
43. All Night, I'll Riot With You

Kara woke to Lucy's blaring phone alarm. Despite having a late practice start they both were still dead asleep due their very late night. They both scrambled out of bed and dressed as fast as they could before running to catch the team bus. The girls flopped into a seat together and Kara pulled out some energy bars for both of them. Looking around Kara noticed most of the team was looking pretty bleery-eyed as well.

"Anyone need breakfast?" Kara asked. A couple of hands went up and she tossed some bars to each of them.

"Thanks mom!" Irma smirked and Kara laughed. Next she pulled out her phone to text Lena, only to remember that it was dead the night before and she was too tired to plug it in.

"My head is killing me." Lucy said. "You were smart not to drink last night."

"Yeah, I...didn't really feel like it. Still tired though. You know Coach is going to make us pay today."

"For sure. Worth it though."

"Definitely." Kara grinned remembering the dancing and singing with her mates and new friends.

At practice Sara only smirked at the groans about hangovers and made them run harder. Kara didn't mind, it felt good to throw herself into the training. Their first Cup match was only 3 days away.

At the break she went to the locker room and then searched the weight room and clinic to find Alex. She wanted to give Lena a call with Alex's phone since she hadn't been able to reach her the night before. Having no luck she headed out to the cafe where the team was having lunch. She found Kate in the hallway, blocking her path.

"Hey Kara. Do you have a minute?"

"Sure, what's up?" She could tell Kate was distressed.

"About last night, I'm really sorry! I left with one of the players from Norway. She showed me the article and I just. I wasn't thinking. I was feeling jealous about what you have with Lena and..."

"Kate, please. Slow down. What article? What does Lena have to do with you going home with another player?"

"You mean Lena didn't talk to you about the article?"

"I haven't talked to Lena since yesterday afternoon. I was out late and my phone was dead. Did something come out in the news about L-Corp? Or Lena?" Kara was at a complete loss.

"No. No, it was just an online article. About the team partying last night..."

"I don't understand. What does that have to do with Lena?"

"Well, I sent her a link to the article."


Kate took out her phone and pulled up the images. She paged down to the ones of Kara that looked like she was being intimate with another woman. She sheepishly held the phone for Kara to see.

"Kate - that's me with Lucy!"

"I, well, I couldn't really tell who it was! I just thought it was you with someone else. And I just...wanted Lena to know. I'm sorry! I sent it before I really thought about it. I was drunk, Kara! I didn't mean to..."

Kara's face went white at the realization of what Lena saw and probably thought about her dancing with Lucy. The fact that she hadn't been in touch made it that much worse. She was vaguely aware that Kate was still rambling an explanation.

"Stop! Just, give me your phone. I need to call Lena."

Kate handed the phone over. "I don't think she'll answer a call from my phone. She texted me to lose her number, forever."

Kara was already dialing and waiting anxiously for her to pick up. She hung up when it went to message.

"I'm truly sorry, Kara. My inner asshole comes out when I'm drunk. The truth is, I guess I never really got over Lena. Knowing you're together, it's not easy."

Kara was boiling with rage, and feeling despair imagining what Lena was feeling.

"I'm sorry if my relationship with Lena isn't easy for you, Kate. I really thought we were past this!"

"I am. OK, I guess I wasn't, but I see it now. I promise..."

Kara cut her off. "Just...I need some time. And I need a phone. That Lena will answer." She turned and marched towards the team's lunch room.

A quick scan of the room failed to reveal Alex. Instead she went to Lucy and asked for her phone. She dialed Lena again but was not surprised to hear it go to voicemail, given that Lucy's number would come up as unknown. She hung up without leaving a message.

"What's going on, Kara? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Kara flopped down at the table, but she couldn't unload on Lucy given all the other teammates within earshot.

"Nothing." She said glumly. Then thought to herself Pull it together, Danvers.

She thought briefly about finding Sara and trying to use her phone, thinking Lena would likely answer for her, but didn't want to her coach into her drama. She pushed the thought aside and tried to focus on the afternoon's training. She had to let it go and hope Lena didn't assume the worst.

