
Supernatural: Dark Rapture

Two hunters saved the world from the Apocalypse, or did they? In this gripping new view on the world of supernatural you follow Abel Winchester, a transgender baseball player, who has been specifically picked by God to team up with their strongest archangel and take on the dangerous evils of the world. A darkness has started to eat the earth from the core turning the Supernatural stronger, the world weaker and bringing the hunting world to it's knees. It's up to inexperienced hunter Abel Winchester and his partner, an archangel of love and war, to save the world from the every ominous darkness, find the secret behind a thousand year old prophecy and under an odd amulet with the power of angels grace. In this thrilling new take on Supernatural, join the hunter and be born again in a world of terror. Faceclaims/Art for these characters can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fe4z_TcsDp76HUKKCEGmWDyeev97vlrwkLIzRgJTLgM/edit?usp=sharing

JonahWinchester · TV
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62 Chs

Chapter 42: Werewolf in New York

Israfil watched as Abel hopped out of the room towards the blonde, eyes following the pair out before he glanced down at Donnie. Concern covered his gaze as he settled himself beside the other, he wasn't sure what to do at this moment. The genius was usually the one who always knew what to do rendering the angel helpless.

Israfil was never a leader, though he liked to think he did a good job at keeping himself hidden for a couple hundred years he couldn't keep the aching loneliness from burning into his chest. Since he'd joined the team, though his powers dwindled, he felt very at home with everyone.

It was a feeling he hadn't experienced since being with Faith who continued to grace his mind everyday though the longer he stayed with Donnie the less he thought about her which confused him. Since Donnie had fallen ill Israfil didn't want to leave his side in case his friend needed something, his sense of loyalty to Donnie was unmatched, always finding himself only a few steps behind the other even in the worst of situations.

His body ached still from the battle, his inability to heal was starting to grind on him. Watching Donnie nearly die due to his mistake than being unable to heal him had really weighed on the angel. He'd silently taken to drinking whenever his friend slept, though the alcohol took the edge off he rapidly became aware of how raw his fingers were looking.

Israfil always picked at the skin on his hands, ever since he got his vessel it was a constant desire to do so. He couldn't explain why but the more stress that weighed on him, the bigger his smile got but the worse his skin became. He ran his fingers through the others hair, feeling useless as he laid down beside the man. Even the news of Arphaxat didn't pass the numb wall over the angels heart, a touch of guilt for not mentioning Abel's odd behavior to anyone.


The other's voice pulled him from the darkness of his thoughts, he forced forward his usual smile as Donnie rolled to look at him.

"Hey sleepy!" Israfil chuckled, Donnie smiled at this giving the angel a shot of excitement that bubbled into his eyes.

"Issy, I...I think I know what's happening," his voice is deeper than usual. He grunted painfully, sitting himself up in the bed. Israfil followed the action, tilting his head.

"But...I need to call my brother, I need to ask him," he groaned, holding his stomach as blood rolled down his lips.

"I'm okay," he said quickly before the angel could react.

"Can you get me my phone?"

Israfil didn't hesitate, he hopped off the bed and snatched the smart phone off the end table. Turning the small, wireless charger off. He handed it over to the other who shakily took it, he smiled at Israfil before turning it on with his fingerprint.

Israfil watched with curiosity in his gaze as Donnie fiddled with the phone, the angel turned his attention to the bites on the man's chest. His shirtless frame almost seemed to shudder under the skin, his muscles rippled painfully causing the angel to shiver.

"Hey! Don--" his brother's voice started, Israfil crawled over to the other and sat down beside him so he could watch the man's brother on facecam.

The dark skinned man on the other side could see the immediate problem.

"Bro, what the hell? Are you okay? You look like hot garbage,"

"Good to see you too," Donnie croaked,

"What happened?" His brother asked with wide eyes, motioning towards an unknown person in the background. His wife appeared a few seconds later, looking at the hunter and his angel companion with wide eyes.

Donnie opened his mouth to speak only to let out a roar of a cough, shivering as though cold. Israfil raced his hands down the others back,

"Issy, can you tell 'em about the fight?" Donnie murmured, Israfil nodded and let out a soft breath.

"Hi Issy!" His brother said with a smile, his eyes glittered with something the angel couldn't identify.

"Hi Paul!" Israfil sang, grinning wide at the other. Donnie rested his head against Israfil and let out a sigh as the angel described what had happened. Going into great detail, mentioning the Adinkra's powers as well knowing Donnie kept his large family in on all their secrets.

Israfil knew his entire family on first name bases too, since Donnie was incredibly close to them all they often face timed. Israfil's constant presence was, at first, a concern to them but rapidly he felt like part of the family too. The handful of brothers and one sister text him, added him on his social media and tagged him in posts. Though Israfil had yet to meet and speak with his parents he assumed they would be just as welcoming as the rest of the family.

Paul listened intently, nodding slowly ever so often at the story until it came to Donnie's bite. The man visibly froze, eyes wide.

"You got bit?" He practically yelled this, slamming his hands to the desk below. Causing the angel to flinch from the sudden noise.

"Yeah, but I was healed with angel Grace!" Donnie replied quickly.

