
56. I Got All My Sisters With Me

Kara and Lena continued kissing as the shocked reporter looked on. Eventually, they had to come up for air. Kara eased Lena to her feet, but kept a grip around her waist. They leaned their foreheads together as they caught their breath.

"That was phenomenal, Kara."

"Well, I was inspired." Kara said, grinning happily.

"You know I was talking about the match, right?"

"Not the kiss? Well, let's see if I can do better..."

"Well, the kiss was pretty phenomenal too." Lena admitted. Just as they moved to kiss again, the reporter spoke up.

"Ms. Luthor, Kara, can I have a word?" She asked, sounding like she was in shock, and a bit desperate.

Kara rolled her eyes at Lena. "Is this the non-stop press coverage you've been warning me about?"

"It's only the beginning. Buckle up, Supergirl." Lena couldn't help leaning in for a quick kiss. "Anyway, you have a lot of celebrating to do."

"How long have you two been together?" She tried to break into their reverie. Then, after finally overcoming her surprise and organizing her thoughts. "Is this the reason L-Corp got in the business of sponsoring women's soccer?"

"Well, that didn't take long." Lena glared over at the reporter. But then Kara kissed her cheek and she couldn't bring herself to worry at that moment. She was too happy about the win and being in Kara's arms. She knew she would eventually need to answer to her Board about all of it, but that was later. And her heart was in the now, at last.

Just then Ava came up and grabbed Kara around the waist and lifted her from behind. Kara kicked her legs out in surprise as she finally broke her eye contact with Lena.

"Hey, Captain. You're wanted on the stage." Ava said, shaking her tightly before putting her down. Both women turned to see the stage that had been rapidly built following the match.

"Right. Guess we better go get our Cup." She said, beaming at Lena.

"They can't get started without the star of the show." Lena encouraged her to go with a wink.

"See you at the party?"

"Wouldn't miss it."

Kara reluctantly turned and then quickly disappeared, running to the opposite side of the field where the team was beginning to line up for the awards.

The award ceremony was a bit of a blur for Lena. She watched with joy as the team and seemingly the rest of the world cheered and danced on the field. She saw various officials and coaches take the podium and to talk about the team and success of tournament. Sara and others were careful to thank the sponsors, including L-Corp, and Lena couldn't help but beam that her company was receiving yet more publicity mileage from the team.

Let's see if the Board dares to comment about Kara and I, in the face of this huge boon to the company, not to mention the capture and hopefully end of the trouble from Lex. Lena thought to herself, taking a minute to look around to see whether any Board members had come down to the field to celebrate. She waved at a few she noticed.

Near the end of the speeches, they read all the names of the team, followed by announcing the Player of the Match. To no one's surprise, especially not to Lena, she heard them announce Kara's name. She beamed from ear to ear as Kara came up to accept her trophy. She tried to listen as Kara gave a gracious acceptance speech. She couldn't hear clearly due to the distance and so many people surrounding her, but caught the last bit.

"Most of all, I want to thank my sister and our team doc, Alex. No doubt, without all her support and care, I wouldn't be here today."

After that Kara went straight to Alex and pulled her into a long hug as the team and the crowd went wild. Next Kara went on to hug Sara, followed many others lining the stage before walking to the edge of the platform. She paused for a bit as her team rushed to get close, the she spun around and let herself fall off the stage backwards. A gasp went up around the stadium, but her teammates were there surrounding her. They easily caught her and she crowd surfed for a bit before yelling for them to put her back on the platform as she laughed uproariously.

"She's a fucking rock star." Lena murmured outloud to herself, though unfortunately soon realized she was being overheard.

"Anything you'd like to say to the press, Ms. Luthor?" The same reporter had reappeared by her side. "I'm happy to give your side of the story before the world makes their own opinions."

"You mean that I insisted my company sponsor Kara because we're together?"

"Well, I mean...is that what you're telling me?"

"Of course not." Lena said, annoyed. She knew it was pointless to try to contain news of their kiss given how many people had seen, not to mention there were likely multiple videos and photos. "But people will believe what they want."

