
22. I'll Be Back Someday

Kara and Lena jerked awake and both called out in pain immediately when Kara moved to look at the clock. Lena was still buried deep inside Kara, and her sudden movements hurt them both.

"Wait, Kara!" Lena gripped Kara's hips to hold her still, then eased out. Kara scrambled out of bed.

"I'm so sorry, Lena!" Kara exclaimed as she scrambled out of bed. "Coach is going to kill me - literally!"

Lena moved more slowly, making her way to the bathroom to deal with the condom. She reappeared in the doorway and leaned against it, wrapped in a robe.

"Well, something tells me you've earned a break today..." Lena said with a smirk, watching Kara as she rushed to get ready.

"Coach isn't big on giving breaks."

"Well, she gave us one, on the plane." Lena reminded her. She climbed back into the bed and leaned against the head board. "And if she gives you a hard time just remind her she's coaching the 2-time champions of U.S. women's soccer."

"Right. I can try."

"Sorry, Kara. You fucked me into unconsciousness..."

"Ha!" Kara barked out a laugh. "Well, that fuck was worth missing a plane..."

"Absolutely." Lena said with a smile. Kara was now dressed and grabbing everything of hers she could find. She made her way back to the bed to give Lena a quick kiss.

"Call me?"

"Of course, darling." Lena said and Kara was gone in a flash.

She raced back to her room, where she found Lucy long gone. She changed and packed as fast as she could, then raced to the lobby. The concierge informed her that the team was still outside, waiting on the shuttle bus.

Kara ran outside and up the stairs of the bus. When she got inside the players started cheering and hooting loudly.

"Hey Kara - did you have a good night?"

"Kara got laid!"

"Way to go, Supergirl!"

Kara looked around sheepishly. In the front seat she noticed her coach looking at her with narrowed eyes.

"Hey, Coach, don't you think she deserved a fun night?" Lucy dared to ask from the back.

Coach Lance jumped to her feet and glared towards at the team. Everyone grew completely silent as she starred them down. Then, suddenly, her face grew to a reluctant grin.

"Oh, fuck it!" She said. "You only win the championship twice-in-a-row once!"

Sara squeezed Kara into a tight hug and whispered into her ear. "Nice job 'laying low'! You better keep this to yourself for now. Don't want this to detract from the real story."

"No, of course not!" Kara said as Sara released her. "Thanks, Coach."

"Now everyone, shut your mouths and grab your seats!" Sara yelled. "We're going to National City!"

The entire team whooped loudly as Kara made her way down the aisle, flopping down in a seat next to Alex.

"Shit! Thank god she didn't leave me."

"Really, Kara? You thought we were going back to a press conference in National City without our star player and tournament MVP?"

"Oh...well. I hadn't thought about it that way."

"Yeah." Alex said, shaking her head in disbelief. "So. I take it you had a good night?"

Kara looked anxiously around to see if anyone was listening.

"Well...I wouldn't say that, exactly." Kara took a deep breath. "I would say more like...an unbelievable night..."

Alex chuckled knowingly. "I'm glad, Kara. You deserved it. And from what I hear Lena deserved it too."

"Hmmph. Well...yes." Kara said in a low voice, remembering the events of the night before and the morning. "Alex, last night at the bar...I've just never seen anything like it. She's...a force of nature."

"No need for details, Kara!" Alex reminded her.

"Alex! I'm not just talking about...the sex, which is phenomenal." Kara couldn't resist that comment. "She's also...so...protective. So caring. She works so hard to make me feel safe. To feel good...She always puts me first. It's just...very different than other experiences I've had with alphas."

"Hey, we're not all selfish pricks!" Alex broke in.

"I know that, Alex. Of course I know that. But good ones...like you...are hard to find."

"I'm really glad you found one, Kara." Alex whispered. "And that you're giving her a chance."

"Me too." Kara said wistfully. She wished Lena was coming back to National City with them. She wondered when she might see her again. "So. How was your night?"

"Also unbelievable!"

"I'm so glad, Alex. Seeing you and Sam together last night...you two looked so good together. So happy."