"Oh no," Paul groaned, "I told you not to fight! I told you!" He growled, his wife placed a hand on the man's shoulder. Her other hand settled on her stomach, Israfil could see she was nearly six months pregnant now "dear, it's okay," she murmured.

"No Stella, its not,"

Donnie looked horrified at his brother's expression, causing Israfil to scoot closer so he was pressed against his friend in a form of comfort.

"Paul, don't tell me," Donnie whispered

"Angel's grace can only heal so much," Stella murmured, frowning deeply.

"Donnie," Paul said, eyes sorrowful, "come the full moon tonight, you won't be human anymore."


Donnie stared at his brother as though he grew a second head, the man had explained what was to come. Though Donnie took comfort in the fact that his sickness would vanish after his first change he wasn't sure what to make of everything else.

"Cham got bit too!" Donnie gasped out, his brother leaned back in his chair.

"Chamuel isn't human," he whispered. Donnie felt all hope drain from him, tears burned into his eyes as fear settled deep in his gut. What was he going to become? He knew werewolves learned to control themselves through time but when they first turned it was often a blood bath.

"Donnie, get down to mom and dad's. Well collect everyone, just get down here. We...can try to cure it,"

Donnie sniffled, brushing his tears away. He glanced over at Israfil who held his usual smile, though he could see where the angel had been biting and ripping the skin off his lip from anxiety. He found himself lost, staring at the other who tilted his head all the way to the right in confusion.

Honey brown gaze filled with concern, 'you are so cute' Donnie thought, his brother's words snapped him back to reality. Brushing the tears from his eyes and looking back at the man,

"Did you hear me?"


"Bring Issy, come down here, well cure you,"

"You can cure it?" Israfil asked, blinking down at the phone with a curious glint in his gaze.

"I'm not sure," Paul admitted, "Vanilla might know, she's good at those things,"

Donnie nodded numbly, he wanted to go back to sleep but his brain was already working on a possible cure. He hadn't thought of that, being so overwhelmed by the fever that wrecked his brain and burned his skin.

They chatted for a few more seconds before hanging up, Donnie didn't need to say anything as Israfil hopped to his feet and made for the small portable refrigerator at the other end of the messy room. He watched the angel dig around for a cold bottle of water, the brunette had been a blessing in Donnie's life since day one and he couldn't wrap his head around the man's loyalty and warmth. It was like a ray of sunshine had been turned into a human being and handed to him on a silver platter.

His phone buzzed, he glanced down at the text message with a shake of his head.

'See the way you look at him. ;) '

Donnie rolled his eyes, Paul had been his biggest supporter of his sexuality since Donnie came out as gay and has, and continued, to try and find him a boyfriend. Though this often failed since the two men were so vastly different when it came to what they looked for in a significant other.

'He's an angel, Paul. I'm a person.' he sighed, falling back into the bed as the angel hopped beside him and handed him the water. Donnie cracked it open, downing it within a few quick seconds. He felt energy filling his bones, his skin rippled and shuttered causing him great discomfort. The wolf within him was starting to become stronger, he was terrified. Israfil laid beside him yet again, humming to himself and fiddling with his phone. Donnie's eyes fell closed, he listened to the man's soft hums as sleep collided over his being.

He never felt so tired yet so energized, it was as if he'd drank a redbull while also swallowing a few Ambien. His phone buzzed again, causing him to jump from the depths of his sleep. He groggily held it over him, reading the message.

'So? Love is love my dude. For a genius you're pretty stupid!'

Donnie rolled his eyes again,

'This isn't a gay rights thing, he's an angel, Paul! Besides, he's been in love with Faith forever. Literally.'

The hunter put the phone back on it's circular charger. He heard it buzz again but he ignored it.

"Issy," he murmured, the angel glanced towards him. His smile bright, Donnie sighed, the man's smile sent a small river of warmth over his chest that broke apart the ever existing fear of what was to come.

"If...I try to hurt someone," he murmured, Israfil frowned now.

"You gotta take me out,"

Israfil looked at the other shocked, blinking in surprise before shaking his head.

"I-I can't do that!" The angel murmured, Donnie felt the man shuffle closer to him.

"You gotta, man, I can't live with myself if I attacked the innocent, I...trust you more than anyone,"

There was silence that filled the room, Donnie felt the tears forming again. He hated having to tell the other such a terrible thing but he knew Israfil would do it without question, "okay," Israfil finally said, though Donnie could hear his voice crack. The hunter hesitated, rolling over and looking at the man who was obviously attempting to keep himself from crying. He refused to look at Donnie, still playing with the phone in his hands but he did so with a horrified expression.


Issy glanced at Donnie, he watched a tear race down his cheek which broke the hunter's heart.

"I...I'm...scared," he admitted, it wasn't an easy thing to admit. Pulling his glasses off and placing them down, he sniffled which caused the angel to wrap his arms around him and tug him close. Donnie buried his face into his friend's neck, breathing in the man's scent with a soft sigh as he clung to the other.

"It's...okay," Israfil whispered "I-I won't let you hurt anyone,"

Donnie wasn't sure how the angel could possibly keep that promise but he trusted him, sleep hung over him like a noose as he relaxed into the man's grip. He felt his body succumb to gnawing desire to sleep, within seconds he was dreaming.


