
Supernatural: Dark Rapture

Two hunters saved the world from the Apocalypse, or did they? In this gripping new view on the world of supernatural you follow Abel Winchester, a transgender baseball player, who has been specifically picked by God to team up with their strongest archangel and take on the dangerous evils of the world. A darkness has started to eat the earth from the core turning the Supernatural stronger, the world weaker and bringing the hunting world to it's knees. It's up to inexperienced hunter Abel Winchester and his partner, an archangel of love and war, to save the world from the every ominous darkness, find the secret behind a thousand year old prophecy and under an odd amulet with the power of angels grace. In this thrilling new take on Supernatural, join the hunter and be born again in a world of terror. Faceclaims/Art for these characters can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fe4z_TcsDp76HUKKCEGmWDyeev97vlrwkLIzRgJTLgM/edit?usp=sharing

JonahWinchester · TV
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62 Chs

Chapter 44: Altar-native views

Abel glanced back to Sam who started digging into a large, white emergency kit. Helping the people that gathered around him before the King and his Lionheart vanished into the building.

Smoke filled the hunters lungs, causing them to burn but he didn't stop as he slammed his hand on every door he came across. He was shocked that people didn't run the second the helicopter smashed into the building! No alarm sounded above which was a lawsuit he was sure he'd hear about.

"Everyone's gotta leave!" He shouted as people peaked their heads out of the doors.

The smoke was coming from the staircase, he didn't stop as he ducked into the stairs. Doing his best to stay low to the ground - his Adinkra lifted into the air like a compass, it tugged him forward. The hunter glanced at Chamuel who looked just as shocked as the pair climbed forward. A few people raced past the two, coughing and spitting as they went.

"Cham, rooms on the right, I got the left," he said as they came to the next floor, turning to the doors. He started to slam a fist into the wood, some of the doors fell open showing the innocent had already escaped that room.


The Adinkra moved so it was pointing towards Cham who was kicking at a door, Abel snorted as he made for the angel. Slamming his foot with all his might into the wood, it splintered from the weight.

"Break it," Abel said, War sparked into the angel's gaze. Turning to the door, war slammed his foot into the strong wood. The door crumbled inwards and was kicked off its hinges, being thrown across the room. The loud crying of a child could be heard, Abel followed the Adinkra as it guided him through a small living room.

Chamuel only steps from him as he raced through the kitchen, the building shuddered and shook violently. Abel nearly fell but Cham grabbed him in time, the child screamed loudly. The crying became even more ear shattering as the pair continued moving through the large apartment. Abel couldn't help but wonder where the parents were but shoved this thought to the back of his mind.

They came to a few doors, Abel could smell the smoke getting stronger as he glanced at the Chamulet. It moved to the right door, the hunter kicked in the door without a second thought. A surprised scream hit his ears as he walked into a small, princess covered room. The bed held pretty pink sheets, a few pictures on the walls of a happy family, a shaggy pink rug with Princess characters under his feet.

Standing in the corner by a lamp was a little girl, she held a small pocket knife out to the hunter with tears racing down her cheeks. A young boy stood behind her, his eyes wide with fear, he cried too but no sound came from him.

"Hey, hey," he whispered, putting his hands up, "Where here to help!"

Abel went to his knees so he was the same height as the little girl, she held the knife in shaken hands out towards him.

"You're one brave kid, aren't you?" Abel said with a grin.

Chamuel leaned down beside Abel, giving her a small smile. His eyes returning to normal, he held a hand up.

"We want to get you out of here," he whispered, she looked to her brother who's mouth moved but he didn't make a sound. There was an unsettling silence before the little girl nodded at him, she flipped the knife closed and stuffed it into the pocket of her bright pink dress. She tied back her long, straight black hair.

"Is the building really on fire?" She asked with wide eyes, Chamuel and Abel shot each other a look.

"No, it's just... dangerous right now, we want to get you both out," Chamuel whispered, she narrowed her eyes. Her brother continued to move his lips, his eyes clouded over.

"You're lying," she whispered, Chamuel looked shocked but Abel didn't have time to play games.

"Yes, he is. This place is coming down, we need to get you out."

The Adinkra shone bright, the little girl glanced down at it with wide eyes before looking back to them.

