my little game pretending to be a "special child".

Sam jumped up from his sleep, as if he had a terrible nightmare and looked aurond when he focused his eyes on me.

"Hey, dude you know where we are right now?

"You know now that I have seen Sam's height for myself, I can see why crowley calls Sam a moose." Smirking, as I remember a joke I heard from a talking moose.

"Um, hey ya sorry man but im just as clueless as you on where we are, one moment I was enjoying a crepe and the next thing I smell was sulfur and now I'm here."

The two of us introduced each other and we tried to find a way to escape, Sam tried to find signal of his phone but couldn't find anything.

That's when we heard something coming from the side of the building, the both of us looked at each other as Sam grabbed a block of wood preparing to wack the guy.

Just as Sam was about to smash the wood on the guy's head, the dude put his hand up and tried to explain who he was to us.

He was this 23-year -old kid named Andy, who Sam had meet already and who smelled like a weed factory due to how much he smoked every day.

He reminded me of those hippies who smoked cannabis in the 60s, those guys were a weird group to hang out with as they made it a challenge to get me high even though I was an angel.

We all heard the sound of someone screaming from an nearby shed, we ran to the sound and broke the door down and found the source of the sound.

It was a girl named Ava, who immediately hugged Sam who looked flustered and began to shake in fear.

Ava was white with green eyes and brownish hair, and was wearing jeans with a gray vest over her blue shirt.

"So I guess the two of you know each other? Andy was still freaked out about the whole situation that all of us were in.

Sam was explaining to Ava how she was missing for five months, ava replied saying that it's been two days since they last met.

I knew that she was telling the truth since a magic barrier, was formed that changed the flow of time for those in it.

However unlike humans, who see time in a linear forward path, I can exist in the past, present, and future simultaneously never leaving.

For example, even though currently I'm in cold Oak Dakota, I'm also in the past, watching the French revolution and in the future watching Bruce Almighty with Father.

"Morgan Freeman can surprisingly play the role of being God so well, heck I'm been practically trying to convince him that he should disguise himself like Morgan Freeman, and not like Chuck."

As I was getting out of my musing by the sound of ava crying over her dead fiancé, I heard the sound of approaching footsteps coming this way.

One of them was a man in a army uniform and the second person was a young goth girl who introduced themselves as Jake and Lilly.

"Let me take a wild guess,the both of you are 23?

"Well, we all are and we all have abilities inside of us." Sam was explaining his visions and the rest of us followed.

"Yeah me too, I also get visions at times." Ava also agreed with Sam about their powers.

I knew that Ava was lying about her true abilities, even though she covered it up well I could sense the demonic aura that covered her, I could also sense her demonic minons running aurond the area to surprise us.

"Yeah well I can put stuff in people's head and make them do stuff, like this one guy total dick I used my powers on him and made him see gay porn all hours of the day."

I cracked open a smile and laughed, as this was something Gabriel would probably do or did, to some poor guy somewhere for laughs.

The rest of the group was less than welcoming to what Andy had said and was giving him dirty looks, until Lily spoke up.

"So, let me get this straight you two have visions, you can say Simon give me your wallet and he just gives you it, and you-- wait what's your ability then." Lilly was pointing at me as the rest of group looked at me curious.

"Well, my abilities are that I can make fire and change the weather." Making fire come out the palm and making a thunderstorm due to the fact that I couldn't reveal any of my angel abilities without risking being caught.

"Oh, great so you can make fire and lighting, while I got stuck with whenever I touch someone there hearts stop, so screw all of you I just wanna go home."

"And you think we don't, as if I don't have brothers out in Afghanistan that I rather be with than a girl crying about having powers."

Jake looked at Lilly as the two of them started to argue while Sam was trying to play peacemaker to the both of them, I didn't care about something so inconsequential and left to go to far away space from the town.

I picked a grass field and snapped my fingers as Tessa appeared in front of me talking, as if I had interrupted her while she was giving out a speech.

"Now, what the fuck! Why am I here.... are you kidding me Isaiel, I was in the middle of talking to reapers about angry spirits what was so important."

"Well, good morning to you too Tessa, how was your day Isaiel? It was good how was yours Tessa? But, in all seriousness I need your blood for something.

"Wait, so let me get this straight you pulled me from an important meeting, just so you can tell me that you need my blood for "something"."

"Jesus, your such an asshole....oh shit right I'm sorry, didn't mean to say that ok I'm going to be quiet before you smite me out of existence." Tessa put her hands up and back away from me as she saw my unamused look on my face.

I calmed myself down and slide an angel blade into one of my hands and a glass vial in the other, before Tessa could react I made a cut on her grand and let the blood flow into the vial.