Donnie moaned painfully, Israfil's eyes shot open. He fell asleep? He was laying on the bed but the hunter wasn't beside him, his heart stopped. Sitting up quickly he glanced around, Donnie was on the floor, on his knees. Hands clenched the carpet below as blood ran from his open mouth, his eyes wide. Israfil stumbled to the other,

"Donnie!" He cried out, placing a hand on his friend's back. The man turned on Israfil before the angel could react, sharp teeth stabbed from his gums, eyes bright yellow as he towered over the angel.

Israfil scrambled back, eyes wide.

"Donnie," he whispered softly, the man stared at the angel through narrowed eyes. Fur started to push out of his skin, covering his face and arms.

"It's me," Israfil murmured, though he trembled under the sheer size of the other. He didn't realize just how small he was compared to Donnie, but now it was very apparent. Donnie pressed his face into the other's neck, sniffing hard before pulling away.

He watched the hunter stand on his feet and let out a loud howl of pure rage. Israfil shut his eyes tight, waiting for the wolf to attack.


His voice distorted, deeper but Israfil could still recognize it as his friends. He glanced up at Donnie with wide, fearful eyes. The man's skin rippled, he went back to his knees. Israfil gasped as the others limbs contorted, watching in horror as tight, curly fur exploded from the others skin showering the angel in droplets of blood.

Donnie roared, howling and moaning as his fingers grew with a sickening pop, his spine pushed from it's spot under the skin before settling again. Standing where his friend once stood was a large, ebony colored wolf. His fur held the same coiled texture that his hair once had, making him look softer than the werewolf that bit him.

"Don," Israfil murmured, the look in the Wolf's eyes was a mix of anger and terror.

"It's okay," Israfil whispered, putting a hand out towards him and slowly standing up. Donnie watched him with a curious gaze, leaning his nose towards Israfil's outstretched hand with a whimper. Tears dotted the other's fur as he leaned for the comfort of the angel's touch.

Sam threw the door open with Norma close behind him, "what the hell!" He shouted. Donnie turned on him, roaring in anger at the sudden interruption. Sam shouted in surprise as the werewolf threw himself at the other hunter, just narrowly missing the dog's outstretched teeth. They snapped in the empty air as Donnie leapt from the second story of the home. Landing hard on the couch below where Cain had been sitting a heartbeat before, the man's eyes wide with confusion and fear as the wolf towered over him.

"Donnie?" Cain breathed out, Israfil raced past Sam practically shoving him out of the way. Throwing himself against the banister with wide eyes,

"Donnie! That's Cain!" He shouted as Donnie towered over the doctor. The wolf moved it's massive head to look at Israfil before glancing down at Cain, a sudden shot of realization seemed to fall over the werewolf's gaze. He shook his head, howling loudly as he pelted away from the terrified doctor. Leaving the busted up couch behind him, the wolf broke through the wooden front door nearly falling as he took off into the ever darkening night time of the city.

"Shit!" Cain gasped, Israfil ignored whatever Sam had said to him. He turned back to the door, racing to the bed and snatching the guitar. With that he bound after his friend, throwing himself from the second floor and landed hard on his sneakers.

The angel of music charged out the broken door and into the streets to find the wolf. His mind only on one thing, find Donnie.

Cain looked up at Sam and Norma with a gasp as the angel of music vanished.

"Better return the couch," he said with a small glint of humor in his gaze, "it's got a lot of were and tear on it,"

Sam let out an exasperated sigh, running his fingers through his hair. Norma laughed at the doctor's terrible joke.

"I'm going to need a broom!" She giggled.


The cool night air raced against Israfil's face as he attempted to keep up with the wolf but it was useless. No matter how hard he ran he couldn't seem to keep up, the buildings got taller around him, the innocent milled about lazily in the city that never slept.

The angel slowed his run, taking in air as he glanced all around him. The large city held so many places the wolf could have gone, and now with the knowledge of the Supernatural he wasn't sure if anyone would even bat an eye at the wolfman.

He wrapped the guitar around his frame and groaned, glancing around him. He had to start somewhere, he wasn't sure where or how to even start looking for the wolf. Feeling defeated already, the brunette debated on going back to Norma's, getting Sam or maybe Abel to help.

"Why am I so useless," he whispered to himself, clenching his fists, he turned on his heels to go back towards the home but froze. Where was he? The man dug into his pocket for his phone just to release he had left it at the house, groaning, the angel raced his fingers through his soft brown locks that started to fall in his face.

"Donnie!" He called out into the night skies, yet no one answered. Frustration bit through his veins, all he could do now was either walk back to the home or keep moving forward. The idea of the wolf being terrified, running to find a place to hide kept the angel from retreating. He couldn't describe the intense urge he felt to protect the other but it was so heavy it turned to a hot flame.

Israfil talked himself up for a few extra seconds, making his way forward in the crowds. He felt alone among the large collection of the innocent, his white guitar stood out among the rest of those around him. The angel hunted for the wolf for hours, making his way past neon lights, small neighborhoods, and shops until he came to a dirtier part of the city. Stopping by a pawn shop, tears welding in his eyes.