"I'd be happy to tell them differently. If there's anything you'd like to say..." The players and officials were finally beginning to file off the platform and the crowd was calming down, starting to disperse.

"Why don't you give me your card?" Lena said, still watching the excitement on the platform. "Maybe I'll think of something."

"Wonderful! Please don't hesitate to call me at any hour."

"Sure." Lena said, trying to focus on the win and not the press. "You'll be the first one I'll call if anything comes to mind. What's your name?"

"Siobhan. Smythe." The woman said, shaking her hand. "Thanks for considering."

"Hey!" Sam appeared and wrapped her arms around Lena for a tight squeeze. The reporter could see she wouldn't get more out of Lena and turned to go. "So, what's the plan?"

"L-Corp is sponsoring a party for the team at the Stonewall Bar. Maybe head back to the hotel to eat and get ready, and then make our way over? I'm sure they'll have to do a press conference and want to shower. I think we'll have a lot of time before they'll be free."

"I know who I want to shower with..." Sam said under her breath.

Lena chuckled and smirked at her. "Yeah, you wish, Sammie. Maybe after the party you'll get your wish."

"I better. I've been so good this week."

"Ever the patient and supportive girlfriend, I know." Lena smirked at her. "Something tells me you'll get lucky tonight."

"I was thinking the same thing about you." Sam said, linking her arm in Lena's and pulling her towards the exit.


The next few hours were complete and utter joy and relief for Kara. She couldn't get enough of the hugs, and congratulations, and squealing with teammates. It all seemed unreal, and she was still convincing herself it had really happened. Everyone on the team was still in a bit of shock that it was really over and they were leaving with the World Cup.

Kara made it through the press conference along with Sara and a couple other selected players. She felt good about her responses and was very ready to be done. She noticed that a majority of the questions from reporters were being directed at her and she tried to re-direct some that were more appropriate for others to answer. It seemed it would go on forever, but then Sara called for the last question so they could get a break. She called on a platinum blonde in the middle of the crowd who had been waving her hand wildly throughout the presser. Kara recognized her from her attempts to question her on the field.

"Thank you, I just have a quick one for Kara." The reporter spoke up. "Ms. Danvers, I was just wondering...how long have you been in a relationship with one of the teams top sponsors?"

Sara spoke up before Kara could respond. "You know what? This opportunity is not for addressing any personal matters for any team members. We're going to call it a night then."

The room erupted in protest, but Sara gave the players a nod and they all stood up to walk out as the reporters continued to protest loudly.

When the group joined the rest of the team back in the locker room, they all began chanting - "USA! USA! USA!" and the cheering and hugs kicked off again.

Alex grabbed Kara and pulled her into the clinic. She began to unwrap her ankle tape and got her into an Ace bandage for support. Kara couldn't help but cringe at the movement to her ankle.

"I knew it!" Alex said. "You did make this worse."

"Worth it!" Kara didn't even try to argue. None of that mattered right now. The world where she had to worry about ankle pain seemed very far away.

"Humpf." Alex grunted begrudgingly.

"Thank you, Alex." She said sincerely. "Thanks for sticking your neck out to let me play. I don't know what I would have done..."

"You would have been going out of your goddamned mind, I know." Alex interrupted. "And you were right. It all worked out. But just remember, once we're home again - you're starting a strict physical therapy regime!"

"You got it, boss!" Kara said with a broad smile and a salute.

"And you promised to see Julia."

"Right. Some head-shrinking is in order. I know. I promise not to fight you on either count."

"Thank you."

"Now...can we forget about all that and have some fun? You know L-Corp has rented out the entire Stonewall bar for the celebration, right?"

"Right. Let's get our party on!"

"YESS!" Kara pumped her fist, but then held one towards Alex for a bump. "Stronger together?"

Alex responded with a bump and a knowing smile. "Always. Stronger together."

Back in the locker room Lucy handed Kara a beer.

"What, we're already pre-gaming? I haven't even showered yet."

"Well, it's not really pre-gaming if it's after the game now, is it?"

"I like the way you think, Lane." Kara said with a wink. She looked around and saw the rest of her team in various stages of undress and showering. Just then their coach appeared and a loud cheer went up for her.

