
31. Take Me Anywhere

Flashback: Lena POV"Breed me, Lena." Kara hissed into her ear.

"Mine!" Lena growled more than said. Her alpha was reaching heights she'd never experienced as she continued emptying deep inside Kara. Her mind flashed to a vision of Kara round with her pups. She couldn't imagine anything more beautiful and felt such a sense of longing that she'd never had before.

She tried to get a grip on her feelings, but there was nothing she could do, or anything to slow the rush she felt consuming her body, her soul. She could hear Kara whimpering and begging for more as she let go, with no hope of holding anything back. She wrapped her arms more tightly around Kara's back as she continued shallow movements as Kara milked her cock for everything she had.

"Fuck, Kara. Oh...fuck." Lena bit her tongue against declarations that screamed from her heart:

Take it, Kara. Take it all. Carry my pups. I'll protect each of you. I'll do anything...to make you happy...to love you..." Lena thought to herself.

She bit down harder on her tongue, feeling as if her life was flashing before her. All the things she's dreamed of felt within her reach, yet, had to remain secret. She managed to maintain control and not say anything she would regret.

Kara's cunt felt impossibly tight around her, and without even consciously doing it she realized her teeth were now squeezed tightly against the tendons of Kara's neck. She fought with everything in her not to break the skin. She heard a sound rip from her own throat in her fight to hold back. The feeling of Kara's bare skin wrapped around her was putting her into a new orbit of pleasure and intensity.

Lena wrapped her arms more tightly as she rocked her hips to ease Kara down. Still, their movements and the contact of bare skin triggered them into a series of orgasms that neither could resist. Lena held her tightly with her arms and her teeth as they rode out it out. As they began to catch their heaving breaths she could feel Kara trembling and crying.

As they talked it through she was reassured that Kara was crying from joy. Lena felt her own tears falling and when Kara called her 'my alpha' she realized that's all she ever wanted to be.

She managed to carry Kara to her bed with minimal jostling and convinced her to get some sleep. She couldn't help but worry about her being tired for practice the next morning. Her mind also flashed to worry over her needing to take something to prevent pregnancy within 24 hours, and what kind of affect it might have on her body to take it twice in less than six months. There was nothing she could do about it then, so she pushed the thoughts away and decided to enjoy the moment, the feeling of being tied to Kara, as long as possible.

Kara shifted slightly on top of her, snuggling in to get more comfortable, causing her stomach to push Lena's. Lena gasped at the feeling of Kara's normally tight abdomen feeling soft against her. Lena moved her hand down along Kara's side, feeling slight roundness where she used to feel only stiff muscles.

Oh god, she's full! Lena realized in amazement. Full of my seed. No one else's. Mine!

Lena tried to put a check on her feelings of possessiveness, and most of all the intense desire to breed Kara. To see her pregnant with her pups. Lena never really thought of herself having a breeding kink, but when Kara hissed into her ear "Breed me!", a feeling came over her like none she'd had before. Deep in her soul, she realized she wanted to see her pregnant.

But it was more than that, she realized now. It wasn't just the image of Kara pregnant. She couldn't help her imagination now, flashing past pregnancy, to birth and beyond. Images of Kara as a mother, the mother of her children, came unbidden to her fevered brain. She closed her eyes, imagining her breastfeeding a tiny head, and then seeing her smiling and playing with small children that Lena couldn't really distinguish. She pictured her smiling and laughing in the sunlight, playing tag with a child Lena could only see from behind.

Lena could feel tears slipping down her cheeks. She closed her eyes more tightly, now trying to push away the images.

It's impossible, Lena. It can never happen. You're a Luthor, and Luthors don't do...happily ever after. Stop torturing yourself. Enjoy what you have right here. Focus on making this last with Kara, for as long as you can.

She opened her eyes to take in the sight of Kara drifting off to sleep. She looked so content. Lena kissed the top of her head as she watched her breath even out. She wanted to stay awake as long as possible and enjoy the feeling. Even so, she was so exhausted that she soon followed Kara into a deep, contented sleep. She slept deeply until she was jarred awake by Kara the next morning yelling:

"Oh, fuck!"

