
Chapter 2

Y/N's first day off is spent sleeping in til about noon. She got up and starts to play Twenty Øne Piløts through her speakers. The new album came out somewhat recently and Y/N loved it. Jumpsuit came on first.

After a few songs, there was a buzz. Y/N asked who it was and an all too familiar voice spoke.

"Hey, it's Alex. Just wondering if you'd like a little bit of company."

"Sure. Third floor." Y/N replied. She let the agent in and opened her apartment door, waiting for Alex to come up the stairs.

Y/N had not taken the time to get ready at all today so her H/L, H/C hair was kind of a wreck. She ran her fingers through it before Alex came into view. Alex soon came into view and Y/N smiled shyly at the agent.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" Alex asked,stepping in.

Y/N shrugged and looked at the floor. "I only woke up a half hour ago..."

"Oh, I'm sorry if I intruded." Alex said.

"N-no! It's fine." Y/N said, not wanting to upset Alex.

"Ooo, what's playing? This is good." Alex inquired.

"The Hype, by Twenty Øne Piløts... it's from Trench." Y/N shyly replied.

"I like it."

They sat down and Y/N offered Alex a drink. "No, I'm fine."

Y/N got her a glass anyways and they sat down and chatted a little bit. Alex asked most of the questions and Y/N answered in the simplest way possible, trying not to ramble about the story behind Trench. They ended up settling on a movie and shutting up for a while. Later, Alex insisted they watch her favorite show. They started to binge the show and when Y/N looked at the screen quizzically, Alex would explain what was happening.

They got to season three, where Alex had left off before Alex fell asleep, glass of wine in hand. Y/N decided to bring Alex to her room to let her sleep, after all, it was almost midnight. She put the blankets over the sleeping agent and went back out to sleep on the sofa.


Y/N woke up about 7:30 in the morning and went to make breakfast for the two of them. When she was almost done, Alex walked into the kitchen confused.

"Hey, what happened last night? Where'd you sleep?" Alex asked snapping Y/N out of her thoughts on cooking.

"Oh, umm... you fell asleep... so I put you in my bed... I slept on the couch..." Y/N nervously said.

"You could have just woken me up." Alex said.

"But you were kinda drunk. And it was past midnight..." Y/N responded.

"Well, I guess so. But you didn't have to do all that." Alex said. She noticed Y/N was cooking. "What are you making?"

"Umm... pancakes and bacon...?" Y/N said unsure.

"Oh, you really don't have to do that! Although I do love me some bacon!" Alex exclaimed.

They sat down and Y/N gave Alex some pancakes and bacon. Then she sat down and ate as well.

When they finished Alex once again said "Seriously, you didn't have to do that."

"I'm off work, I just felt like it." Y/N responded.

"Speaking of work, I've gotta be there in about ten minutes. Thank you for everything, Y/N. I gotta go, have a nice day!" Alex left and headed to work, leaving Y/N to herself. Y/N decided that later she would go to the alien dive bar. She needed to think about the other day, she was targeted by someone who knew what she was.

About three PM, she headed over to the dive bar. She got a small scotch and sat down to think. She must have looked tired or bored because a woman came over to introduce herself.

"Hey, I'm Maggie. I was wondering if you wanted to play a game of pool with me?" The woman asked. She had wavy dark brown hair and deep brown eyes.

"Oh, uh... sure..." Y/N shyly said. "I'm Y-Y/N L/N.." she mumbled.

"Well then, Y/N, lets get going. You want the first shot or should I?" Maggie asked.

"You can."

They set up the table and took the triangle off the balls.

"Alright, eight ball, you know how to play?" Maggie asked.

Y/N nodded. Maggie took the first hit, running the cue back and forth between the bridge of the underside of her pointer finger, and the side of her thumb. She hit the cue ball and the balls scattered about the table. None went in. Y/N went next, riding the cue back and forth a couple of times on top of her thumb, visualizing where the ball would hit and how the balls will behave. She hit the cue ball and the solid 9 she hit, rolled into one of the pockets.

"You're Solids." Maggie notes.

Y/N takes another shot. This time, the solid ball missed the pocket. They exchanged turns, slowly getting each ball into the pocket, trying to screw the other over for their shot. Maggie seemed to be winning until Y/N got the last of her 4 balls in, surprising Maggie. Now Maggie has one ball to hit before the eight ball, while Y/N only had the eight ball. Y/N struck the cue ball and the ball jumped the table.

"Ball in hand!" Maggie exclaimed. Y/N may or may not have done that on purpose. Maggie positioned the ball so she could hit her last ball into the pocket. Unfortunately, she ended up lining the cue ball up wrong to where it was almost impossible to get the eight ball in. She took a shot though and it rolled close to the pocket she was aiming for, but didn't go in. The cue ball rolled past the eight ball as the eight ball came to a stop right on the edge of the table. Y/N lined up her shot and took it, bouncing the cue ball on the side of the eight ball to give it a spin so it could go into the middle pocket. The move seemed impossible, but the ball went in. Y/N had won.

"Great game, L/N. What would you like from the bar? Anything and I'll get it." Maggie said.

"N-no no! It's fine, I don't want to use your money!" Y/N said nervously, not wanting to use the strangers money.

"Oh shut up and take my money!" Maggie said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Anything!"

"Alright... you're not going to let it go... scotch..." Y/N said defeated.

"Alright, one scotch coming up!" Maggie went off to grab a scotch for Y/N. She came back and they both sat down.

"Hey, I noticed you were scrunching your face up when playing a few time, is that a thing you do? Sorry to ask if it makes you uncomfortable." Maggie rubbed the back of her neck.

Y/N did in fact wince at the pain digging into her side almost every time she bent over to hit the cue ball. A couple times she actually flinched but she didn't think it was that obvious.

"I uhhh... I just have an injury on my side... it's fine." Y/N shyly said. "I should probably change the bandages though, I was supposed to do it a while ago..."

"Would you like me to help you?" Maggie offered.

"Uhhh... sure... if you want..." Y/N nervously replied.

They headed to the bathroom and Y/N grabbed the bandages out of her small backpack. She lifted up her shirt a little so she could take the current bandages off. Maggie stepped in to help, unwinding it from her torso. Once the bandages were off, Y/N applied some of the medical cream that was given to her to a cause pad and stuck it on the bandage. Maggie bent down to place it on the injury when she looked back up at Y/N.