"Thanks, ladies! I'm sure I don't need to tell you how spectacular you were out there. Or how proud I am of you."

The team whooped it up in response.

"So, it's time for us to party like it's 1999! Or, like we just won the World Cup. Which we fucking did!" Cheers went up again.."I'm sure you've all heard that L-Corp has pulled out all the stops for an after party at the Stonewall Bar. There'll be a huge spread of food so no need to get dinner. And of course, open bar." More whoops drowned Sara out until she stopped to let the noise die down.

"Right, they've got the whole place, so you're welcome to invite friends and family."

"What about...new friends?" Kate piped up.

"Hmmm, I assumed you mean players from other teams that you've been flirting with during the tournament?"

"Exactly." Kate smirked and whined a bit. "Please Coach? I mean we did just win the World Cup..."

Many other players joined with begging - "Please Coach!" "Haven't we earned some fun?" "We'll be good!".

Finally Sara interrupted. "Fine! You can invite new friends. But don't promise me that you'll be good. Otherwise, what's the point?"

The team laughed and cheered.

"And while I'm at it - no curfew!"

"YESSSS!" The team members hollered in unison. Once it got quiet, Imra piped up with a another question.

"And what about...bed checks?"

"Imra!" The team gasped with faux shock. Sara couldn't repress her laughter.

"Right, well...fine! If you promise to be safe and smart...you don't have to sleep in your assigned rooms tonight."

Once again, the room erupted in cheers.

"But I want you all to be at brunch - at the team hotel - by 11:00 am tomorrow for a full head count and quality team time."

"Yay!" The chorus went up from the team.

"Alright, players - let's get out there and show them how we party in the USA!"

At that they all rushed to finish their showers and get dressed. No one wanted to take the time to go back to the hotel. They'd brought clothes so they would be ready to go out. Less than 20 minutes later everyone was loaded on the team shuttle and headed out.

Lucy slipped in beside Kara on the double seat. "Great work out there, dude. Amazing how you were able to play through the pain."

"Right back at ya, babe! You were incredible. Everyone, really. At the top of their games. We can all be proud."

Lucy wrapped an arm over Kara's shoulder. "Always so humble. But you earned that MVP trophy, Kara - 100%!"

"You're the best, Lucy. Thanks for sticking by me through it all. We had a lot of ups and downs the past few weeks."



The players walked into the bar like they were on the top of the world. Which, technically, they were. A crowd of people had already gathered and they all screamed and cheered. Friends and family rushed to their respective players for hugs and congratulations.

Kara hugged Eliza and Alex and they all exclaimed together in amazement over the outcome. Kara told Eliza, just as she'd told Alex on many occassions, that she wouldn't be there without her support. Eliza agreed wholeheartedly and told them how proud she was of both her girls, then held up her fist.

"Stronger together." Eliza said and Kara and Alex joined her in a 3-way bump, followed by a tight group hug.

"OK, OK." Eliza said, stroking their backs. "Anybody hungry?"

The all laughed and turned towards the tables of food.

"Out of my way!" Kara said, jokingly elbowing them aside to get to the food.

She grabbed a plate and was amazed to see the delectable spread. She couldn't help but smile when she saw that Lena had arranged for many of her favorites as she began loading up her plate.

As she went back for seconds, Kara noticed a bit of a stir in the room. She turned to see Lena and Sam stroll through the door, and watched with happiness as several players came to thank Lena for the sponsorship and the party.

I'm glad players recognize how important the L-Corp support has been. We never would have received those raises without Lena's insistence. They can see that, even if they'll never know all she has done to help control the narrative, and to stop Lex. Kara thought to herself. Just then Lena glanced towards her and smiled, past the heads of some of her well-wishers. Lena continued her gaze for several moments, causing Kara's heart to melt a little.

"Kara! Kara - you have to come dance!" Kara was jerked out of the reverie she'd sunk into from Lena's smile. She realized the DJ had turned on "We Are Family", which was an unofficial team anthem. She turned and rushed to the dance floor to join her teammates.

They were all in a circle, bouncing up and down to the beat, wrapping arms around shoulders in a big circle, and shouting the lyrics (some accurate and some guesses) as they danced together.

