
Supernatural Event Investigation Bureau

In 1987, a rare forest fire occurred in the Greater Khingan Mountains. After the fire was extinguished, there were charred walls and broken wood everywhere, and the air was filled with a smell of burning. A team of officers and soldiers are still doing the final cleaning on site. They have not rested normally for over a month, and the aftermath of the fire is pounding everyone's nerves, causing them to become numb. Some bodies charred by the fire were cleared and buried at the foot of the mountain. Suddenly, a soldier seemed to be scared by something and screamed at the squad leader not far away, "Squad leader, come over and take a look. What is this Zhang Zhu, what are you shouting about again? It's a big fuss! "The squad leader walked up to him, thinking that Zhang Zhu had seen another charred dead person. Upon closer inspection, it was evident that there was indeed a charred corpse lying on the ground, blackened by the smoke. Although it was burned with skin and fur, it can still be recognized as a human body below the neck, but it is difficult to say above the neck. The head of this charred corpse was severely damaged in the fire, with most of its facial muscles burned off. Looking from the wound to its mouth, it turned out to be two rows of sharp fangs. Moreover, the facial skull of this charred corpse is too protruding, and it is more likely that a canine head has been spliced onto the body of a human corpse than a human corpse. The squad leader stared at the charred corpse, feeling a cold wind blowing from behind his neck and sweat visible on his forehead. At this moment, the soldiers around gathered around, pointing at the charred corpse and discussing it one after another. Zhang Zhu, go find the company commander and report the situation! "The squad leader stabilized his mind and couldn't control himself. Hurry up and bring the company commander in. Yes! "Zhang Zhu replied, running towards the direction of the connection. The squad leader looked at his back and sighed. As he was about to disperse the onlookers, he heard a famous soldier shouting, "Move! This monster is moving!" The squad leader quickly looked at the charred corpse and saw that it was still lying motionless on the ground, but its posture was significantly different from before. Is the monitor's brain buzzing, still alive? What kind of method is this? It's all burnt into coke and not dead yet? Just as the squad leader was stunned, the charred corpse lying on the ground suddenly stood up straight and grabbed the nearest soldier, opening its full fangs and biting his throat fiercely. Throwing it backwards, the soldier was thrown seven or eight meters away, and his neck was covered in flesh and blood, which seemed to be about to die The stunned squad leader suddenly reacted and picked up the automatic rifle behind him (this time the task was to clean up the fire scene, and only the squad leader had a Type 56 automatic rifle to prevent wild animals from injuring people). He opened the bolt of the gun and aimed it at the charred corpse, which was a shot." Daddaddada "heard a series of gunshots, and the bullet accurately hit the charred corpse's chest. But the bullet hit the charred corpse like a mud cow falling into the sea, without any effect. Instead, it attracted the charred corpse's attention, turned around, and slowly walked towards the squad leader.

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Chapter 1: Mysterious White haired Man

A day later, on the express train from Jilin to Beijing. In the last carriage, there are five soldiers sitting around. Two of them were squad leader Shen Yuanchao and soldier Zhang Zhu, who had just experienced the 'Monster Corpse Incident'.

That incident has been banned from spreading by senior management, and the monster's body was photographed and sent to the Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing on the same day. Several academicians studying biological chemistry found it extremely valuable. This strange corpse can be said to challenge Darwin's theory of biological evolution, and in scientific terms, it can be said to have surpassed the Beijing human skull fossil that has been missing for half a century.

Due to the warning from the disappearance of the skull fossil, in order to eliminate various hidden dangers during transportation, the Armed Police Corps instructed to keep the transportation confidential. For this purpose, a train was specially approved to provide separate escort.

As it is a special transportation, this military train does not have passenger carriages, but only carries several cargo carriages in front of it. Apart from the two train drivers in the locomotive, there are only five soldiers left in the last carriage.

Shen Yuanchao and Zhang Zhu, as the main parties, will report the process of the incident to the Chinese Academy of Sciences. They are also the only ones who know the truth about transporting "items". The remaining three soldiers were notified to go to the capital to receive praise from their leaders for their outstanding bravery in extinguishing the mountain fire. Additionally, a "specialty" from the Greater Khingan Mountains was to be transported to Beijing in the same car, and several soldiers were able to assist in escorting and protecting safety.

