
Supernatural Beast Tamer

Join Chris as he tries to overcome all obstacles and emerge Victorious in the onset of the supernatural. Chris's Hot Night with his girlfriend Anna ends up, with him almost losing his soul, travelling into another world, and a transmigration into the body of a lowly Demon avatar. How will he escape from one of the most impenetrable spaces in the universe, and handle the Dungeon breaks threatening to tear apart his castle? Will he ever make it back to earth? What will happen to Anna now? P.S - A bit of Smut and Sensitive content read at your own risk.

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30 Chs

Living in a desolate space 2

"The Fucking Dungeon," he knew he would be fucked the moment he reset the damn thing, "only god knows what would happen."


"If it was untold, it should have just stayed that way," Chris sighed.


He knew he's worries were useless at this point, but it couldn't be helped, he was extremely frustrated.


'I should check the store.'


'Since my health is dangerously low, I should do something about that too.' "Fuck, should I just buy the healing elixir," Chris couldn't make up his mind, there was so much to do and so little time to do it.


"First things first, let's open the store." He opened the store and began to check the items available.


{Current balance- 5 gold.}


{Conversion rate – 1 gold _ 10 silver_ 100 bronze_ 1000 copper.}

{Your balance comes at - 50 silver_ 500 bronze_ 5000 copper.}



Low-quality hay – 1 bronze ; no effects. Uncomfortable, smelly, filled with fleas, ticks and bedbugs, but it would do since you're a poor bloke, with no pride or dignity. An unknown being says perseverance and suffering from this hay helped him achieve enlightenment, what enlightenment, though? Perhaps the need for a new bed. Due to people not realizing it's worth and the lack of will from people to develop through suffer and hard work in this age, the low-quality bed that helped the unknown being having been ignored, has lost its true value. It can only sell for scraps now.


"Damn," Chris was stunned beyond belief, he wore a crooked smile as he stared at the screen. He couldn't believe it either, the fact that he had more money than he expected or that something like this was up for sale and that someone had actually used it.


Medium hay bed – 1 silver; no effects. Normal bed, no fleas, ticks, or pests whatsoever.


High hay bed – 1 gold ; no effects. Soft, cool and comfortable. High-quality hay is used, the scent of the hay permeates your body. It has a slightly therapeutic effect, this helps you get better sleep, calm your mind, release fatigue and lower stress levels. Made by natural experts.


Low quality wooden frame bed – 10 gold ; no effect. Causes body pain, slightly uncomfortable.


Medium bed – 100 gold ; no effect. Comfortable


High bed – 1000 gold; no effect. Soft and fluffy, easy to sleep on.


"Hah! Fuck, I knew it."


'I spoke too soon.' He could already imagine what the other items would be like.


{You have 1 minute until death}


"Let's check out the medicine's first."


Low-grade potion- 1 silver ; restores 5% of health.


Medium potion – 1 gold ; Restores 50% of health.


High potion – 5 gold ; Restores 80% of health.


"Lol, very funny."


'What the hell am I supposed to do? This isn't even amusing, there has to be something else.'


As he was about to give up, he found the medicine store.


{You have 10 seconds remaining}


"Damn it," he was scrolling through the screen like crazy.


{Would you like to purchase elixir?}


{Would you like to nurse yourself?}


"The hell. I'm about to die, does it look like I have the time to nurse myself right now?"


{Warning! Health is extremely low.}


{Challenger is in danger of death}


As his body temperature began to drop, and his heart beat slowed down. He didn't give up and kept searching through the list.


{8 seconds}


He went through a long list of herbs one after the other, scrolling as quickly as he could.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck."


{6 seconds}


{Tul leaves – 10 gold; boosts metabolism reducing cold and if used properly can help one recover from coma.}


{Yul leaves – 1 gold; has a cooling effect on the body, helps in dispersing sexual desires.}


{Fire desert herret – 5 silver; boosts libido.}


{Aspercia – 100 gold; helps gather inner strength.}


{Despercia – 1000 gold; Locked.}


{Hot water – 50 bronze; helps gather yang energy and great for hot beverage.}


{Cold water – 9 silver; great for dispersing yang and cold beverage.}


{Herbal Ice blocks – 20 silver per pack; great for impact injuries.}


{White tip powder – 10 gold; for bugs, fleas, and mosquitoes}


{Copes – 50 gold; used on dead bodies for preservation.}


{Urea – 5 copper; used in the right amount can help boost strength.}


{Fina- 1000; an atrocious herb, leaves a funny taste when had. Great for experiments.}


{Ice Widow – 1000; heals aliments caused by eternal poison.}


{Number in possession – 1}


{Given as a reward for successful completion of the first level of the Untold Dungeon}


{3 seconds remaining}


{Currently afflicted with eternal poison.}


{Immediate application is recommended.}


"Shit," Chris cursed as he immediately ran and retrieved the item from the mini kiosk that appeared at the corner of the room, he began to chew and swallow the herb as quickly as he could.


{1.5 second remaining}


{Caution, chewing of the Ice widow is not recommended.}


{Proper application method must be followed, failure to follow the proper procedures may result in severe side effects.}


{Purchase any missing items from the store for to smoothly and successfully concoct the remedy.}


{The Challenger can also source and make items.}


{Instructions for concocting the broth of healing}


{First grind the herb into fine paste in a mortar}


{Heat in boiling water for 15 minutes}


{Sieve properly}


{leave …}


Chris' vision began to fade, he couldn't help but sigh as the system continued to list out the proper application procedures. "I should check my rewards from now on,"he muttered.


{Time remaining until challengers death}


{0.001 seconds}


{. . .}


{. . .}


{. . .}


{Death successfully averted}




{Conditions have been met}


{You have unlocked hidden reward "Tethering between life and death"}






Anna woke up.




She began to hyperventilate.


It had been 10 minutes since she woke up.


She had barely managed to put herself together. She was chained by the hands to the wall and naked in a dark, cold place. Her injuries were getting worse since no one had bothered to treat them, her claustrophobia seemed to be getting the best of her, no matter how hard she tried to calm herself.


"I have to get out of here, she searched, but there was no way." The great one had sealed her *Authority, leaving her no means to escape, as she began to rack her brain for a solution, the sound of hinges moving caught her ears.


The sound of moving footsteps began to approach her.


Step. Step. Step.


She instinctively flinched. Immediately, she began to move backwards while hoping to find a place to hide, only to slam her back into a rock-hard wall.


Then she tried to huddle in a ball form on the floor, but the chains were too short to even let her bend over. Just when she was at the end of her wits, a large pair of hands caught her by the waist causing her to shriek loudly in fright, only to be met with a fiercely passionate kiss?







2 hours later,


Chris woke up.


"Ahh, what the hell happened, where the fuck am I."


"Ugh, what's that smell?"


{Warning Low-grade dog requires urgent care, prolonged delay will lead to loss of life.}




His vision came back and the first thing he saw was Sim panting for air.


He wasn't in a good state, he was getting the chills, his vision was spinning and the first thing he got after almost dying was this damned system pestering him around.


'Tsk. Another urgent matter to deal with. Well, it's too late to nurse her back to health like I planned to, so the only option left is to try to not break the bank.'


He opened the store and made a purchase.


{1 medium grade potion has been purchased}


Chris went over to the kiosk, and picked his order, then proceeded to apply it to the dog.


{It is recommended that you drink the potion, do not apply on the body.}

He immediately fed it to the dog.

{1 medium grade potion has been used}


{50% of health has been restored, would you like to purchase more?}


Purchase declined.

I'm so happy I kept my word. Here's is another chapter as promised.

Enjoy and thanks for reading S.B.T

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