After that, the hits kept coming. It seemed to be a team playlist that was being played, and Kara secretly wondered if Lena had arranged it, possibly working with Eve to find out all the team favorites.

But at that moment, she let it go, just to bask in the sheer joy of celebrating the hard-won victory with her mates. As the dancing continued, more people joined the tight-knit bunch until the floor started getting crowded. Occasionally Kara tracked Lena's whereabouts out of the corner of her eye. She knew Lena would want to give her space and not create a scene that would detract from the celebration. Kara gave a heavy sigh, but moments later was caught up in another silly dance with the team. Now they were all dancing to the tune of "Rock the Boat."

"What is this, the 1970s?" Lucy yelled in Kara's ear.

"Always a classic!" Kara rebuffed her criticism of the song. She remembered Eliza and Jeremiah dancing together to the tune aa a wedding when she was in high school and she had a soft spot for it. She rushed over to drag Eliza into the melee of their dancing.

"You remembered, Jeremiah loved this one." Eliza said, pulling her into a hug after the song.

"Yeah. And I remember how you loved dancing together." Kara said wistfully. "Wish he was here."

"Me too, sweet girl." Eliza squeezed her again. "Now get back to your fun."

Just then three players came and dragged Kara back into the dancefloor action.


Soon after her dramatic arrival at the party, Lena heard Sara yell for her and Sam to come sit at her table. Lena didn't hesitate to join her. Sara always made her laugh and she appreciated how discreet and understanding she'd been about her relationship with Kara. She was always quick to react with wild exclaim, but Lena thought her decisions were measured and fair. She grabbed Sam's hand to drag her along.

When they arrived at the table she was surprised to see Diana Prince, the owner of the Spirit. The two women embraced and kissed cheeks.

"Diana, I didn't know you were here! Why didn't you come to the VIP room during the match?" Lena had been so caught up in the game she hadn't even realized Diana was at the match.

"Oh, I love to be on the field and in the crowd. For me it's part of the whole experience." She said. "Besides, I'm not as famous as you - I can get away with it and not be harassed!"

"I'm so glad you made it. We have a lot to celebrate."

The women ordered more drinks and continued to catch up with each other loudly. When the drinks arrived Lena gave a toast to Sara, congratulating her on the win and how she'd pulled the team together so well. Lena settled in as they clinked glasses, and glanced around the room. It didn't take long to see Kara dancing her heart out in the middle of the team. She smiled at how happy she looked and resisted the urge to go to her.

"In case anyone is wondering," Sara spoke up, looking pointedly at Lena and smirking. "No curfew tonight. And no bed check."

"What's a bed check?" Sam asked.

"That just means, the players aren't required to stay in their rooms tonight." Lena explained.

"Ahh, I see your boarding school experience is paying off." Sam teased. "But I think you're the one with the most to gain from this break through."

Lena's eyes went wide and she smiled. "Now why ever would you say that?"

"Hate to tell you, girl. But that cat is out of the bag." Sara broke in. "A reporter asked about you and Kara at the presser."

"Well, she might have been tipped off by them making out on the field." Sam offered.

"What?!" Sara exclaimed.

"Sam! Was that really necessary?" Lena asked.

"She'll see the photos eventually."

"So much for the carefully planned roll out." Sara said with a smirk.

"We agreed it was OK to go public without all that. If the opportunity came a long. But, I really wasn't expecting that...on the field..."

"Well, if that's the case, why don't you go dance with her?" Sara asked.

"This is her night to celebrate with the team. I don't want to take away from that."

"No worries. We'll keep you entertained." Diana offered.

Just then Alex appeared and greeted them all with hugs and congrats.

"Thanks for your service, Doc! You made the right call with Kara. I know you were under a lot of pressure." Sara said.

"It all worked out." Alex sighed, then took Sam's hand. "Um, can I steal this one for a dance?"

"You bet." Sara said with a wink.

