
Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)

Author Note: Updating this so readers get a general understanding of this fan fiction. This fan fiction assumes that the main group of the MHA manga started attending U.A in the year 2014, the year the manga started serialization. It also makes the assumption that due to Quirks being around for several generations that science isn't completely up to where we are now as Quirks can do what would otherwise required innovation from science to create. In addition, this MC has his powers converted to Quirks and as such they require time and training to improve. For power scaling, this rendition of Superman will fall in line with All Star Superman and Superman Prime but will require time to reach that level. Without further ado please enjoy the fan fiction!! =======================================I died doing charity work overseas, and was fortunate enough to meet God. Taking pity on me as I had dedicated much of my adult life doing good deeds he let me reincarnate with a single wish. Asking to become Superman in the My Hero Academia world I was determined to both help the people, and have the family life I had always wanted. Note: I am not a professional author nor do I claim to be. This novel is what I would do if I was reincarnate in that world with Superman's powers. I don't own the picture, it is just one I found online. If you own it, and want me to remove it just ask and I will.

ManOfCultureLeon · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 51 - Training With Amazons

---Wayne Manor---

Returning home from New Earth I picked up the girls before running to the manor. Telling them about the skirmish I got in earlier Kara was very impressed with me. The Superman she knew would have had issues fighting him so she was relieved to see it wasn't a problem for me. Sitting down to eat a snack, I told them about Wonder Woman's offer to train with her people.

"Sign me up.", Rumi said with a grin, "Amazons are the kick ass warrior women right? Of course I want to train with them!"

"Agreed, it would be beneficial for all of us.", Melissa added.

"Though I am interested, should we be worried about you trying to sneak a peek at them?", Nemuri teased.

"They would attempt to kill him if he was caught sneaking a peek.", Wonder Girl informed them, "That said they won't do anything if he is looking at us."

"What's this us thing you are talking about?", Sonico asked walking in with her bag, "Did I miss something while I was gone for five days?"

"Let me catch you up to speed.", I chuckled giving her a kiss.

Informing her of the past week, she looked at me with angry glare as I had failed to mention the part about Cynthia to her. Apologizing I said I forgot, and it wouldn't happen again. Asking her how things were going over there she said the therapist was very nice, and was helping her plot a recovery plan. Telling me she had already made contact with a few people, she said that all of laughed at her before slamming the door in her face.

"It's alright.", I said holding her, "Not everyone is going to be happy you apologize, some people are just natural assholes."

"I know...", she sighed, "I missed you, I don't like sleeping in my bed alone anymore."

Kissing her again I asked if she wanted to train with the Amazons. Saying she was interested, I said I would take them over with me tomorrow to meet the League properly. Our first meeting was in combat and the aftermath so it wasn't the best introduction.

"What's this I hear about combat training?", Maxima and Blackfire asked poking their heads in.

Behind them the other women looked at me for details. Realizing they probably wanted to train to fight the Regime as well, I really couldn't justify saying no. Any combat training they could get would increase their chances of survival.

"If you are taking them take us too.", Poison Ivy said.

"Yeah, we want to clobber some people too!", Harley laughed.

"Harley...", I said remembering something she could do, "I have need of you somewhere else."

"Why this is so sudden, I didn't know you-"

"Another word, and I will shove that hammer right up your butt.", Rumi said with a not so friendly smile.

"Fine, where do you need me?", Harley asked.

"Going to have you work in the program I used work at briefly, the one where I met Toga.", I said with a smile.

"Program?", Harley inquired.

"It's to help troubled youth not go down a life of crime.", I replied, "You'll be helping kids be themselves, and become productive members of society."

"Why you sending me? I am the one with a screw loose.", she questioned.

"Under that psychotic personality the Joker made you have, you are a nice person. This is your punishment and therapy, to help those kids not end up down the path you saw so many others fall down. You know exactly awaits those kids if they don't get help.", I said.

"Yeah yeah...I get it.", she said scratching the back of her head, "You really think I am qualified?"

"There is no Joker to influence you here, so yes.", I stated, "I think you have the best experience to help them."

"If you say so, I am not responsible if something goes wrong.", she sighed going to her room.

"You really think she is qualified?", Raven inquired.