How was he supposed to find him in this giant city? He was just one little angel in a huge world. Back when he only worried about himself it didn't seem as big but now he felt as though he was going to panic from the sheer volume of the place.

"Hey! Ain't you one of them mooks from born below or something,"

The voice caught the angel off guard, he turned his head to see a pair of men sitting on the steps of an old beaten down pawn shop. A few large televisions sat in the window playing a superhero movie. A redhead ran her hands over the face of a large green monster, settling the man's anger.

"Uh," Israfil watched the screens, eyes focused on the large creature as it reverted back to it's human form. Someone snapped their fingers a few times causing the angel to return his attention to the two men.

"Hello? What are ya, deaf?" One yapped, laughing softly to himself. Pale brown eyes glittered with mischief, reddish brown hair bounced as his leg shook.

"N-no," Israfil murmured, "Im looking for my friend," he started, though he wasn't sure how to describe him.

"The one who lays eggs?" The other asked, eyes wide.

"What? No one lays eggs," Israfil stared at the two with a puzzled look falling on his face.

"Yeah, the Blondie with the wings. He got wings, you'd think he'd lay an egg," the red head snorted.

"He's an angel," Israfil whispered.

"Is that who you're looking for?" The other asked, racing fingers through his jet black locks. Olive skin had a glisten of sweat, as if he were a little sick.

"No, I'm looking…" he bit his lip, before his eyes danced back to the front window. He froze when he saw the hashtag 'heavens traitors' had been sloppily written in marker on the glass. He felt a sudden sense of excitement, his smile grew wider now as he looked at the pair.

"He's a werewolf, he turned. I'm trying to find him,"

"Why're you smiling about that? I'm Fritz, this is Buster!" The red head nodded to the other who gave Israfil a rock sign.

"Sorry," Israfil murmured, "I'm Israfil,"

"Israfil? That's dumb," Buster laughed, the angel frowned now.

"Well help you find your friend! For a price,"

"Why would i...pay you?"

"We don't want payment! We want you to beat someone up for us," Fritz replied with a grin.

"I...don't think I can do that, how are you going to find him?"

The two glanced at one another, a white light shone over them as their bodies contorted. Sitting before Israfil now was a small orange fox as well as a werewolf, who looked more dog-like than wolf-like.

"Tadah!" Fritz sang,

Israfil glowed, letting out a breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding.

"We can help, but you gotta beat someone up for us! After!"

Israfil nodded, "deal!" He didn't think he'd keep his end of the bargain but this opportunity was far too good to pass up.

"Great!" Fritz raced towards Israfil, leaping onto the man's guitar and letting his paws rest over the others shoulder.

"I'm gonna call you-- Puck, Israfil is way too stuffy!"


"Yeah," Buster barked, marching towards the angel and nudging his hand with his nose.

"Cause you play guitar,"

Israfil didn't want to argue, he simply nodded and smiled at the two.

"How do we find him?"


Donnie charged down the streets, his brain fuzzy as he attempted to calculate his next moves but it was as though his paws had other plans. He tore past the innocent, the smells, sights, they were all confusing. They hurt his already throbbing head, he could smell everything and anything. The fresh baked cookies from a store, perfume from a few women that he ran past, even getting the smell of Cain as he took off past a large grocery store. His paws didn't stop moving though, even if the scent was fresh.

They pounded against the ground, taking him farther and farther away.

'get away from friends' was all that raced into his brain. He had to find a place to hide, to escape until the sun rose. He sensed the innocent taking pictures of him, they whispered to one another, screaming as he ran.

'get away' instinct told him, his eyes turned to the large buildings around him. That was until something slammed into him at full force, he yelped in pain as his body collided into the side of a shop. Glass shattered around his massive frame, scattering to the floor below. Anger pumped through his veins, clawing himself back to his four feet he showed his teeth to his assailant. A large man stood before him, his eyes dark. His hands at the ready, another man stood behind him. A bow and arrow set was wrapped around the small scrawny male.

"Stop it," the smaller man whispered, Donnie could smell sulfur on the pair.

"Demons," he snarled,

The smaller man pushed past his friend and held a hand out, something about his scent was comforting. It reminded the wolf of Israfil, which caused a soft wave of emotion to roll into his chest. Israfil.

His heart skipped lightly, the angel was probably terrified.

"Did you just turn for the first time?" Robin asked, the innocent around them were filming now as the demon took a few slow steps towards the terrified werewolf. The wolf glanced at him then up to the building again, he swore he heard the beat of large wings but he couldn't place it. Looking back to Robin as he tried to force himself to focus past the burning instinct.

Danjal stood with his fists up, ready to protect his friend. The man was bigger than Baal causing a splash of fear to run over the Wolf's skin. He growled at Robin, taking a few careful steps backwards.

"It's okay," Robin said, keeping his voice calm as he kept his hands up, "I can help you,"

Donnie didn't trust him, with all the innocent starting to gather he felt a prickle in his paw pads.

'too many smells, so many people,'

Robin took another step forward, Donnie howled into the night skies before leaping past the demons. He landed on the other side of the road, the second his paws met the concrete he was running again. Running as fast as legs could take him.