People came and went from the table for over an hour, all talking loudly and excitedly, and cheersing exuberantly. Players, VIPs, even some celebrities came by to toast their success. Lena couldn't help but notice that Ava came and stayed quite a while, seeming reluctant to leave. Kara had mentioned that she thought Ava had a crush on Sara, and Lena couldn't disagree.

At one point Kate showed up, and thanks to her exuberance over the win, Lena managed not to glare at her. She knew that Kara and Kate had made amends and possibly were even friends now, but Lena wasn't ready to forgive. She prided herself on her capacity to hold grudges. And when it came to someone hurting, or trying to hurt Kara in some way, well, that person would have a slim chance of ever making it off her shit list. Kate seemed to sense that and didn't make any effort to engage with Lena directly. After a drink she moved quickly on from the table.

Eventually Sara insisted that they all needed to go dance off some of their alcohol. The dance floor was packed by then, and Lena had long ago lost track of Kara in the crowd and haze of all the alcohol. She figured there was no harm in it and, after all those drinks, she was more than ready to get her groove on.

The group of women from the table proceeded to raise the roof. Players and fans came and went in their little circle as they danced. Lena suddenly became aware Kara was near, some distance behind her, only by her scent. It wasn't strong, but it was distinctive, and of course Lena's senses were especially attuned to it. Her heart raced, yet she resisted turning around. But she could sense eyes on her.

Just then Pink's "Raise your Glass" came on, which seemed perfect for their mood. The whole room seemed to raise their hands and bounce as one in time to the bass. After the song and all that bouncing, Lena felt a bit out of breath, and decided she should take a break. But then the next song was "Closer" by Tegan and Sara, and she decided she needed to stay for just one more.

Half way through the song she felt arms wrap around her from behind. She gasped at the feeling, though she knew immediately that it was Kara by the increased intensity of her scent. Lena couldn't resist letting herself melt backwards into her arms. Kara nuzzled her neck and whispered into her ear:

"You've got great moves, Ms. Luthor."

"Look who's talking." She murmured. She reached up to stroke the side of Kara's cheek.

"I'd really love to see more of what you can do. Are you free later?"

"Well, I hear there's no bed check tonight..."

"Always so on top of the situation. So, shall we say, your place?"

"Yes, please. But not until you and the team have partied your asses off, OK?"

"Deal." Kara chuckled.

Lena turned so she could look Kara in the eye. "I mean it. Come as late or as early as you want. I know you'll be exhausted, but I'd love to have you in my bed tonight."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Kara said and leaned in to take Lena's lips for a lingering kiss as she pulled her body closer. Lena heard the words of the song echoing in her mind:

"All I want to get is...a little bit closer..."

Their lips explored and lingered for several moments, both reluctant to let go, but cautious not to ramp up the intensity. When they pulled back for a breath Lena took her chance to escape before her body betrayed her further.

"See you later, Supergirl." She gave Kara a knowing look and disappeared.

After that she headed back to the table and grabbed her phone. She texted Sam to let her know she was leaving. She could see Sam was still dancing with Alex, with very little space between them. Clearly she wouldn't be interested in leaving any time soon. As for Lena, she felt like the night had peaked, and couldn't get better. At least not until she could be with Kara. Wanting to leave on a high note, she waved to Sara and made her exit.

Outside, Vaz was waiting in a luxury rental car. Lena heaved a sigh of relief as she slid into into the back seat and leaned against the decadent leather.

"Back to the hotel please, Vaz."

"Ms Danvers won't be joining?"

"She'll be a long after the party. If you're not too tired, I'd like you to come back here after you drop me. In case she needs a ride."

"Of course, ma'am. That's what I'm here for." Vaz said dutifully. "Not to mention, it'd be an honor to drive the star of America's winning team."

"If only you weren't signed to an iron-clad NDA. You could post about it." Lena mused.

"I don't 'post' Ms. Luthor. But it might be nice to be able to tell some friends."

"Well, if it works out that you drive her, maybe you can ask if she'd mind."


"Normally I would frown on it, but today is special. And also...I expect Kara would get a kick out of it rather than be annoyed."

"Yes. Me too." Vaz said wistfully. "She seems very down-to-earth. For a superstar."