After a day that seemed to go on forever, she at last made it back to her room and plugged in her phone to charge. Lucy looked at her quizzically.

"What the hell, Kara? You look worse than I feel. And you didn't drink last night."

"Yeah. It's just a stupid...misunderstanding. I'm just worried that I've really hurt Lena."

"Uh-oh. What did you do?"

Kara took a deep breath. There was no point in trying to hide it from her friend. In a way it involved her anyway. With a bit more prodding from Lucy she finally came out with the story. As she finished she took Lucy's phone and navigated to the story and images. She watched as Lucy's eyes went wide at the sight of the picture of Kara leaning into her to whisper. Lucy's hair was swinging over her face, making her unrecognizable, and due to the angle it looked like Kara's mouth was on her ear. The next images of them with arms around each other while they danced were not much better.

"Wow, that...we were just..." Lucy stammered before admitting, "Yeah. That doesn't look good."

Kara flopped on the bed. "Yeah. And I haven't been in touch with her since yesterday afternoon. It just looks...sketchy."

"So just call her. Explain. It's going to be fine, Kara."

"I will. Once I get some power into my phone."

"Listen, Kara. I'm going to get out of here for a bit. Go for a walk. Hang out with some mates. Make myself scarce."

Kara started to protest that it was Lucy's room too, but in the end realized how much she wanted to talk to Lena in private. Instead she just muttered, "Thanks, Luce."

"You bet, Supergirl. In fact, I think I'll drag some friends out for a walk on the beach. Maybe grab some ice cream. We've got a couple hours before curfew."

Kara just nodded and watched her go. She called out to her just before the door closed. "Lucy, wait!"

Lucy peeked her head back in. "The answer is 'yes', Kara."

"'Yes' to what? I didn't ask you anything."

"Yes, I will bring you back some ice cream."

Kara smiled. "Thanks. You're the best."

"I know." Lucy chuckled as she shut the door again.

Kara waited anxiously for her phone to charge enough to turn on and sustain a call. After her phone powered on she found a sweet good night message from Lena, which would have come while she was at the club, then nothing since. She dialed Lena but her heart dropped when it eventually went to voice mail. She couldn't help but wonder if Lena was purposefully not taking her call. She left a brief message. It was 20 minutes before her phone rang. She snatched it up when she saw it was Lena.

"Lena!" She said breathlessly.

"Is everything OK, Kara?"

"Yes, I...thanks for calling me back." Kara flopped down on the bed. "It's really good to hear your voice."

"Of course." Her voice didn't necessarily sound hurt, just, professional. Kara could feel the distance through the line.

"Yeah, I...sorry for not being in touch last night or this morning. My phone was dead and I was so tired when I got in..."

"Yes. Looks like you had quite a night." She could hear the chill in Lena's voice. Or was it hurt? Kara's heart sank at the sound.

"We did. Coach let us out of curfew and we...well. I wanted to talk to you about our night out. Kate told me she sent you a link about our partying...and I just wanted to explain..."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me, Kara." Lena broke in.

"No, I just..." Kara sighed. "I saw the article on our trip to the bar. It didn't look...great."

"Actually it looked like a blast. A break you all deserve." Lena said, still sounding so distant.

"Yeah. I mean the pix at the end. When I was dancing..."

"I admit, those...took me off guard."

"I just wanted you to know that despite what it looked like, there was nothing going on there. Lucy and I have been friends forever. We've always been pretty physical with each other, and sometimes people assume we're together. I'm sorry if it upset you to see us that way."

"You haven't done anything wrong, Kara. I'm glad you got to have a great night out with your team. You're free to do what you want." Lena's wistful tone hit Kara in the heart.

"OK, but...you understand that I don't want anything with anyone else right? I mean, not anything...physical."

"I guess the photos made it look kind of physical. My point is that, we never talked about it. And we're going to be apart for a while. And you're going to be far away. I just..." Lena's voice dropped off.

"Oh. You mean you don't...wanna be exclusive." Kara couldn't keep the shock and disappointment from her voice. "I guess I just assumed...but then, you know what they say about assuming..."

