
47. That's Just the Way You Make Me Feel

Kara sat slumped on the couch in the stadium office, taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself as the minutes ticked like hours as they waited for her test result.

"Is it time yet?" She asked Alex impatiently.

"Yeah, it's time." Alex said, "You ready?"

"No. I mean...yes, I just." Kara sat up straight up, her eyes wide as if ready for a fight/flight response to hit her. "Tell me."

Alex opened her eyes and looked down. "You're not pregnant." Alex gasped, letting out a deep, relieved sigh. She put her hand to her forehead and squeezed.

Kara sat up and leaned forward, her knees on her elbows, her head in her hands. A moment later her body was wracked with sobs.

"Kara." Alex came and kneeled in front of her. "I'm sorry! I didn't know you...you wanted to be pregnant?"

Kara didn't respond, but continued crying into her hands. She was a whirlwind of emotions ranging from deep relief to something very different. Disappointment? How could she feel both? She didn't know how to explain how her chest suddenly felt 100% lighter, yet there was a sinking in the pit of her stomach.

Alex wiped Kara's cheeks. "It's going to be OK. I promise."

"I know." She had no idea how to explain or even interpret for herself.

"It doesn't mean it can never happen. It's just not happening right now."

"It's not that. I didn't... I didn't want to be pregnant." She said, wiping away more tears. "I think I'm just crying with relief."

"That's all? Remember, I can smell you, Kara. I think there's more to it than that."

"I don't know. I guess... this whole thing has made me think a lot about the idea. Maybe a part of me just...wanted..."

Alex reached and took Kara's hands between hers. "I get it, Kara. The idea you might be pregnant, it's made you think about what that might be like. To be pregnant, to have little ones, to have..."

"Be with Lena. To have a family with her."

"OK. That's not a bad thing to think about."

"I just feel...a bit ridiculous."

"You're not ridiculous. You're feeling emotional and that's completely understandable. You're under a lot of pressure - and on top of it the pregnancy scare." Alex gave her hands a squeeze. "It's a lot. Why don't you call Lena?

"I can't...it's past 3 am in National City." Kara mumbled. "And also she's fighting off her..." Kara's voice dropped off.

"What, Kara?"

"Her...she went into an early rut." Kara blurted.

"Oh, fuck....So this probably isn't the best time for the news."

"I'm sure it will be good news, regardless of her cycle."

"Did she tell you she hoped you weren't pregnant?"

"No. She just said...that she would be there for me. No matter what what happens. No matter what...I decide."

"Right answer." Alex hummed.

"Yeah." Kara laid back down against the back of the couch. "It's really hard not being there for her. When I heard she started her rut..."

"She's a big girl. She'll be fine."

"I know. But the thought of her with Andrea..."

"She was with Andrea?" Alex interrupted, sounding incredulous.

"Yes. I mean...no. Just, Andrea was there when Lena...oh...fuck, I..." Kara was getting emotional again and her voice dropped off. "Alex, I think I'd better get out of this room. Thinking about Lena rutting while Andrea was there...and the test...it's all making me feel off balance."

"Um...Kara, you don't look so good..." Alex looked at her, eyes wide with concern. "I want to give you a shot. Just some hormones, just in case...I think you might be reacting to Lena's rut..."

"Alex! Lena is 10,000 miles away! I'm not..."

"I've heard of this before. You're very closely...connected. Hearing about her rut...plus the test making you more emotional..."

"Oh, fuck." Kara said, taking a deep breath and realizing she was feeling hotter than normal.

"I have something...it's not nearly as strong as emergency blockers. It should help if that's what is happening. You haven't triggered yet, so it's still within the window of effectiveness..."

"A shot? Why can't it be a pill?" Kara pouted. "And why haven't I heard of it?"

"It's still experimental. And it won't work if you fully trigger. So we need to act quickly."

"Fine, just...get it over with."

"I don't have it here. I have it in my room, so we should get back as fast as possible."