"She is something else entirely." Lena agreed, then raised the partition between them. Hearing the awe in Vaz's voice, Lena chuckled to herself. She imagined people all over the world were now nursing crushes on her girlfriend. And who could blame them?


Once back in her room, Lena showered quickly, then pulled on some pajamas and climbed into bed. She was completely exhausted due to the emotional rollercoaster from just watching the game. She couldn't imagine how Kara was still standing, and even dancing. She didn't ponder for long before drifting off.


It was well after 2:00 before things started winding down significantly at the bar. Despite having the times of their lives, the team was thoroughly spent, and as the crowds slowly got smaller, most of the teammates found themselves together at a long table, switching to water and winding down. They were having a hard time letting go of the night and each other, knowing that this day and night were special in a way that would never be the same. Even though they would be seeing each other in just a few hours, it would be a new day, one with the Cup behind them. For many there it would be the high point of their lives.

Kara and others shared thoughts and eventually Sara appeared to shoo them out.

"I thought you said no curfew!" She exclaimed, but the players remained seated.

"Let's put it this way - you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here! Anyway, I can see that many of you have 'friends' waiting in the wings. You don't want to keep them waiting."

At that the players got up for another round of hugs and began to file out of the bar. As Kara walked out arm-and-arm with Lucy, she noticed Vaz sitting in a nearby car and waved.

"Hello! Ms. Danvers! I'm here to drive you, if you'd like." Vaz called to her. "Ms. Luthor should have alerted you."

"Oh! I haven't looked at my phone in a while. I think it's dead."

"It would be my honor to drive you."

Kara looked apprehensively at Lucy. There was no way she was going back to their hotel room with her that night. Her heart was set on seeing Lena. But she didn't want to abandon Lucy.

Vaz figured out her dilemma quickly. "I'm happy to drive Ms. Lane, after I drop you off."

"Are you sure?" Kara asked as Vaz nodded. "That would be wonderful - thanks!"

"Just doing my job, ma'am."

"Vaz is adorable." Lucy whispered under her breath.

"Well, since you are apparently on a break..."

Lucy gave Kara a sharp punch in the ribs.

"Hey! Just trying to help."

"So, you recognized Lucy. Are you a fan?"

"Absolutely! I was so excited when Ms. Luthor asked me to come to help transport her during the finals. I've listened to every match live, and watched them all later."

"That's awesome, Vaz. Thanks for your support!"

"It's a true honor. And if there's anything else I can do for either of you..."

"Lucy may be able to think of something..." Kara offered helpfully.


"Sorry. I'll be quiet now."

It wasn't long before they reached Lena's hotel. Kara gave Lucy a quick kiss on the cheek and was out of the car like a shot.

"Bye, babe." Lucy said as Kara disappeared.

"Thanks, Vaz! Enjoy your evening." Kara leaned through the front window.

"Thank you, Ms. Danvers. For winning the World Cup!"

Kara smiled and turned towards the huge glass building. She hurried through the automatic doors. Once inside a connoisseur came to her immediately and guided her to the elevator that would reach the penthouse. Just moments later she entered Lena's large, very quiet suite. She found that Lena had helpfully left out some snacks in the kitchen. She gulped down a few bites, but this was one time Kara didn't want to slow down for food. She needed to be near Lena as soon as possible.

Finding her way to the master bedroom, her breath caught at the sight of Lena cuddled into the satin sheets. After she tore her eyes away she quickly spotted some p.j.s that were clearly meant for her, and quickly stripped and pulled them on. At long last she slipped into bed and wrapped herself around Lena from behind.

The feeling of at last being able to touch her, to really engulf her body in the privacy of her rooms, nearly overwhelmed her in her exhausted state. She nuzzled into Lena's neck and inhaled deeply and contentedly.

Lena must have been exhausted as well. She didn't fully wake, but snuggled backwards to get closer.

"Kara." She mumbled nearly incoherently. Kara smiled and drifted happily off to a deep, dreamless sleep.


Kara woke several hours later to bright light filtering into the room. For a moment she couldn't remember where she was, but as she blinked awake she saw Lena smiling at her.

"Hey." Kara rasped.

"Hey, baby. How are you feeling?"