Now that strange corpse has been wrapped in layers of burlap bags, lying quietly in the corner of the carriage. Shen Yuanchao and Zhang Zhu sat at an angle where they could see the location of the strange corpse.

Since Shen Yuanchao got on the train, there has always been a feeling of panic. Close your eyes and you will see your comrade being bitten to death by a strange corpse. As soon as you open your eyes, you will see a sack wrapped in the corpse lying in front of you. He didn't sit or stand, and he didn't wake up or sleep.

Zhang Zhu is a rough person, and after getting on the car, there is no other discomfort except for motion sickness. After sitting on the train for half a day, I finally got used to sleeping peacefully and eating sweetly. Seeing Shen Yuanchao grit his teeth in his heart, your heart is wide, and you don't even look at what's lying in front of you? Your comrade died in its hands. Did you forget that bloody scene so quickly? Shen Yuanchao suddenly remembered that Zhang Zhu had gone to find the company commander at that time, and he really missed the scene.

Yuan Chao, what are you thinking? As soon as you get into the car, you feel like you've lost your soul. "Jiang Zida, the platoon leader next door to Shen Yuan Chao, was the highest ranking among the few.

Jiang Zida is from Sichuan and was a soldier of the same year as Shen Yuanchao. They have been together since joining the army. Although not everything can be said, it can still be considered a good friendship.

What does losing one's soul mean? Lao Jiang, don't talk nonsense. "Shen Yuanchao is now a bit sensitive to such words," I haven't slept a wink for three days and three nights on the mountain. Would you give it a try? I'm already tired and lying down

Who doesn't sleep for a few days and nights? Do you think you can handle it? Besides, why don't you take a nap now? Don't go to Beijing, and if you see the leader, you'll lose your spirit. We'll be the people of the armed police

Who doesn't want to sleep? Isn't that... I can't sleep, "Shen Yuanchao explained dryly.

If you can't sleep, don't go to sleep, class leader Shen. I heard you even met a ghost on the mountain? You even fired, and that shot sounded like a broken bean. Can you tell me what's going on? "The soldier and Shen Yuanchao, who were speaking, also knew each other. After sitting in the carriage for a long time, they finally found a more refreshing topic.

Who are you listening to nonsense? There aren't so many ghosts and gods. Kong Lao'er has said it all, and he doesn't speak strange and chaotic. Don't listen to anyone else's nonsense. It's like encountering a blind bear, shooting a blind bear. "Shen Yuanchao began to make up nonsense.

Forget it, what's silence? It's just silence. Kong Lao'er didn't dare to talk about strange and chaotic things. Besides, at that time, our company was near your company. Beat the bear blind? Beat the ghost! Beat the bear blind and you need to shoot a hundred or eighty guns? I really heard it. That gun was fired like the 500 firecrackers fired during the Chinese New Year. Zhang Zhu, tell me, what the hell is going on? Zhang Zhu, why are you trembling without speaking

Only then did everyone realize that Zhang Zhu's face had turned white and his whole body involuntarily trembled, pointing to the "specialty of the Great Xing'an Mountains" in front of him and saying, "Move... move

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Shen Yuanchao's hair roots burst open, and a cold breath emanated from all over his body. Looking in the direction of Zhang Zhu's fingers, the package bundled like Zongzi has changed. The center of the package experienced a ripple like shaking, with a faster and larger frequency and amplitude.

Shen Yuanchao ignored the company commander's order to safely deliver the strange corpse to Beijing. He gritted his teeth and immediately pulled out a 54 pistol (only one, specially designed to prevent accidents during transportation) from his waistband. He felt like a spear was aimed at the head of the strange corpse.

The seven bullets were fired in a blink of an eye, and the package stopped moving. Before Shen Yuanchao could release his breath, Zhang Zhu shouted again, "Squad leader, it's moving again

I saw it! The package shook even more violently this time, and it seems that the contents inside are eager to come out.

Yuan Chao, what's inside? "Several soldiers next to him were startled by Shen Yuan Chao's shooting. Seeing his grinning expression, it seemed that he was extremely afraid of the contents of the package.