"Okay," she said, holding her arms up. Chamuel scooped the girl up, the little boy nodded at them. He stopped moving his mouth now, Abel grabbed his hand and they raced out of the room.


Jegudiel hummed to himself as he walked through the large, empty looking building. His fuzzy pink slippers kicked dust from the floor below, sending a cascade of sulfur into the air.

Saint Bernard walked beside him, the man's hands in his pockets, his phone out but it floated in a dark light in front of his gaze. Scrolling through it without a sound, Uriel followed close behind though he didn't fully agree with what was happening but he saw no point in arguing. Jegudiel's hair had been slicked back, wearing his usual turtle neck with a blazer over it. An usual outfit to the humans but he enjoyed the way it looked on his vessel's skin.

The three continued to walk through the large, concrete encased building until they got to a set of stairs that spiraled downwards.

"So this is the building Baal broke Sam out of," Jegudiel mused, his smile not breaking as he glanced towards Bernard.

"It's mostly fixed," the man said, glancing up at the archangel.

"Doesn't matter to me," Jegudiel said with a shrug as they made their way downwards, the room opened up to show thousands of demons, creatures and even humans walking all around the large area. Inside were machines of all types being worked on, metal with dangerous words flashing over them as the creatures moved like clockwork to build whatever it is they were making.

Jegudiel didn't care about this though, he continued marching onward not showing a hint of curiosity. His feet moved downward as they came to another large room, then another, going deeper into the earth.

"Eclipse soon," Uriel said, obviously getting anxious as they moved down.

Jegudiel didn't say anything as he hit the bottom floor. This room was small, dark. With only lights from flickering candles covering the walls all around them, Lucifer stood in the middle of this room with a smile on his lips.

"Lucie!" Jegudiel laughed, the others lips twitched with anger but he didn't say anything to the angel as his eyes fell on the man's Adinkra.

"It seems you were successful," the man mused, Jegudiel grinned brightly towards the other.

"Nice shirt," he laughed, eyeing the 'I love New York' shirt the monster before him wore.

"You like it?" Lucifer asked, doing a quick turn as if he were on the catwalk. "It's part of the presentation," he said these words through a broad, toothy grin. Jegudiel nodded at this,

"So, let's get started!"

"What exactly are we doing?" Uriel asked as he made his way into the room. Bernard walked past the two and placed a hand on the wall behind them, the candles in the room flickered softly against a wind that kicked up around the saint.

The wall swirled under his touch before it opened up to show a secret, large room. It was as if one was on stage in front of thousands of demons, humans, monsters and cryptids. They laughed, shoving one another, shouting into the air.

Bernard walked out of the room, stepping down on a large rock that was covered in symbols and letters of an unknown language. It stood high, looking down at the creatures below him. The rock underfoot felt warm to the touch, humming softly in the man's ear. Jegudiel followed this, turning to Uriel with a smile.

"You coming?"

The angel hesitated, nodding as he followed after the archangel. Lucifer came in behind them, Jegudiel looked down at the crowds of creatures. Their gaze was fixated on the large altar they stood on.

"Hear me!" Lucifer roared, a hush fell over the crowd as they all turned their attention on those standing before them.

"The start of the end is upon us," Lucifer said, "a war will start for the earth, with our stronger power we will wipe out all those weaker," he shouted, the creatures murmuring among themselves at this, a few cheering.

"Fear not about those fools, Born again," he spat the words as if they were poison to his tongue, a few creatures let out loud boo's at the name "we now have an archangel stronger than Chamuel!"

He took a step back, Jegudiel moved forward now. He grinned down at every creature below, his eyes moved from a large werewolf to a small, dark skinned man in a fancy suit.

"I am Jegudiel," he said with a grin, his Adinkra shone in the fires that brightened the room.

"My efforts to keep the king and Lionheart from being together have been tarnished," he frowned at this, "know when they do, the king of Kings will official have risen,"

Horrified whispers followed this, causing the angel to hold a hand out to stop everyone from speaking.

"Thanks to Faith," he said her name as if it held a curse, "their 'love' will trigger the power within the Adinkra. But fear not. Without a soul? The king's powers will be useless. Arphaxat,"

The blonde stepped forward from the crowd, beaming up at Jegudiel with his hands behind his back.