"Fantastic. Amazing. Literally, never better."

Lena laughed happily as she brushed hair away from Kara's face.

"Sorry, I was so tired when I got in last night that I forgot to close the blackout shades. You probably could have slept hours longer."

"No, I'm glad to be awake. To be here with you." Now fully awake, Kara was looking at Lena with wide eyes, like she couldn't really believe she was there.

"So, how does it feel to be a World Champion?"

"Feels pretty damn good. All that work, waiting, pain. Totally worth it."

"Are you starving? Shall I order some food?"

"No. I've got the team brunch. Wait, what time is it?"

"It's just after 9:00. We have a little time."

"Then food is not what I want to be using my mouth on right now." Kara reached for Lena's hip to shift her closer, sliding her leg between Lena's.

"Mmm, that's quite the compliment - choosing me over food." Lena chuckled as she gripped the collar of Kara's pajamas to maneuver her closer. "Let me help you put that mouth to good use."

In the next moment she engulfed Kara's lips with her own, responding to the urge to take her in deeply. Kara responded with a lovely moan and teased Lena's mouth with her tongue until she parted her lips to receive her. Each devoured the other like they were having a meal after a long fast, and neither was able to get enough.

As they continued kissing they both began to reach for leverage, maneuvering the other into more accessible positions, to be able to touch more, to feel more of each other. They struggled a bit as they worked to maintain he contact of their mouths while also starting to work at buttons and hems. Eventually they broke apart to catch their breath and laugh at themselves.

"Sorry, I...just want you so much." Kara moved nimbly to straddle Lena's legs. Lena let out a surprised laugh.

"I don't have much time. And I need to feel your skin on mine." She began to work at Lena's shirt buttons and quickly had it spread open.

"God, you're so beautiful." Kara said, looking a bit mesmerized. She leaned down to kiss and nuzzle Lena's exposed breasts. Lena groaned and gripped her fingers into Kara's hair in encouragement. Kara shifted up Lena's body to get access to her shoulders and neck and in doing brushed her center against Lena's cock. Both women moaned at the contact.

"Jesus, Lena. You're so hard already."

"I've pretty much been this way since I woke up and saw you in my bed." Lena admitted.

"You poor baby." Kara murmured. "I'm sure I can help with that."

"I'm sure you can too. But what about your ankle? Shouldn't we be taking it easy? I don't want to do anything to..."

"Fuck taking it easy, Lena. I've been waiting too long. And I won't have another match for months. I'll try to be careful, but, I am absolutely going to fuck you right now. And no doctor or coach is going to stop me."

"Oh god, yes please." Lena gasped.

Kara leaned back down to kiss Lena, but Lena stopped her. "Wait, first...take this off?" Lena gripped the hem of her pajama top. "I want to feel you too."

"Your wish is my command." Kara said, making quick work of removing it.

"I think that's my line." Lena chuckled.

Kara laughed and shifted her hips back and forth, creating friction against Lena's covered cock and her cunt, which she could feel was already dripping wet as she gyrated slowly.

"Yesss...." Lena moaned. "God yes. You feel so good, Kara. Please. Take these off." Lena pulled at her pants.

Kara leaned back to get better access, then took the opportunity to reach down and stroke Lena through her pants, gripping her shaft and pumping gently.

"Gonna take such good care of you." Kara whispered.

"I know, baby. Take them off now."

Kara smiled and crawled off of Lena, gripping the top of her pants and easing them over her straining cock. She smiled at the sight before realizing they needed a condom.

"Lena, where..."

"Top drawer." Lena interrupted, already thinking the same thing.

"Always so prepared." Kara smiled.

"Well, not always..." Lena said, remembering their first meeting on the international flight. It felt like ages ago.

"Ha! Yeah, I guess not." Kara had already jumped off the bed and found the condoms in the drawer. She jerked her pants off and left them puddled on the ground in her rush to get back to Lena. Moments later she was straddling her legs again and rolling the condom down slowly over her cock. Under her Lena shivered at the sensation.

"I can't believe this is happening." Lena husked. "Feels so long since I've properly been inside you. I mean...I really want to take my time, but since we don't have much right now, I just...really want to fuck you..." Lena was struggling to hold herself still against all the demanding sensations coursing through her body.