The women hurried to pack up and head out to Alex's rental car. As they drove Kara was definitely feeling heat-type symptoms, she felt hot and hyper sensitive to smells. She was having wild thoughts and flashes of intense experiences with Lena. Times when she was pushed to the edge, thinking she couldn't go any higher. Flashes of Lena's eyes looking at her wildly, like she wanted to consume her. She thought of Lena's hands gripping her ass tightly, moving behind her powerfully, pushing her onto her hands and knees, gripping her hair for leverage, pulling her roughly closer, tighter against her body.

"Alex, please...I need..."

"Hang on, Kara. We're almost there."

Alex drove as fast as she could given she wasn't used to driving on the left side of the road. Kara leaned forward and held her head between her hands, trying to stay calm and not throw up.

Back at the hotel Alex dug in a medical bag and pulled out a vial and hypodermic needle. She deftly filled it and had it in Kara's arm before she could work herself into a panic. Kara had always loathed shots.

It didn't take long before Kara could feel her temperature coming down. She laid down on Alex's bed and tried to take calming breaths. "That was close."

"Yeah. Thank god you didn't have to use blockers." Alex said, going to the window and opening it wide to get some air into the room.

"I know. Less than 48 hours till the next match."

"Not to mention, Sara probably would actually kill you this time." Alex laughed mirthlessly.

Kara groaned and rolled over, face down into her pillow, shutting her eyes tight, willing away the wild imagery that was still flashing in her mind. Visions of Lena, fully hard and knotting. She bit her lip and closed her eyes tight.

"Alex?" Kara eventually started coming out of her haze.

"I'm here, Kara." Alex sat down on the bed and handed her water. "You're going to be fine."

"I know." Kara said, still breathing heavily but starting to come to her senses. She sat up and took several gulps of water before continuing. "But, um, how is it that...you have an experimental drug to prevent heat triggers?"

"Oh, right." Alex took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "That is part of a drug trial that L-Corp is running..."

"You mean...Lena?"

"I'm sorry, I should have told you. But given your cycle I didn't think you would need it. Lena sent it along as a precaution." Alex admitted. "I'll have to report this to the researchers running the trial. Also, you'll need to sign a lot of paperwork now that you're a participant in the trial. Technically that should have happened before the shot."

Kara couldn't concentrate on all the details. She laid back down and buried her face in the pillow again. "Lena..." She had such a deep longing to be near her. Just to be held by her.

"Why don't you just call her? I'm sure she'll want to hear from you."

"I'm going to wait a few hours. I'm sure she's sleeping and she needs that. She's under a lot of stress, taking on the Board and her own family, then triggering early..." Kara said, suddenly feeling extremely sleepy. She could feel her words nearly slurring. "I just wish I could...be there for her..."

"By the way. I'm told drowsiness is often a side effect of the drug." Kara could hear the smirk in Alex's voice as she felt her eyes closing. "But in the trials the side effects typically wear off in a few hours."

"Thanks, Doc. No kidding..." She could vaguely feel Alex covering her with a throw blanket.

"Sleep tight, Sis." Kara heard Alex chuckle, sounding as if she was a long way off.

"'Night." Kara mumbled as she drifted into sleep.


Thirty hours later, Kara still hadn't had a chance to talk to Lena in private. Either she was in practice, or on the shuttle, or asleep when Lena was free, and when Kara was free Lena was busy. Kara knew she had her hands full, recovering from the emergency blockers and her rut, dealing with firing her family and securing Lex in Arkham, replacing half her Board and making sure there were no other sites producing Lex's weapon. Kara figured it was just as well given what always seemed to happen when they had privacy. She certainly didn't need to do anything triggering to Lena at the moment.

The following day passed in the typical way: eat, practice, lift weights, eat, practice, practice, practice. Go back to the hotel and pass out. Then start the whole process over the next, until you have a match. Kara was into the rhythm, and now that she didn't have the niggling of possibly being pregnant in the back of her mind, she was throwing herself into it 100%.

Finally, desperate to connect with Lena before her big match, Kara snuck out of the stadium during their lunch break and tried once again to reach her by phone. She held her breath until Lena picked up, just as she was about to give up.

"Kara!" She gasped, sounding breathless.

"Oh, thank god." Kara breathed a sigh of relief. "I don't know how much longer I was going to last without hearing your voice. And in just a few hours I have..."

