
48. I'm Crawling On Your Shores

Lena quickly picked up the phone as Jess connected her with the urgent call from Arkham Asylum.

"That motherfucker." Sam cursed under her breath as she listened carefully to Lena's side of the short conversation. It was enough for anyone to surmise what had happened. And just as Lena feared, Lex was already out.

"I tried to get the DEO to take him. They said the would 'review' the case. Well it's too damn late now!" Lena growled as she slammed down the phone.

"How did he do it?"

"They're still trying to get to the bottom of it. Definitely some inside involvement, probably him bribing someone high up, as well as any number of lower level staff helping out. As always, they underestimated him. This time at least they had him in solitary. Doesn't matter. It wasn't enough."

"What do they want from you?"

"To warn me. And try to figure out whether I know anything, or was involved in any way."

"They think you helped him?"

"I'm definitely a suspect, based on what they were asking me. They tried to to be subtle, but that much was clear."

"Well, they won't find any connection, so it will all be fine. But what about Lillian?"

"Exactly. What about Lillian?" Lena felt sick to her stomach at the thought of her mother being involved. "I have no idea. But I'm going to find out."

"How can I help?"

"Just...listen. I could really use a sounding board right now and there are so few people I trust."

"Of course. Always, Lena."

"And for the dirty work, I have Mr. Dox, and my off-the-books clean up crew." Lena took in a deep, exasperated breath. "But I want to start with Dox. If anyone can help, he can. He was critical to the coup at the Board meeting."

"Right. Should I clear out so you can get him started? He may feel more comfortable without me here."

"He is rather...awkward, around people." Lena agreed and Sam got up to leave.

"Sam?" Lena called to her before she opened the door.

"Lena, I know what you're going to say, and I'm not going to allow it."

"What? How do you know what I'm going to say?"

"Because I know you. And you're about to say that unless they capture Lex you're not going to Sydney."

"What? Sam...how..."

"Like I said, I know you. And you're already deciding to do the most 'noble' and self-punishing thing you can think of. Because you're trying to make amends for something you had nothing to do with. Something your brother did, and maybe even your mother. You are forever trying to make right something that you didn't do. And can't fix."

Lena looked at her with wide eyes, shocked to realize how much Sam saw. Even more than she saw of herself sometimes.

"And so, you are damn well still going to Sydney if they make it into the finals."


"I simply won't hear it, Lena." Sam interrupted. "You're going."

When Lena failed to respond Sam spoke up again. "Think how it would hurt Kara if you changed your mind. She is so looking forward to it."

That seemed to bring Lena up cold, her eyes going wide again.

"Fine." Lena said, begrudgingly.

"Good. Now, no more of this ridiculous, masochistic behavior."

"Bossy." Lena said, clearly trying to repress a smile.

"I'm not bossy. I'm the boss." Sam said with a wide smile, which eventually faltered at the appearance of Lena's raised eyebrow.

"OK, fine. I'm not the boss, but I AM right." Sam insisted.

"Indeed." Lena said a bit enigmatically. "Now, get out of here so I can get some actual work done."

"Of course." Sam winked as she breezed out the door. "Boss.


For Kara and the team, the next match went much the same as the previous one. Four days after the contest against Sweden, the team took on Spain. The Spanish team kept them completely scoreless through the first half. Lena and Sam watched with their hearts in their throats. Both knew there was much more on the line than their possible trips to Sydney. Lena had never actually seen Kara lose before, but she knew in her heart that Kara would take responsibility for the loss fully on her own shoulders. And the last thing she ever wanted to see was Kara's heartbreak first hand.

Sam, on the other hand, knew that Alex wouldn't blame herself, she also knew intuitively that Alex would be devastated for the team and especially for her sister if they lost.

And so, the two women found themselves on Lena's couch, hands clasped in a death grip as the match moved into half-time with no score on either side. Sam double checked her phone for any word from Alex, but Lena didn't bother, knowing that Kara wouldn't be anywhere near her phone during a match. They comforted themselves with whiskey and a delivery from Big Belly burgers.

"Ugh, I've lost my appetite. Too nervous." Lena said, eventually tossing her burger onto the table in front of them. Then added a bit wistfully. "If Kara was here she would gobble it down for me."

"Oh my god, Luthor. Give it a rest." Sam said, shoving her playfully and rolling her eyes. "I'll eat your fries. It's the least I can do."