Lena could feel her hackles rising up at the thought that something was happening to Kara. In a moment she was up and reaching for her, but could quickly see she was just on the phone, not in any danger.

Kara was already leaping out of bed.

"I'll be there soon!" She threw her phone on the bed and rushed into the bathroom. Lena heard water running and moments later Kara reappeared, toweling off and searching for clothes.

"Sorry, Lena, I'm so fucked." Lena laughed when saw Kara's eyes grow wide when she realized her unintentional pun.

"It's OK, is there anything I can do to help? I should have set an alarm..."

"Well, we were a bit out of it last night." Kara laughed as she yanked on some clothes. "Luckily I have clothes and shoes for practice already at the stadium."

Lena grabbed her phone, dialed her driver and gave instructions to meet Kara as soon as possible downstairs.

"Ok, I have to get you some food." Lena jumped out of bed, grabbed a robe and rushed to the kitchen to dig through her pantry. She didn't really have a lot of great to-go options, but grabbed a box of breakfast bars from Sweden, snagged a bottle of water out of the fridge and met Kara at the elevator where she found her pulling on a shoe.

"Here." She said, pushing the box and bottle at her as she hit the elevator button. "I'm really sorry, I didn't want you to get off to a bad start..."

"Shhh, it's all going to be fine." Kara took the items with a smile.

Lena saw a message pop up on the screen next to her elevator, which was set up to display her incoming texts. "Vaz is waiting for you downstairs. They can get you to the stadium faster than anyone."

"You always take such good care of me." Kara gave her a quick kiss and stepped backwards into the elevator. Lena watched it close, her heart pounding.

"Good luck!" She called as Kara disappeared behind the doors.

Lena took a deep breath and surveyed her place. It was a bit dishelved compared to her usual tidiness, but not bad considering she felt like she'd just been through an emotional and physical hurricane. She knew by her own temperature and Kara's scent that they were both coming down off their rut/heat. She was relieved that Kara wouldn't have to be practicing in such a state.

She was also relieved to know that Jess had moved all her Monday morning appointments, since she'd had the foresight to ask her to take care of it when they arrived from Tokyo. She wandered to her bedroom to find her phone and sort through the many messages she was sure had come while she'd had her ringer off. She noticed 8 calls from Sam and decided to put her out of her misery. She hit call and Sam picked up after one ring.

"Lena!" She yelled. "What the fuck? I've been calling you for 2 days."

"Sorry, Sam...I've been...very occupied." Lena dropped back on the bed, unable to resist the smile coming over her face at her memories of the weekend.

"Lena, spill! What happened in Tokyo?"

"Tokyo was wonderful. We had a lot of fantastic dinners. I had to work a lot but Kara really enjoyed the city."

"That's all?"

"That's all."

"Right." Sam said in a disbelieving tone.

"I'm serious. Nothing happened." Lena said. "I told you, I needed time. I wanted to make sure Kara was sure. I didn't want to risk...starting things up again if she wasn't ready."

"Fair enough. I'm proud of you Lena. Sounds like you were very wise. So, by your estimation, when is she going to be ready, exactly?" Sam sighed. "I mean honestly Lena, I've never known you to go this long without, well, getting laid, for lack of a better term."

Lena remained quiet on the other end of the line.

"Well. It actually hasn't been that long...'

"Well, how long has it actually been?"

"Um, I can't say exactly." Lena suppressed a chuckle. "I'd estimate about...8 hours."

"Lena!" Sam said in complete exasperation. "Just tell me what the hell is going on."

Lena eventually had mercy on Sam and told her the just of what had happened that weekend, sparing her any details.

"Oh my god!" Sam sighed deeply. "Lena..."

"Easy, Sam. I just...I'm still getting used to the idea myself. This weekend was... very special. I feel like my heart is hanging on the edge of a cliff, prepared to fall. And it scares me to death."