When I was done, I healed her hand and left her as I put the vial in my pockets before I went into a schoolhouse and read a phase on the board that said; "I will not kill in chalk" as I grabbed the face of a demon that was about to sneak attack me without looking.

The demon was an Acheri, a type of demon mutation that prey and took the form of children, they mostly stayed in India bringing sickness and death to children.

This one was trying to wiggle out of my hold and bite me, but I didn't even react as I burned her alive with fire.

The door to the schoolhouse bust open revealing Sam ad the gang, in which they are still reeling from the fact that they were in a competition for Lucifer's army.

They asked me all sorts of questions and when they found out that I was attacked by a demon,the group decided to find salt or iron to ward themselves from the demons.

They go to a nearby Ramshackle house, and as they were searching for a weapon to defend themselves from the demons, Lilly ran out to the woods hoping to escape.

I followed her above with my wings and watched as she flee from the area to the outskirts of the town looking for the exit.

She saw the town exit and was ready to leave when she was ambushed by a group of Acheri, who surrounded and killed her by snapping her neck.

As the demons disappeared into black smoke, I crouched down to Lilly's dead body and poured the vial of Tessa's blood into her mouth and made her swallow.

With the blood in her system, I pushed my hand Into her chest and restarted her heart, when she showed signs of of life, I knew that the experiment was a success and teleported her to the veil for Tessa to deal with.

I made an illusion of Lilly's body and made it as if she was hanging from a windmil, and made everyone see the body to spread the urgency of the situation.

As the group was discussing Lilly's death, Sam was talking with Andy to try to see if he could use his powers to send a message to Dean about his location.

Later that evening, when the group was huddled together sleeping aurond a fire, I peeked into his dreams and saw that he was talking to Meg, who explained to him the purpose of Azazel's special children and the reason that they were selected.

I left Sam's dream and went outside where Andy was outside searching for Ava who disappeared, I followed him to the windowsill as Ava was in the process of breaking the salt barrier that set up aurond the house.

Andy was surprised at what Andy was doing and asked if she heard them calling for her, she acknowledged him and revealed her true nature as she tried to summon her minions.

Before the Acheri could form into existence, I threw a fireball of fire at Ava's eye, breaking her concentration and alerting the others.

As she screamed due to the pain of losing her eye, as she collapsed to the ground weeping as she tried to foucs through the pain.

Sam and Jake found us due to Ava's screams of pain, and when Sam saw the burn mark of Ava's face he tried to attack me before Jake restrained him.

"Why, what the hell was the reason to attack her? Are you crazy you could have killed her."

"Sam, if you could remove your hero complex for a moment and be rational, if I didn't hurt her she would have summon demons to kill Andy and the rest of us."

Sam seemed shocked when Andy told him how Ava was about to summon demons, and how she was probably the reason for the death of Lily.

Ava laughed ad told us that this wasn't her first time in this place, and how she killed many of the other special children in the past.

She tried to use her power to summon another Acheri, but i simply willed the little embers of fire in her eye to be set ablaze, and watched as the fire spread until her whole body was on fire and she was nothing but ash.

Just as I about to turn around to talk with Sam, I heard a gunshot as Andy plopped on the ground with a hole in his head.

Before anyone could react Jake shot a bullet at me, it wouldn't hurt or kill me but I needed to play the part.

When my body fell to the floor Sam immediately wrestled the gun out of Jake's hand, and tried to fight him but was at an disadvantage due to Jake's super strength.

Sam was able to knock out Jake with a steel rod, but just then he heard Dean call out his name and turned aurond, giving Jake the opportunity to grab his knife and stab Sam as he died in Dean's arms.

As Jake ran away from the scene, Dean grabbed the body of Sam and left the area as he lamented over the death of his brother.

Dean was in an abandoned house as he breaks down, crying over the fact that he let's everyone down and suffer because of him.

"You know, you couldn't have been more than 5, when you just started to ask questions about how we didn't have a mom and why we had to keep moving."

"And, I would tell you to stop asking questions because you didn't want to know the truth, but all I wanted was to keep you safe and protect you, dad didn't need to tell me but it was my responsibility to you." Tears were flowing down his cheek like a river as he continued to talk to Sam's dead body.

"It's like I had one job to do and I screwed it up, and for that I'm sorry Sammy but I guess that what I do."

"I let you and dad down, and now your dead what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do? WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?! Screaming at the dead body of Sam before sitting back down as his mind was engulfed in grief.

The whole interaction between the two of them reminded me of how Michael was acting when lucifer fell, for 100 days and nights, he was consumed by grief over his fallen brother and Dean's words were similar to what Michael said when he was alone.

Dean got up from his seat and rushed to the Impala, and he drove to the nearest crossroad to summon a demon to resurrect Sam's soul from the veil.

