
4 x 7 Samhain

I threw the folder with the latest reports at the wall as I banged my fist on the desk, as tink cracks started to appear from the force.

Seals were falling like raindrops, and I been stuck dealing with angels deserting their posts, angels joining Lucifer, Lilith's elaborate traps, rotating with Raphael on watching Chuck, and dealing with a spy in my midst.

The latest report described the details of how one of John's battalions were ambushed and completely annihilated, as they tried preventing another seal from being broken.

Somehow, someone keeps leaking Lilith information on which seals we are prioritizing, also building and leading an army of Rouge renegade angels, to launch coordinated attacks on our forces.

I snapped my fingers and the file appeared on my desk once more, sighing as I straightened my clothes, and calmed down as I needed to focus on the plan that I had devised.

I closed my eyes as I reached out to Peter, Abel, Gadreel, Ezekiel, John, and James telling them to come to my office immediately for an emergency meeting.

A flutter of multiple wings alerted me to their presence as I opened my eyes, and saw that all of them were at attention and looked as if they were previously in combat.

I looked at John, who iris green eyes which were normally full of happiness and optimism, was now dull and bloodshot, as if he had recently finished crying.

John took the appearance of a 20-year-old boy with red hair and green eyes, and was wearing a suit with a red vest and a trenchcoat, making him look like Cass a bit.

Next to him was James, who put an comforting hand on John's shoulder, while looking at me with a stern and unforgiving look on his face.

"You called for us Lord? Ezekiel spoke first out of respect as the others looked at me.

"Yes I did, there is something I wish to tell all of you. But, before I can tell you anything further, you must swear to absolute secrecy that no information leaves this room."

Snapping my fingers as silence runes covered the room, preventing any sound from coming out of the room.

All six of them swore to secrecy as I began to tell them what I know. "As you are all aware, we recently lost an entire battalion due to an ambush." I began as John flinched as he started to sob silently for the deaths of his soldiers.

"And from the past month alone, all of us have been constantly busy with seals and dealing with the traitors who been abandoning their posts, but due to the frequency of these latest attacks there can only be one conclusion; that we have been betrayed by one of own and no, it's not Judas this time. " stopping Peter from shouting and hunting down Judas.

"We agree Lord, many of us have come to the same conclusion that these attacks are not coincidences, but the work of one of the angels in a battalion." James looked up and told me about his investigation.

"Exactly, some poor fool doesn't realize how fast and loose he's playing with his life, and he's going to realize that pissing me off, is a quick way to suffer a sticky and painful end."

"He? You sound as if you already have some suspects on who the traitor might be." Gadreel picking up my words, as I nodded in agreement.

"Oh yes, I have some suspects in mind, due to the frequency of the information leaks, and the delicacy in which I have handled the deserters, and learning how many people actually know the level of information to prepare these attacks, it's someone close to me and has to be someone from the original ten Seraphim." Everyone's eyes widened as Ezekiel tried to grapple with this information.

"Excuse me Lord, but what about the 12 disciples that have been added to our ranks, it's a high possibility that one of them could have betrayed you again." Ezekiel protested, making the entire room start arguing with each other.

"Enough!!!! I screamed with my true voice, making everyone drop to their knees due to the pain and fear of my wrath. "We are in the middle of a war right now, and yall arguing against each other, I have checked all of the 12 disciples personally in the last two weeks, and none of them showed sides of treason."

"So that only leaves the 10 seraphs, but who could it be and what reason would they have to betray all of us." John wondered as the others had the same question running through their minds.

"You can ask him that question yourself when we capture him, and yes, I did say him, it wasn't easy at first, but I started to see a pattern to the attacks and which seraph had the power to execute them." Informing them about my findings as they stared In bewilderment.

"Since we are not in a courtroom, if I were to grab him by his hair someone would comment, and it's not something I could easily handle on my own....I just don't want this to end cleanly with a simple execution, I want this to be put out as a message to all of the angels as a warning, that this is what will happen if you decide to betray or kill your brothers- in- arms." My eyes glowing darkly, as the Seraphs looked exited at the prospect of punishing a traitorus heretic.

"Lord! Please, tell me who the traitor is and I will make sure that he and all who follow him, beg for your mercy and salvation." Peter excitedly pulled out his angel sword and began to twist it around.

"As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm Peter, not a single one of the seraphs are stupid and will expect retaliation for the attacks, however, I already have a plan to outsmart him."

"What is this plan? James questioned, eager to bring down the person who caused him brother all this pain and grief.

"While I was busy looking for a pattern to these attacks, I noticed that the person only targeted the seals that certain disciples have been stationed to guard, none of the other seraphs nor Castiel's garrison have been hit by him, and with his recent actions it is clear that he has a sort of vendetta against you, John."

