

It's not so easy to make it as a superhero these days. In the golden age of heroes, it didn't matter what kind of ability you had. If you had an ability, dressed up in bright colors, and came up with a crazy name; you had it made. You were a hero. The world isn't so simple anymore. Kyle Kane is finding life as a teenage superhero to be worse than a pimple on prom night. Eliminated from his team and forced into normal classes, Kyle's F class powers have doomed him to harassment and mediocrity. Then one day, he gets a cranky message from a system. "I'm your system, congratulations, blah blah blah." Is this Kyle's chance or just another new way to be humiliated?

straythought · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs

Low Down Dirty Doings

At this point, one might wonder what Kyle learned about Baron Kingsley's plans that caused him to fully commit himself to go against the Baron.

He could have just left the Baron's territory. Maybe some would think it's Kyle's commitment to justice and desire to fight for the little guy that has caused him to be so aggressive.

Although Kyle uncovered many terrible evil acts the Baron, his associates, and servants committed.

It was the fact that he couldn't find information on what the Baron hoped to accomplish in the dungeon that worried him.

The Baron didn't need treasure; he had seen first hand just how much treasure the Baron had. Usually, dungeons are explored and overcome for their treasures.

However, sometimes dungeons aren't meant to hide away treasures but keep at bay devastating disasters.

Kyle feared what might be in the dungeon. The fact that he didn't know what was in the dungeon; but that he did not like how insanely committed the Baron was to acquire whatever it was that scared him.

Just as Keason said, the trip to the Dungeon took nearly seven days. They spent a day preparing for the trip and they had another two days to arrive before the Baron became suspicious.

They were there now, so what was Kyle's plan?

Simple, he and Riley would pretend to be part of the dungeon team and perform their duties as expected.

Keason prepared him so he would behave like someone under a slave seal. Kyle was forced to give very strict orders to those under his slave seals to treat him as they normally would treat a slave.

They were also not allowed to treat him like their master. This was very hard for them since they were more or less programmed by their slave seals to treat Kyle like air, necessary for survival.

It was after explaining how his life would depend on their performance that he was able to convince them to behave appropriately.

A few miles from their destination, Kyle and Riley got out of the main carriage and climbed into a wagon. They were slaves so their comfort didn't matter.

Keason was the first to disembark from his carriage and he approached the Baron along with Major, Kim, Steward East, and Bolk.

After a short conversation, Keason had a soldier fetch Riley and Kyle. They were brought before the baron who was neither impressed nor disappointed by them.

They were placed with other 'volunteers' for the dungeon team. Major and Kim were the two leaders, there was another Spirit Man named Gilbrew, a long-range fighter name Shadow Bow, and a hulking man named Bragg Shield, the team's tank.

Gilbrew looked very similar to Keason, Shadow Bow reminded Kyle of a supervillain from the earth name Black Arrow.

Shadow Bow wore a near midnight blue gambeson, which was over a thick near-black heavy cloth for the shirt.

A darkly painted wrist guard and finger tab were on his right forearm and hand. A sword, buckler, and knife hung from a leather belt that his coin purse was also attached to.

His near-black pants were made from the same thick material as his shirt. A black metal helmet was strapped to his head. His face was painted in various dark color paints as camouflage.

Bragg Shield simply wore brown pants made of coarse material, white chainmail covering his chest while his arms were unprotected. He also had a helmet.

It was a heavy helmet that covered everything but his eyes. In each hand, he carried a large tower shield.

Kyle or Kane was a close combat expert and Riley was a mid-range fighter. It was a pretty good team. The only thing they were missing was a thief.

That's when Kyle noticed a small young woman around his age hiding behind Shadow Bow. He found out she was a thief and was just called Shadow Sis; since she was Shadow Bow's younger sister.

She wore a simple black robe that made it impossible to see her face and know her age or figure.

The baron didn't bother to speak to his dungeon team. He merely stood there as the Steward talked to those who were gathered.

"Within this dungeon, there is a treasure our Lord requires. If you can retrieve this treasure; you will be greatly rewarded. You will also be given your freedom back.

We have sent many teams in before you and all of them have died inside. Try to be the team to come back alive. Good news for the Baron is good news for you," the Steward said as he thinly smiled.

There was no ceremony or chance to prepare themselves. They immediately walked into the dungeon together. The soldiers Bolk brought with them were sent into the dungeon with them.

They were responsible for guarding the supplies and collecting treasures. Gilbrew had a device he could use to communicate with Keason if they were able to find what they were looking for.

The Baron went into a small house built for him near the dungeon to wait for news.

He didn't have much hope to defeat the dungeon; he mainly wished for this group to clear out another level or two so the next group could continue the work.

Major and Kim took up a position toward the back with Gilbrew, Shadow Bow, and his sister. The soldiers were behind them with the supplies.

Riley was next while Kyle and Bragg Shield walked at the front. Kyle was expecting to be surrounded by monsters as soon as they entered the dungeon.

Bragg Shield explained that several of the floors were already cleared by the previous dungeon teams. They wouldn't face any monsters until the 20th subfloor.

The dungeon was underground and the floors went down instead of up. They called the floors below the top floor subfloor for this reason.

The team walked down one floor after another. Kyle marked the way and set up formations along the way to act as safe spaces in case they were overwhelmed and needed somewhere to retreat to.

The members of the team not familiar with Kyle were confused by his actions. They didn't understand why he kept making symbols with his fingers.

It took them more than a week to reach the 19th floor. This would serve as their main base during their explorations of the 20th floor.

They would move their base to the 20th floor once it was completely cleared of both treasures and monsters.

After making camp, Major and Kim announced that they would begin to clear the 20th floor the next day.


We've started with 67 power stones and only need 33 more power stones to reach our first bonus chapter goal. We're already two-thirds of the way there!

Today's power stone heroes are: M, adityajadeja, kupska, matteo_briccolani, and Timestronaut

Thank you all for your support! This book wouldn't be possible without you.


If you would like to read more chapters, I'll do a big release on Sundays if we can reach the weekly goal.

This week's goal is:

100 power stones for 1 extra chapter.

200 power stones for 2 extra chapters

250 power stones for 3 extra chapters

straythoughtcreators' thoughts