"Sorry." Lena had spent much of the day in meetings with her 'auxiliary' security team, which she had activated to work on the search for Lex. She was not about to leave it in the hands of the police or even the DEO. So far they had absolutely zero leads, and she was already starting to despair that Lex had gotten a huge head start on them. How had he managed? After personally giving Lillian the third degree, Lena still wasn't sure whether she was involved or not.

"It's OK. I know you miss her." Sam said. "I miss Alex too."

Just then Lena noticed the US team coming out from the stadium, racing on to the field for the second half. Somehow a camera was zoomed in on Kara's face. She seemed to notice and gave a wink at the camera. Due to the angle it seemed she was looking right at Lena, causing her to gasp. It almost seemed she could see Lena through the camera.

"It's going to be fine, Sam." A calm came over Lena after seeing Kara's face. "Whatever happens. It's all going to be fine."

It seemed that whatever Sara had said or done in the locker room had worked. The team was on fire as soon as they got on the field. They dominated the ball right out of the locker room, and 10 minutes into the second half Lucy broke the scoreless seal with a perfect kick from 10 meters off the baseline. After that the team continued to battle. They didn't manage to score but they held off the other team until the end for a win.

Lena and Sam had nearly squeezed each others' hands beyond feeling. When the final bell rang, their girlfriends were victorious, and that was all that could matter in the world to them in that moment.


Next on the docket was France. In the locker room ahead of the match Kara found that she had moved past being nervous about winning. Due to all her worry and planning, she reached a point where she had to face her nervous fears. Ahead of the match she meditated to reach a calm, focused place, putting it all behind her and ready to accept any outcome.

Kara reveled at the idea that she was only one game away from the finals, and Lena coming to Sydney. She came out at the start of the game like a very focused whirling dervish. She was every where on the field, driving and pushing forward like there was no one there. She hollered support for her teammates and even got into a few arguments. The other team was being especially rough, trying to intimidate the other team.

Kara managed to deliver a brilliant assist during the first half, which ended with a goal. The team swarmed Kara, cheering and celebrating the goal at the top of their lungs before diving back into play.

They managed to hold the other team scoreless through the first half, but they were not as lucky in the second half.

The game stayed tied until about half way through the second quarter. Lucy made an amazing play to steal the ball, then fired it to Kara from far off and center field. Just as Kara was about to receive the pass, she caught a glimpse of a player barreling towards her looking determined.

The next thing she knew, Kara was on the ground. Pain shot through her ankle and she gripped it tightly to try to get herself together, to hop up and get back in the game. To her side she saw Kate getting in the face of the player that tripped her.

"That was illegal, asshole!" Kate screamed at her. "She wasn't even in possession."

Kate was held back by other teammates as she continued menacing the player from the other team. They managed to move her away before the referee made it over.

Meanwhile, Kara had attempted to stand but sat back down in pain as her ankle wobbled. Lucy was there in the next moments to help her up. At that point it was clear she wasn't going to be able to continue. She leaned against Lucy and made her way to the sideline where Alex began to examine her.

"Kara, let's get you into the clinic."

"No! I have to stay here. I have to be able to see the game!" She looked into Alex's eyes, pleading.

Alex eventually relented and began her examine. Kara could see her ankle swelling rapidly as Alex prodded and gently moved her foot around to test her response.

Kara's attention moved back to the game as Alex continued her exam. The referee had called the tackle illegal, and Sara had chosen Grace to take the free kick. Kara was glad, Grace had an emotional distance that players like Lucy and Kate wouldn't have had in the moment.

The rest of the players lined up goal line, jockeying and bouncing on their toes as Grace lined up. The stadium became shocking quiet, seemingly holding their breath as they watched. Grace proceeded to send the ball in a huge arch, over the heads of the players. From Kara's angle it looked like the ball would go to high. She couldn't believe her eyes as it hit the upper corner of the goal, then bounced in as the goalie failed to stop it.

"Yes!" Kara screamed, pumping her fist into the air and nearly punching Alex. Half the crowd jumped to their feet cheering as Kara's team ran to hug Grace. The goal had moved the team ahead by 1, But 15 minutes remained in the game, plenty of time for a return goal, or even two.

Kara tried to stay calm as Alex had her submerge her foot in a bucket of ice. It made her feel crazy not to be out there during such an important game, not to mention the thought niggling at the back of her mind that she was determined to ignore - that she might be injured seriously enough that she might not be able to play. It didn't feel that way to her, but she was high on adrenaline from the game, and her ankle was quickly becoming numb due to the ice bath.