"Me? What reason would he have against me? I have treated all of you as my brothers, since I became sworn in as a seraph." John looked perplexed as he wiped away his tears and calmed himself.

"Well if I had to guess, it's probably because you got turned into an angel, because that's the only reason that those pompous dicks have a problem with us, or because Isaiel favored you before you became an angel." Abel speculated as he relaxed in his chair.

"The reasoning doesn't matter, I have been laying false information about a seal for a while now, something so believable that even Michael would think that this was real."

"The seal is about an underwater sea temple that has risen from the ocean, inside the temple is an artifact that holds immense power, and the mission is to prevent the artifact from being taken from the temple." As everyone was nodding their heads.

"Yes, I have heard something similar along those lines in recent chatter about an upcoming seal that wasn't protected." Ezekiel recalled as I nodded.

"Yes, but what they don't know is that temple is a trap constricted by Tien, it is covered in hidden sigils and runes that when activated, immobilize the angel and prevents them from using any of their powers and wings."

"Peter and Ezekiel, I want the two for you to go with Raguel, and do whatever you need to do to learn the location of one of their hideouts, torture, interrogation, executions, I don't care, just get me that information quickly." Ordering the two of them as they flew off to heaven's dungeon.

"Abel and Gadreel, I want you guys to head to the temple and make sure that it's secure, and to scout for any traces that anyone has been in the area." Gadreel gave me a curt nod as he disappeared with Abel.

"John, I can't possibly fathom the pain your going through, and I fully understand if you wish to not be apart of this." Giving him my sympathizes as he was quiet for a moment.

"No, i had to bury over 1,000 good solders and the pain is still there, but I don't think I would ever forget myself, if wasn't apart of the people who made that person who killed my men pay for what he did." A burning rage and determination was in John's eyes as he awaited my orders.

"Very well, I want you and James to gather the rest of your battalions and start a crusade, killing demons and wiping out the enemy all the way until you reach the sea temple." Giving the two of them specific instructions on how I wanted them to proceed.

The two brothers walked out the door to gather their men, as I sat in my chair contemplating my next move and the stress from the last few weeks.

I remembered that cas got an order from Zachariah, that he was to stop the rising of Samhain, one of the seals and he needed Dean's help to tell him what to do.

I teleported to his office as Castiel had his eyes closed from receiving revelation, after he was finished he was surprised to see me here.

"Hey bro, guess you were receiving revelations huh, so what are your orders?

"My orders are to go to the city where the witch of Samhain resides, and with Uriel follow the orders of the righteous man." As Castiel had a conflicted look on his face.

"What seems to be the problem brother? I haven't seen you this conflicted before.

"I don't know what to do anymore, I have doubts and the longer I observe the righteous man, the more I wonder what was the point for the higher-ups to push him to this point." Castiel's face looked like a lost puppy, as he struggled between bind faith and his own free will.

"I'm sorry to hear that Brother, but you know I can't give you that information, many angels are already enraged that I'm working with you so, if they out I gave you information then you probably would be alive for much longer." As Cas grimaced and looked downcast, then he summoned Uriel to tell him his orders.

I already knew that Uriel would not like taking orders from a human, and prepared myself for his constant complaining.

"I hate this."

With a sigh, I looked up from the Bible that I was reading, and prepared myself to hear another one of Uriel complaints.

"This place reeks of monkey bodily fluids." As Uriel looks aurond the hotel room in disgust.

"We know Uriel, you been saying the same thing over and over again for the past hour." Listening to Abel, Gadreel, John, and James reports about the progress of their missions.

"Not just fluids, I smell sulfur and magic in this room." Castiel went to a faded part of a wall, and passed his hand through it to reveal a hex bag.

"It seems that your human pets have already managed to piss off Samhain follower, Castiel." Uriel said with a chuckle as he looked back at the widows.

"Which means they are on her trail, perhaps they have already killed the witch? Cas sounded hopeful as we probably wouldn't be needed.

"You think to highly of these puny creatures, Castiel. I suggest we raze this city to the ground and called it a day."

"This is exactly what we need to make Dean believe we're going to do. But, should he order us otherwise, we need to obey him." Castiel began to undo the hex bag and uriel put his hands in his pockets before turning to me.

"Obey a mortal. That the most absurd order that I have received in my entire life. He broke the first seal! And he's supposed to defeat Lucifer should he be released. Can you believe that Isaiel? A mud-monkey defeating an Archangel? That's Ludicrous." Uriel sneered as he waited for my opinion.

