
Superhero Summoning

Miyuki Azagawa was just an ordinary highschool student, when one day he was walking home, and got summoned into another world. This new world is almost like his, with one big difference. There's magic properties and super-human abilities! Miyuki has now gained new magical abilities and "superpowers," like super-human speed. But now it is up to Miyuki and a group of new allies to save the kingdom of Valis from many intimidating, unknown threats. When Miyuki is complete with his journey, the final calling will to find his way back home.

gojibaru · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 8 - A Song of Ice and Stone

"Stone wall!"

"That...voice.." Miyuki opened his eyes and a large wall of Stone and rock rose from the ground. All the icicles shattered when they met the wall.

"E-Evel…. Evelyn?" He could barely mutter her name out. Evelyn ran up to the blood-soaked, lying Miyuki from behind.

"Miyuki! "Miyuki! Get up! I need your help! Please get up! We have to fight him together!" She started to tear up.

"Evelyn?" Miyuki couldn't barely keep his eyelids open, and even then, he couldn't see with the blood covering his eyes.

The rock wall was sliced in half vertically, one side crumbled almost instantaneously. Isaiah walked through the dust. "Looks like your pathetic peasant friend will die in agony. What a shame." He walked towards Evelyn. She quickly got up and made a stone sword and quickly swung for the well-dressed man. Their elemental blades met.

His ice blade shattered and he was thrown back by her stone sword. He quickly created a new ice sword and met her blade again, but his new sword also shattered. Rapidly, he kept making new ice swords, each one being shattered by every one of her swings. But little did Evelyn know was that Isaiah created icicles behind her.

"I know your durability is quite strong, but I do know thiner blades and edges can pierce you. I have my sources, who collected the right information I needed to bring you in." He chuckled.

"Stone hammer!" In an instant, she made a giant, rock mallet and struck Isaiah and sent him soaring and tumbling down the block. She quickly turned and glanced over the hundereds of thin and large icicles. "Stone wall!" A wall was made in front of her, but it was quickly broken by the large icicles.

Over and over, wall after wall, broken by the ice spikes. Her mana was starting to drain, so she had to change the material of her walls. "Rock wall!" One after another, walls of rock and mud, rose and fell. Thin icicles started zipping past the debris with each collapse of a wall.


Miyuki, still laying in his pool of blood, watched the whole situation escalate. He couldn't do anything to help. He felt he already lost. He was too weak to stand. let alone stay awake.

Still observing, Miyuki noticed Isiah with a thin sword, silently walking up behind Evelyn. Miyuki tried to scream out, but he couldn't. He couldn't move his mouth.


Evelyn began receiving small and nimble cuts around her body and clothing. She was struggling to keep making new walls. She was running out of mana. Evelyn heard something, but it was too late when she realized what it was.

She quickly turned around and was met with a blade to the stomach, he had pierced right through her torso. "Bitch. You just couldn't let me take you." He uttered before pushing the sword in deeper. Evelyn gasped in pain, and she started coughing up blood. Isaiah removed his sword from her stomach, causing her to collapse onto the ground into a pool of her own blood.

Still watching, Miyuki noticed the icicles, that were now behind her, were going to strike and kill her.

"Evelyn! No!" He reached out his hand. An extreme surge of energy was felt throughout Miyuki's body, in atrocious pain, he stammered to get up. "Evelyn!" This surge of energy, it was was powerful. It flowed throughout his body, and finally put his body into action.

In an instant, he bolted towards Isaiah and socked him in the temporal. He was shot tens of feet down the road. Miyuki then quickly turned and grabbed Evelyn before the icicles could strike her, and zoomed to her other side of the street. He had laid her down soft and gently.

This all happened within an instant.

He quickly tried to shake her. "Evelyn please don't die."

He checked to hear if her heart was still beating. It was.

He looked down, his hands were soaked with blood. Was it her's? His? Both?

"Evelyn you can't die!"

The tears started rushing through.

"I won't let you die!"

'I won't let you die!"

He checked her heart again. "I can't let you die like this! I can't lose you!"

It stopped beating.