"Your next match. I know!" Lena said between breaths. "It's good to hear your voice too."

"Are you...OK? You sound out of breath. Are you over your rut?"

"Yes. Yes. Everything is...I'm fine, Kara." Lena took another breath. "I just...rushed out of a meeting and ran to my office. I was worried I'd miss your call."

"You ran? In heels?"

"In case you hadn't noticed, I am a woman of many talents."

"Um, yeah. I noticed!" Kara said, giggling. Her heart surged the thought of Lena teasing her.

"How are you feeling?"

"How am I feeling? You're the one that just went through the torture of emergency blockers. Did you survive intact?"

"Of course." Lena said, sounding nonchalant then more thoughtfully. "I really missed you though."

"I can't tell you how sorry I was not to be there."

"Kara! You can't blame yourself for..."

"It's not about blame. Just...it was physically uncomfortable to be a way from you knowing what you were going through..."

"Please. Kara, you can't imagine that something...you weren't worried about Andrea...Were you?" Kara could hear the anxious tone in Lena's voice.

"No! No, I...I trust you, Lena. It's not that. It's just...I knew how much you must have been suffering. And I just really wanted to be able to help you. And that was impossible. And that was causing me to feel...wrong. Everything was just so wrong."

"I appreciate you wanting to help. And honestly, there was nothing I wanted more than that. But I took the meds and did the work. I'm fine, Kara." Lena reassured her. "But what about you? I heard Alex gave you a shot."

"She already told you?"

"Of course. She had to report it to the trial researchers right away. When they pulled up your data they saw that I had issued the drugs to Alex. It's an unusual circumstance, so they notified me right away."

"I see. I guess I was starting to fall into some sort of...sympathetic heat in response to your rut? Is that possible without...being in contact?"

"Based on the literature review that was done in preparation for our drug trial, I guess it can happen, even at a distance."

"But we're not even bonded."

"I understand it is pretty rare, but can happen when two people are very closely...connected."

"Thanks for thinking to send the drugs with Alex. You really saved the day, Lena. I can't imagine what it would be like to try to play after taking blockers."

"Well, I did get you into the mess, after all."

"Speaking of." Kara said, anxious to let Lena know about the test before she ran out of time. "I've got some news that I think you'll be happy to hear." Kara said in a quiet voice, not quite able to convince herself enough to sound convincing. Even she could hear the worry in her own voice.

Lena stayed quiet for a while before at last speaking up. "Right. You must have had the test."

"Did Alex tell you? How did you know?"

"Math, Kara. I did the math."

"Yeah, of course. Well, I'm not...I'm definitely not pregnant." Kara said, holding her breath. She wasn't sure why, but she could feel herself steeling against Lena's reaction.

"Oh." Lena said, sounding careful and non-committal. "So, you're um...feeling relieved?"

"Sure. Of course. I mean...aren't you?"

"I...yes. As long as you are. I meant what I said, Kara. I want to support you any way I can."

"But it must be a relief for you. To know there's no decision to be made...and no..." Kara couldn't bring herself to use the word 'baby'.

"I was worried on your account. Being in the middle of the World Cup, and all the things being pregnant would bring about...the timing was terrible." Lena said. "Are you OK?"

"Yes. It's a huge relief. But I guess I didn't realize I would also feel...disappointed? I think subconsciously maybe I started to imagine..." Kara's voice dropped off.

"It's OK, Kara. Whatever you're feeling is OK."

"Did you...think about it?" Kara paused. "About...what it might be like...if I was?"

Lena paused for a while and took a deep breath. "I...yes. I did. I couldn't help it. I didn't say anything because, well, it seemed like such an alpha thing. Wanting to get you pregnant...just such a cliché. But it wasn't like that. It wasn't about getting you pregnant, like it was an achievement. It was the idea of maybe, well, having a family, I suppose. With you."

"Yeah." Kara said quietly. "I thought about that, too. I didn't say anything because I guess it sounded like too much. Too soon."

"Well, we never have done things the typical way." Lena chuckled.

"Yeah." Kara laughed, feeling relieved that they could joke about it. "That's the understatement of the year."

"Listen, the good news is we don't have to figure anything out right now. You can just focus on the Cup."