"Abel's soul is well on its way to me, sir!" He said with a warm touch to his voice.

"Good, without the soul, I will be able to fight Chamuel and finish him before he has the chance to really grow his power," Jegudiel continued, the creatures below rippled with joy at this news. All talking at once as the angel took a step back and Barnard took his place. "The other kings will be found and slaughtered after the King of Kings falls."

"With that, the time to fight is now," the saint said, eyes narrowed as the creatures below which caused them to fall silent.

"The eclipse will come, the grace that Faith has harvested to protect the planet will be eaten by the darkness. Your powers will reach their highest point, from there the killing will start."

"What about the reformed creatures?" Someone shouted up at him, Bernard eyed the dark skinned man. He didn't recognize him, something about him felt off but he was too far away for the saint to inquire about his presence.

"They will be destroyed as well, any creature not on our team will be killed, we only want the loyal, the strongest,"

No one noticed Uriel vanish as the speech continued. Lucifer stepped forward once more, tugging his new shirt.

"Cherm will be taking over Cain if our plan does not work,"

Everyone erupted in shock, a few demons who were close to Cain remained silent. Glancing at one another in complete shock,

"The Winchester infected him, he will be seen as an enemy until Cherm is successful. Unless he complies that is,"

"But he drank the darkness! I was there," someone shouted, Lucifer nodded at this before dragging his gaze over the crowd.

"The darkness within him, it was turned to grace when he tried to protect his lion heart."

Everyone gasped loudly, the chatting started up again but the king of hell didn't stop them from talking. Allowing the silence to drag in a dramatic fashion.

"If he doesn't comply, he will become a Winchester,"

The creatures booed as the word 'Winchester' was mentioned, Lucifer gave them the chance to shout their thoughts for a few seconds until holding a hand up.

"But with that said I need you to blend in with the innocent," Lucifer said, pointing to the shirt, "kill all those who support the Winchester and his friends, for now, stay low until the red dragon is strong enough to rise from its slumber."

The monsters below cheered, all clattering together as they spoke. Jegudiel turned on his heels, eyes narrowed when he noticed Obizuth waving at him from the inside of the room. Lucifer continued to talk but the angel stopped listening, he walked over to her with an eyebrow arched.

"Yes?" He asked, she put a hand on her hip.

"Abel's found the Spirit Speaker,"

"Already?" Jegudiel looked at her in shock, she pulled a flask from her pocket and took a few sips.

"Oh yeah! Guys like a protege, he already talked to the Seeing eye."

"Do we know where the Hearer of the Universe is?" He asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Yeah, if I knew that, wouldn't you think I'd be killing her already?" Obizuth snorted, holding the flask out to the angel who rejected it with a shake of his head. She took another swig, "If she sees that fucking prophecy it could be the end of all this bullshit."

"Take care of the Seeing eye," he said simply. She shrugged, holding up a finger as if telling him to wait. She downed the rest of the alcohol in the vile,

"Oh yeah, one more problem for you,"

He rolled his eyes at her, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Your little boyfriend, he went to talk to Chamuel,"

Jegudiel froze, glancing around himself before looking back at her. He knew Uriel would betray him eventually but he had hoped for more time.

"Just a little FYI for you, angel boy," she chuckles, reaching forward to play with his Adinkra.

"No one's your friend anymore, not even the other angels."


Abel pushed out of the apartment with Chamuel close behind, the angel's eyes turned white yet again as fire raged down the stairs. The Adinkra lifted, pointing upwards to the next few floors. He glanced down at the little girl in Chamuel's arms and the boy at his side,

"We gotta get them to safety but h--"

His words cut off as the ground shook again, Chamuel wrapped his wings around the ground as a few pieces of the ceiling fell down on top of them. The strong wings were not budging as the chunks of wood landed painfully on his feathers.

The building relaxed, the loud cracking of the helicopter falling into the floors above exploded around them. Abel could hear sirens coming from outside.

"We gotta get them outside! But the Chamulet wants us to go up," he shouted to the other, Chamuel growled as he held the girl close.

"I will take them,"

The voice shocked the angel as he and Abel turned their heads to none other than Uriel who appeared in a soft light. He held his arms out with wide eyes,

"Quick!" Uriel said, Chamuel and Abel shared a look as another crack from the ceiling could be heard.

