
Superman in the Marvel

A boy born with the powers of Superman in the Marvel Universe. It is the story of a young man who will rise to the peak. The story will include universes like 'The Incredibles, Marvel, and Ben10. [It is a simple story, made for fun and entertainment and doesn't intend to damage anyone. It's purely fictional. I don't own any content and it belongs to respective. the content I write belong to respected owners and this is simply fiction]

Luciferjl · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

We are here to save you

"Are there any others like me?" he asked, his voice resonating with newfound authority. The silence that followed was all the answer he needed. A sly smile crossed his face. "I suppose you wouldn't tell me even if there were."

With a wave of his hand, the soldiers who were blocking his path were effortlessly pushed aside. The long corridor stretched out ahead, leading to an elevator at the end. Jagnar confidently strode towards it, his mind abuzz with the possibilities of his superhuman abilities.

"Now, if I am indeed like Superman, I must possess supervision as well," he mused to himself. Concentrating his gaze, he effortlessly peered through the walls, revealing a barren expanse of rock behind them. Looking upwards, he observed the layout of the rooms and the sprawling facility. It became clear that the underground complex was meticulously constructed, a testament to the magnitude of the experiments conducted within its walls.

"These guys certainly went to great lengths," Jagnar remarked, marvelling at the sheer scale of the hidden facility. Building such a massive structure underground was no small feat. But now, his focus shifted to the other children trapped within its confines.

With purposeful strides, Jagnar made his way to the upper floors, freeing the captive children along his path. Anyone who dared to obstruct him met a swift and decisive end. It was as if a primal instinct guided him, his powers enabling him to effortlessly dispatch anyone who stood in his way.

As he moved through the facility, a trail of chaos and liberation followed in his wake. The young souls who had endured the torment of the experiments were finally set free, their gratitude mixed with awe as they witnessed the awe-inspiring spectacle of Jagnar's power.

Floor after floor, Jagnar pressed forward, his determination unwavering. While he sought to free the innocent, he also sought answers. Who was behind these experiments? How did he end up here? Is it some goddess that sent him here?

As Jagnar reflected on the lives he had taken, an unexpected sensation washed over him. There was no guilt or remorse weighing on his conscience. Instead, an exhilarating surge of power and purpose coursed through his veins. The destruction he left in his wake only fueled his determination to press forward.

The once-imposing facility quaked under the sheer force of Jagnar's unleashed abilities. Explosions erupted, sending shockwaves rippling through the corridors, and flames licked at the walls, devouring the remnants of a dark chapter in these children's lives. Yet, amidst the chaos, Jagnar remained resolute and guided the liberated children to safety.

With unwavering resolve, he navigated the labyrinthine passages, leading the freed captives through the maze of crumbling infrastructure. His presence alone inspired them, filling their hearts with newfound hope and a sense of freedom they had long been denied.

As they neared the exit, the deafening sound of sirens pierced the air, announcing the arrival of reinforcements. The facility's security forces, now fully aware of the breach, scrambled to contain the situation.

Gouts of fire erupted from his hands, repelling any resistance that dared stand in their way. Walls crumbled, doors were reduced to splinters, and the once-impregnable stronghold now lay in ruins. The path to freedom became clearer with each passing moment.

Finally, they reached the surface, emerging into the night air. The moon shone down upon them, offering a sense of serenity amidst the chaos they had left behind. The liberated children gasped for breath, their faces etched with awe and gratitude.

As they emerged from the hidden cave, their eyes met a vast expanse of untamed wilderness. The dense forest loomed before them, with towering trees that seemed to reach for the heavens and rugged mountains that stood as silent sentinels in the distance. It was a desolate place, far removed from the bustling cities and civilization they had known before.

Determined to escape the clutches of their nightmarish confinement, the children dispersed, venturing into the unknown in search of solace and a chance at a new life.

As the group scattered, their hope for a better future was held tightly within their hearts.

Meanwhile, as they made their way to freedom, a small airship emerged from the depths of the underground facility. On board were two men, their faces etched with a mixture of awe and trepidation. One was bald, his eyes gleaming with manic excitement, while the other was a man in his early thirties with a sense of wisdom and concern.

"Stryker, do you realize what we have created?" The bald man exclaimed, his voice tinged with an unsettling glee. His laughter echoed through the small vessel, carrying a sense of unnerving satisfaction.

The other man, known as Strykar, cast a weary glance towards his companion, his expression etched with worry. "Can't you see that we have lost control over him?" he replied, his voice heavy with caution. "It won't be long before he turns against us. We must prepare for what lies ahead."

"Damn it! I lost the most valuable two assets today."

The gravity of their creation had begun to weigh heavily on them. In their quest for power and dominance, they unleashed a force beyond their comprehension. Jagnar, maybe more powerful than even Superman, was a wildcard in their carefully laid plans.