"I am, Kara. I have to keep pinching myself to believe it's real."

"Well, she is the lucky one, if you ask me." Kara said, squeezing her sister's hand.

"Thanks, Kara."

"I take it she had to stay for the L-Corp meetings with Lena?"

"Sadly, yes."

"Sorry you won't have a chance to be making use of the crew cabin again..." Kara teased.

"You should talk!" Alex said, shoving her arm roughly.

"Hey!" Kara grabbed her arm and looked at her sister, feigning pain. They both burst into laughter. It was great to be two-time champions, not to mention getting laid and flying back to National City in high style on a private jet. They felt they were on top of the world.

Kara stopped laughing and looked at Alex with wide eyes. "Thanks for all you've done to support me. And the team."

"You're welcome, Kara. I'm so proud of you. You deserve the world."

Kara raised her fist and Alex bumped it. "Stronger together" they said in unison.

The team made the plane just in time so that they didn't have to reschedule the flight time. Kara was relieved that she didn't make the team wait on the tarmac for another opening in the flight schedul window - no telling how long that would take.

After the long flight across the country they went directly to the stadium for the press conference. It was quite a scene, with all the major news outlets as well as local media. Lucy quietly pointed out her latest love interest to Kara from the table before things got started. When Kara glanced at him he winked. Both women broke out laughing.

Kara thought the press conference would never end. All she wanted to do was get home and get in the bath. And hopefully talk or text Lena. She couldn't keep her mind off of her. Even so, she handled the questions with ease. She could tell they were eating out of her hand. They were all excited about the win and the chance to talk to her and the other players. It was a very big deal.

Afterwards she knew she had done well when her coach nudged her hard with her elbow and said, "Nice job, Supergirl."

Next was a long team meeting of talking about the season, debriefing on all the celebration events planned, and discussing the schedule for off-season training which would start up after a month break. Kara was excited to hear that L-Corp was hosting an event to honor the team and sponsors on Saturday. At least she knew she would see Lena there. After the wrap up there was a lot of hugging and even some tears among the players and coaches. They would still be seeing each other, but this might be the last chance when it would be just them, with this exact set of players and no media or outsiders. The gathered in a big circle hug for Coach Lance to send them off.

"OK, ladies, we've got a big week coming up - let's show National City how party!" The players cheered and finally dispersed. Kara and Lucy made their way out of the stadium arm and arm. They said their good-byes and Kara finally headed home. She was exhausted and couldn't wait to get home and get in the tub.


Lena POV

After Kara left Lena got back into the jacuzzi and pulled herself together. She hoped to have a relaxing day, but by the afternoon there had been an emergency. There had been some corporate espionage through coordination among several staffers coordinating with the Gotham City office. Even though it was Sunday she had a late meeting to try to get to the bottom of what had happened on the Tokyo side. She was trying hard to avoid an in-person trip half way around the world.Then she could move on figure out the Gotham side the next day.

Before Kara's press conference would even be over, Lena was scheduled to be on video with the leadership and Human Resources. She decided to at least leave Kara a message even though they wouldn't have a chance to talk. She was surprised to realize she felt a bit nervous. She'd never left her a voice mail before and she felt a bit awkward.

"Hi, Kara. Wish we could talk tonight. Something came up with with Japan office. I'm getting on a conference soon, so, hopefully you'll be asleep long before I am. I just...wanted you to know that...I'm thinking of you."

That night after 3 hours of intense discussions she started having a hard time focusing. Her mind kept wandering to Kara, who was now all the way across the country. Lena had watched the team's press conference and couldn't help wanting to crawl through the screen to get to Kara.

Just as her Tokyo office manager started on a rant she heard a ping and checked her phone.

Kara: Hi.

Lena couldn't help but smile, despite being visible to her staff via video.

L: Hey. I heard you made your flight.

K: Yeah. Coach was not happy. Totally worth it ;)

L: Indeed. She must have been happy about that press conference.

K: Yes. I think I made up for making everybody wait.

L: You were gorgeous. And smart. And charming.