"You're going with this guy," Abel said to the kids who didn't argue as Chamuel handed the girl to the angel. The man coughed as the smoke billowed from the top, a scream could be heard as the angel grabbed the young boy's hand. They vanished into the air,

"Can we trust him?" Abel called to Chamuel

"We don't have a choice,"

The two turned attention to the fire that ate itself down the steps and through the ceiling. Chamuel lifted his large wings and slammed them to the floor, sending a wave of air at the fire. It extinguished the flames on the steps ever so slightly, enough for the king and lionheart to climb their way up. The Adinkra continued to glow as they moved through the building.

They stopped at the next step of stairs, Abel was breathing harder now against the smoke. Coughing as they got closer to the fire, he saw a woman huddled on the floor, a hand on her heavily pregnant stomach. The pair raced for her, she cried out to them.

"I fell," she whispered, sobbing, "I think I'm bleeding. I'm too afraid to move!"

"I got an idea," Abel said to Chamuel,

"Give me your phone,"

The angel didn't question this, pulling his phone out and tossing it to Abel. He linked his headphones to the other's phone quickly and hit the speed dial. Uriel answered without hesitation,

"We got more people for you to teleport,"

The angel showed up within seconds, he nodded at them. The woman looked at the group with tearful eyes as Uriel leaned down and picked her up in his arms.

"Keep me on the phone, if you need me, shout!" Uriel said quickly.

Abel didn't know what possessed the angel to help but he wasn't going to argue. They took off down the hallway again, the angel of war using his wings to bat the fire away whenever it got too close. Their breathing became ragged as the pair made for the next hallway.

They found more innocent there, many had collapsed in front of their doors while some had been hurt or trampled. Uriel came when called, though Abel could see he was quickly getting exhausted as he snatched up one innocent after another.

"Abel this isn't working," Chamuel finally said as they got closer to the top where the helicopter was. The building shook again, Abel hissed in frustration, they had two floors left and Uriel was getting slower. He turned to speak to Cham only for a voice to call out.

"Please help!"

The pair shared a look as they pelted towards the voice, someone was pounding on a door from the other side. Abel grabbed the handle but it didn't budge,

"Take it down,"

He said to Chamuel, the angel grabbed the handle and yanked hard. The entire door ripped from the hinges, he tossed it to the floor. An older looking man with dark skin laid on the floor, Abel knelled down to help him up.

"You okay...?" The man's shirt had a name sewed into the back of the collar. Abel wasn't sure why he noticed it so quickly but it locked into his head. "Fran?"

"Oh, yes" the man wheezed out, grabbing onto Abel tight.

"I need you to listen to me," the man said to Abel as they tugged him from the room.

"Uriel! One more," Abel said into the ear piece.


Abel looked at the man now with a tilt of his head, Fran placed a hand on Abel's shoulder.

"The mirror, you can get out, with the mirror,"

Uriel appeared only a second later,

"Winchester I can't keep this up, the darkness is starting to take my abilities,"

"I know, just one more. We can carry out anyone else," he said, handing Fran to Uriel who nodded and vanished.

"The mirror?" Chamuel asked, Abel shrugged.

"Guys probably nuts,"

Before they could continue a loud moan erupted around them, the sound of splintering wood and cracking concrete filled the air as the helicopter broke the top two floors above it.

"Abel!" Chamuel shouted, throwing himself on the hunter. Abel yelled in surprise as the ceiling collapsed inward. Bringing the next two floors down on the pair, he clung to Chamuel. His face buried in the other's chest, his eyes shut tight as he shook. Chamuel held him tight, gritting his teeth as his wings attempted to keep him safe but it was no use. He screamed in agony as wood spiked into his wings. Darkness swamped Abel's vision as another shout dragged him into its depths.


Abel raced through the dark forest, his shoes sliding awkwardly. It was boiling hot as he ran, sweat ran down his face. The ground moaned with each step, corpses reached dead hands from below him. He stopped running as he looked up to the red sky,

"Abel, wake up"

"Abel, wake up,"

Abel's eyes snapped open, he was laying beside Chamuel whose eyes were terrified. They laid in a burning heap on the ground, fire licking at them. Chamuel's feathers tattered and flecked with blood a few chunks of sharp wood pinning the wings to the floor, every movement he winced. Hot blood rolled from the wings, the bones crushed under the weight of the concrete and wood. Tears rolled down his cheeks from the immense pain.