"No. Kara, that's not what I'm saying at all." Lena took a deep breath. "When I saw those pictures of you with Lucy I just...well, first of all, didn't realize it was Lucy, and second...it felt like a punch in the gut. I hated the sight of you being so intimate with someone else. My alpha just reared up. But then my brain...and Sam...spoke up on the side of reason."

"I'm sorry that hurt you, Lena." She sounded so hurt to Kara, she just wanted to crawl through the phone and wrap her arms around Lena.

"It's OK, Kara. I realized that when we talked about being girlfriends, we didn't talk specifics about what that meant. And not everyone thinks the same way about these things and...it's OK if we have different ideas about it. We can talk through it."

Kara's heart sunk. "OK, yes. I guess we should talk more specifics. What's your idea about being girlfriends? Or about us? What do you want it to mean...to us?"

"I want to hear from you first, Kara. Without consideration of what I want. And I should have asked sooner. What do you want?"

Kara took another deep breath and said quietly, "You, Lena. You're all I want."

She heard Lena take a ragged breath on the other end of the line, but she didn't say anything.

"And I want to be the one to take care of you. I hate the thought of someone else touching you that way."

Still, Lena remained quiet.

"So?" Kara finally asked, her heart in her stomach "What about you? What do you want, Lena?"

When she finally spoke Lena's voice cracked with emotion. "You. Only you."

"Are you sure?" At the realization of how little they'd actually discussed the details, Kara was feeling unmoored and wanted reassurance that she hadn't messed things up between them. Finally Lena spoke again.

"Honestly, sometimes I feel like you're all I've ever wanted. And being with so many others...were just futile attempts to find you. Now that I'm with you...I don't need anyone else. Don't want anyone else. When I saw the photos and thought you were with someone, I felt sick. I felt angry. I felt blood rushing in my ears and my alpha screaming 'Mine!' The truth is, I don't remember ever feeling jealous like that before. I'm not proud of how I reacted, but I could hardly stand the thought of it." Lena's voice had dropped an octave and Kara could practically feel the rumble of Lena's chest when she'd said 'mine!'. The sound of it made Kara shiver.

"I feel the same, Lena. After being with you I can't imagine being with someone else." Kara said. "How could anyone else compare?"

"Are you sure about that, Kara?"

"Of course. How could you doubt that? What we have...is different." Kara whispered. "Lena, I told you I think we're soulmates. Maybe I don't know a lot about what that means. But it sure as fuck doesn't mean hooking up for meaningless sex just because I won't get to see you for a few weeks."

Lena snorted a laugh before speaking. "I'm really relieved you feel the same." She sighed. "Seeing those photos, then not hearing from you at all...my imagination got the best of me"

"I'm truly sorry, Lena..."

"None of that matters now. We'll figure it all out together. " Lena broke in, then changed the subject. "I wanted to tell you that, I got some important news since we spoke yesterday."

"Really?" Kara heard a hopeful tone in Lena's voice. "Please...tell me something good."

"Long story short, we have evidence that will end Lex's presence at L-Corp. It's something very big. At the very least, he'll lose the leverage he has over me, over us, in exposing our relationship to the Board. What I have on him is infinitely worse than anything we've done. And if we're lucky, he might even get locked up over it."

"That's amazing, Lena! What did he do? Or plan to do?"

"He's developed something that could kill, well, millions of people."

"Millions of people! What is it?"

"It's a kind of biological weapon. From what I can put together it's been in development for a long time, probably at one of his black sites. I was able to shut them down while he was in Arkham. I guess he's so desperate to complete the research that he continued the work in the L-Corp lab I provided him. The only reason he's made it this far is that Lillian has been covering for him. She's in on it!"

"Really? But I don't get it, who does he want to kill? And why?"

"I don't know all the details yet. There's a lot we're still figuring out...I only learned of his research yesterday. As soon as I have more information I'll be ready to talk care of him... for good."


"Step one is ruining him with the Board. Making him persona no grata so that he'll lose all access to our labs and resources. We can keep him out of L-Corp forever. And his threats to expose our relationship will be moot. He won't be able to hurt us, or your career - which is the most important thing." Lena took a deep breath. "But if I could catch him in the act...he could go to jail. Or at least back to Arkham. Honestly, I just need him gone, however I can do it."