Israfil followed the small werewolf while Fritz talked into his ear a mile a minute, the angel kept his smile on his face. The company was appreciated even if he wasn't a little weary around the pair. He couldn't complain though, in his time on Earth he'd gotten used to making friends quickly.

"Being a Kitsune isn't a walk in the park, you'd think it was but it's not."

"Can't you turn into a huge, angry fire fox?" Israfil asked, he'd met a Kitsune or two in his life though it wasn't in America.

"I don't...think so," Fritz said, "at least I've never done it before."

"That'd be more helpful!" Buster said as they made for the streets that were filled with the innocent.

"Where are we going?" Israfil asked as they took a few more turns, walking down a few alleyways before coming to a large apartment building that was decently beaten up. It was on the cheaper side of the big city, with a broken gate and overgrown grass in the front.

"Here," buster said, taking a quick glance around to be sure the innocent couldn't see him as he changed himself back to human.

"This is where he lives!" Fritz growled, leaping off Israfil's shoulders, his body returning to it's human state with a soft flash of light. The three stood before the dark apartment building, the angel could spot some lights on here and there but it mostly looked as though everyone else had already gone to bed.

"Donnie's here?"


Israfil had to hold the irritation from his voice, "my werewolf friend?"

The two blinked at him, then towards one another.

"Oh yeah, you gotta beat up this guy first," Buster said with a snort. Fritz hopped up and down with excitement. Israfil clenched the strap of the guitar until his knuckles turned white, he wasn't given a chance to argue as the pair padded towards the front fence. They leapt onto the iron, hoisting themselves up and over the large gate.

"Hey! Wait!" Israfil called, racing after them. Closing his eyes and focusing he leapt forward, floating over the gate and landing gracefully.

He stumbled slightly, Fritz nearly jumping out of his skin when the angel knocked into him.

"Careful guy!"

"Did you just float?" Buster asked with wide eyes. Israfil nodded, he loved to float but recently it gave him the spins and he couldn't figure out why. His wings on the back worked amazing, but the ones on his feet felt as if they'd been plucked.

"That's cool! We could break into so many places with that," Fritz gasped, Buster nudged his friend.

"You should join our pack!"

Israfil shook his head, "I uh...need to find my friend, remember?"

They nodded at the same time, "right, come on!" The trio made their way to the front of the building. It only had one door with a buzzer, a long list of names and buttons.

Fritz pressed down on one of the many buttons, it let out a low buzzing. Nothing happened.

"Gett'a load of that! Ignoring us," Fritz huffed, he started to press the button over and over. The buzzing was making Israfil feel a touch of panic, he could feel the sensory overload coming on until Buster grabbed his friend's hand to stop the annoying sound.

"What what what? What do you want!" A voice boomed from the speaker, "I was asleep! What?"

Buster pressed down on the bright green button below the old, rusty speaker.

"Open up, it's us,"

There was a pause, Fritz pressed down on it this time.

"Open! Come on, you weren't asleep! It's a full moon tonight and eclipse is tomorrow, you're probably stoned outta ya damn head,"

The door let out a loud, low buzzing this time. Buster and Fritz exchanged a quick high five, Fritz opened the door and held an arm out.

"Age before beauty!" He said to Buster, nearly closing the door on Israfil who happened to step in just as it shut.

"Sorry Puck, forgot about'cha," Fritz giggled, the group made down an old hallway with a few broken lights, the doors looked old and needed a fresh coat of paint.

The two creatures ahead of Israfil seemed to walk at their own beat, as if they heard music no one else could. Chatting to one another, laughing, Fritz occasionally spun in a circle to make sure the angel was still following. Israfil couldn't wrap his head around the pair but it didn't matter, all he could think about was finding Donnie and if he had to hurt someone to find his friend he would.

They finally came to a large red door, the paint was chipped off in patches, a few claw marks on the bottom. Fritz knocked a few times, swaying back and forth. There was a soft shuffling before the door opened a little, a man with bushy curls on his head glanced out at the two before his pale Amber gaze settled on Israfil.

"You're not a cop, are you?" The man asked, arching a bushy eyebrow at the angel. Was this the guy he was supposed to fight?

"Does he look like a cop?" Buster asked, Fritz shivered with excitement.

"Fine," the man grumbled, shutting the door again. Israfil heard the movement of a lock being unhooked and the door swung inward. The man stood tall, with a large beer gut and a blunt tucked behind his ear. His beard was a mess of curls that turned white near the middle from age.

The three ducked into the home without another word, the strong smell of old weed and incense flowed from inside of the apartment like a cloud. Israfil felt anxiety in his feet as he looked around. The apartment was tiny, a small kitchen settled beside the door with pans everywhere, trash scattered along the floor. Past that was the living room with an old, stained couch, a large flat screen and a few old gaming systems. Beer cans littered the shaggy carpet under his feet.

Before Israfil could do anything Fritz leapt behind him, shoving the angel into the bigger man.

"Get him!" Fritz yapped, "attack!"

The bigger man sighed, rolling his eyes at Fritz as the angel's head collided with the other's chest, Israfil stepped back and rubbed his nose.