"I think she has it in her. If she can't handle this much, it's the Phantom Zone.", I answered, "In a different life she had Joker's child, and that snapped her out of her crazy for a bit. She hid the child away making sure Joker never laid his hands on her. I know she has a good person inside her, she just has to let them out."

"I will take your word for it.", she replied.

"In other news, Fury should be ready to awaken tomorrow.", I told Kara.

"Perfect, she can join us to warm up.", Kara giggled.

"Yeah...Wonder Woman wasn't to thrilled to hear her heritage.", I replied.

"Understandable.", she sighed.

Telling the other women when I intended to leave in the morning, they said to wake them up when it was time to get ready. Asking if they were joining us for dinner, they said they might. Just as I was about to start dishes, I heard a car pull up to the house. Remembering that I had failed to let my parents know about our extra guests I half expected them to freak out. Rushing over to the door to greet them, they took three steps in before stopping. The other women were in booty shorts and tank tops so they weren't in the most presentable state.

"Uh...I can explain.", I replied.

"It's alright son.", my father said with a chuckle, "Toga and Eri explained everything too us over the phone."

"They did?", I asked looking over to them.

"Yep, you forgot to tell them so we told them.", Toga replied.

Asking how their trip was, they told me that the US Government was investigating my Wireless Transmission system and Power Generation methods. A few groups claimed I stole the blueprints from them, and were trying to sue us. The legal department said that we were fine as if I was called to testify I would be able to explain how everything works to prove my innocence.

"Sounds like they are trying to steal from you.", Selena said, "Have your blueprints turned in for evidence, and they steal the designs from you. At the worst they lose a little money, but gain a lot of knowledge."

"Think so?", I asked.

"I second that.", Sonico stated, "I worked a few cases where that happened when I was a low ranking grunt. Pretty typical bull crap they use to screw you over."

"You have the names of the individuals?", I asked my parents.

"We do.", they replied.

"Can I have them? I want to file a counterclaim that the individuals are trying to steal my intellectual property and falsely accusing me of a crime to get it.", I stated.

"You think you can get that information?", Ivy asked.

"Yes, I have Kelex that can get it for me.", I replied with a smirk, "I don't take kindly to people who steal from me. All of my inventions are to help people, and to provide a comfortable life for my family."

"How sweet of you to think about our future children.", Maxima said.

"You keep talking like we are a thing, we aren't.", I replied, "You want me because I am strong, that's a horrible reason to chase someone."

"You are also good looking.", she retorted.

"Agreed.", Blackfire teased.

"No thanks, it's typical for women on your world to have multiple husbands...I don't share with anyone.", I chuckled, "I will break any man dumb enough to try and touch my girlfriends that way. They will be crushed like a soda can."

Giving me a smirk my girlfriends were happy to hear that. Telling me it wasn't so bad, Blackfire offered to set me up with others which I promptly said no too. There was no way I would ever share women like that in any life. Shrugging her shoulders she said I would come around eventually. Maxima said she wouldn't share herself with others, and wanted to go on a date to prove she could be genuine. Telling her I would consider it during training tomorrow, she gave Blackfire a smug look.

Shaking my head I saw my parents run up to their room, and retire for the day. Wondering if anything else came up I decided to ask them in the morning as they were probably exhausted from their flight. After a work out in the gym and dinner we called it a night ourselves so we could get up early for training.

---Next Morning, Fortress of Solitude---

Taking everyone to the fortress, we woke Fury up from her sleep in the capsule. It took a few minutes for her to come around, but once she did she seemed to be in a much better state than before. Having her do some stretches and moving around I verified that she was completely healed.

"Now I can run a spear down his fucking throat!", Fury shouted referring to Prime, "Where is he?"

"Calm down Fury, we are building a team to help handle him. It's not only him now, he has a massive legion of Black Lanterns with him.", Kara said.

"Sign me up.", Fury said looking to me, "So when are we heading out?"

"We are heading to Amazon Island on New Earth for some training.", I replied, "Care to join us?"

"Absolutely!", she said with a smile, "By the way...who are all these women? I know some of them, but a few I don't think I have met?"

"These are my girlfriends.", I said introducing them one by one.

"Seeing as you are smiling more than I remember you are dating him too, right?", Fury asked Kara, "Explains why I vaguely remember shaking a lot while I was asleep."

"Fury don't say that!!", Kara shouted.