"Wow. OK. So, the great player Lena Luthor...has met her match?"

"Sam, please..." Lena said.

"I'm sorry, Lena. It's adorable, really." Sam teased. "You're falling for Kara! I'm really - that's amazing!"

"Enough! Really, Sam. I..."

"When will you see her again?"

"I don't...I don't know. Her training is starting, she probably needs a lot of rest and...but practice will be here for the next 2 weeks, so at least she isn't far away even if she is very busy...And then they'll move to Florida for most of the training."

"I'm well aware, Lena. My girlfriend is going with them."

"Your girlfriend, huh? Now that is adorable." Lena teased.

"Stop it!" Sam insisted, then changed her tone. "Listen, Lena. I know how you feel. Like you've finally found the most amazing woman. You're falling in love and feeling so happy. But it also makes you feel more vulnerable than you ever have. Like you're wearing your heart on the outside of your body."

"Yes. Exactly." Lena said. "I don't want to mess this up. And I worry there's a chance she might still not be ready."

"So you think you need to slow things down?"

"Maybe. But I don't know how. And I don't really want to. All I want is to be with her."

"You can't achieve great things without risk." Sam said. "Tell me, Lena. Is she worth the risk?"

"Yes. Of course she is. She's worth any risk."

"Well, then you have your answer."


Kara POV

Kara arrived at the stadium only a few minutes late and managed to change in record time. Still, by the time she made it to the field she was more than 10 minutes late. Sara Lance had been selected to lead the World Cup team, and she was looking at Kara with her best death glare when she ran to the scrum of players standing around for their opening talk.

"Ms. Danvers. So kind of you to join us."

"I'm so sorry, Coach, I..." Kara scrambled for any excuse that might help. Somehow, telling her she got railed and knotted past the point of remembering to set an alarm just didn't sound like it would help the situation. Her voice dropped off.

"Please, go on. We'd all love to hear what is more important to you than training for the World Cup. More important than respecting my time and the time of the other players."

"Nothing! Nothing, I just...it will never happen again, Coach. I promise!"

Sara was scrutinizing her closely. The rest of the team was looking at her wide eyed, some looking concerned for her, but from one in particular she could see an open smirk.

Kate Kane. Kara's blood ran cold at the realization. She knew Kate would be here, she'd looked over the full roster many times. But she wasn't expecting the curling feeling in her stomach. What was it? She'd been pretty awful at the party after the championship. But Kara sensed it was more than that. The fact that Kate and Lena had been together a year, maybe more. That Lena had been with her, in the same way she'd been with Kara. That Lena had loved her. Still coming down off the hormones of her heat, Kara felt an intense jealousy as she sensed Kate watching her and seeming to enjoy her humiliation. Kara had a strong urge to wipe that smirk off her face.

Get it together, Danvers! Kara chided herself.

Eventually a look of mercy flashed across her coach's eyes. Kara once again thanked her lucky stars that Sara was chosen as coach. She didn't know anything about the assistant coach, but, but Kara knew that in the end she trusted her and knew she was 100% committed to her and the team.

"I'm sure it won't." She said eventually. "And if it does, there will be consequences."

"Understood, Coach." Kara didn't want to think about what that could mean. Probably reduced playing time, which in her mind was the worst thing that could happen.

"Now, give me 20 laps, Danvers. The rest of you begin passing drills. Coach Kyle, can you lead them?"

Kara suppressed a smile. She had made it through the worst of her coach's wrath. As she ran she couldn't help but flash on images and feelings of her weekend with Lena. She felt soreness between her legs as she ran, a sharp reminder of Lena's size and stamina. She found she didn't mind at all, and loved the fact that she could almost still feel Lena inside her if she used her imagination.

Focus up, Danvers! She shook herself out of her thoughts as she neared the end of her laps. What you really need to be thinking about is how to get the meds.

Kara dreaded the thought of asking Alex, but she knew it was the easiest and most discrete way. She needed to take the pill within 24 hours, and she knew that taking it within 12 hours was better.

