
Supergirl (Superwoman Kara Zor-El)

No one knows someone's life path. This is also experienced by Kara Zor-El, whom we know as Superwoman (Supergirl), trapped in her dark past without hope. She tries to relive her life in a new world as a mother to her cousin. What is the secret behind why all of this is happening? You have to find out for yourselves.

Rachel_2019768 · Anime & Comics
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Something strange was happening: a blue light illuminated the Earth and the entire universe, but no one seemed to notice this peculiarity.

**POV Marta**

My name is Marta Kent. I live in Kansas with my husband in a small town called Smallville. We live happily there. Despite not living in luxury, we feel content. Especially because living in Smallville, a small town far from the hustle and bustle of the big city, gives us its own kind of happiness. But I have to admit, there is a void in our lives. We don't have children or grandchildren. But everything changed after that.

*Morning in Smallville, 1980*

In the morning atmosphere of Smallville, the clear sky shone over the small town. Beautiful parks and endless green fields created a peaceful scenery.

Knock knock

Knock knock knock

"Just a moment."

As I, Marta, prepared to cook, there was a knock on the door. I walked towards the door to open it.

"Who is it?" I asked.

As the door opened, I was surprised. It never crossed my mind that the one knocking on the door was a young, beautiful girl with a captivating appearance. She was wearing white garments like an ancient Roman robe, complete with a hood covering her head. This girl looked amazing, especially with her golden hair and beautiful sky-blue eyes. If I lived in ancient Rome, I would surely consider this girl a manifestation of a goddess. Especially her eyes, which seemed as if they were not from this world.

"Hello," she greeted, snapping me out of my reverie.

"Ah, yes, hello. I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Marta. My name is Kara... Kara Zor-El," she said, introducing herself.

"How does she know my name?" Marta thought.

"Yes... Nice to meet you too, Miss Kara?" Marta replied, feeling a bit nervous.

"Please come in," I welcomed, inviting her inside. Although I wasn't sure if calling her "Miss Kara" was correct, considering she looked like she was in her twenties or even younger. And it seemed odd to address her as "Miss Zor."

"Thank you," Kara said, walking in slowly, while observing around my house.

"What can I offer you to drink? Tea, coffee, milk?" I asked.

"Just milk, Miss Marta," she answered. Odd, usually young girls would choose tea to appear mature, like Lana's niece.

I went to the kitchen to fetch milk for Kara.

"So, what is your purpose in coming here, Miss... Kara?" Marta said upon returning.

"I came here to ask for help... Can you allow me and... (hesitant) my baby to stay in your home, Miss Marta?"

"(Hah) Stay in my home!? For what reason, Miss Kara wants...!?!?! M!? Wait, my baby...?"

I looked at her left hand, which I had overlooked all this time, being focused on Kara. And there, on her hand, was a cute little baby, with black hair and the same sky-blue eyes as Kara. The baby seemed to be sound asleep in her arms, covered with the fabric of her clothes.

Wow, I was mesmerized. I couldn't stop looking at the baby, and it reminded me of how much I desired to have my own child.

"(Hah) I mean, what are your reasons, Miss Kara, for wanting to stay in my house and why my house?!?!?! M!? Wait, my baby...?"

I saw something I didn't expect before I could finish speaking. Everything around me, except what was attached to my house, floated about a meter high. I was also floating along with the chair I was sitting on. In surprise and confusion, I looked at the girl who seemed to be responsible for this anomaly.

"(Scared) Who are you really?" I said, even forgetting to use the formal "You."

Slowly, all the objects descended again, as if at Kara's will, although I didn't move any part of my body.

"I am Kara Zor-El. What you usually call aliens," Kara said when all the objects were back in their places.

"My planet is called Krypton. It used to be (softly), but now the planet is no more because something happened. We are the last of our kind (with a sad tone)," Kara continued.

Afraid and confused, I looked at Kara. Desperation and madness seemed to be reflected in her face. Although her eyes were like a bright blue sky, they couldn't hide the darkness of her feelings.

"I have no home. I have nowhere to go back to. But this baby must have a home. His home is here," Kara said gently, pointing to the baby in her lap.

Suddenly, I felt a mix of emotions. I didn't know how to respond to this strange request. Should I trust her? And more importantly, how could I reject a girl and her baby who seemed to need help?

Suddenly, the door burst open loudly.

"Marta... Marta... Are you okay? Something is happening outside, all objects are floating around the house," Jonathan's voice filled the air.

I turned to see my husband, Jonathan, who came with a worried face.

"Jonathan," I called, smiling in relief at the sight of my husband.


"Ah, forgive me, Jonathan. This is Kara, and this baby... this baby is hers. They want to stay here," I said, trying to explain this chaotic situation.

Jonathan looked confused and astonished, with a mixture of expressions on his face. I knew he was puzzled by what was happening before him.

"Jonathan," said Kara softly, "we have nowhere to go. Our planet is destroyed, and we are the last."

Jonathan looked at Kara and the baby. Although initially hesitant, his eyes began to understand this complex situation.

"What is really happening?" he asked, trying to find adequate answers.

Kara sincerely explained the story of Krypton's destruction and how she tried to save the baby. She explained her request to stay and find a safe place for her child.

"I don't know what to do," I said, "but can we ignore someone in need? Especially an innocent baby."

Jonathan nodded slowly, and we looked at each other with deep understanding.

"I think... we can provide a place for you and your child to stay," Jonathan finally said.

Kara gave a faint smile, and I saw gratitude in her eyes.

"Thank you, Ms. Marta, Mr. Jonathan. We are very grateful for your kindness," Kara said sincerely.

We felt like we were in the midst of a storm, but also like we had made room for a new light in our lives. We didn't know what would happen next, but we were ready to face this challenge together.

This story is the beginning of a great change in our lives. With Kara and her baby, we will face things we never imagined before. But one thing is for sure, everything will change with their arrival, and we are ready to face it.