"That sounds dangerous, Lena. Please be careful."

"I can handle my brother."

"And what about your mother? Sounds like she is on his side too. I'm sorry, must be awful to know your family is involved in something like this."

"I shouldn't be surprised, but I have to admit it does hurt that she's involved. The good news is, I may be able to use it to my advantage. To destroy the influence she's had over the Board for all these years. This may be the final straw."

"I hope you're right, Lena. Just..."

"I know. Be careful."

Kara's phone pinged a text. It was from Lucy, letting her know she was headed to the beach with some teammates.

"Well, my roomie is off to the beach." Kara said.

"Do you want to try to catch her? The weather is amazing right now. Don't you want to get out there too?"

"I'd rather keep talking if you're free."

"For you, I'm free." Kara could hear the smile in Lena's voice. Kara was so relieved they were moving past the mishaps of the last 24 hours.

"God, I wish you were here." She rasped. "It's only been a week, but I miss you so much."

"Me too." Lena said wistfully.

"Where are you right now?"

"Still in my office. I've got a few things to finish up before I can go home."

"You sound stressed." Kara said.

"It's a lot, running the company and an investigation into my family, while being extremely careful they don't find out. And it all has to happen right under their noses."

"My poor baby. Maybe I can do something to help you relax." Kara whispered.

Lena stayed quiet but Kara heard a low rumble on the line.

"Where are you right now?"

"Still at my desk."

"Hmm. I have a fond memory of that office. And that desk, in particular."


"The night of our send-off party at L-Corp. When we danced in your office."

"How could I forget? I think of it often. You looked incredible that night."

"Right back at you, baby." Kara said. "I wanted you so much. I begged you to take me on that desk..."

"Another memory I like to re-live frequently. I remember so clearly you sitting on that desk. Your legs spread, me standing between them..."

"Yesss." Kara moaned. "You were so hard, pressing against me, so rough."

"God, Kara..."

"Tell me the truth, Lena. Are you hard now?"

"Yes baby."

"God I wish I was there to help you with that." Kara groaned. "Is Jess still there?"

"I sent her home about an hour ago."

"Oh, that's very good. I'm sure I can help." Kara smiled to herself. "Will you do what I ask? I want to help you. Daddy."

"Oh god. Yes."



"What are you wearing?"

"A blouse and a vest. Slacks."

"Mmm. You look so delicious in a vest. Are you wearing a tie?"

"Already took it off. Been a long day."

"I know. My poor daddy." Kara cooed. "I'm going to make it all better now. But first I want you to unbutton your shirt. All the way. And the vest."

"Done." Lena said a few moments later.

"What bra are you wearing?"

"Black. With lace."

"Yum. I can just see you. Sitting at your desk, all undone." Kara laid back on the bed and slid her hand into her training pants, then instructed. "Run your nails over your nipples."

She heard Lena moan quietly on the other end of the line.

"How does that feel?"

"So good, baby."

"Are your nipples hard? If I was there, could I see them through your bra?"

"Yes." Lena huffed.

"Send me a picture."


"You said this phone is secure. Come on." Kara egged her on as Lena hummed in hesitation.

"Please, daddy."

"Fuck. I never can say no to you."

Kara chuckled. A minute later an odd-angled picture came through and she caught her breath at the sight. She could see Lena's neck and most of her chest. Her shirt was untucked and open. She could just make out a taught nipple on one side.

"Gorgeous." She murmured. "Now take your bra off for me."

Kara put her phone on speaker and propped it up so she could see the photo of Lena, then moved her hand back under her the waist band of her pants and into her panties. She wasn't surprised to find herself dripping wet.

"I'm touching myself, daddy. I'm so wet for you."

Lena groaned. "Such a good girl."

"So ready. Only for you."

"Send me a picture? It's only fair."

Kara laughed and maneuvered on the bed to take off her pants. She slid her hand into her panties to run her fingers over her wet folds, then slid them back so she could capture them where they glistened below the short blonde curls over her cunt. It was awkward, but she managed to snap a shot and send it off.

"Jesus, Kara." Lena gasped when she received the image. "So beautiful."