Too late for that. She thought.

She made it through morning practice without too much trouble. It actually felt great to be playing again, even if she wasn't exactly rested and hydrated.

She found Alex in her new clinic when they stopped for lunch.

"Kara, what the hell? If you weren't going to make it in time to meet me early you could at least have texted."

"I'm so, so sorry, Alex." Kara took Alex's hand and squeezed it. "I didn't, well...I didn't set my alarm."

"Were you drinking last night? Before starting training? That's really not like you."

Kara stayed quiet so Alex kept going.

"When did you get back from Tokyo? And why haven't you returned any of my texts?"

"Listen, Alex." Kara looked around. "Can we go into your office?"

Alex glared at her, then turned to stalk into her tiny office, shutting the door behind them.

"Spill, Kara."

Kara finally spilled the story with minimal details. Alex stayed quiet but Kara felt her eyes might burn through her skull.

"Alex, please. I know it was a mistake. I need your help."

"Kara, do you realize that this stuff is not candy? It's very hard on your body. And here you are doing it for a second time this year? How long has it even been?"

"I got caught up in the moment! I just, I made a mistake."

A mistake that felt very right. Kara thought to herself. Not now, Danvers! Not now.

"Lena shouldn't have let you make that mistake."

"Please don't blame her. It was me. She tried to stop me. I was very...insistent."

"Kara, please, spare me the details. Just...stop."

"Will you please help me, big sis?"

"Damnit, of course I will! You know that. But Kara, please, you have to take better care of yourself. I worry that you aren't in good control of yourself when it comes to Lena."

Kara stayed quiet. "I trust Lena. Please don't blame her."

"I don't blame her. But I want you to get your shit together. You're on the goddamn World Cup team! This is no time to fuck around."

"I know. I promise. I'm not going to fuck it up." Kara pleaded. "Please, Alex. You know me. This is the most important thing in the world to me."

"OK. Just...what time is it?" Alex glanced at her watch. "I'm going to write you a script. And apparently I'm also going to pick it up since you won't have enough time to get it before your afternoon practice!"

"Thank you, Alex!" Kara wrapped her up in a tight hug. "You are the best!"

"I know. Now get out of here and eat something before you pass out."

Kara scrambled for the door and ran to find some lunch before going back to practice. By the time they had their first break in the afternoon Alex was back with her meds.

After practice that day Kara took an extra long shower, standing under water as hot as she could stand it. It was her first chance to be alone and think since she'd stepped on that plane in Tokyo. Since leaving Lena's place she had hardly had a minute to herself. She hadn't taken time to call Lena or check her messages. She'd been on the run and didn't want to get distracted with more thoughts of her. She couldn't wait to talk to her, but she also knew she had to be careful and not get too caught up and lose focus on her training. She had to be at her best during these crucial weeks.

She came out of the shower in her towel, expecting the locker room to be empty. She was jarred to find Kate Kane still there, fiddling with something in her locker, but once Kara walked in she slammed it and turned to face her.

"Nice work today, Danvers. You really got off to a great start."

Kara felt immediately angry, not as much because of her words, but her mere presence. She knew it was jealousy and that she had to get a handle on it for the sake of the team.

"Yes, well...I was busy. It won't happen again. I take this very seriously. You don't need to worry."

Kate walked towards her and took a deep inhale, followed by a smirk spreading over her face. "I think I know exactly what you did to make you late this morning...or rather, who."

Kara felt her blood starting to boil in the face of Kate's smirk. She was determined not to take the bait and turned to her locker to get dressed.

"I can see why Lena's so infatuated with you." Kate said, watching Kara getting dressed. "But you should know...it's never going to last."

Kara bit her tongue and jerked on some clothes.

"She's had a rough family history. At some point you'll get too close. She'll panic. And when you try to hang on it will only drive her away."

Kara could feel her face getting redder and her breathing becoming more rapid.

"I know you don't believe me now. But someday, you'll see. You will learn the hard way. Lena is going to leave you "

Kara's omega protested loudly at that declaration. She couldn't hold back any longer.