"You guys can't bring assassin's everytime I sell you bad weed!" The man bellowed

"So you admit it's bad!" Fritz replied

"Well yeah, of course it's bad! I grew it in my closet, you gave me a broken tv for it!"

"That tv wasn't broken until you got it," Buster said, Israfil looked at the two in confusion before smiling up at the man. He didn't seem to be a threat, though he was bigger the man held no aggression in his face.

"What kind of creature are you?" The man asked Israfil, arching an eyebrow.

"Kill em, Puck! Get his ass!" Fritz yelled out

"Shut up, fox face!" The man snorted.

"I'm Israfil!" Israfil smiled wide at the other, holding out his hand. "Angel of music!"

The man looked surprised, looking past Israfil and glancing around the room.

"Right, and I'm the president,"

"It's true!" Buster barked, "we saw him float. He's part of that team-- reborn or something,"

"Born again," Israfil replied, "and I am an angel,"

The man crossed his arms over his chest and stepped back, "prove it," he said.

"Convel we wouldn't lie to you" buster snorted.

"Uh, yes you would, now prove it. Or I'll rip you into shreds," he showed the angel his sharp, jagged wolf teeth. Israfil let his hand drop to the side, he didn't have time for this.

Taking a few steps away from the group, he pulled his Adinkra out so it was visible before sitting on the floor in a crisscrossed pose. He pulled his guitar around his body, taking the pick from it's spot and ran it over the strings. The soft note filled the room, turning the strings to gold. He started to play a song, the lights above flickered out, a wind whipped around them.

The men looked around in complete shock as Israfil continued to play his tune. He floated upwards into the air, letting his legs dangle until they no longer touched the ground. His eyes shot open, they glowed gold in the darkness of the home.

The lights flickered above him as his wings cast great shadow against the wall behind him. two sets of wings on his back, a set on his ankles as he floated in place. Allowing the group to stare at him in awe before he played the last note and dropped to his feet. He swayed from the exhaustion the power sent into him but remained upright. The lights returned to normal.

All three looked at him in complete shock and awe, Convel had his phone held up. Having live tweeted the entire encounter which made Israfils face turn a shade of red, he smiled bright.

"Does that prove it?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah man, that fucking proved it," Convel murmured.


Robin ran as fast as his legs could take him, Danjal wasn't far behind but he didn't stop to think about that. He knew the werewolf needed help, something was tugging him towards the beast and he couldn't place his finger on what it was.

"As long as he doesn't taste human blood I can fix him," he shouted to the wind, pushing past the innocent.

Danjal shouted something back but he was far too focused on not losing the dark furred creature as it tore down the streets. He pulled an arrow out from behind him swiftly, pushing the bow forward. Holding the weapon at an angle as he continued to sprint, the beast took a turn down a street the demon knew the innocent would be far and few between here. He spotted a man racing away from the side of a building with a striped awning hanging down from it. An idea raced through the archer's mind.

He held up the arrow, eyes narrowed as the wolf moved past the shop. He shot. The arrow zipped through the air, the wolf yelped as it whizzed by his head. Smacking into the small awning that was set up in front of a shop door. The arrow dislodged the rest of fabric making it fall delicately, landing on the werewolf who burst through it. The fabric wrapped around the wolf's front and he collapsed with a yowl.

"What a shot," Danjal breathed as he made his way to Robin who ignored the comment and charged up to the animal. Though out of breath he continued to run, leaning down to the angry werewolf as the monster attempted to rip himself free of the thick fabric.

"Stop struggling," Robin whispered, the wolf huffed and clawed.

"Stop, I'm going to help you,"

Danjal came up behind the other, watching as Robin shushed the terrified wolf. Running his hands over the fabric as if petting him, the wolf seemed to calm. Breathing heavily as it laid in a slump on the cold ground. Robin started to untangle the other, making sure not to directly touch the Wolf's fur as he tugged the mix of fabric and rope from the other until he could see his face.

"I'm going to remove the stuff from your face," he whispered, "do you understand?"

The werewolf eyed him before slowly nodding his head. Robin didn't hesitate to remove the clothes from over the Wolf's giant maw. Not worried if he got bit, tugging it out of the animal's teeth until the wolf was free, he slowly stood on four shaken paws. Panting deeply from stress as he looked at Robin, then to Danjal and back.

"He won't hurt you," Robin said slowly, "are you having trouble controlling yourself?"

Donnie nodded slowly, his skin shuttered with the urge to run again.

"Eat this,"

Robin pulled a small bag out of his pocket, fiddling with it a bit until Danjal leaned down, taking the small bag and opened it with no issue. The demon gave his friend a smile, taking the bag back from the other. He stood, holding an open palm to the werewolf. The wolf looked at him, then his eyes moved to the Adinkra around his neck.

'A chamulet!' He thought with glee

He let his tongue roll over the demon's open palm, chewing the gummies for a few seconds. It was marijuana! He recognized the taste almost immediately, feeling his body relax from the familiar taste.

"That's great!" Robin smiled bright now, running his hand on his yellow hoodie to get rid of the saliva.

"Can you speak?"

Donnie hadn't even attempted to really speak more than a few words, the storm in his mind was starting to calm. Danjal looked at Robin with a mix of shock and pride but didn't say anything.