K: Thanks Lena.

L: I'd say you've earned a little slack.

K: Yes, well. I have been very good.

L: Don't I know it.

K: So...what are you doing right now?

L: Ugh. I'm on a video conference with our Tokyo office. We've had some...events, with L-Corp. I had to call an emergency meeting. It's early morning on Monday there.

K: Oh no, sorry Lena! What happened?

L: It's too complicated and annoying to go into. I'd rather think about something nice...

K: Oh? Like what?

L: Like waking up inside you this morning...

K: Wow, ok.

L: Too much?

K: Well, I have to admit, I've been thinking about that all day.

L: God, I wish you were here. Feels like this meeting will never end. This man will simply not stop talking.

K: Sounds like you need a distraction. Wish I was there to help.

L: In that case....Tell me what you're wearing.

K: Well...nothing. I'm in the tub.

L: God, help me.

K: What are you wearing?

L: A dress shirt and blazer. Ready for when I need to be seen on camera.

K: Big boss lady, huh? Well, you didn't mention any pants.

L: Well, I'm sitting at a table and can't be seen below the waist, so I decided I might as well be comfortable.

K: Comfortable? Or did you want easy access?

L: No comment.

Lena started to laugh, then caught herself. Nothing the man in Tokyo was saying right now was the least bit funny. She needed to keep a straight face and let them know she was taking it seriously.

K: Tell me Lena, did you touch yourself today? After I left...

Several moments passed before Lena finally responded.

L: Yes. I...couldn't help it. Waking up to your naked body...but not getting another chance to put my mouth on you...to be inside you...just seemed criminally unfair.

K: So, if I was there now...

L: If you were here...what would you do?

K: Well, since they can't see anything below the waist, I guess that leaves a lot of possibilities..

L: You're such a tease...

Lena heard herself groan and quickly muted her teleconference audio. She had her phone propped up so that she managed to keep her eyes in the general direction of the screen to give the appearance she was paying attention, despite the distraction of imagining Kara naked in the bathtub.

K: You really want me to tell you what I'd do?

Lena took a deep breath. She knew she was treading dangerous territory, but she couldn't resist.

L: Yes. Please.

K: In that case...you have to do whatever I tell you.

Lena stifled the groan from escaping her lips and kept typing.

L: OK, Supergirl. Anything you say.

K: OK then. I want you to tell me how you're feeling.

L: I want you, Kara. I want you so much.

K: I want you too, Lena. Now, I want you to move your right hand under your desk. I want you to touch yourself. And tell me what you feel.

As always, Lena felt compelled to do anything Kara wanted. She moved a hand down to her stomach, rubbing firmly as she moved it down over her cock, brushing it gently through her briefs. She continued to concentrate on keeping her face from giving away her motions to her staff in Tokyo on the video.

K: Lena. Did you do what I told you?

L: Yes

K: Now, you have to promise to leave your video on. It's no fun if I make this too easy for you. And, as you know, I like it to be hard. Lena, do you promise?"

L: Yes

K: Very good. Now, I want you to keep touching yourself. Are you doing what I say?

L: Yes

K: Good girl. Now, tell me how you feel.

L: I'm getting hard, Kara.

Lena could feel herself breathing more deeply. She had to concentrate on not giving herself away to her staff.

K: That's what I like to hear. Now keep going, Lena. I want you to grip your cock.

Lena wrapped her hand around her shaft.

K: Did you do it?

L: Yes

K: Very good. Now I want you to stroke it. Nice and slow, but with a firm grip. Imagine it's me doing it. I know just the way you like it.

Once again Lena stifled a sound. Even though she was on mute she still felt nervous about being caught. The thrill was only making her more turned on.

K: Lena, are you still with me?

L: Yes

K: Keep going, Lena. I want you to get so hard for me.

Lena started to stroking harder, faster.

L: I'm hard, Kara. So fucking hard.

K: Very good. Now, make sure you leave that video on. I know how you get off on the danger of getting caught. Don't you, Lena?

L: Yes

K: I want you to keep that video on while I make you cum.