This is what I hated when humans did this, whether it was greed, power, or grief making a deal with a demon or anything for something, it always had disasters consequences for the person.

I once saw a man summon a demon to grant him immortality, but when the deal was finalized he didn't realize the cost of his arrogance as his wife and daughter were dragged to hell as payment for his deal.

And now, that man is force to wander away from civilization, as his mind deteriorated from living so long and that people die when he stays in one area for too long." (Guess which SCP I'm referencing)

As he was completing the summoning ritual for a crossroad demon, I had an idea as I changed my outfit to a white button-down shirt with a red vest and a black bowtie.

I appeared in the summoning circle in a flap of lightning, as fire roared to life scaring Dean as he wasn't expecting someone like me to appear in front of me.

"Greetings and salutations, my good friend it's such a pleasure to meet you, my name is Alastor the radio demon, and I came hear to help." Smiling as my voice sounded like an old radio becoming static.

"Uh, yea I'm sorry but you look absolutely ridiculous, I mean I thought demons wore suits not looking like a failed cosplay reject of a Television announcer." Laughing and smiling over my appearance, but stopped when blood came out of his nose, eyes, and mouth as my amber eyes glowed in the dark.

"Now, now let's not be rude, isn't name calling a bit childish for someone your age, I may be amused by your antics like an owner to a dog, but test me and I will show you why I am Lucifer's worst nightmare."

The moon became black as shadows, as bright white glyphs were spinning aurond and were catching fire to whatever they touched as the atoms were evaporated.

I snapped my fingers, and everything returned back to normal, Dean was healed, and the moon was still white, and the air didn't act like a camera on the fritz.

"Now, Dean Winchester, what you saw was a mere testament to my true power and capabilities, so let's now beat aurond the bush and tell me why have you requested the help of someone like me."

"Yea well, I need you to resurrect my brother Sam from the dead, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes even if it means selling my soul." Still a bit shook from my display of power but Dean put a face of confidence on as he talked to me.

"Oh my, my good man do you honestly know the depth of what your asking? Trading one's soul is no small matter, as the power they hold is one of humanity's greatest weapons."

I wanted him to reconsider as a deal even with an angel was oath binding, something akin to a blood oath binding one existence to another and very hard to break unlike a demon deal.

"Listen here you dick, I'm not gonna beg but I'm willing to pay the price as long as Sam is alive and well so are you in or out." Dean was staring down at me with his ridiculous bravo as if challenging me.

"All right, it seems that your mind is set my good fellow, however I do wish to change the terms of this deal, instead of your soul you will owe me one favor that you can't refuse and must do regardless of the consequences of the act, so will you shake this poor sinner's hand." Offering my hand as purple fire sprouted from it.

Dean looked hesitant to accept this deal but when he remembered Sam, he threw caution to the wind as he shook my hand as he felt my grace searring into his soul, forming my seal as a mark to show the proof of this pact.

I left the circle and appeared in the room where the dead body of Sam laid as I touched his heart, restarting it and leaving as Sam opened his eyes fully awake.

I then teleaported to my house and left the body of Vincent in his wife's care, as I flew down to the pits of hell to retrieve the soul of John.

I hated hell, it was so chaotic and destructive, the hellfire alone was enough to burn and blacken my wings the longer I stayed in hell.

"It's a miracle that cas managed to survive hell to get Dean's soul, even more surprising that he managed to get in to Lucifer's cage unscathed without completely destroying his wings.

I traversed the halls of hell rushing past any oncoming demons, most seen freaked out that an angel was in hell and was going near Alistair's personal torture room.

When I entered the room that Alistair was in, he was busy trying to break the spirit of John and make him shed innocent blood, breaking the first seal to set Lucifer free.

When he noticed me he smiled, or what looked to be a smile in that disgusting smoke form.

"Well, look what we got here tell me Isaiel, what do you think of torture? Because I find torturing people to be like painting on a canvas, something to let your imagination run wild and free.

"What I think demon, is that your nothing but a rabid dog that preforms old tricks, something that has yet to be put down in the ground."

As Alistair dropped his polite act and began to chastise me. But, I wasn't in the mood for his games and watched him flee from the power of my smite that was ready to erase him from existence.

I broke the chains that bind John and freed him from the torture rack, I opened my wings as I flew him out of hell and started to purify the taint that was left from Alistair's fun.

I dropped the spirit of John near the cemetery near the boys were at, and watched as John was able to restrain Jake from killing Sam and Dean, giving enough time for the both of them to kill Jake.

I sent the soul of John straight into heaven, in Mary Winchester's personal heaven and repossessed Vincent, as I began to watch the birds in the sky as they flew.