"Did you take your bra off like I said?"

"Yes, baby."

"Did you have to take your shirt off to do it?"


"So you're sitting at your desk, naked from the waist up?"

Lena chuckled. "Yes. I swear, the things I do for you..."

"I can just imagine you there, L-Corp's powerful CEO. Stripped bare for me. So fucking hot..."

"What else do you want me to do?" Lena pushed.

"Ha, I know what you want. You must be so hard right now."

"God, yes. Seeing that picture of you...."

"Your cock straining against your pants?"

"So tight."

"Send me a photo."

"Kara, please."

"Send me a photo, then you can touch."

A few moments later the image arrived and nearly took her breath away. Even with the camera facing angle facing down it was startling to see how big Lena was when she was hard.

"So big. Sometimes I don't know if I can handle it. When I see you hard, sometimes it makes me nervous. But in a good way. The thought of you stretching me. God, I...it's so much. Sometimes I wonder it you can fit, daddy."

"Oh baby...you're so good." Lena rasped. Kara could hear her struggling to control her voice. "You know I can make it fit. If you want me to."

"I always want you to. I want you to right now."

"God, me too. Are you touching yourself?"

"Yes." Kara huffed as she teased her fingers around her clit. "I'm so ready for you. I want you to touch your cock for me now. Imagine it's my hand. I know you want to. You're so hard in your pants..."

"Yesss...." Lena groaned.

"Tell me how it feels."

"Tight. You've got me so hard...I swear this zipper may not hold..."

"Fuck, take it out, Daddy - please!"

"Yes baby..." Kara could hear Lena working to release her belt.


"What? Is everything OK?"

"Yes, I just...really want to see." Kara whined. "Can we Facetime?"

"Oh fuck, Kara. Are we really doing this?"

"Pretty please?"

"Jesus." Lena seemed to be weighing the risk. "Yes, OK. But I want to see you. I want you completely naked and spread out on the bed."

Kara laughed. "I thought you'd never ask."

She scrambled off the bed and went to put the chain on the door. She figured Lucy would still be gone for a while, but just in case, she didn't want her to come in to Kara naked and masturbating on the bed. She giggled at the thought as she stripped off her clothes. Then she set up a pillow to prop her phone up and turned on Facetime.

Lena moaned at the sight of her. "God, Kara, you're so beautiful."

She could see that Lena had set her phone up on her desk and that it framed her perfectly as she sat in her chair. It occurred to her that Lena must have a stand on her desk to hold her phone properly for work calls. Lena looked just as hot as Kara had imagined, half naked at her desk.

"All for you." Kara whispered as she bent her knees and spread her legs before the camera. "See how wet you make me?"

"Oh baby, I could make you feel so good right now..."

"You are making me feel good. You make me feel beautiful." Kara said as she teased her hand over her nipple. She licked her fingers and rubbed the moisture around till the tip was pointed and wet. She heard Lena rumble in appreciation of her efforts.

"I want to see you now, Lena." Kara saw Lena glance around the room as if to reassure herself she was really alone. She watched as Lena reached to adjust something on her desk, and saw the room get slightly darker as she darkened the windows. Kara laughed to herself at the memory of Jess getting a glimpse of them having sex on Lena's desk.

"Worried that Jess might come back?"

"Better safe than sorry." Lena chuckled. "I think we scarred her for life."

"I think you get off on the risk of getting caught."

"You should talk!"

"Yeah, guilty, no argument from me." Kara admitted. "Now please. Continue."


"Take off your belt. Unbutton your pants for me." Kara husked.

Kara watched hungrily as Lena slipped he belt from the loops of her pants, then started working on her button.

"Wait." Kara stopped her again. "First I want you to rub your cock. Through your pants. I know you're aching to touch it."

Kara watched as Lena grasped at the tight bulge between her legs and let out a deep groan.

"Yes, that's it. Now isn't that a bit better?"

"You always know what I need, baby."

"That's right. No one else can make you feel the way I do."

"I know." Lena had maneuvered her cock to stand more straight in her pants. She had a tight grip around her shaft as she started to stroke.