Shen Yuanchao put away the empty gun in his hand and began to search for someone who could handle it all over the carriage. "Didn't you ask me what I shot yesterday? It's in a sack now! I don't know if it's a ghost, but it's not a human! Li Maocai was bitten to death by it in one bite. Damn it, he couldn't kill him even after being shot for over a hundred times! Don't be fooled, if he comes out of a sack, none of us can escape

You didn't say it earlier! "Jiang Zida and the two soldiers stared at the sack with big eyes. Still, platoon leader Jiang reacted quickly and, along with Zhang Zhu and two soldiers, untied their armed belts and tied them four times outside the sack.

This carriage was temporarily renovated from a cargo carriage, and there are still cleaning tools in the corner that have not been cleaned up. Shen Yuanchao ran over and picked up a shovel, shouting, "You all get out of the way!" As Jiang Zida and others dodged, they aimed at the head of the strange corpse and vigorously chopped down with the shovel. This time, Shen Yuanchao used a lot of strength and could cut off his head when encountering ordinary people.

Unfortunately, what is wrapped in the sack is really not an ordinary "person".

With a sound of 'dang', the shovel cut through the sack, causing a resonance that could only be generated by metal collisions. A series of sparks flashed past, and the shovel was bounced high.

This shovel seemed to have had an effect, and the shaking of the sack stopped. Before everyone could cheer up, they heard a "bang" sound, and all four cowhide armed belts tied to the gunny bag were broken open, and the gunny bag was torn to pieces. A monster that had been burned to the skin and fur sat up, staring at the few people in the carriage with eyelids that were no longer visible. The nearest Zhang Zhu was unprepared and sat down on the ground in fear.

Zhang Zhu's actions attracted the attention of the monster, who tilted its head and stared blankly at Zhang Zhu. Shen Yuanchao raised the shovel in his hand but did not drop it, and Jiang Zida and the two soldiers dared not act recklessly. For a moment, the air in the carriage seemed to have solidified.

Shen Yuanchao felt that the monster was a bit awkward, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Squad leader, it doesn't seem to have any hostility, why don't we just let it go? "Zhang Zhu was so scared and didn't dare to make any moves, so he had to rescue Shen Yuanchao.

Okay, you can tell it. It's okay if it agrees, I don't have a problem. "Shen Yuanchao really didn't know what to do.

Zhang Zhu's face was very ugly. Before he could finish speaking, the monster suddenly moved. It poked its upper body, opened its serrated fangs, and bit into Zhang Zhu's neck. Without time to resist, Zhang Zhu was bitten hard by the monster.

I'll go! Open your stinky mouth! "Shen Yuanchao chopped four or five shovels at the monster's neck, producing sparks. Jiang Zida didn't have a guy, so he went out of his way and picked up the bench and smashed it at the monster.

Shovel cutting and chair smashing have no effect. The monster bit off the artery on Zhang Zhu's neck, and blood flowed down his mouth like water. The monster's throat surged up and down, and after struggling a few times, Zhang Zhu remained motionless.

It's sucking blood! Shen Yuanchao reacted and also saw the difference between the monster and yesterday. The skin that was originally burned to black charcoal on the chest and limbs has grown new flesh, even the cheeks that were completely burned to no flesh yesterday have now grown a thin layer of flesh film. A thought flashed in Shen Yuanchao's mind. It was likely that this monster was healing by sucking human blood.

The two soldiers next to Jiang Zida were already scared and stood still. Shen Yuanchao has experienced it once and has gained some experience. These few people and a shovel can no longer deal with this monster. The revenge between Li Maocai and Zhang Zhu cannot be avenged, and Jiang Zida and them will also die. Thinking of this, he pulled up platoon leader Jiang and said, "Open the carriage door! Jump out

Before they could open the door, the carriage door opened on its own. A man in white walked in. He couldn't tell his age, and his appearance was only in his twenties, but his white hair made it difficult to tell his true age. Shen Yuanchao and others were all stunned, looking at the scenery rushing past the door, and there were no vehicles like cars. How did this person get in? Is it a pickpocket?

