
Superior love Of The Devil

A boy whose family was killed by the devil in search of powerful stone called the demonic crystal stone which contain the earth element power ended up in the boy's hand . what did you think will happen

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11 Chs

Cultivation II

Chapter 6

 Xiofang woke up early in the morning and stepped out into the garden, where he found Ling Er waiting for him. They both began cultivating their powers. This had become a daily routine for Xiofang. He trained before any of the other disciples woke up, and Ling Er taught him how to release his power potential and control his power within himself.

By the end of the day, Xiofang was exhausted, and he slept soundly. The following day, Ling Er woke him up with her melodious flute, and they continued their training. She was teaching him how to release his power without using force, but Xiofang was not paying attention. He dosed off and had to wake him up, and they continued practicing.

By the end of the day, Xiofang was too tired and weak to continue, and he slept off without realizing it. The next day, Ling Er woke him up early again, urging him to continue his training. However, Xiofang was reluctant and said that he was too tired. Ling Er reminded him that he was a slow learner and needed to put in more effort to become stronger.

Finally, Xiofang agreed and woke up early the next day. To his surprise, he found his master, Cheng Ling, and his brother, Cheng Yin, waiting for him in the garden. Cheng Ling reminded Xiofang that he was a bit late, but Xiofang promised to practice harder that day. Cheng Yin then announced that Xiofang would be taking a bath in a holy pond to cleanse his power and enhance his potential power within him.

Xiofang was amazed and asked, "A holy pond?" Cheng Yin replied that it was not just any pond, but a holy one that had the power to cleanse and enhance his potential power. He also informed Xiofang that Ling Er would not be joining them that day as she was taking a break to search for new training techniques to enhance the strength of her flute.

Xiofang nodded and followed his master to the holy pond, eager to see what lay ahead.