

The much-anticipated cyberpunk holographic game was about to launch, and Jonathan hit the jackpot, getting chosen as a beta tester. But things take a bizarre turn. He realized he wasn't just playing some holographic game – he'd been transported to an actual parallel universe. The moment he logged in, he felt something was off. Question: What do you do when you discover that your in-game identity is the Federation's most wanted, and you're undercover in the official investigation department?

FETI · Games
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392 Chs

"Give him a good beating first"

"Are you ready?"

At nine o'clock in the evening, Night Cicada opened the teleportation channel and came to Jonathan's residence.

"I've been ready for a while," Jonathan stood up from the couch.

Night Cicada observed his face, "Your dark circles are quite heavy."

"In the necessary periods, my work is 24/7," Jonathan glanced at him, "It would be strange if I didn't have dark circles."

"You've worked hard." Night Cicada stretched out his arm, inviting Jonathan to walk into the teleportation channel.

Seeing Jonathan go in, Fox also wanted to follow.

"You stay and watch the house," Night Cicada said with a smile, wrapping his arm around Fox, "Tonight is not a mission. Richguy needs to go back to headquarters for some work."

"I see... Goodbye." Fox waved at Jonathan's retreating figure.