Abel shouted, scrambling to get up. Letting out a howl of pain, he glanced down to see a giant metal rod sticking out of his leg. Blood oozed from the wound and rolled down his pants, seeing the metal sticking from his muscle caused pain to explode through his body. He gasped and groaned,

"Shit, fuck," Abel growled, "I'm sorry Cham, we might be in a bit of trouble,"

He felt hot anger, determination flood through his system as he watched his Lionheart struggle to reach him. His blue eyes filled with fear and pain,

"Abel, you gotta call Uriel. He can get you out," Chamuel whispered,

"No way! Not without you," Abel snarled, though he wasn't sure if that was possible. His earpiece had fallen out at some point after the ceiling fell.

"I'll be fine," Chamuel murmured, reaching a hand forward shakily and placing it on the other's cheek. Abel felt another flood of determination spark through him.

He turned his attention to his leg and back to Chamuel, he had to save his Lionheart. He had too.

Abel grabbed his leg and started to pull it upwards, letting out a yell of agony as pain shot through his skin and bones. The sickening sucking sound of his muscle being pulled from the rod echoed in his head.

"Abel! Stop!" Chamuel gasped,

"Fuck that," Abel spat, his Adinkra glowed brighter as he continued to rip his leg free. Tears raced down his cheeks as he tried to keep his breathing even but the smoke made it nearly impossible. The pain was nothing that he'd felt before, but he had to remember, it was only pain. He had to work past it, he had to. For Chamuel.

"Abel!" Chamuel shouted, "you'll black out,"

Abel panted a few times, he turned his head to Chamuel.

"Cham, I gotta tell you. If I fucking eat it here, I need you to know. I've regretted not telling you since I almost drown,"

"Abel don't talk like that, we're going to survive,"

Abel felt the fire closing in on them, tears fell as he ripped his leg out more from the large, sharp spike. The Adinkra glowed brighter, golden light covered his limb.

"Chamuel I'm in love with you,"

The words seemed to stop the world from spinning, Cham looked at the other in shock but Abel refused to look at him.

"I don't mean it the way I say it to Donnie or Sam, I mean it like a cheesy eighties movie. I know you probably don't feel the same," he whispered, his voice cracked, "but even if I didn't feel this way, I'd still risk it all for you. You're...the best thing that's ever happened to me," Abel murmured, more tears ran down Chamuel's cheeks. Before he could say anything the hunt ripped his leg free and screamed in agony. The king's blood splashed to the floor as he shakily took in a few breaths, fighting the tunnel vision that had started to wind its way into his view.

He swayed as the pain danced into his blood, turning his body to a hot fire.

"Abel I can't--"

"Don't say it, I know you're going to reject me. Maybe that's why I clung to Arph," he whispered.

As if on cue his leg turned to brilliant gold. Abel gasped loudly as the skin repaired itself, rapidly moving upwards over the man's flesh. It was a warm, loving feeling that healed his leg, the bruised ribs that he was sure rebroke, split lip and busted nose on the king. The hole in the man's leg patched up by glittering angelic light.

Chamuel's eyes grew wide as a golden halo shone over the other's head, light fell from it like fireflies before vanishing only seconds later. Abel got to his feet, hands trembling heavily as he turned to Chamuel getting to work at a rapid pace. Shoving the parts of the building off the angel's wings, war flashed over Chamuel as he was able to bite past the pain and help Abel. The agony was immense but the glittering gold on the hunter's hands healed the angel with it's touch as he rolled his fingers over the man's wings.

They both stared at one another, Abel looked down at his glowing hands in awe.

"Abel...you can…"

The helicopter started to explode as it dislodged itself and started to fall into the middle of the building.

"Run!" Abel shouted, they pelted down the hallway only to come to a dead end. The stairs blocked completely, they looked around frantically until Abel spotted it. The mirror.

"The mirror!" He said it was sitting inside someone's apartment that was completely engulfed in flame. He charged at it, the Adinkra hummed into the world as he shut his eyes. Praying this would work. The heat suddenly stopped, he was running on solid ground. His eyes flashed open, he was in the mirror. Chamuel panting beside him as they looked around them. The fire was still present and burning but it wasn't hot to the touch, no noise came to them as they glanced around.