Kara watched with her heart in her throat. Both teams were playing their hearts out, taking the ball up and down the field and neither side really dominating. In the final minutes France maintained control of the ball, working towards a last shot that would tie the game. The team pushed back, unable to gain possession but keeping them from scoring. Finally, France managed a great shot and Kara held her breath as Ava dived headlong to stop it. She just managed to reach it with her fingers and tipped the ball out.

The crowd erupted again, and less than a minute later when the clock ran out. Kara forgot herself and tried to leap up to join her teammates in a massive group hug on the field, but Alex was there to harshly remind her that she wasn't going anywhere. Eventually the team came over to celebrate with her.

After the match Kara was given a barrage of evaluations and treatments. Alex eventually gave her diagnosis, which was that it was just a severely sprained ankle, with no ligament or other tearing. Given that they had nearly a week before they would play again, she told Kara she had a strong chance of being ready to play. She reminded her of other times she had come back from similar injuries.

The rest of the team had gone ahead by that point. Lucy had tried to stay behind, but Kara wouldn't hear of it.

"Get out of here, Lucy! I'm fine. Anyway you smell - go back with the team, I'll be there soon."

"Oh, I'm the one that smells, huh?" Lucy said, referring to her beta status compared to Kara. "That's not the way I hear it..."

"Get!" Kara laughed and gave her a playful shove. Somehow Lucy was able to bring a smile to her face even through the pain.

After her last treatment, Alex helped Kara get changed and gave her some crutches to help her keep the weight off her ankle as they walked to Alex's car. Once they got to the hotel Alex reminded her of all she needed to do.

"You know the drill, Kara. Ice as much as you can stand tonight hours. Take the pain meds as needed. We'll max out on your rehab starting first thing tomorrow." Alex said as she dropped her off at her room. "And try to get some sleep. I'll go by Sara's room and give her the news."

Lucy was relieved to hear the prognosis. Kara didn't feel like doing anything, and she was feeling a bit miserable and sorry for herself. Lucy said she would go out and pick up drinks and pizza for them so they could hunker down with a movie.

"You know we can order that stuff, right?" Secretly she wanted Lucy to leave so she could finally have a chance to to talk with Lena. She'd received many anxious texts and had responded, but it wasn't the same.

"I don't mind. I know you want to talk to your girl." Lucy said and then smirked. "Just make sure it's ONLY talk. I'll be right back - no time for any...activities."


"What, are you denying nothing's happened while I'm away?"

Kara looked at her like a deer in headlights. "Um, well...I..."

"Never mind. I'll see you soon!"

Once the door closed Kara immediately dialed Lena, who answered on the first ring and sounded desperate to hear from her. Kara assured her that she was fine and explained about the exams, that she had been through this before, and there was nothing to worry about.

She quizzed Lena about the hunt for Lex and things that had happened since they spoke. Since there were no developments there wasn't much to report. Kara eventually piped up with the question she'd been dying to ask, but was afraid to hear the answer to.

"So, you know what this win means, right?" Kara asked.

"It means you're in the World Cup finals."

"Yup. And what else?"

"It means...I'm coming to Sydney?"

"Yes!!" Kara yelled. She realized she was subconsciously expecting something to go wrong with that plan, especially since Lex had escaped.

"Truly, I can't wait, Kara."

"Me too."

"Make sure you get yourself healed up and ready for action."

"Oh, I'll be ready." Despite her pain Kara couldn't help but think about how much she would be ready for Lena. Before she could explore that further she heard a knock on the door. She started to move to answer it but it opened before she could maneuver off the bed.

"Lucy, why did you knock when you have a key?"

"Just wanted to give you a warning, but didn't want you to walk on your sore ankle."

"A true friend." Kara laughed. She could tell the drugs were taking affect, she was starting to feel pain free and even a bit giddy.

"Lena, I should go. I need to eat before I pass out."

"We certainly don't want that." Lena said with a smile in her voice. "Good night, Kara."

"G'night. Can't wait to see you."

"Me too. Sweet dreams."

By the time she got to bed she was buzzing with the thought that she and Lena would soon be in the same country. She didn't know how long it would be before they could be in the same room, but just knowing she would be that much closer by the end of the week thrilled her to the core.

She finally managed to drift off despite the excited thoughts that she would see Lena soon. She awoke to a quiet sound in the dark hotel room. She looked around and was startled to see Lena materialize as she came through the door.

"Lena..." She gasped.

Lena put her finger across her lips, signaling her to be quiet, then tilted her head to the side to direct Kara's gaze. Kara followed her eyes and saw Lucy sound asleep in the bed nearby. Kara sat up, letting the covers fall off and moved to stand. Before she could get up, Lena was standing over her.