I wasn't technically there, as a part of my conscious was in heaven's dungeon, overseeing Peter and Ezekiel way of torturing one of the renegades for information.

Just then the sound of the Impala could be heard as Sam and Dean arrived, Castiel got in place and prepared himself to talk to Dean.

The door opens and Sam voice called out as he raised his gun towards Castiel.

"Who are you?! Demanded Sam as Dean rushed to calm him down.

"Sam, Sam! Wait! It's Castiel and Isaiel. The angels."

"Him, I don't know, says Dean glancing at Uriel, who hasn't moved.

Castiel walked up and greeted Sam and Dean as Sam started to stutter as he looked at Cas.

"Oh my god... Er-um-I didn't mean to-sorry. It's such an honor." As he went for a handshake and Castiel looked at him awkwardly.

"He wants you to shake his hand Castiel, it's a human thing." I gave him a telepathic message as he took Sam's hand.

Castiel shook his hand and then proceeded to question Sam and Dean about the witch, who was still alive as Uriel proposed to smite the whole town.

"Lord! we have found one of the renegades hideouts and have captured one of them for questioning." Peter excitedly informed me as he told me the coordinates.

I didn't waste a second as I teleported our of the hotel room and traveled to 1792, during the French revolution were people where rioting in the streets, as they went to arrest the king.

I changed my clothes as walked towards one of the noble houses, this abandoned house was being used as a hideout and was deeply warded with Enochian sigils.

I went inside as bodies of dead angels and burnt wings littered the ground and walls, everyone was already there as one angel was tied up to a chair and looked half beaten.

I snapped my fingers as a chair slid behind me as I sit down and looked at the angel, who's name was peridot, one of Ofinel's lieutenants.

"I believe you know who I and these fine gentlemen are. So tell me peridot, who's orders were you and your men following? Already having a 99% idea of who he was.

"Commander Isaiel, what -Is this? I was just following orders-Argh!!! Perdot began to scream as Peter stabbed his hand with his angel sword.

"Yes, you were just following orders, the wrong ones perhaps, that doesn't matter right now. We just want to know who's orders were you following and your orders." As I gestured Peter to pull out the sword.

"Ofinel, Ofinel! We were following general Ofinel's orders to break the seals and to eradicate the traitorous mud-monkey battalion, that's it I swear, we were supposed to be on standby until we heard news that general John was going to defend a seal." Peridot confessed as John was emitted a dark aura.

"Traitorus! My battalion was considered traitors! Over 1,000 of my soilders were killed by your hands, and you only response was that you were following orders!!!! James grabbed peridot by the shirt, and brought out his angel sword to kill him, but hesitated as he dropped peridot and flew away.

James was about to go after him, but I stopped him as I knew that John would want some time alone to think.

"What should we do him? Peter gestured to peridot, who was hyperventilating and looked up at me with terrified eyes.

I apported my flaming sword and covered peridot mouth as I created a large gash on his body and grace.

"Listen peridot, if you want to be pardoned for your crimes and return to the flock, then you will go to Ofinel and tell him that James has the flaming sword, and that your men were all killed as he defended the seal in the sea temple." Removing my hand as peridot nodded.

"Knowing Ofinel's personality as a proud angel, he wouldn't reveal himself unless he actually deemed it a threat. Besides, this would be a perfect opportunity to kill John and take the flaming sword."

I turned around and ordered everyone to return to what they were doing, and to be on standby once Ofinel shows up.

I traveled forward in time to where Castiel and Uriel, were in a park discussing the mission as I sat next to them.

"The decision been made." Castiel spoke out loud to either me or Uriel, as children were chasing each other in Halloween costumes.

"By a mud-monkey! Hairless apes, monkeys, and primates. " Uriel scoffed as he endlessly cursed and insulted humans.

"You shouldn't call them that." Castiel warning him as my grace felt like a bubbling volcano, ready to explode due to foul mood.

"It's what they are, savages, just plumbing on two legs." Uriel continued to insult them as he ignored Castiel warning glance.

I just couldn't take it anymore, and blasted Uriel with a bolt of lightning, as he tumbled in the grass as I stopped him by stepping on his throat.

"Now, Uriel, I am extremely in a foul mood right now and I barely have time to listen to you repeatedly speak your blasphemy, continue, and I will rip out your grace and watch as you become the very humans you despise." Showing him that I was not joking aurond with him.

I got a message from Gadreel, notifying me that Ofinel had arrived at the sea temple, ad was preparing to enter.

With a flap, I was right next to him as he pointed to the entrance, the other appeared seconds later as we watched as Ofinel confronted liusion John and killed him.

I gestured to Abel who touched the rune that actived the trap, once Ofinel was immobile we got out of the bushes and appear in front of him.