"Right, OK." Kara said, sounding disappointed.

"Listen, Kara. I want a future with you. We don't have to know right now what that will look like. That's something we can work out together. We have all the time in the world. OK?"

"OK." Kara said, feeling hopeful. "Can I just ask one thing?"


"How did you get to be so perfect?"

"I guess you inspire me. Supergirl." Lena said with a smile in her voice.

"Right. Speaking of, I really gotta get back to practice."

"OK. Just remember - you win the next three matches and I'll be on my way to Sydney."

"You really know how to motivate a girl." Kara said.

"I also know a lot about how to reward a good girl." Kara could hear a slight reverberation in Lena's voice, causing her to shiver with want.

"God, Lena." Kara whispered. "You're going to kill me."

"Sorry." Lena said, still in a very seductive voice. "You better run a long, baby."

"Evil." Kara chuckled.

"That's what they tell me."


Just eight hours later the team sat in the locker room, soaking up their victory. The match against Sweden was not a blow out, but not a nail biter either. Kara was on fire, with pregnancy scare and near-heat behind her, she was firing on all cylinders. She scored on almost a solo run during the first 10 minutes of the match. with some of the pressure off the rest of the team fell into stride with her. Imra scored before the half, and Ava and the defense held the other team scoreless for the entire match.

Afterwards the team was jubilant in the locker room. Sara gathered them around for her typical rousing send-off.

"Alright, ladies! You really looked like winners out there today. And you're only 4 games away from winning the World Cup. Now I want you to go out tonight and have some fun!" The team erupted into a cheer.

"But no drinking! And no fraternizing with the other teams!"

"Awww!" The team chorused in a collective groan.

"Come on, you can have fun without booze and sex! Get out there and show Sydney how to party sober!"

The team gave a cheer, not able to feel too disappointed after their amazing match. Riding back to the hotel Kara enjoyed texts from Lena and many friends and family congratulating her on the win. One step closer. Closer to the Cup, and closer to Lena. Kara thought to herself.

An hour later Kara found herself alone in her hotel room. She was exhausted from the match on top of the past days of emotional stress and hear miss with a sympathetic heat. She decided she just needed some down time by herself more than going out on the town. After a long hot shower she curled up in bed, but despite her exhaustion she found she couldn't sleep. Deciding the best thing she could do was to take the edge off through some physical release. she rolled onto her back and let her hands wander, She began teasing her nipples through her tight cotton T-shirt.

She teased her nails across her nipple, pinching harshly as she groaned. Her mind flashed back to the same images of Lena in rut, taking her roughly from behind. She groaned as she moved her other hand down her shirt and over her tight abs, then slipping into the waist of her panties, lower until she was moving through her trimmed curls until finally teasing into her wet folds.

"Ahhh." She let out a moan at the feel of her clit, already swelling with excitement. Kara closed her eyes tight, imaging Lena's hooded eyes watching her, Lena's nimble fingers moving over her. Then she imagined Lena's fingers entering her as she moved inside, fucking steadily and as deeply as she could. She could feel her wetness growing as she thought of Lena, yet after a while she realized she was not able to tip herself over the edge the way she usually could.

Frustrated, she rolled over and reached for her phone to text Lena.

KD: Are you awake?LL: Sort of. Just heard your notification and woke up.KD: Sorry.LL: Don't be. I set to be loud enough to wake me if something came in from you.KD: I didn't know you could do that.LL: Don't forget who you're dealing with.KD: Right, genius billionaire :) But you didn't need to wake early.LL: We haven't had time to connect in the past few days. I miss you deeply, Kara. And I want to be here if you need me.KD: God, I really do.LL: How can I help? Are you OK?KD: It's nothing, I promise. Just really frustrated.LL: About what?Kara hesitated for awhile before responding.KD: It's embarrassing. I can't get off.LL: Kara.KD: Sorry. just really need you.LL: Tell me what you need. You know I'll give you anything you ask.

At that Kara hit dial. Lena was awake anyway, and more than anything she wanted to hear her voice.

"Hey." Lena picked up on the first ring. "So you're having a little...performance trouble?"

"Yeah." Kara said, sounding embarrassed.