"Well, then why don't you fuck me?" Kara looked at her with a happy gleam and challenge in her expression.

Lena growled low in her throat as she sat up quickly to reach Kara's lips. She took a sharp nip then looked her in the eye.

"Is that what you want?"

"Yes." Kara nodded rapidly. "I want you to take me. However you want me. I want a break from thinking. I just want to feel."

At that Lena gripped Kara's back and deftly maneuvered so that in the next moment she was stretched out on the bed and Lena was on top. Without hesitating she began attacking Kara's neck, then whispered in her ear:

"Sorry, but you worked so hard yesterday. You've hardly slept. I don't want you up there doing all the work. I'd rather you just lay back and let me...dick you down. Properly."

"Oh jesus, Lena." Kara gasped. "Something tells me there won't be anything proper about what's about to happen."

Lena laughed and moved herself between Kara's legs, then gently spread them wider. Gripping her thighs she bent them to give herself better position to grind down. She watched as Kara's eyes closed in ecstasy.

"Oh yes. That's exactly what I want." She mumbled as Lena's cock began to shift up and down through the wetness of her cunt.

Lena took both Kara's wrists and stretched them above her head, causing her body to arch and open more for her, all the while continuing to grind and stimulate her. Lena slid easily through her dripping folds.

"I'm soaked Lena...Aching for you..."

Lena was working away with her tongue and lips along Kara's outstretched neck. She grazed Lena's ear and whispered into it:

"I have to...ummpfh..." She lost her words as she ground again into Kara's hot center. "I have to...taste you..."

"Ohhh..." Kara squirmed against her in anticipation.

Despite her longing to lick every inch of Kara, she knew she didn't have all the time in the world. She pushed Kara's wrists into the bed for emphasis and said, "Leave these here? I love how you're all stretched out for me."

"Yesss." Kara quickly agreed and arched again to show her enthusiasm for the idea.

After that Lena wasted no time in getting the taste she wanted. She moved down Kara's body smoothly until she was hovering just above her center, savoring her scent and heat before diving in.

When she finally did, Kara called out loudly at the glorious feeling of Lena's tongue, then whispered:

"Glad you...have a suite. I don't think I can...be very quiet right now." Kara gasped between breaths.

"Well, now that you've outed us, we don't have to worry about that anymore. Brilliant move, baby. Be as loud as you want."

At that Lena resolved to stop all her talking, and delved deeper, tonguing Kara's clit luxuriously as she groaned loudly. Kara was clearly enjoying the freedom of no longer hiding or worrying about anyone finding out about them. She bent her knees and gripped into Lena's hair, letting her hips move in response to the fantastic feeling of Lena's tongue and mouth working her over.

"Yess, yess, yess, yessss." Despite her efforts to formulate a sentence in her brain, sensation was taking over and stealing her words.

Lena kept up pressure with her tongue as she drove Kara steadily higher and more out of control with her sounds and movements. Lena exulted in hearing her let go as she sunk lower, delving her tongue inside as Kara went over the edge. She called out loudly and dug her nails into Lena's head to the point of pain.

Just that taste, and moving briefly inside Kara, sparked Lena's drive to be deeper inside. Her mouth was full of Kara, but she thought to herself:

She asked me to fuck her Catching a glimpse of the clock. No time to waste.

As Kara came down Lena eased her mouth off and quickly gripped Kara's thighs, shifting her roughly lower on the bed, getting her head off the headboard to protect her from any impact.

Kara looked at her with wide eyes, not able to speak at that moment, so she just gave Lena a definitive nod.

Lena flashed her a smile and quickly lined herself up, grinding her cock against Kara's clit as Kara moved her hips in response. She already felt so close to the edge again, but she longed to feel Lena inside her. Instead, Lena continued dragging the tip of her cock through her folds and circled her clit, until she heard Kara beg:

"Please....please oh please...Lena"

Not able to hold out longer, Lena thrust forward and inside. Both women groaned in ecstasy and let loose a loud call:

"Oh, fuck!"