"You're right about one thing. I don't believe you."

"I was with her for over a year. Longer than she's been with anyone. Much longer than she's been with you. And I know her better than anyone. I'm only trying to help you."

Kara had finished dressing and turned to face her. They were going to be playing together and needed to get along. But she couldn't bear to let Kate get away with what she was claiming without pushing back.

"Listen, Kate. I understand why you're jealous. And I certainly understand why you're sorry you lost her. She's an amazing person. And you may be right. Maybe it won't last. But you can't scare me away from trying. I'm willing to take the chance because she's worth it. So you can say whatever you want, it makes no difference to me."

"You say that now, but..."

"Let me be clear on this, because it's not something I'll be discussing with you again. She's mine now. And no petty ex-girlfriend like yourself is going to change that."

Kate's smirk weakened when Kara said "She's mine now."

"I should probably discuss this with Lena anyway. Give her a chance to defend herself against what you've said."

At that Kate's smirk completely disappeared. Her eyes went wide at the thought of Lena's reaction.

"Fine. I was only trying to help." Kate said, stepping backwards. "I won't bring it up again."

"Great. I'm glad we understand each other. We may not be friends, but we are teammates. We need to get find a way to work together for the sake of the team."

Kate had nearly reached the door. "Understood. And you don't need to mention anything to Lena." She mumbled before she finally disappeared.

"Wow! 'She's mine!' - what the fuck, Kara?" Kara fully realized she was talking out loud to herself.

She felt more than heard her omega arguing, deep at her core. She is mine.

"Stop it." She said aloud. "And while you're at it, stop talking to yourself."

Eventully she managed to stop rambling. She finished throwing the rest of her stuff into her bag. She knew she'd sounded calm and collected to Kate, but inside she was raging. She slammed her locker and made her way outside the stadium. It was only then she reached for her phone. She saw many texts from Lena, and decided to give her a call rather than read through all of them. She couldn't wait to hear her voice. Lena picked up on the second ring.


"Hey, Lena."

"Is everything OK?" Lena asked. "I was so worried...were you able to get some meds? I texted to see if you needed me to do anything. I just...you left in such a rush. I could have arranged..."

"Lena, it's all taken care of, I promise." Kara said. "Alex wrote the prescription and picked it up for me. I took it by 3:00 this afternoon."

"Thank god. I was so...I'm sorry you had to deal with all that on your own. I tried to call and text."

"It's all fine, Lena. I can take care of myself."

"What? I know that. Of course I know that. I just...wanted to help."

"I know. And you don't have to worry. I'm not going to get pregnant."

Lena got completely quiet on the other end.

"Well, I better get home. I'm still at the stadium and I've got a big day tomorrow." Kara couldn't help but feel a bit hurt at Lena's desperation at making sure she wasn't pregnant.

"Right, OK." Lena said, sounding surprised. "I thought maybe..."

"I'll talk to you later, OK? I'll call you after practice tomorrow." Kara decided she needed to get her head on straight. And that would not be possible if she was anywhere near Lena.

"OK. Sure." Lena took a deep breath. "Kara. Did I say something wrong?"

"No. It's just...I got into a lot of trouble today at practice. And my sister helped me realize that I have to 'get my shit together'."

"OK, got it. I'm sorry for bothering you."

"You're not bothering me, Lena. I just..."

They both got quiet for a few awkward moments.

"Listen, Kara. Will you just...call me after you get home?"

"Sure. Of course Lena."

"Thank you." Lena said, taking a measured breath. "I'll talk to you soon."


Kara tried to relax during her ride share back to Alex's apartment. She chastised herself for getting upset at Lena's reaction. Of course they both knew she couldn't get pregnant right now. Why did it hurt her feelings that Lena seemed so desperate to make sure it didn't happen?

When she made it inside she slammed the door and headed straight for the fridge. Of couse, since she'd been away Alex had no reasonable food options. She managed to find a large container of plain yogurt and started eating straight out of the container.