"Come on," Abel said, Chamuel grabbed the other's hand as they ran out of the apartment and down the busted in hallways. The mirror world allowed them to race over the once dangerous path, move through the flames until they came to a lower floor where the fire hadn't fully touched. The Adinkra shone as they jumped from the mirror and back into the loud chaos of the burning building.

Abel spotted an open window and without waiting for Chamuel he ran for it. Their hands still intertwined as the hunter got to the window and leapt out, fear flooded his system as he looked down at the long drop. Firefighters covered the floor like ants, he spotted Sam and Uriel near the end with the innocent behind them. Chamuel's wings opened wide, he yanked Abel into his arms. Holding the man against his chest as his wings caught the air, gliding downward towards safety.

The innocent started to clap wildly as Abel's boots graced the floor below, Chamuel landed beside him. His wings shoved themselves against his back, Chamuel leaned against Abel. Feeling relief roll through his system.

"Guys!" Sam shouted over the loud noises of the sirens and crows of people. Abel watched Uriel vanish as a few firefighters came up to the pair, guiding them to the back of large medical vans.

"We gotta get you guys oxygen," one of them said quickly, Chamuel hesitated before letting the hunters hand go. He couldn't believe it, Abel was in love with him. Why couldn't he say it back? Why was he so afraid? He--

Abel looked back at him, though his face was covered in dark soot and his hair a mess he beamed at the Angel. Chamuel's heart fluttered in his chest. He had to decide quickly if he was going to tell him or not, his brain already overthinking itself into a headache.


"Once you've had some sleep you'll start to be able to control everything more," Robin said to Donnie as he patched up the man's bullet wounds. Though the bullets hardly dug into the skin it left a large mark on his flesh. Israfil sat on the floor in front of his friend, watching the demon nervously. They had collectively come back to the motel room to patch up and sleep. Israfil couldn't remember the last time he felt this tired, Donnie was fiddling with one of the archers arrows. His eyes moved over the arrow, rolling his fingers on every part of it.

Israfil knew that look! Whenever Donnie was about to hyperfixate on a project he always got that look. Silently wondering what the genius had in mind before turning his eyes to Danjal. The man sat beside Robin, a large lizard on the demon's shoulders as he read a book on a large pad. Israfil had never seen such a large man in a long time, he was tall, with muscles covering his arms and chest.

"So you have an Adinkra?" Donnie asked, Israfil turned his attention to Robin at the sound of the question. The demon paused for a few seconds, he looked down at the Adinkra and back up to the pair.

"I guess," The demon whispered,

"How is that possible?" Israfil asked, shaking his head. His hair was starting to curl near the bottom, "You're a demon. I...always assumed you didn't have souls,"

Robin flinched at this but didn't say anything, he could tell he touched a sensitive subject maybe? Though he didn't know any demons named Robin either.

"We got souls," Danjal huffed from beside the smaller man, not looking up from the book he was reading.

"They're just different types. The only souls aren't just angel and human," Robin whispered, leaning up and brushing his fingers over Alan's head.

Israfil had never thought of it that way, he often wondered if animals had souls but he never got an answer from anyone. He suddenly felt selfish for assuming that other beings didn't have a soul. It made sense, after all, so why did he find himself stuck in his bubble again. Donnie always seemed to pull him out of it, often reminding Israfil that he was doing or saying that probably wasn't correct.

"You're...right," Israfil said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I guess I'm still learning,"

Donnie smiled at him, his smile brightened the room around him. His smile was Israfil's favorite and he couldn't fully understand why. After all! He'd been alive a long time, surely he could think of a better smile?

"It's okay," Robin replied, "I uh...know it's not going to be easy but...I…" He stopped, looking down at the floor. Danjal nudged him,

"Come on,"

Robin groaned, shaking his head, "It's...kind of stupid," He whispered.

"We love stupid around here!" Donnie laughed, turning to look at the small demon who gave him a light smile.

"Well, I wanted to join your group, I…"

"He's an incredible shot," Danjal spoke up, "He can make any animal eat out of his hand too! Promise! It's the darnedest thing, he's like a damn Disney princess."