"My poor baby. You must be so tense after all you've been through this week. And another big match under your belt. By the way, you were phenomenal in the match! Just...you're amazing, Kara."


"And now it's time for you to relax. Let me be the one to work for a while."

"Yes. Please." Kara whispered, her blood racing with excitement. She could hear the edge of command in Lena's voice and it shot right to her core.

"Tell me what you're wearing."

"T-shirt and sleep pants."

"Is it a tight shirt? Could I see your nipples through the fabric if I was there?"

"Yes." Kara said, feeling breathless.

"Yum." Lena hummed into the phone. "Now I want you to run your nails over them. Make them nice and hard for me."

"Yes..." Kara said as she teased and pinched her nipples through her shirt.

"That's good. Imagine it's my fingers on you. And sucking you. Licking and biting through the fabric to tug on your hard nipples."

"Oh yes..." Kara groaned.

"Good girl. Now. Take the hem of your shirt. Pull it up over your breasts."

Kara was quiet and eventually Lena spoke up. "Did you do as I asked?"


"Your shirt is stretched over the top of your breasts?"


"So nice. Now, I want you to lick the index and middle fingers. Get them nice and wet before you tease those nipples."

Kara couldn't respond, she only groaned as she rubbed the taut points of her breasts.

"Such a good girl. So responsive." Lena said, breathing heavily at the sound of Kara's groans. "Now I want you to move your right hand down. Go slowly. Enjoy the feeling of those taut muscles the way I would if I was there. What I would give to run my tongue down them right now..."

"Oh god, yes." Kara said at the image of Lena licking her way down her front.

"Keep going. Lower until you reach your cunt."

Kara moaned loudly as she slid her fingers through the copious moisture between her legs.

"Are you wet for me? Are you ready?"

"Yesss." Kara hissed.

"God, how I wish I could taste you. To smell you." Lena moaned. "Fuck, what I would give for that right now..."

"What would you do?"

"Tease my tongue all over you. Slide it between your folds. Taste you and slip my tongue around your clit."

"Oh god..." Kara moaned. "Yesss."

"I'd tease you with my teeth. Take you to the edge of pain before surrounding your clit and taking it deep into my mouth." Lena said in a low voice. "I wouldn't let up until you cum in my mouth."

"Oh fuck..." Kara muttered as she continued to work her clit, imagining it was Lena's tongue.

"I'd draw out your orgasm as long as I could. There's nothing I love more than seeing and feeling you come undone."

Kara was losing control of her words and merely moaned an encouraging sound for Lena to continue.

"After you come down I'd move lower, delve my tongue inside you. Deep as I can." Lena said, sounding breathless. "I'd pummel you with my tongue until I make you cum again."

"Fucking hell, Lena." Was all Kara managed to spit out as she tipped over the edge.

"That's it, baby. Cum. All. Over me." Lena insisted.

Kara called out she writhed into orgasm and rode out her pleasure as long as she could.

"Thank you, Lena." She gasped out once she could manage words. "I needed that. Now, what about you?"

"Oh, did you think you were done?" Kara could her a self-satisfied smirk in her tone. "You are sorely mistaken."

Kara gulped and waited excitedly for whatever was coming next.

"Now. I need you to get serious about working that pussy. Because I am so fucking hard for you."

"Oh fuck yes." Kara called out at the thought. "I want your cock so badly."

Kara could hear Lena's breathing increasing and knew she must be stroking herself.

"So good." She breathed out. "You better be nice and wet. I wouldn't want to hurt you with by big cock."

"Jesus, Lena." Kara gasped as she circled her clit, then slid down to her entrance. She was starting to feel desperate for release. "Show me. Please show me."

"You mean?"

"Yes. Send me a pic."

Lena stayed quiet on the line before speaking up again. "I will if you will."

Kara spread her legs wider for more dramatic effect. With one hand she opened her glistening lips and with the other stretched to take a very awkward selfie, which didn't include her face, but had an up close and personal view of her soaked pussy and stomach, taut with the effort of taking the shot. She fired it off before she could think too much about it.

"Now you. And tell me what you`re doing." She said in a quiet, seductive voice. "Tell me everything. What are you wearing?"