"Ugh, this is terrible! Where's the sugar?"

She flopped down on the couch and pulled herself together to call Lena.

"Kara, hey."


"Are you OK?"

"Yes. I promise, I'm totally fine. It was quite a day." She took a deep breath. "But you don't need to worry. It's all taken care of. And I'm really sorry I put us in this position. I was way out of line, seducing you to have unprotected sex with me. I just...got carried away."

"Kara, please! Don't say that. It was one of the most amazing feelings...I've ever had." Lena said. "I'm only sorry if it hurt you in some way."

"I told you, I'm fine."

"I know, but, I also know you shouldn't take those anti-pregnancy drugs often. And now you've done it twice in..."

"Lena, I promise, I'm fine..." Kara broke in.

"and it's my fault."

"Please, stop...Both times it happened, it was me...I just wanted you so much...I'm sorry if you were worried that I might get pregnant."

"That's not why I was worried, Kara. I just wanted to make sure you were OK."

"I'm good, Lena. It's good to hear your voice."

Lena took a deep breath "You too. I was hoping...I might see you tonight."

"I'm sorry. I'd love to see you. But I really need to get some sleep and be well rested for practice."

"Of course." Lena said. "So, how did it go today?"

"Well...I was a bit late. And Coach sort of...ripped me a new one."

"I'm so sorry, Kara."

"It's fine, I promise. It's nothing I can't handle."

"Have you eaten?"

"Not unless you call plain yogurt food. Which I don't."

Lena chuckled. "Let me order some dinner for you."

"No need. I have an app that orders my usual from the nearest pizza place in two clicks. The only thing is..."


"I just hate to eat alone. Coming off my heat, I guess I'm feeling needy. Maybe you want to come over? Just for dinner." Kara knew it probably wasn't a good idea, but convinced herself it was harmless. They made it past their heat/rut and could control themselves.

"I'd love to Kara. But it sounds like Alex may not be very happy with the idea."

"Alex is not the boss of me!" Kara insisted. "Also, she's staying at Sam's tonight."

Lena laughed. "Well, I guess I can't argue with that logic. I'll be there soon."

"Thanks, Lena. What kind of pizza do you like?"

"Um, well. Just...surprise me."

Kara chuckled. "OK, see you soon."


The pizza arrived just before Lena, who arrived with wine. She was wearing jeans and a sweater and Kara realized she couldn't remember seeing her look so casual before. She couldn't help but admire the way her jeans hugged her curves.

Lena handed the wine over sheepishly. "Sorry, I realized on the way over I shouldn't have brought alcohol. You probably aren't drinking tonight."

"I'm not, but there's no reason you can't." Kara smiled brightly at her.

"No, actually, I'll just have water."

"Sure you don't want some pop?"

"Some 'pop'?"

"Oh, I mean 'soda'. The Danvers always called it 'pop', so I do too."

"Sure. I'll have whatever you're having." Lena seemed to gulp when she heard her own words.

They settled on the couch and Kara quickly tucked in to the pizza as soon as she got Lena set up.

Lena took her time and seemed almost hesitant.

"Lena, when was the last time you had pizza?"

"Oh, I...guess it was the last time I was here. When I came for our not-date." Lena smiled at the memory but Kara grimaced.

"Sorry for being such an idiot. For pushing you away for so long."

"What? Kara, deciding what is right for you, for taking the time you needed...you weren't being an idiot. You were very wise. I'm glad you took the time you needed. I'm also very glad you're ready for us to be more."

"Me too." Kara grinned, still chewing.

Lena laughed at the sight. "You really can't help it, can you?"

"Help what?"

"You are irresistable."

This time Kara refrained from speaking until she swallowed, then observed, "You still aren't eating."

Lena tentatively pulled out a greasy slice.

"You don't eat with your hands much, do you? Should I get you a knife and fork?" Kara teased.

"Of course not!" Lena finally took a bite.

"Wow, this is...delicious."

"You sound surprised. I can see I'm going to have to work on getting you to enjoy some of the less-than-finer things in life."