"Y-yes," Donnie growled out, coughing as he attempted to get used to his new set of wind pipes.

"We need to get to our hotel,"

"What?" Danjal gasped, "is it a good idea to have a first time werewolf in our tiny ass room?"

Robin turned to Danjal with a nod, "he needs to get used to his new senses, right now he's just overwhelmed and terrified, the small room will work great."

He turned to Donnie again, putting a hand softly on the Wolf's chest.

"The weed," he said slowly, making sure Donnie could understand his English, "it'll turn you back but it's slow. Is there someone you trust we can call or take you too?"

Donnie grunted and growled a few times, visions of the angel in his mind.

"I-issy," he growled, coughing again.

Before Robin could say anything, police sirens exploded around them, tearing down the street at rapid speed.

Donnie took a few steps back, turning to run only to see more police cars racing the opposite way.

"Shit!" Danjal growled "fucking pigs,"

The police had the group surrounded within seconds, Robin leapt behind Danjal with wide eyes.

"Run, I run," Donnie growled to Robin,

"If those assholes shoot that could be it," Robin whispered, the police leapt from their cars. Holding up their guns, all of which looked at Donnie in terror. The wolf saw the fear on Robin's face and felt a sudden sense of anger, he howled loudly into the night skies.

Robin turned to look at the other with wide eyes,

"No!" He shouted, but Donnie was already on his two feet. Snarling loudly as the police got ready to fire.


"I'm trying to find my friend," Israfil said, sitting on the couch next to Fritz while Convel sat in front of him on an old coffee table covered in cigarette butts.

"And he's a werewolf, right?"

Israfil nodded, the man sighed, "well, I'm considered an alpha, yaknow, till I got kicked to the curb by the snobs,"

"Kicked out? Of the pack?"

"Unfortunately, werewolves are as petty as people," Buster said with a nod.

"I'm only half werewolf, half dogman."

"He's a mutt," Convel snorted, causing Buster to growl.

"He's not a perfect breed so he didn't belong, and I enjoyed not being a dick too much. So I didn't belong."

Israfil shook his head, "since you're an alpha can you help me find my friend?"

"Yeah, probably, so long as he's not dead already."

"Or tasted human blood!" Fritz added, "first turn, if you taste human blood it's impossible to go back."

"Why?" Israfil felt the anxiety attack worsen as he tried to keep the smile on his face despite the fact that he continued to pick at the skin on his fingers causing it to bleed.

"Your first turn is when your body gets used to the whole-- wolf thing, but if you taste human blood it'll basically make the wolf part of you ramp up to uncontrollable levels. Than you can't really stop,"

Israfil froze, his mind working a mile a minute as he tried to make sense of what was told to him. Slowly dragging his eyes to the man sitting before him. He had so many questions but the sudden look of confusion on Convel's face caused the angel to glance to his chest.

His Adinkra was glowing bright in the lights of the home, it started to float in the air and tug itself outward. The group remained silent as Israfil got to his feet, he felt a push on his skin. Making his way to a sliding glass door that opened to a tiny patio, the Adinkra hummed softly as it knocked itself against the glass.

"It...wants to go outside? Does...it have to potty?" Fritz asked with wide eyes, Israfil didn't answer as he grabbed the handle and slid the door open. Stepping out into the cold air and onto the dirty, cigarette covered patio. His eyes moved to the city, in the middle, he saw police lights. He could hear the sirens.

"Donnie," Israfil murmured.

The angel felt a rush of wind, instinct kicked in before he could stop it. He leapt onto the wood that separated the patio from the world below and jumped. He heard someone shout something but it didn't matter.

His wings unfurled from his back as he fell to the ground, just before meeting the cold grass below he pumped himself upwards. Gliding easily into the night sky, he glanced back at the group who all watched him with jaws on the floor as he made his way to the middle of New York.

"I'm coming," he murmured, the Adinkra continued to guide him like a compass towards his friend. He didn't understand why, but he didn't have time to think about it.


Robin held his hands out to Donnie, attempting to stop him as the police shouted from their speakerphones.

"Stand down! That's an order, we will shoot!"

Robin felt tears racing down his cheeks, he had to stop the wolf from killing. He couldn't taste human blood. The wolf roared in anger, stomping forward beside the man in front of him. Knocking Robin over only for the cops to hold their guns at the ready. One shot, the bullet landed in the Wolf's shoulder causing him to howl in pain, taking a step back he landed down on his four feet again. His mind grew cloudy as the rage took over,

"Please! Don't!" Robin begged the wolf, scrambling to grab at him.

"Attack me! Or Danjal! But don't touch the innocent!" He cried out, Donnie looked down at him.

"Why?" He asked, bewildered by the small demon's words. The demon latched himself onto the others arm, refusing to drop him.

"Stand down!" The police yelled again, Robin sobbed heavily now unable to answer as Danjal tried to shout at the police.

"We're born again!" He shouted, "this is our matter!"

'Born again' Donnie thought, his eyes moved back to Robin. He grabbed the man causing the police to hold up their weapons. Danjal turned, rage in his eyes until he saw the wolf place the demon on his back.

"Born again," The wolf growled, Danjal nodded at the wolf.

