
Superman in the Invincible universe

This Story is about a young man dying and transmigrating in the invincible universe as Superman

Imad_Nfaouy · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Atom Eve

I scanned her vitals to see how they were able to catch her and saw that she had a sleeping pill in her stomach. They must have put it in her food. The pill was still in effect so I couldn't wake her up and I wouldn't just leave her here, so I took her to my Farmhouse and placed her on the bed.

I then flew to the nearest Supermarket and landed a few blocks away so nobody could see me. I went inside bought vegetables, juices, meat and some other things with the money I kind of borrowed from those Thugs that I killed.

I flew back home and started cooking.

I made sure she got all necessary nutrients. I made a salad. Brown rice with beans and a medium rare steak. I also baked a Chocolate Cake. I made all this dishes from a cookbook I found lying around.

I then noticed her waking up.

Atom Eve: (Waking up) Huh Where am I?

The last thing I remember is I was in a restaurant eating when I suddenly had to go to the restroom. I was in an unknown House. I went down the stairs and saw someone in the kitchen cooking.

Atom Eve: Who are you?

I turned around and told her I to come sit on the table and I would explain her what happened.

Atom Eve: ( In her mind) Woah he's pretty handsome and look at that body.

You must be hungry cause you have been sleeping for a few hours. I placed the food on the table and told her to go right ahead.

Atom Eve: Thanks

She started eating the food and said „Wow this tastes great." She then noticed that I wasn't eating anything.

She asked me why I wasn't eating and I told her that I don't need food to survive.

I then told her what happened.

Atom Eve: So that's why I couldn't remember. Wait you said that you had x-ray vision right. So did you see anything?

If you are talking about your private parts then no. I wouldn't use my powers like that.

Atom Eve: ( In her mind) Oh I kind of wish he did, wait girl what are you talking about you don't even know him.


Atom Eve:Thanks for saving me, but who exactly are you?

My name ist Kal-El. However your people

refer to me as Superman.

Atom Eve: WHAT?! so you are Superman?!That's amazing.Would it be okay for you to join us the Teen Team.

Thanks for the offer yeah sure.

Atom Eve: Really? Okay come with me I will bring you to our headquart-


Atom Eve: Sorry, I have to get this.

Yeah sure.

Atom Eve: Yeah hey Rex what's wrong?

Rex: What's wrong? Well I don't know maybe the fact that you have been missing for 6 hours. Where the fuck are you Eve.

Atom Eve: I was kidnapped and Superman saved me.


Atom Eve: Exactly as I said, he saved me and I am at his house right now. He also agreed to join our team. So I will bring him to the headquarters now. So the rest of the team can meet him bye.

Rex:No wait! Eve!

*hangs up*

So is everything okay?

Atom Eve: Yeah that was just a friend of mine.

Come on let's go. Wait where exactly are we?!

We are currently in Kansas.

Atom Eve: What Kansas!? Flying back to Chicago will take us at least an hour.

Oh don't worry l will fly us there. I am pretty fast. I princess carried Eve and flew to Chicago which took less than a second. I also extended my biofield to Eve to protect her.

You can open your eyes now.

Atom Eve: What already?!

Whoa you are really fast. Okay follow me.

Eve showed the way to the headquarters and I followed right behind. As we arrived there the entrance opened up and we flew down. As we flew down I scanned the whole building and heard how some scientists were talking about the death of the Guardians of the Globe. Which means that Omni-Man killed them and was ready to conquer Earth, which I wouldn't let happen.

Hey guys,

If you have any new ideas you would like me to put in this story than let me know. I will try and post a new chapter every day.

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