"Please do. I'm sure there are many things you can show me, Kara Danvers. And I want to see them all."

"Same here, Lena Luthor." Kara smiled. "Honestly, I can't wait to know you better. To learn about what you love, what you hate...and everything in between."

"Well, if you must know. My new favorite pastime is spending time with you."

Kara grinned and kept chewing.

Lena quietly finished her slice and wiped her hands on a napkin. Lena took some large swallows from her drink and let out a loud burp.

She looked at Kara with a shocked expression and Kara burst out laughing. "Sorry, Lena, that kind of comes with the 'pop' territory! You'll get used to it."

Lena smiled and leaned back slightly against the couch. She looked very content to watch Kara eat. Kara happily obliged.

After Kara finished and cleaned up a bit she settled into the couch with Lena.

"Listen, Kara. I hope I didn't upset you by asking about the meds. It's not that I didn't trust you to take care of it. I only wanted to help, if I could. It's not fair that all the burden fall on you."

"I understand, Lena. And I realize that most people don't have a family member who can write them a script right away. It must be a difficult to have to urgently figure out how to deal with it. I appreciate you wanting to help."

Kara got quiet for a minute before continuing. "Is this something you've had to do a lot?"

"What? No, I..." Lena sounded taken aback. "I mean, it has happened before. But it's not something that I..."

"Sorry. I shouldn't have asked that. It's really none of my business." Kara couldn't help but think of Kate acting aggressive in the locker room. She hated the thought that Lena had touched her in the same way.

Lena seemed to sense her distress and reached for her hand.

"The truth is, Kara, it's never felt like that for me with anyone else. Something...different happened...deep inside."

"Well, something happened deep inside me as well. Very deep." Kara changed the subject by teasing.

Lena closed her eyes. The mention of her being deep inside Kara caused her cock to throb.

"Kara, please." She squeezed her hand tighter. "Are you trying to torture me? What did I ever do to you?"

Kara chuckled. "I'm sorry, that wasn't fair. If I'm being honest, your comment had me reeling a bit and I was deflecting."

"It's OK, Kara. We don't need to talk about anything you aren't comfortable with."

"No, I, I want to do better about talking about my feelings."

"What's on your mind?"

"The truth is, when you were so concerned that I get the meds...it sort of...hurt my feelings. I know it's ridiculous! And of course it's not the right time to be pregnant. It can't happen. It's not that, it's just, I guess the omega in me doesn't want to hear my alpha sound so desperate to make sure I don't get pregnant - I know it sounds crazy! It is crazy. It was just a...gut reaction. Basic instincts, I guess. I'm sorry..."

"Kara, please!" Lena said, caressing the back of her hand. "There's nothing wrong with how you feel."

"It's really not that I want to be pregnant, I just I can't explain it..."

"You don't need to explain anything." Lena took a deep breath. "And I should be honest as well."

"About what?"

"About how I felt. Being inside you like that. Filling you up, with nothing between us. It was the most incredible feeling..."

Kara squeezed Lena's hand.

"And when I felt..." Lena hesitated and Kara waited patiently.

"When we were in bed later I...well, I felt your stomach. I could feel...it was different. Filled. And in my mind sort of, well, it made me think...imagine, really. I pictured you pregnant."

Kara inhaled sharply.

"I'm sorry if that sounds weird or creepy..."

"It doesn't." Kara murmurred, hoping Lena would continue.

"Kara, my mind flashed on things I'd never...that had just never crossed my mind in any significant way."

"What do you mean?"

"I imagined...you giving birth. Breastfeeding. Running and laughing with children."

Kara's heart surged at Lena's description. But Lena was looking down and a bit ashamed.

"Lena, please, look at me." Kara slid her hand under Lena's chin and lifted it to look her in the eye.

"But it was more than that, Kara. I couldn't really...see the children, they were hazy, like in a dream. But I knew...I knew they were mine."