"Wait, what is she talking about?", Rumi, Nejire, and Nemuri asked.

"Kara and I...well we may have gotten a bit carried away.", I said trying to hide a smile.

"Uh huh...", the three said looking at me, "Enough to shake the place?"

"I...I take responsibility for going overboard.", I stated, "I got really into it, and may have gotten too excited."

"Uh huh, and you don't get that excited with us?", Toga asked.

"I do, but I have to be careful. If I went as hard as I did with Kara...I'd kill you.", I said cautiously.

"Are we not up to snuff?", Ochaco pouted.

"No, it's just I have to be careful with all of you. All of you know I can break planets and punch black holes into existence...I have to be careful with all of you. It doesn't mean I don't enjoy it with all of you, it's just how Kara enjoys it. All of you have your own tastes too.", I explained.

"So you are happy?", Dorothy asked.

"Of course, nothing is changing in our relationship.", I swore.

"Well...I guess that's fair.", Nemuri sighed, "Still though it must have been quite passionate given the shaking."

"It...it was.", Kara said holding my hand, "Very passionate."

"How passionate?", Rumi asked.

"Well...", she said looking to me, "We tried several positions on the bed, made love in the air, and the shaking really happened when we were pressed up against the wall and mating press."

"Wait hold on, how long did you go at it?", the other women asked.

"Several hours.", Kara said.

"For a single shot?", Selena mocked.

"No, a lot more than that...", Kara replied kissing my cheek.

"Oh my, he isn't a one pump chump or a one round knock out with you.", Ivy said eyeing me, "That means he would be quite a man for normal women. I am enjoying this lifestyle change, you sure you aren't interested in a few villains? We can spice things up in your life too."

"Mmm yes we can.", Selena said with a wink, "You could have a go trying-"

"Can we change the subject?", I asked getting a bit uncomfortable with the way they are looking at me, "Please?"

"You need one of us to handle that problem big boy?", Ivy asked eyeing me over.

"If I needed something I would ask my girlfriends, I am not a cheater.", I responded, "It would be disrespectful to them if I did."

"Yes, yes it would.", Sonico said with a smile, "Thank you for saying that."

"Agreed.", the other women said.

"That can be fixed very easy. All of us are single women so all you have to do is ask.", Ivy said walking over.

"Try to us your spores, and I will throw you in the Phantom Zone.", I stated.

"Darn!", she sighed, "I want a date too."

"Sign me up.", Selena said.

"Agreed.", Blackfire said.

"You are a big no, and I told you why.", I sighed.

"You pansy.", she groaned.

"Don't worry, the same would apply to your sister.", I stated.

"That doesn't make me feel better.", Blackfire muttered.

'Most of you only want to stay because you have a warm place, all the food you want, and get to relax all day.', I thought.

---Amazon Island, New Earth---

Having told Wonder Woman that the women had all accepted the offer she was more than happy to have us come immediately. Fortunately this time we were welcomed more warmly, and weren't attacked on sight which was nice. Touching down with everyone in the fuselage excited to get started. Looking over at Sonico she was wearing a big grin as she was talking to my girlfriends. Apparently she saw a brief glimpse of our future as I carried us here.

When I interrupted her to ask what she saw, she immediately told me she a few infant children. She couldn't place when it would happen, but one of them was Mirko's as they were born with rabbit ears. Another she said had her pink hair, and third one looked completely different from everyone currently in my harem.

"What do you mean different?", I asked.

"The baby boy had grey skin.", she replied.

"Wait, the only grey skinned person we know is...Raven!", Ochaco said.

"Don't tell her that...", I sighed, "Sonico, it is important that whatever you see in the timeline you don't tell people. It could potential change the future by simply sharing that information."

"Really?", Sonico asked.

"Yes, for example if Raven doesn't have an interest in me right now it will make it worse. She might decide not to consider me at all and that child vanishes from the timeline.", I stated.

"Oh!! I didn't think of that, I am sorry.", Sonico said nervously.

"It's alright, now you know better.", I chuckled.

"I am fine with it!", Rumi said with a smirk.

"I didn't mind either.", Sonico said with a smile, "I thought they looked cute."

Chuckling I gave her a kiss, and followed Wonder Woman. As we approached the training area I saw that I wasn't the only man her as several of the Leaguers also were in attendance. Running over to see us New Earth's Supergirl ran up to see her counterpart.