"I afraid that you been tricked Ofinel, you thought you were two steps ahead, and now you are trapped where you belong, in a cage like a rat."

"Isaiel! What could you possibly mean by that? Ofinel tried to lie but I cut him off.

"Don't try to lie, worse thing than a lie is the lie that compounds it. I know about information leaks, about your deal with Lilith and Lucifer, your recruitment for your army, and the battalions you slaughtered."

Ofinel looked down at the floor as he smiled. "So, you found me out, what grand execution do you have planned for me then?

I didn't answer him as I began walking up to him, and started to tell a story.

"When I was masquerading as a human, I got a summer job installing carpets for Albert Codagolin on Lake Charlevoix, horrible job, hot, indoors, forced to listen to the Gambler, while the rest of the world was at the beach.

"Three days into the job and I knew I had to quit, I asked Father for advice and all he wanted to know if I had given my word, that I would work the summer and I told him I had so he suggested I stick it out, I had given my word."

"Worst eight weeks of my life, until the last day, Mr Codagolin pulled me aside and told me that in 27 years, no kid has ever stayed the summer and gives a bonus 40 dollars, the most valuable money I ever earned, and a priceless lesson about life, value loyalty above all else." As I said those lines, I stared deep into Ofinel very being, and showed just how angry and disappointed I was.

"You were always a great soldier and a right-hand-man, such a sad end to our association." As I looked at him with a pained expression on my face.

"Is that what I hear in your voice Isaiel, Sadness? Ofinel kept a calm and unbothered expression as he spoke.

"In part, for what it's worth Ofinel, I understand your turn of events, the betrayal was unforgivable and you'll die for it, but understandable. After all, my feelings for my disciples wasn't always rational, and I was usually emotional rather than pragmatic. And you won't entirely wrong to wonder If John was worthy or ready to handle such power."

"Not entirely wrong or slightly? Ofinel sneered as he balled up his fists and glared at John with hatred in his eyes.

"Still, no matter how subjective my decision to make John apart of my inner-circle was, the truth of the matter was that it was mine to make, you had raised you objections____


"And once the decision was made, it was your obligation to live with it Ofinel." Unfased at Ofinel's sad attempt to gain sympathy.

"Even if that decision meant watching my dream slip out of my hands every day? No, I was fine when you turned the disciples into one of us, even that traitor Judas, but then you let that bastard John, become immortal then you showed him with blessings and adoration, as he was chained on that barren island before overlooking me and choosing him to be one of your most trusted, and then expect to blindly have my loyalty."

"I loved you Ofinel, but you were just a soilder, you worked for me, I valued you and pulled you close, but I never expected that it would all turn out like this." Regret palpable in my voice as I looked at the floor.

"You never thought that I would have the courage to defy you." Ofinel sumg tone rang out in my ears.

"I wonder how many cowards have gone to their gaves, insisting on their own bravery." As I looked at Ofinel without a trace of love in my heart.

"You think I'm a coward? Ofinel shifted his feet as he growled in his cage.

"Yes, Ofinel, you are a coward because if you wanted James dead, you could have done it urself in thousand dignified ways, instead framing the demons, breaking the seals, and linking information were nothing but acts of cowardice."

Ofinel said nothing but just then, the earth and sea started to shook as thousands of angels appeared all carrying angel blades.

They all stood there as they saw the scene, and they knew that at this point we were enemies, and only one side would leave alive.

"Before you rush to almost certain death as your commander and sire, I implore you to have just a little bit of common sense." Trying to persuade the army to stand down.

"We are all ancient angels Isaiel, almost as powerful as one of the Seraphim." Adinte, one of Ofinel's lieutenants and the most powerful soilder in her section replied.

"It's true, that you may be successful in subduing one of the seraphs here, but how many of you will be left? And for what, to avenge some poor fool who only planned this to settle some petty vendetta against me."

"What are you all doing? Stop standing there and kill them now!!!! Ofinel looked panicked as many angels started to listen to what I was saying.

"The danger here is the choice that you all must make, surrender and be fully pardoned for your crimes, or watch hopelessly as I slaughter each and every one of you. I delivered you into this existence and I can easily pluck you out of it, the choice is yours."

The army murmured with each other as they were stuck with a decision to make. When one angel left and then another, and another until every single angel disappeared and returned back to heaven.

As I walked back to Ofinel's cage as he tried to appel to my merciful side, not realizing that any mercy or love I had for him was gone like the wind, I gave him his last rites before closing the doors to the temple as he yelled my name, as the island began to sink back into the sea as Ofinel was sentence to be forgotten in an underwater grave.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Nonstop_Hamilton85creators' thoughts