"Yes. Very good. OK, now I wanna see..."

Lena stopped her stroking and began working on her pants again.

"So tight." She murmured as she eased the zipper down. Kara watched in amazement as her cock bulged from her pants as the opened.

"I'll never get used to your size. You take my breath away." She whispered.

"Your turn, baby. I want to see you now."

"Yes, daddy." Kara said as she moved her hand slowly down her taught abdomen, through her curls and into her wet cunt.

"That's it...touch yourself. Touch yourself for me."

Kara moaned as she dragged her fingers through and began circling her clit.

"Oh yes...feels so good." Kara said.

"You're so beautiful...so wet..."

"Take it out now, please...I need to see all of you."

Kara peeked at the screen to see Lena releasing her cock at last. She could see it standing tall, straining with need even on the tiny screen of her phone.

"Oh god, If I was there..."

"What would you do?"

"I'd get down on my knees for you. Take that beautiful cock into my mouth. Lick and suck you till you're dry."

"You're so, so good. Fuck I love your mouth!" Kara watched as Lena began to stroke herself.

"Oh god, yes..." She gasped at the sight. "Stroke that cock, daddy. I wanna see you cum."

"I want you to cum with me." Lena said and Kara could hear her rumble as she began to stroke herself slowly. "Fuck yourself with your fingers. Spread wider so I can see."

Kara moved quickly to do as she was asked. Putting on a show for Lena was only making her more turned on, driving her faster towards her orgasm.

"Yes, oh yes...fuck me!" Kara's hips were thrusting up and down as she moved her finger in more deeply and then added another. She strained to look over them so she could see Lena working her cock. She could tell by her breathing that she was already getting close.

"Yes, gonna fuck you so hard...fill you..." Lena moaned. Kara watched with fascination the way Lena was handling her cock as she continued to drive her fingers in deep.

"Faster, please... Cum all over me!" Kara called out as she neared her climax. She worked her fingers deeper, bumping her hand against her clit to push herself over the edge.

"I'm cuming, daddy. Do it now. Cum inside me." Kara watched in bliss as Lena began to release, cuming on her desk and pants. Kara continued fucking herself as they rode out their orgasm together.

As she came down and watched Lena tapering off, Kara suddenly started giggling. She felt so ecstatic she couldn't hold it in.

"Oh my god, Lena, what did we do?"

"That was fucking incredible, Kara. God, I...really needed that."

"Me too."

"I just wish I could hold you now. Kiss you to sleep."

"Yeah. Me too."

"Someday. And that day is not so far away."

"Feels very far away."

"I know baby. We'll get there. We've both got a lot we need to do in the meantime. But I promise, we'll get there."

"You're right. As usual."

"And don't you forget it." Lena said, her voice sounding rough but teasing.

Kara sighed. "I love you, Lena. And I never want to do anything to hurt you. Please believe that."

"I do. I trust you. And you didn't do anything to hurt me. You're allowed to touch people, for people to touch you, and not feel guilty about it. I hope you know that. You're a warm, affectionate person. I love that about you and never want you to change how you are with others."

"Not very alpha of you." Kara said, her voice teasing.

"Well, I'm not every alpha."

"I know. You're the only alpha for me."

"That's right, baby." Kara heard a distant noise over the phone and Lena looked away sharply. "Oops. I think I hear the cleaning crew. Better tidy up."

"Yeah. You've made quite a mess." Kara said lasciviously.

"Technically your fault." Lena complained.

"And I wish I was there to help you clean up." Kara licked her lips.

"Fuck, Kara. Don't get me going again..." Lena said, looking down at the mess she'd made.

"Sorry. I better clean up too. See ya later." Kara winked at Lena.

"Believe it." Lena smirked.

Kara shut off her Facetime and rolled over in bed to rest for a few minutes. With the stress of the day and her intense orgasm she couldn't help but drift off. She was jarred awake some time later by yelling at her door.

"Kara! Why'd you put the chain on the door?" Lucy called, peering through the opening.

Confused, Kara scrambled out of bed towards the door.

"And why are you naked? What the actual f...?"

Kara looked down and quickly tried to cover herself.

"Oh, fuck!"