"Nice to meet you, I am your counterpart in this universe.", Supergirl (New Earth) said.

"Nice to meet you too, I go by Power Girl.", Kara (Girlfriend) replied.

"So I hear you are dating him.", Supergirl (New Earth) asked.

"That is correct...do you need something?", Kara (Girlfriend) asked her.

"I wanted to meet you to see if we were similar, and...it appears our proportions are a bit different. Also, you are more serious than I would have thought.", Supergirl (New Earth) said with disappointment, "We are young and should be having fun. Sure having a boyfriend is nice, but-"

"I am going to stop you there.", Kara (Girlfriend) said, "I watched everything I cared about on Earth 2 be destroyed by Prime. You have no idea what I lost, and the weight I carry on my heart from losing my only living relatives."

"I...I am sorry, I didn't mean it like that.", Supergirl (New Earth) said, "I was just meaning-"

"Kara that's enough.", Superman (New Earth) said to his cousin, "She suffered a lot, don't push it with her."

"I am sorry.", she said bowing her head before retreating for them moment.

Apologizing for her, he said she didn't mean any offense by it. Telling him it was fine, Kara's mood seemed to sour a bit after the interaction. Rubbing her shoulders I said I could take her back to the mansion if she wanted. Saying she would stay, she wanted to train hard so she could beat the piss out of Prime. Handing the women over to Wonder Woman to train, I went over to see Spectre who was going to continue our magic training with Phantom Stranger.

Handing me literature to read over involving the runic languages and other important books, I quickly flipped through them memorizing everything. Finishing the books in a few minutes I returned them to the two men, and asked what was next. Looking at me like I was being an idiot the two started asking me questions, and I responded immediately with precise answers.

'This kids is genius!', they thought after verifying I wasn't lying.

Having me try applying the book knowledge I gained, they wanted me to try creating a barrier. Asking them the type they wanted me to produce I was told to surprise them. Considering the best way to use a barrier, I decided to make it function like Captain America's Shield for this test. Choosing the proper ruins to produce a barrier that would reflect magic, I visualized them in my mind. Appearing in the air in front of me a barrier appeared with the runes etched into them.

"Interesting choices...", the Phantom Stranger (New Earth) said, "Let's see how they work."

Strengthening and widening the barrier, I started walking forward towards them. Launching several spells the barrier they instantly were reflected back at them the moment they made contact with the barrier. Jumping out of the way the two started moving and launching more spells. Using attack magic as well, I started throwing lightning at the men.

Watching from the training area the women were impressed that I was using magic. Watching me remove my barrier, they saw me dispel their magics with a snap of my finger.

"He is really good at that magic stuff.", Toga said.

"Agreed, it's hard to believe it's his second day using magic.", Raven (Injustice) commented.

They were going to return to watching the training, but they were in shock when they saw my arms vanish into thin air. Reappearing behind the two men, I grabbed them by their coats and pulled them into an invisible portal. Caught off guard by the move the two men took this exercise much more seriously. Shooting a bombardment at me I dove out of the way, formed a small sun in each hand.

Closing the gap between us instantly I slammed them into their faces only to see that both of them had already deployed countermeasures for their safety. Deflecting the energy away from them the two hit me with a massive bolt of energy that sent me sliding backwards as the armor absorbed the energy. Getting a footing I leapt forward to attack them creating dozens of illusions of myself to strike them with paralysis spells.

Using my extreme speed I moved myself into the place of each illusion as they connected with the men. To those that couldn't follow me though I gave the appearance of having made clones of myself. Stopping their training session to watch our fight, even the Amazon's were interested as well.

Forming a blade of pure energy, I tried using it to breakthrough their barriers. Shattering their barriers with ease the men nodded with satisfaction as they to made energy swords. Wanting me to start practicing with offensive and defensive spells in unison they fought me together testing me with several different methods.

"He is doing well.", Raven (Injustice) said, "I would have trouble subduing him at this point."

"I have a question, what do you think of him?", Mina asked.

"You are asking if I would date him, aren't you?", she replied, "I would consider it after getting to know him, I have no home to go back too. My birthplace is in ruins, and that world isn't likely to take me back after what I did. I'd be shunned from society if I went back there."

"Really?", Toga questioned.