Kara gasped in surprise at the way Lena said that, with an edge of possessiveness but also anxiousness. This time Lena turned away again and even shifted slightly away. Almost like she was preparing to stand.

"Thank you for sharing that with me. Please don't feel embarrassed. It sounds like a beautiful dream."

"It was. One of the most beautiful things I've ever dreamed or imagined." Lena admitted. "I just...I can't explain where it came from. That's not me. Not something I ever wanted."

"Do you mean you never want to have a family?"

"I guess I've never really thought about it. I never really dreamed...it was something I could have."

"Why not, Lena?"

"I suppose...well family, to me...has always been something that ultimately causes pain. Not something I necessarily want to continue."

"But you know that family doesn't have to cause pain, don't you? That family can be a wonderful thing. The best thing..." Kara looked away as she started to feel a bit choked up.

"Maybe. Yes, I've seen examples of loving families. A few, through the years."

"And that's not something you want?"

"Maybe that's just not...something I deserve."

"Lena, how can you say that? All you do to make the world a better place. All you do, ultimately because you care. You're an fantastic, loving person! How could you think you don't deserve a family? If that's something you even want, I mean."

"I don't know if it's something I want. It's not something I ever thought about. Or thought I wanted. Not until...when I touched you. When you were falling asleep last night. Your abdomen was..."

Kara closed her eyes and took a much-needed breath. Her heart was hammering away inside her chest.

"I was full...of you...and you could feel it." Kara almost whispered with the understanding, peering at Lena. She looked like she might bolt at any moment. Kara reached out a tentative hand to her knee to discourage her from moving further away.

"Yes." Lena said, still not looking at her.

Kara moved to close some of the distance Lena had created between them on the couch. "That's beautiful, Lena. You have nothing to be ashamed of. I can see those feelings scare you. And we don't have to keep talking about it now if you're uncomfortable. But I want you to know that there's nothing wrong with what you're feeling. It's very natural." Kara could feel her omega purring with pleasure at the Lena's reaction to touching her. Her brain was sounding loud warnings, but her omega only wanted to soothe and reassure Lena. She decided to let her omega take the lead.

Kara reached for her chin again, turning Lena's face and eyes towards her.

"Thank you for sharing that with me. It took a lot of trust. I want you to feel safe talking to me about anything you're feeling."

"I thought I was the one who should be telling you that. After all you've been through..."

"Hey, we've all been through some stuff. And you don't have to be the big bad alpha all the time. The fact that you aren't a typical alpha is how you were able to break through my defenses. The reason that I'm here with you right now."

Kara could see a single tear slip from Lena's eye. She shifted close to kiss it away. As she pulled back Kara could see another tear slip down her other cheek. Kara moved to kiss that one as well, then found herself leaving gentle kisses across her cheeks.

She felt Lena's arms slip gently around her back. Kara continued kissing Lena's cheeks and eyes, now with her hands threaded in Lena's hair to move her head as she worked her way around. Lena went along with whatever Kara wanted, remaining passive and pliable in her hands, until at last Kara reached her lips, then Lena responded with eagerness, moving her hands up to the back of Kara's head and gripping it tightly, as if afraid she might escape.

They lost themselves in a deep, searching kiss for several minutes until Kara shifted to move more on top of Lena, pressing her back on the couch. That seemed to bring Lena out of her reverie.

"Kara, wait, I...I'm only here for dinner, remember? You have to get some rest. I need to go..."

As Lena rambled Kara had continued pushing her backwards, gripping Lena's hips and shifting them towards hers on the couch, then moving to straddle Lena's hips.

"Kara..." Lena gasped, but seemed to finally be out of words as Kara stopped her mouth with more kisses. She gripped Lena's wrists and pressed them above her head, then leaned back.

"I know what I said, Lena. I promise I'll get some sleep. But right now I need you to stop talking." Kara leaned down again and kissed her deeply. She could feel how powerless Lena was to stop her and it thrilled her. She leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"Need I remind you that it's safe for me to have unprotected sex for up to 12 hours after I take the medication?"

Oh. Fuck.