Robin absolutely beamed at this, it was such a warm, happy smile Israfil couldn't help but think of Faith. He could practically see her in the reflection of the man's eyes.

"Well, knowing Abel, he'll let you in if you buy him a beer." Donnie laughed, "might need to buy Sam two though, he's like our-- unofficial second leader."

"If Abel was a wolf he'd be an alpha, and Sam would be his weird husky uncle," Israfil laughed, Donnie chortled at this.

"Husky! Sam would be a poodle! Abel's no wolf, he'd be one of those little terrier dogs that thinks it's a German Shepard."

Israfil laughed loudly, slapping his knee as he pulled them to his chest.

"Good," Robin said softly, smiling at the energy shared between the pair.

The group decided to stay the night in the hotel room before heading out in the morning. The morning of the lunar Eclipse.

Israfil opened his eyes to the world around him. Sitting up, confused. He was sitting inside a baobab forest, in front of him was one of Faith's altars. Though he hadn't seen one for a long time he knew it immediately. The large rock had angelic carving all around it, gold glittered within the crevices of the carved stone. It was the first one she made, it was the most powerful one. It sat in the middle of large baobab trees, standing ten feet tall. It looked like a disembodied door in the middle of the woods. The sounds of Africa could be heard all around him, the soft roar of a lion, the shout of a monkey. It reminded the angel of Faith, it always did. Africa was her favorite place on Earth,


Israfil whispered, looking around with wide eyes. He couldn't believe this was happening as the gold on the door flashed awake. The stone was pushed aside to show a woman with a bright smile. Her rich tan skin shone in the golden light, her eyes of amber burned with love. She radiated love in fact, looking at her was like looking into the sun.

"Faith!" Israfil laughed, his heart skipped a few beats as she jumped in place a few times with her arms out, giggling loudly.

She laughed heavily as he ran to her, picking her up and spun her before hugging her tight. She giggled as he set her down. His heart hammered loudly against his chest as the familiar fire entered his chest, moving like lava into his bones and causing such joy he shook. He grabbed her hands but her smile died, she pulled her hands from his causing him to look at her in shock.

"Faith? What's wrong? I...love you," He whispered, "I've been waiting I--"

"I know," She murmured, taking a few steps away from him. She looked at him with a sad expression he'd never seen before, it was as if she was sad for him.

"What's going on?" He murmured, already feeling his chest squeeze painfully, the once warmth started to burn and turn his joy to deep anxiety, was she rejecting him!? After all these hundreds of years?

"I'm sorry," She whispered, "I had to, so you would get to this point,"

"Had to do what?"

She looked at him with pity keep in her gaze, it made him uncomfortable

"Lead you on," She whispered, "I knew you wouldn't deliver my Adinkra to Abel if…"

"I didn't love you?" He whispered, his voice cracking as she spoke. Somewhere in him, he always felt something was off about her advances. Pain rolled through his chest, stronger than anything he'd ever felt. Tears now flowing, only seconds ago he was on top of the world and now he felt like he'd been crushed.

"Yes, I am sorry," She whispered, glancing down at the forest floor, "You must underst--"

"No! I don't," He yelled out, sniffling "I did everything you asked me to do, I-- you just-- used me? what am I? A pawn?"

"That's...not the word I would use…" She murmured

"Why?" He asked her, falling to his knees. He felt his chest being torn out as she walked over to him and went to her knees. She put her hand on his chin, lifting his head. She kissed his forehead softly,

"My dear one," She murmured, "I'm so sorry, I am, me and God...we needed you."

"Great," He sniffled, pushing her away and getting to his feet. He wanted to go back to Donnie, he didn't want to be here anymore.

"I was just a pawn, right?" He whispered, he'd known that God was big on using the angels however they saw fit and didn't seem to worry about their feelings - How could they? The angel's weren't even supposed to feel, but the close bond between angel and human caused some sort of evolution as time went on.

"Yes," She whispered, nodding slowly, not looking at him.

"So you never loved me?" He whimpered, Faith looked at him with a broken gaze.

"My love...was to my king," She whispered, "As all Lionhearts...love their kings."

Israfil held himself as the realization crashed over him, she never kissed him, rarely did they hold hands. He recalled her saying that she didn't like being close, it wasn't her love language. But he knew this wasn't true, she touched and hugged everyone. everything. How had he not realized? Had he been so blinded by his desire he didn't stop and think?