"It's not time to get up yet..." Lena whispered against her ear, pressing one hand to Kara's chest, just below her throat to push her back down on the bed. "Now be a good girl and lay down."

Kara shivered at the feeling of Lena's nails against her throat. "How can you be..." Kara's question was cut off by the brush of Lena's lips against hers, followed by a nip to her lower lip. Kara let her mouth open wider.

A whimper escaped Kara's mouth as Lena delved deeper, causing her to pull away and press a finger across Kara's lips, then she shushed her with a hiss against her mouth. She leaned over further as Kara gripped the collar of her shirt, pulling her down, wanting urgently to feel more of Lena. She desperately wanted to feel every part of her.

"Closer, please." Kara whispered. "I need to feel you."

In the next moment Lena was on top of her, pressing her body fully against the length of Kara's. Kara gripped the back of Lena's hair, roughly pulling her closer for a deep kiss. In a moment Lena's tongue was back inside her mouth and Kara luxuriated in the feeling of Lena teasing into her mouth. She swallowed down a moan that tried to escape, remembering the nearness of Lucy. I have to stop...if we wake Lucy... Kara thought to herself, but couldn't bring herself to say it.

"God, I've missed you..." She whispered instead, starting to pull at Lena's clothes, desperately wanting to feel more of her skin. "You feel so good."

"Me too." Lena said into her ear. "Now I need you to be quiet, baby."

Kara continued trying to unbuttoning Lena's shirt, but her hands felt just like two balloons. Suddenly she felt Lena pressing her hips down on the bed with one hand, then sliding that hands up Kara's side, beneath her t-shirt, teasing slowly until finally reaching her bare breast. Kara's eyes closed and her mouth dropped open in silent pleasure as Lena's nails teased over her nipple, causing Kara to writhe.

"Please don't make me wait." Kara pleaded quietly.

Kara opened her eyes to see Lena's gazing into hers. There was no teasing smirk - only love and amazement coming off of Lena, like she couldn't believe what she was seeing beneath her.

"Fuck, I missed you." Lena said, clearly and directly. "I never want to be away from you that long again."

"Me neither." Kara breathed out. "It's gotten to the point where it's painful to be away from you."

Kara gazed into Lena's eyes for while until she couldn't wait longer. She pulled the back of Lena's head, drawing her in for another deep, drawn out kiss.

"Your mouth is delicious, Kara..." Lena said, not really sounding like her self. "Can I taste you?"

Kara found she couldn't speak, and only nodded her head rapidly. Lena reached the hem of Kara's shirt, pulling it gently over her head. Lena's eyes went wild at the sight of Kara's bare skin and she wasted no time putting her mouth to Kara's neck.

Kara felt her whole body responding, hips undulating in an attempt to get closer. Lena took her time, as if she was determined to taste every inch of Kara as she made her way lower until her mouth reached the top of Kara's panties.

"Please, Lena." With her next breath Kara felt Lena's fingers pressing against her, stroking through her panties which she was sure were already soaked through.

"More..." Kara nearly croaked. Lena drug her fingers up and slid them into the the top of her panties to reach down to Kara's clit.

"Yes..." Kara whispered encouragement as Lena's deft fingers reached her clit. She circled and teased through her wet folds. Kara glanced again at Lucy, but she still appeared to be out cold.

As Lena slid two fingers inside, Kara bucked against her hand. Lena's palm pressing roughly against Kara's clit as she began to gently fuck her.

In moments Kara was close to orgasm and whispered desperately. "Don't stop..."

"Not until you fucking cum all over me..." Lena leaned lower to cover Kara's clit with her tongue as Kara began to rock harder into her hand.

That only drove Kara higher as she hung over the precipice of her orgasm.

"Cum for me, Kara. Cum all over me." Lena demanded before diving back in as if to devour her cunt.

The quiet demand pushed Kara over the edge. Her eyes closed and her body arched back as her orgasm rolled over her. She flopped back against the bed to enjoy the after effects with Lena wrapped in her arms.

"Lena, what about you? I wanna..." Kara asked.

"Shh. Relax, baby. Try to get some sleep."

Kara felt Lena move off of her and she sat up quickly to reach for her. Suddenly she became aware of another voice, not Lena's, calling to her.

"Kara! Kara, wake up!" Kara's eyes flew open to the sight of not Lena, but Lucy looking worried.

"Kara, sorry, but you're having a nightmare..."

Kara covered her eyes in embarrassment and disappointment at the realization that Lena wasn't there. "Oh, fuck..."