
Chapter 1 - The Return To His Ordinary Life: I

"Damn, someone should have told us it was gonna be cold!"


The streets of Tokyo was cluttered with the cold, and wet snow. The crunch of snow could be heard as the Valis party walked the streets, following the one individual who knew most of the city like the back of his hand.

"So where are we specifically going, Azagawa?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah, Miyuki, are we going somewhere specific? What did you have in mind?" Leonidas also asked as he wiped snow from off his shoulder.

"I'm assuming we're going to his folks' home, I would do the same if I were him." Sakuta added.

"We're going to your parents?" Evelyn and Avery blurted in unison.

"Yeah, yeah. I'd also want to find my bestfriend then get out of here as fast as possible."

"Yeah, we wouldn't want to stay too long." Lillith said, timidly, shaking, not because of the cold, but of subtle fear. Who knows what could be lurking in the city.

"Wait a minute." Miyuki uttered, stopping dead in his tracks. Everyone followed suite.

Now that they really stopped and observed around. Something was off. Too quiet, but mostly of all-

"Where the fuck is everyone? What happened to all of the people?" Miyuki uttered once again.

"Master, Lumi and I could search around the city for anyone!" Dusk blurted as she practically spawned out of thin air.

"Woah! You scared me for a sec. Yeah, sure you can." Miyuki got startled by his feline friend.

"Yippee!" Dusk flew around in excitement.

"Let's, probably just get going." Lillith asked, still shaking lightly.

"Wait, I'd like to go with them." Ethan asked, stepping into Miyuki's view.

"Uh, sure, why not? When you find something or get lost, Sakuta will come get ya."

"Yeah, I got you." Sakuta hit Ethan's shoulder in a joking manner.

"Alright, Luminous and Dusk, let us part our ways with everyone." The two spirits landed onto Ethan's shoulders. He then waved his goodbyes and took a left at the intersection.

The party went right.




The snow engulfed the group, and the city.

"Is it like this all winter!?" Miyuki shouted in question.

"Miyuki, it's the middle of summer. It just snows in this reigion almost year-round." Avery answered, somewhat delightfully.

"Thanks, I should have remembered." He snickered.

The party turned a corner down the block, where the apartments would be. His old home should he down here, and hopefully, his parents too.

The wind and snow picked up as they progressed down the sidewalk.

"Damn, I miss Japan, I haven't been here for the longest time. I wish I could check up on my family in Nagoya. Hopefully Nagoya crashes in Valis or Langris, ha." Sakuta joked as the group continued down the street.

"Oh God, don't say that." Miyuki chuckled.

"Tell me more, about this 'Japan', where you two came from?" Leonidas asked.

"I'd love to, but we can converse when we get inside, that would probably be a better time." Saukta added.

"Ah, yes, you're right, ha."

"Wait, wait!" Miyuki shouted.

The party stopped at an apartment building.

"Wow Miyuki! You got a large home! You must have lived like a king!" Lillith exclaimed.

"Oh, no, it's called an apartment building, it holds many, smaller 'houses'. Some are two-story, but most are one story homes." He opened the door.

"Apart-ment?" Most of the group questioned at the same moment.

"Yeah, follow me, my place is on the third floor."


Knock. Knock.

"You sure they'll let all of us in? There's six of us here." Avery asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't they?"


The door peered open.

"Who is it?" A female voice asked out quietly.

"Wait, Mom?" Miyuki stated.

The door shot open.

"Miyuki?" She replied, with a glimmer of relief in her voice. She jumped to embrace her son, who she had missed dearly.

"Mom! Haha." He was hugged so tightly, he felt glad to be home.

"Oh I missed you! You've been gone for almost a year!"

"Wait, wait. A year?" Evelyn exclaimed.

"Miyuki has only resided in the Kingdom of Valis for roughly two months. How long has he been considered 'missing' for, Mrs. Azagawa?" Leonidas asked of the boy's mother.

"I think, about eight months. Also, Miyuki, who are all of these people? Friends?"

"Oh uh, I'll explain inside."


The interior walls were painted a dark-azure, a strange choice for an apartment. A rather small, black leather couch sat in the middle of the living room. A brown door sat parallel to the entrance.

The whole of the Valis camp, plopped themselves onto the small living room couch, except for Leonidas, as he wanted to remian standing, out of respect and discipline.

"This is kind of a small place, no judgment of course." Sakuta remarked, jokingly.

"Your mom is so cute!" Evelyn and Avery blurted out.

"Aww, no I'm not. Miyuki, could you explain what's going on now?"

The room's terrible lighting shined down upon Miyuki.

Eight months? That's fucking insane. He has only been on the "new" Earth for only two months. Does time go slightly faster there? It seems so.

And how should he explain all the turmoil he has gone through in the small amount of time? Might as well just tell her, in a nice brief summary.

"Well Mom, I got isekai'd, like in an anime. Leonidas here, with the silver hair, found me in the king's quarters and escorted me out and I met Evelyn. She's the one with green hair. She's my girlfriend, and the Queen of the kingdom of Valis." He pointed to his love.


"Oh she's gorgeous Miyuki! I could cry. Tell me about the others!" His Mom replied in excitement.

"Then I met Lillith, the girl with the dark brown hair. Then I met her father, who also got isekai'd. He's from Nayoga, which means only Japanese men get isekai'd, I assume. Besides that, I had to fight off a dude, who's brother joined us, but parted about an hour ago. And he put Evelyn into a coma, Blah blah, I later had to kill him, leading me to meet Avery. She's also my girlfriend."

"You fought bad guys!? Are you okay!? My baby!?" His mother got up to embrace him once again.

"I'm okay, I'm okay. It was traumatizing for awhile. I wouldn't have made it without all of my friends. I love them dearly." Miyuki finished, smiling.