
Superman's Saiyan little brother

Twelve years ago, the first spaceship brought the Kents a Superman son. Twelve years later, the second spaceship brought the Kents a Saiyan son. How will the brotherly combination of Superman and Saiyan create waves in the world? Ps1: the world background for the previous protagonist fusion of the universe after a new all-different U.S. comics integrated world, DC movie animation + Marvel movie part of the comic book + Jackie Chan Adventures + part of the film containing the power of the supernatural, which some of the characters and ability to set up the cards will not be in accordance with the set of rules and regulations, and will not follow the original plot process, but to intercept the events rewritten by the integrated world of the butterfly effect of the plot and characters will be affected by the butterfly effect, I will try my best to write you the world of the Saiyan brothers. The plot and characters will be affected by the butterfly effect of the integrated world, I will try my best to write a plot direction that you have not read (can not accept the DC Marvel mixed world and plot characters of the two creations of caution ~) Ps2: The protagonist is not simply a Saiyan, but also has some of the other abilities in the Dragon Ball. ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6: The Glutton King's Economic Crisis (Edited)

In the Kent household that evening, learning of Robert's return to full consciousness brought immense joy to Mr. and Mrs. Kent, lifting the heavy burden of worry they had carried. No longer did they need to fret over what would become of Robert as he grew.

Upon Clark's suggestion, the family decided to prepare a grand feast to celebrate, and with Robert's repeated claims of hunger, the meal kept growing until it was enough to feed ten people.

Yet, Mr. and Mrs. Kent, along with Clark, hadn't anticipated Robert's astonishing appetite.

"Om nom nom!" If the Kent family were familiar with idioms, they could describe Robert's eating as "wolfing down" or "devouring like a tornado."

The Kent family was stunned: (⊙⊙) ((((;゜Д゜))) (□;)

While the Kents were still in shock, Robert had cleaned out everything on the table, except for what was on their own plates.

This moment helped Robert understand why characters like Goku from the Dragon Ball world could eat so much.

Although Robert had experienced post-battle hunger in the Dragon Ball world, it was nothing compared to the amount he had just consumed, equivalent to seven people's meals, and yet, he still didn't feel full.

Even more, Robert realized that for the past fifteen years, his body had never truly been satiated...

After all, with his consciousness not fully awake and only basic instincts guiding his actions to appear normal, his daily food intake was no different from an average person's.

This might be one reason why, despite being fifteen, Robert was only 1.61 meters tall—a thought that solidified in his mind.

"Robert, can you really eat that much without feeling stuffed?" Martha asked worriedly, "Even if you're hungry, eating so much all at once could be bad for you, couldn't it?"

"Mom, don't worry. The food he's eaten is already digested, and it seems like he's still not full..." Clark, after carefully observing Robert, said with a hint of helplessness in his voice.

"Aha?" Martha and Jonathan exchanged puzzled looks, unsure of what to say, not having expected their second alien son's extraordinary trait to be his appetite.

"Maybe I should make some more food?" Martha suggested after a moment, suddenly laughing as she saw Robert awkwardly rubbing his stomach. She felt that this version of her son seemed more like a real, living being compared to his previously unresponsive state.

Compared to the robotic version of Robert, Martha preferred this lively and emotional one, despite his overwhelming appetite causing some headache and helplessness.

"If this is how Robert always eats, the time, effort, and money spent on food preparation would significantly increase..."

"No need! I'll find something to eat outside!" Robert quickly stopped Martha, understanding that continuing to eat like this at home wasn't a solution. Feeding himself was a better approach.

After all, a Saiyan's appetite could be a huge burden for a family.

Before marrying Goku, Chi-Chi was somewhat wealthy, but post-marriage, she learned to be frugal. The economic strain even led to Gohan participating in the World Martial Arts Tournament for prize money...

The Kent family wasn't poor, especially with a farm and Clark's help, Jonathan being relatively healthy. Supporting two children to adulthood, even allowing them to start families on the farm, wouldn't normally be an issue.

But for a Saiyan like Robert, unrestricted eating, even of the cheapest food, could bankrupt the Kent family within years.

Thus, Robert decisively left home with seasonings, disappearing into the night.

"Robert! Where are you going?" Jonathan and Martha were somewhat panicked as Robert dashed out into the night, concerned for his safety.

"It's okay, I'll follow him. There won't be any trouble. Finish your meal and rest early!" Clark, understanding Robert's intention, reassured his parents and followed out.

"Be careful!" Even knowing Clark's capabilities, the Kents still cautioned him, then sighed and continued eating, albeit without much appetite.

"Robert is such a good kid, becoming so considerate right after recovering..." Martha sighed softly after a while.

"He can eat so much, we won't even need to wash the dishes. I'm worried he might start eating the dishes next..." Jonathan joked, hinting at the serious financial implications of Robert's appetite.

"Do you think Robert's short stature is because their race eats a lot, but he never got enough food before?" Martha speculated with a mix of hesitation and guilt.

Jonathan paused, considering the possibility. The lack of sufficient nutrition could indeed stunt a growing child's development.

Feeling guilty, Jonathan resolved, "If necessary, we'll take out a loan for another farm. With Clark's help, I hardly need to work anymore..."

"Let's discuss it with Clark when he returns," Martha suggested, concerned about Jonathan's health and the family's future.

"Speaking of which, isn't there a burger-eating contest in Missouri? Maybe Robert could try that. With his appetite, I doubt anyone could beat him!" Jonathan suddenly proposed, excited at the thought.

"Even if he doesn't win, it would at least be a good meal for him. It's a contest for gluttons, so no one would find his eating capacity unusual!"

"Let's wait for the kids to return before deciding," Martha replied, intrigued but quickly dismissing the idea with a worried glance outside, "I wonder where they've gone for food, taking seasonings with them..."

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