"Silk p.j.s. Silk is the next best thing to feeling your skin. I'm longing to feel your skin against mine, Kara."

"Me too." Kara said wistfully. "Now tell me what you're doing. And I want my pic."

"Rubbing my fingers over the top of my silk pants."

"You must be nearly bursting out of them." Kara said, her words closer to gasps.

"Yes. So hard for you right now." Kara could hear Lena's breath getting more labored. "Wrapping around...god, I'm so hard."

"Must be getting so tight in those pants. Take it out, baby." Kara encouraged. "Tell me. Show me."

"OK. Sliding my hand inside. Very tight fit." Lena said and Kara could almost hear her efforts. "There,... out now. I have my hand tight around my shaft. Imagining it's your beautiful, soft hand holding me."

"Show me." Kara could hear Lena working at taking the shot and at last her phone pinged with the receipt.

Kara looked down and let out a deep moan at the sight. In the image Lena's cock was red and full, slightly wet with precum that Lena must have rubbed over it, and cradled in her hand, her sleep pants stretched underneath.

"So beautiful. Fuck, I love your cock."

"Are you touching yourself?

"Yes." Kara resumed her ministrations on her own sex. "Are you?"

"Yes." Lena moaned. "Cum with me, Kara."

Kara delved inside, fucking herself as deeply as she could as she imagined it was Lena inside her. Involuntarily she began to let out a quiet grunt with each thrust. On the other end of the line she could hear Lena starting to do the same, following closely to Kara's rhythm.

"I'm inside you, Kara. You feel so fucking tight. So, so good." Lena growled. "I want you to cum now. Cum around my cock."

"Ahhh!" Kara called out as she felt herself finally fall over the edge. "Yes! Lena!"

A moment later Kara recognized the sound of Lena cumming on the other end of the line.

"Look what you did, Kara. You made such a mess of me." Kara heard a ping and looked at her phone to see another pic. This one with Lena's cock pressed against her stomach, with white strands sprayed across her stomach and breasts.

"Oh god. Wish I was there to clean up that mess."

"Fuck, me too." Lena said wistfully.

"Speaking of. I better get cleaned up before my roomie gets back."

"Right. With our luck it's amazing she hasn't yet."

Kara giggled. "Thanks for your help with my, um, performance trouble."

"Anytime, darling. The pleasure was all mine."

Kara laughed. "Good night, Lena. I love you."

"And I, you. Sleep well, my love."

"I'll sleep much better now."

Kara heard Lena chuckling just before she hung up.


Later that day Lena sat in her office, trying to focus on her work but feeling distracted by the thought of the selfie Kara sent her on her phone. She was still feeling a bit buzzed by her orgasm, and also the conversation she had with her that told Lena that Kara was thinking about their future together. Maybe even a family. She laughed at herself and how quickly she had moved from skittish at the thought of a family to excited about the possibility. Kara had turned her world upside down in ways she never imagined possible.

As she opened her laptop to deal with emails Sam strode into her office for a 9:00 am debrief.

"Good morning." Lena said cheerily.

"My, aren't we chipper today!" Sam observed. "Lena, why do you have a look on your face like you just got laid?

Lena just smirked, trying not to give anything away.

"Even you can't have flown to Australia and back since I saw you. At least not if you wanted to have any quality time." Sam winked.

"No. I did not fly to Australia and back since you've seen me. But as far as getting laid - no comment."

"Lena! What the..."

Sam looked aghast. "And why do you have such an evil smirk?"

"Hmm, that's the second time I've been called evil today."

Sam just gaped until Lena finally put her at ease.

"Come on, it's nothing like that." Lena said, her eyes still sparkling. "Don't you and Alex ever find some...alternatives...when you aren't in the same place?"

"Alternatives to...wait, OK, never mind!" Sam said, seeming to choke a bit on air. "Let's, um...shall we get started?"

"Indeed." Lena said, just before Jess buzzed her phone.

"Ms. Luthor?" She sounded out of breath. "Very sorry to interrupt. It's Arkham Asylum on the line. They say it's urgent and insist on speaking with you immediately."

The women looked across the desk and said in unison:

"Oh, fuck."