"I...I killed a lot of people when I was possessed. It's not an excuse, I let myself fall from grace.", she said looking upset, "On your world no one knows me except you guys. Staying with you all is the safest option for me as Clark can stop me if I relapse."

Nodding their heads the women didn't think she was that bad of a person. She kept things relatively neat in her room, and was respectful...she did tend to dress a bit too casual around me though. Like the others she wore really short bootie shorts and tank top usually while she read literature from our library.

"What do you think?", Momo whispered to Toru.

"She seems nice.", Toru said.

While they were discussing things and training, Grail arrived with her few Amazonian followers. Hearing the Boom Tube, I stopped my sparring session and looked in their direction. The Kryptonians also heard the sound as well, and got ready for a fight.

"Amazons!", Wonder Woman (New Earth) ordered, "Get ready to fight!"

Grabbing their equipment, the fell into line to prepare for an attack. Gasping at the organizational skill the Amazons had the women were quite impressed.

Walking out of the tree line, Grail and her followers emerged without weapons in hand. Stilling knowing she had the blood of a New God in her Wonder Woman wasn't talking any chances.

"You aren't welcome here Grail!", Wonder Woman (New Earth) shouted.

"I am here for him.", she replied pointing at me, "I want to have offspring with you."

'Can't I get normal, sane women? First I had Cynthia now I have this psycho. I went down the chain not up it with this psycho!', I thought.

"Hey...she has grey skin too.", Mina and Toga whispered.

"I know...I don't know who it is now!", Sonico replied.

"Not on this world or any other!", I snapped, "Go find another guy, I don't do psychotic killers."

"He is spoken for.", Kara (Girlfriend) said grabbing my hand.

"Agreed!", Sonico said grabbing my other hand.

Joining them, the others made it clear where they stood. Before Grail could say anymore, Ivy bound all of her group up with plants.

"Listen lady, he's already got some bad ladies chasing him. Take your disgusting ass home, and leave him alone.", Ivy said with an angry look.

"Agreed, keep your hands off my prey.", Selena said.

"He is my territory.", Maxima and Blackfire said before looking at each other, "Our territory."

"I haven't agreed to any of that!", I shouted.

"At this point boy you will find it hard to be rid of us. You gave us a taste of comfort, we don't intend to let that go quite so easily.", Selena said.

"Fine, if you want to fight I will do this my way!", Grail said breaking her bonds.

Using her lasso, Wonder Girl restrained her while Ivy doubled down on the bindings. Ripping them off, Grail grabbed the lasso and pulled Wonder Girl to her. Grabbing her by the waist Fury stopped Wonder Girl from going to far, and grabbed hold of the lasso.

"Let's go bitch, I needed a warm up anyways!", Fury (Earth 2) shouted.

"Count me in!", Rumi said grabbing hold too.

Together the three of them held their own make Grail unable to get out. Running forward Melissa started punching her as hard as she could so Ivy could restrain her better. Grail's followers charged the three women holding the lasso only to get cut off by Wonder Woman's troops. The clash didn't last long as the few numbered Amazons were quickly done in as a mercy kill by Wonder Woman.

Watching the others grab the rope, and start to reel her in Flash and Shazam looked at me. Asking how I managed to keep them from fighting, I said it's pretty much the same as the Amazons...just less bloody. By now Grail realized she chose the wrong method of approach, and started working to get free of the lasso. Using her Omega Beam, she destroyed the lasso and took off flying.

Taking aim at her, I dropped a massive bolt of lightning on her. Overcharging the spell on accident, the strike dropped her to the ground knocking her unconscious. Running over to her I quickly realized that I had also stopped her heart in the process of using the spell. Jump starting her heart again, she shot up gasping for air. Glaring at me she asked me what the hell that was.

"Superman can't use magic!", she snapped.

"Normally yes, but I am a Superman from another universe. Unlike him I am human so I can use magic.", I stated.

Staring at me for a moment she thought I was joking, but when my facial expression didn't change she realized I wasn't lying. Sighing she understood now why my mentality was different from the Kryptonian Superman.

"So care to explain why you really are here?", Selena (Injustice) asked.

"What I said is the truth. I wish to sire your children and overthrow my father so I may take his place!", Grail (New Earth) said.

"Yeah...I am not going to sleep with you.", I replied with a deadpan expression, "I don't sleep with crazy."