Unbeknownst to Jagnar, the bald man and Strykar had managed to escape. As he stood at the entrance, surveying the liberated souls who had found their freedom, he urged them to go forth and forge their own paths. Most complied, eagerly venturing into the unknown, but a few chose to linger behind, their fear still hasn't subsided. He could see the look of fear in them.

As Jagnar's gaze swept across the crowd, his attention was drawn to a man emerging from the depths of the cave. The newcomer, clad only in his nakedness, emanated an aura of danger. Metal claws, sharp and deadly, extended from between his fingers. Jagnar instantly recognized him as Logan, he knew about him.

"Logan," Jagnar called out, his voice laced with recognition. However, Logan's suspicions and quick temper overshadowed any acknowledgment of familiarity. Without a second thought, he lunged at Jagnar, his intent to strike and maim evident in his actions. The clash was swift, with the sound of metal meeting flesh reverberating through the air.

To Logan's surprise, his assault yielded no visible harm. Jagnar's resilient body remained unscathed, not even a scratch marked the impact of Logan's adamantium claws. Jagnar attempted to reason with the impulsive mutant, seeking a moment to talk to him.

"Listen, man," Jagnar said, his voice tinged with earnestness. "I am not your enemy. We are both victims and subjects in the hands of those lunatics."

Logan's gaze faltered, memories flooding his mind like a torrential storm.

"Where is Strykar?" Logan asked, anger fueling him.

"Strykar, as in Colonel William Strykar?" Jagnar asked in return.

Jagnar realized the connection, understanding that the facility they had escaped from was Strykar's domain. It meant that he bought Logan for his experiments too. 

As Jagnar pondered the puzzle before him, Logan abruptly broke their encounter, sprinting into the dense forest, his figure disappearing into the verdant depths. Jagnar chose not to call after him, remaining silent as he contemplated the intricate web of events unfolding around him. X-Men, Superman—these were the extraordinary entities he had unwittingly brushed against. Just what was happening here? Is it some sort of mixed-up world? That's the only thought that occurred to Jagnar.

While lost in his ruminations, the sound of a helicopter pierced the air, drawing Jagnar's attention to its descent near the cave's entrance. Four figures disembarked from the aircraft, each possessing an air of distinct power. Jagnar saw the four figures descend and soon recognized them. Among them were Charles Xavier, the enigmatic leader known as Professor X, the shape-shifting Mystique, the telekinetic Jean Grey, and the optic-blast-wielding Cyclops, also known as Scott Summers.

He looked at the four of them, finally stopping his gaze on Jean. Jagnar couldn't help but be in awe as Jean Grey stood before him. The Jean Grey he had seen in movies, with her vibrant red hair flowing and her intense gaze piercing through his soul. She exuded a sense of power and grace that was undeniable.

As Jean used her telekinesis to gently lower herself and the others to the ground, Jagnar couldn't help but feel a little excited and anxious. He had heard about her incredible abilities, her connection to the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix Force, and the immense power she possessed. Now, witnessing her powers firsthand, it was clear that she was truly on another level.

Jagnar's thoughts raced as he tried to process the situation. He was feeling overwhelmed and astonished, to him, it was a lot to process right now. A few hours before, he was walking on a busy street when he suddenly collapsed due to a heart attack and died. Then he felt his soul being dragged away, and when he opened his eyes, he was tied to a table, in a room and being experimented on.

And now he was seeing the great Professor X and other members of the X-men. One thing he understood was that he was reborn again, either by some miracle or by someone who brought him here. And this world contains the heroes he saw in movies.

As Jean approached him, her eyes seemed to hold a depth of understanding and compassion.

They had come to investigate reports of a secret facility and the experiments conducted on mutant children who might be held captive there. To their surprise, they found the kids already standing safely outside, led by Jagnar.

Charles approached Jagnar and the rest of the children. He looked at everyone, feeling their emotions. He had heard about the experiments conducted by Strykar and the potential dangers they posed to young mutants. Charles had hoped to intervene before any harm could be done. However, after seeing them, he felt unhappy about the whole situation. In the state they were in, his heart ached for those kids. His gaze fell on Jagnar, and he furrowed his brows, studying him with a mixture of curiosity and concern. He couldn't read his mind. It was like something blocking his mind from entering.

"Young man, are you okay?" Charles asked, extending his hand in greeting. "I'm Charles Xavier, and this is Mystique, Jean Grey, and Scott Summers. We're here to help. How did you manage to get out of there?"

Jagnar nodded, accepting Charles' handshake. "There was a fire accident, and we took it as a chance to break out of there." He didn't want to reveal himself right now. Even if there were all good and helpful people, he didn't want to reveal his secrets to them. He also felt anxious, seeing Charles. He knew he could read minds. Charles didn't ask him anything, which confirmed that he hadn't read his mind yet. For now, he played the role of a kid from the facility.

Mystique stepped forward and said, "We are from the Xavier Academy. A place where people like us call it home and live there. Children have a safe haven at Xavier's Academy, where you can learn to control your powers and join a community of mutants who will support and understand you."