The person who came didn't pay attention to them, only looked at the monster that had already shaken and stood up in disgust.

Since the white haired man entered the carriage, the monster appeared quite irritable. It let go of Zhang Zhu's body and roared at the white haired man, as if about to rush over and bite off his throat at any moment.

The white-haired man looked at it and said coldly, "Don't pretend, you know who I am." Upon hearing this, the monster immediately became lethargic, stopped shouting, just kept retreating, and finally shrank in the corner, trembling incessantly.

The white haired man walked up to the monster and glanced at it. Wrinkling his brow, he said, "Even such a big fire cannot kill you, and you can still recover to this extent. How many people have you sucked blood from

The monster lowered its head and dared not look directly at the white haired man's gaze. It only occasionally hummed and hawed, and its voice sounded mournful, as if begging for mercy from the white haired man. It's like a frog encountering a snake, afraid to run away and unable to resist, can only tremble and moan in sorrow.

Alright, stop bothering me, you go on your way. "The white-haired man took out a dagger from his arms and said it was a dagger, but the blade was three feet long and had two blades. It should be more accurate to call it a short sword. The monster saw the white-haired man showing off the guy and felt a great danger approaching. He hugged his head with both hands and began to howl.

The monster howled and peeked at the white-haired man, seeing that he had no intention of stopping. A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he let out a wild cry, pouncing at the white-haired man.

The white haired man let out a cold snort, and it was a bit surprising that the monster would counterattack. But that's not enough to make him panic. With a flash of the sword in his hand, he beheaded the monster.

The monster instinctively blocked with its claws, causing a flash of blood in the carriage. The white haired man's short sword cut off its claws like a hot knife cutting butter, a process that was silent. With a "poop" sound, a pungent black blood sprayed half of the carriage, causing the monster, who had been shot more than a hundred times but could not have died, to lose a claw.

Seeing the black blood from the monster's wound, the white-haired man tightened his eyebrows and extended his left hand to grip his mouth and nose. It can be seen that he is extremely disgusted with the black blood. In order to prevent black blood from splashing on his body, the white haired man took two steps back to the right and distanced himself from the monster in the moment of success.

Ow! "The monster kept shouting in pain, and its body arched up, looking as if it had no intention of resisting and was ready to die. At this moment, the white haired man hesitated for a moment and looked at the black blood that was about to flow to his feet. He took another step back. There is an indescribable disgust in the eyes.

Looking at the white haired man who had been hesitant to take action, the monster seemed to understand something. With a strange cry of "quack", it gritted its teeth and extended its broken arm to throw a string of black blood at the white haired man. The white haired man took another step back to the right in an instant. Although black blood did not splash on him, he gave up the position of the carriage door to the monster.

The carriage door is empty. Only Shen Yuanchao, who had originally planned to jump out of the car, seemed impossible to stop the monster with them. The monster charged straight ahead and was about to jump off the train. The white-haired man let out a loud cry, jumped up and kicked against the wall of the train. With this push, he crossed the black blood on the ground and reached out his short sword to run straight towards the monster's heart. Unfortunately, it was still a bit late, and the monster's feet were already off the ground, so he could easily escape from the train.

At this moment, the monster thought it had escaped from the living sky. Suddenly, a black iron plate appeared in front of him, and Shen Yuanchao put a shovel on the wheel. Monsters that have already left the ground have no ability to avoid them. With a sound of 'dang', the head of the shovel landed on the monster's face.

As far as the power of this shovel is concerned, it can be said to be harmless to the monster. It just stopped in the air for a moment (causing severe pain in Shen Yuanchao's shoulders and tearing his palms. The shovel flew out of the carriage at that time). After a brief pause, the white haired man's short sword caught up and directly penetrated the monster's heart.

The monster gave a cry and then lost its vitality. The white-haired man didn't release his anger yet, and when he raised his head, his short sword was exceptionally sharp, cutting the monster in half from above his chest. The corpse of a monster falls and there is no way to survive.

The guard of the short sword was covered in the monster's black blood, and the white haired man hesitated and left the short sword on the monster without pulling it out. This move finally caught Shen Yuanchao off the hook.