"I am not crazy!", she shouted.

"You kill for fun, like torturing people, and you want to replace your father as ruler of Apokolips...crazy written all over that.", I said nodding my head, "I wouldn't sleep with Harley Quinn either, I am only helping her get rehabilitated and then have her live out her days in my world. In truth, Selena has a better shot than you and that isn't saying much."

"I will have your seed.", she snapped.

"Superman, can I yeet her into your Phantom Zone portal?", I asked.

"Yeet?", Superman (New Earth) replied, "What is that?"

"To throw with raw abandonment.", Supergirl (New Earth) said.

"What she meant to say was throw something at high speed.", I sighed.

"Same difference.", she muttered with groan.

"Yeah give me a moment, I will-", he started to say.

Opening a portal to his Fortress, I grabbed Grail by the neck and dragged her through the portal. Activating the Phantom Zone portal for me Superman stood next to me as I threw Grail in while giving her peace sign. Closing the portal once she was through I sighed with relief.

"You really going to take all of them on a date?", he asked.

"I said I would consider it, if you saw how they lived you would say the same thing.", I moaned, "They probably see me as a meal ticket, and someone to mooch off of. Those women don't like leaving the house, want to lounge around in booty shorts and tank tops, and leave their clothing everywhere in their rooms."

"Uh...what part of that is bad?", Flash (New Earth) asked, "You realize how many guys would die to shack up with them?"

"You how many are likely to die? Poison Ivy has some of the most poisonous toxins in the world flowing in her blood, Selena just wants to see what it's like, Blackfire and Maxima like me for my powers, and don't even get me started on the others...", I groaned, "They are nice people, but they aren't my type."

Walking back through the portal, we found the Amazons burying the bodies of their kin. Looking over at the villains they were looking at me like I owed them something. Thanking them for a job well done, they shook their heads at me.

"You are going to take us on a date right?", they asked.

"I said I would think about it.", I stated.

"Well think quicker, we'd like an answer.", they replied.

"I don't see why you are in a hurry about this, we are a few months out before trying to get you home.", I said.

"Honestly, we don't want to go back.", Ivy said, "We like your world better, a lot less crazy shit happening there. Our world won't ever return to the way it was before Superman snapped."

"So you want to bum at my house?", I asked.

"No, we want vengeance on Superman but after that we want to stay with you. Your a good cook, help with our laundry, make sure we are safe from the Regime, and are a nice guy.", Ivy said.

"*cough* whipped!", Shazam (New Earth) jabbed, "Seriously, you do all that crap for them? You really are an idiot, they should be doing that themselves."

"That's precisely why you will stay a virgin forever.", Ivy (Injustice) retorted, "If you don't impress a woman, you will be using your hand the rest of your life."

"She's right, having a partner that shares in the work is a blessing.", Kara (Girlfriend) said kissing me.

"*clears throat* It comes with it's benefits Shazam. When you are older and more mature you will understand the benefits.", I said nodding my head.

"I really don't see the benefits, who wants to do smell laundry all day.", he stated with a shrug.

Remembering that I was talking to a child, I understood Ivy's jabs and what I said went over his head. Kara voiced her approval to take them out simply to get them out so they could see the world more. Begrudgingly I understood that they probably were hating being cooped up all day so I said I would take them on a date.

"That said I don't promise that we will ever be romantically involved. Consider it hanging out with friends, nothing more than that.", I stated.

"That's fine, all good relationships start out as friends.", Ivy (Injustice) said with a smile.

With Grail in the Phantom Zone, we continued our training for the rest of the day till sunset.

---Wayne Manor, MHA World---

Returning home from a long day of working out most of them were exhausted. Making a hardy dinner for us all of us retired to our rooms for the night. Eri was so exhausted that she could barely walk straight, and was falling asleep standing up. My mother took her away to get washed up and into her pajamas. Aside from Kara, my girlfriends were also super exhausted and had me wash them as they were too tired to move.

Plopping into bed they passed out without much effort. Kissing them goodnight, I went to find Eri so she didn't wake us up getting into bed in the night. Letting her take her usual spot next to me, she passed out almost as soon as her head hit the pillow. With a sigh I turned on my tv and left the volume on low so the women could sleep as I relaxed.


Sorry for the late chapter, been very busy with the holiday as I am the one on call.