"Protect," Donnie grumbled as the wolf leapt forward. Bullets rained down on him like water droplets but only a few grazed his strong coat as he soared over the cops. Using his massive paws to knock them away, smashing his back feet into the cop cars sending them flying backwards. Robin clung to the wolf's back, his face buried in the man's thick fur as he settled himself upright as if he rode a horse into battle.

Danjal cheered as Donnie knocked the police out of the way,

"Dan!" Robin shouted, the demon turned just in time to see a police officer holding a gun at his head. An arrow flew from the back of the wolf and landed into the officer's arm just as he shot, the bullet whizzed past the demon's head. Danjal punched hard, sending the office flying backwards. Donnie leapt back to Danjal and snatched the man from the back of his jacket delicately in his teeth.

Danjal screamed in shock as Donnie jumped over the second line of cars and raced down the street, he could hear more officers coming. Robin rode on the back of the wolf with his arrow drawn, ready to shoot if need be. A police helicopter started to take chase, casting a large spotlight on the trio as they tore down the streets of New York City.

Robin kicked the wolf lightly on the right, causing Donnie to turn to the left which made Robin hiss. He kicked the right again, Donnie snarled at him.

"When I kick right, go right!" Robin bellowed into the others ear. Donnie snorted in response, understanding now as they kept moving forward.

"Stop!" The police shouted from the copter only for the sound of a bang to fill the air. Robin turned his head to look back, the copter was spinning erratically. The pilot leapt from it with a scream, a parachute coming from his back as the helicopter exploded in brilliant light before colliding with a large apartment building. Setting it ablaze within a matter of seconds.

Israfil shot from the middle of the explosion, his eyes bright against the darkness. Wings large as he flew towards them, the loud tune of the guitar could be heard for miles as he shot energy from the guitar to the police that chased the wolf.


Donnie gruffed, Robin felt an immediate spike in the others pace. He was excited now, tail wagging as if he were just a puppy. Robin glanced up at the angel with wide eyes, the man's halo was easily seen now as rage rolled through him.

He shot more energy at the police below who jumped out of the way, screaming. Robin nodded at him, kicking the Wolf's side lightly with a foot causing Donnie to take a sharp turn, then another. Israfil floated over them, his Adinkra shone bright against his pale skin before the angel folded his two sets of wings and dropped on the wolf.

With a howl of joy the wolf tore down a few more streets, Israfil didn't question the demon on his back as he latched onto the man to prevent himself from falling.

"Stop howling!" Danjal yelled from where he dangled from the animal's jaws.

They burst from the city, leaving it behind them and making for a large forest. Vanishing among the dark trees. They ran until Robin tugged the Wolf's fur like reigns and the dog came to a harsh stop. Panting heavily he dropped Danjal who grunted, tugging his jacket off and inspecting the large bite marks. Israfil and Robin slid off the wolf and both collapsed onto the floor.

"Donnie!" Israfil cried out, tears raced down his cheeks as he ran to the wolf. Burying his face into his friend's dark fur, the werewolf nuzzled his face against Israfil's. Licking at the man's cheeks with a whimper, Israfil laughed and wrapped his arms around the animal's muzzle.

He pressed his forehead to Donnie's and rolled his hands through the others fur, Donnie shut his eyes. The mix of the weed and his friend's presence caused his body to shutter. Slowly, the fur started to vanish and his body returned to its normal state. Donnie's forehead pressed against Israfil's as he returned to his human form, groaning inwards. His pants torn but holding strong, though his shirt had been completely ripped off he didn't seem to notice.

Robin laid down in the dirt with a sigh as Israfil threw himself on Donnie. Hugging the man tight, sobbing loudly.

"I thought they were going to kill you!" He shouted, Donnie clung to his friend with a sigh of relief. The Adinkra fell back to the angel's chest and went still.

Donnie remained attached to his friend, burying his face into the man's shoulder as he breathed in the angel's comforting scent.

"Great," Danjal said, pulling the jacket back on as he shivered in the night air.

"Now what?"

Robin got to his feet, nearly falling. His legs felt like jello now as the adrenaline cooled down. Danjal caught the other before he fell, sucking in air as panic shook his small frame.

"I gotcha, you're alright," Danjal murmured to his friend.

Israfil pulled away from Donnie, smiling bright at the other. The werewolf placed a hand on the man's cheek and brushed his thumb over the other's warm skin, his heart skipped a few times.

"Are you cold?" Israfil asked, blinking down at the other's bare chest. When he pulled away Donnie felt his heart sink,

"No," he whispered.

"Alright, let's get back to the motel then," Danjal said as he helped keep Robin on his feet. Israfil nodded, going to the demon and inspecting him.

"Thank you, who are you guys?" Israfil asked,

Donnie watched the angel with a broken heart, 'I'm not like Abel, I'm not destined for great things or a soul mate,'

"Yeah who are you guys?" Donnie asked, forcing his thoughts to the back of his mind as the group started making their way back to the city.

"I'm Danjal," the man said with a smile towards the pair, "this is Robin. You two wouldn't happen to know Abel would you?"

Israfil laughed at this, eyes glowing

"Oh yeah! We sure do!"