"Israfil, there's one last thing...I need you to do, this is the only time I'll be able to see you until the end, and this...will help keep everyone safe." She pause, "It'll...keep Donnie safe,"

He looked at her with wide, painful eyes as she spoke, at the mention of his friend he nodded without question.

"What is it?" He whispered.

She looked at him with tears falling from her eyes.


Donnie looked out the windows of the small minivan, it was rapidly getting to the afternoon. They'd slept too long, the eclipse was tonight and he wasn't sure what would happen but his instinct screamed for him to run. Every hair on his being was on end the longer the day grew on.

They were heading to Norma's now, already telling Abel ahead of time.

"The guy who was riding on you?" Abel had asked,

"How did you know that? Did you see the news?" Donnie questioned

"Nope! I was right behind ya, for a short time anyways. Bring em over, I can't wait to meet em!"

That was Abel, he wasn't one to stray from a new friend or two. Though this always worried the wolf he didn't fight it anymore. The GPS on the dash let out a ping as they drove down another street. He could tell Robin was terrified, he smelled the others tears. He wasn't sure how he knew that but he could tell they were tears. The man was right though, as the day went on he was able to understand different smells and sounds, he could smell everything! He hadn't needed his glasses either, his vision was clear as water. His mind snapped back to reality when he smelled something else, he turned to look at Israfil. He could smell the same, salty smell, coming from the angel. Though it had a hint of his scene in it making it easier to tell the difference.

"Issy? Are you okay?" He asked,

When he woke up Israfil was already awake, but he was nowhere to be found which was odd. Usually the angel of music lived to snuggle up to his friend in the morning but this time he had vanished for a good hour. Before Donnie could attempt to track him down he returned. Smiling like nothing was wrong, but he knew the smile was very fake. He knew his friend incredibly well and could always see when the man was fighting an internal battle. Donnie was never good at comforting, often trying not to poke the subject but today? The angel looked like a deflated balloon. It was such a broken, deep sadness he had never seen on another person's features before.

For just a few heartbeats, he was reminded how much the angel must have seen being hundreds of years old. For a rapid second he could see the age on Israfil's face but it was gone quickly.

"Yeah," He said simply, he didn't try to fake a smile. He didn't attempt to make a joke. He just looked out the window, refusing to turn his gaze towards his friend.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Donnie whispered, scooting closer to his friend. Israfil just shook his head and let it rest against the window. Donnie let out a small sigh, he didn't want to push it with the demons in the car.

Donnie debated on texting him to ask but decided against it. He put his hand on the other's back, letting it run down his spine in a small motion as an attempt to comfort. Israfil smiled at him, leaning into the man's touch. The large home came into view as Danjal pulled up to the gate code,

"It's Samsucks69" Donnie said, "Abel changed it recently, it was just one two four."

Danjal laughed at this, "What a punk! Can't wait to meet him!" Danjal chuckled. Robin didn't say anything as he fiddled with the Adinkra around his neck.

Abel burst out of the home the second the car started to pull up, Chamuel followed behind. They looked like they had just woken up, their hair charred near the bottom. Donnie could smell smoke on them the second they came out, snorting at Abel's harsh smelling cologne.

"Donnie! Issy!" He shouted, hopping up and down a bit. Energy spiked through Donnie that he never felt before, an excitement that made his body buzz with joy. He threw open the door to the car and raced for his friend. He practically threw himself on Abel who laughed loudly as they collided to the ground.

"You son of a bitch!" Abel laughed, "Wolfing out and trying to eat the couch!"

"I was going for Cain but I missed," Donnie joked, Israfil followed though he looked as if he hardly slept now that he was in the sun. Donnie looked back at the angel, letting loose a small whimper of worry.

"Did you just whimper?" Abel asked, glancing at Donnie who gave him a look of shock.

"I...might have?"

"You alright, Israfil?" Chamuel asked as the angel walked past him and into the house.

"Yeah, I just need sleep," He whispered.

Donnie and Abel shared a concerned look before Danjal cleared his throat loudly.

"Abel Winchester?"

"That's my name, don't wear it out,"

I'm Danjal, and this is--"

"It's you!" Abel snarled