Shen Yuanchao walked up to the white-haired man, his soul still in shock, and said, "Comrade, thank you this time. Otherwise, we wouldn't know what the outcome would be. We don't know what kind of monster this is, and even a gun won't kill you. I haven't consulted yet, which unit are you from?

The white-haired man glanced at Shen Yuanchao and didn't want to answer, but after all, it was Shen Yuanchao's shovel that ultimately killed the monster. After hesitating for a moment, he said, "Don't ask me who I am. Knowing too much is not good for you. Someone will explain today's matter to you

Shen Yuanchao had no intention of prying out anything from the white-haired man's mouth, but this answer could already tell that the white-haired man did not reject him. After a few polite words, Shen Yuanchao walked over to Zhang Zhu's body. After a moment of gloom, he took off his military uniform and covered the body.

Jiang Zida came to the white haired man's side and said, "Little..." Looking at his white hair all over his head, Jiang platoon leader changed his words, "Comrade, what should we do with this monster's body? Or should we wrap it in a sack? It... can't live anymore, can it

The white-haired man showed no interest in answering Jiang Paichang's series of questions. But he still gave the answer through action.

The white haired man took out a small porcelain bottle from his shirt pocket, twisted the bottle mouth, and poured a string of red water droplets into the monster's body. Water droplets spontaneously ignite with a 'whoop' in the air, turning into a string of fireballs. When the fireball landed on the monster's body, it quickly wrapped it around it and burned with a crackling sound.

Shen Yuanchao and others were stunned when they saw it. They had previously learned in school that the composition of water is two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Although both hydrogen and oxygen can be burned, they had never seen water so thoroughly burned

The body burned extremely quickly, and strangely, the outer flame of the fire was red, while the inner flame was actually black. After burning for about two minutes, the black inner flame suddenly rose, and the pitch black inner flame instantly completely covered the fiery red outer flame. The flame completely turned eerie black, and the body was burned directly into a human shaped smoke. The green smoke dissipated, leaving no fly ash on the empty floor. Only the short sword lay alone on the ground. This flame is like the legendary fire of hell, capable of burning corpses into nothingness, without leaving any burnt marks on the floor.

Shen Yuanchao and Jiang Zida looked at each other, and no one dared to answer the white haired man again. The radio in the corner suddenly rang, and a burst of singing came out, "You also say Liaozhai, I also say Liaozhai

Shen Yuanchao kicked the radio out of the carriage. The white-haired man glanced at him and ignored the others. He only said to Shen Yuanchao, "You helped me once, and I will pay you back in the future." After a pause, he said, "If you're gone, I'll give it back to your descendants

The white haired man turned around and jumped out of the train compartment in the Mercedes Benz. In a blink of an eye, I disappeared into the fleeting scenery. While Jiang Zida was still stunned, Shen Yuanchao quietly walked to the place where the short sword fell.

Seven hours later, the train stopped at Capital West Station. Zhang Zhu's body was transported away. Shen Yuanchao and Jiang Zida were taken to a military district guesthouse outside the Sixth Ring Road. For three consecutive days, no one had contact with them except for delivering meals. It was not until the the fourth day that a staff officer surnamed Zhang came.

General Zhang brought news that four people, including Shen Yuanchao and Jiang Zida, fought bravely to extinguish the Great Khingan Mountains fire and risked their lives to protect the safety of the people's lives and property. After research by the leadership, it has been decided to authorize three comrades, including Jiang Zida, to be awarded the Third Class Merit once, with an increase of two levels of use. Comrade Shen Yuanchao will be awarded the Second Class Merit once, with an increase of three levels of use. Comrade Li Maocai and Comrade Zhang Zhu each received an additional first class merit and were awarded the title of martyr.

At the same time, a verbal notice was issued that the unidentified biological bodies found at the scene of the fire were compared and identified by experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences based on the photos. It is believed that it is a wild human bear active in the Greater Khingan Mountains region. To avoid unnecessary rumors. The team leader specially instructed that all contact details related to the "wild human bear" should be included in the first level confidentiality regulations. I hope all soldiers involved can strictly abide by confidentiality regulations.