L: God, I want you so badly.

K: I want you too. Now, I want you to imagine me there. Crawling under that desk.

Lena took a sharp inhale of breath.

K: Are you still with me, Lena?

L: Yes Kara

K: Keep stroking. I want you to think about my mouth wrapped around that big cock. Do you remember what that feels like?

L: God yes.

K: I'm taking you deeper inside, I can feel you. My mouth is so soft and wet. And you're so hard. You taste so good.

Kara let out a whimper, which was followed by a deep moan from Lena. She couldn't help the sounds she was making, but mostly managed to keep her expression still. At least she hoped so. Even though she knew Kara couldn't see her, she wanted to do what Kara told her.

K: Keep going, Lena. I can feel you thrusting...deeper. Harder into my mouth. My throat. That's it, Lena. Take what you want.

When Lena read that text her hips started to undulate under her desk as she started to grip and stroke herself faster and tighter. Her mind was reeling with the memory of Kara's mouth engulfing her cock. She closed her eyes and imagined Kara looking up at her from her knees, her mouth stuffed full.

K: Can you feel me, Lena?

Just then Lena realized someone on the conference was asking her a question. Her mind scrambled to figure out what they had been talking about. She quickly turned on her audio and managed to come up with something vague and breathless, but said with authority. It wasn't the first time she faked her way through a response during a boring meeting.

K: Still with me, Lena?

L: Yes

K: I wanna make you cum, Lena. I'm taking you so deep...sucking you so good.

L: Yes

Lena turned off her audio again once the meeting seemed to move on from her. This time she slid her hand into her briefs and resumed her steady strokes. She eyes narrowed but she kept them open and watching the screen as she began to pump herself even faster.

K: I want you to cum in my mouth, Lena.

When Lena read that last text she let go, spurting hard into her briefs.

K: Lena?

L: Yes, yes. I came all over, Kara. Happy now?

K: Very :)

L: Kara, only you would send a smiley face after making me cum like that in front of my staff.

K: Surely you know by now, I'm not all good, Lena.

L: Well, you make me feel good, Kara. That was amazing.

K: So glad I could help.

L: Now what can I do for you?

K: Ugh, I've got to run. Alex is beating on the bathroom door. The downside of living with your sister.

L: Do you really have to go?

K: Yes. I really need to sleep anyway. And I'm sure you need to focus on your call. Talk tomorrow?

L: Count on it.

K: Good-night, Lena.

L: Sweet dreams, Kara.

Despite Lena's best efforts, she and Sam ended up stuck in Gotham City putting out fires. In the end she uncovered a major coup attempt involving some board members and staff in Gotham and Tokyo. She needed more time there to set things right, but managed to avoid a trip to Japan. She also managed to talk or text with Kara almost every night.

On Wednesday night she was begging Kara to fly to Gotham the next day.

"Kara, you haven't started training yet. Just...the jet is available. Let me fly you in. Take you on a date to one of the city's best restaurants. One of the best in the world."

"I'd love that, but, they're still trotting me out to the media. They have me lined up for TV interviews with several news outlets. And I've started with my own personal trainer. I'm not waiting for the Cup team practices. And I need to stay in my rhythm."

"I think I could help you with your rhythm...if you were here." Lena said. "And I'm sure Jess can get you lined up for interviews you could do here in Gotham.

"Fuck, Lena. I know all about your rhythm." Lena could hear Kara groan over the line. "Don't tempt me."

"I promise I'll make you feel so good. Don't let this beautiful suite go to waste."

"I'm sure you have lots of women you could call right now in Gotham. I bet they would be there within the hour."

"Not funny, Kara." Lena said, her tone changing sharply.

"I didn't mean to be funny. I just...know you have a lot of options."

"I don't want any other options." Lena said.

Kara stayed quiet.

"Kara...Are you still with me?" Lena said, almost able to hear Kara's brain spinning at the other end of the line.

"Lena, it's just that...Well, you know I'm going to have to be away a lot once training camp starts for the World Cup. It's...something we should probably talk about. I don't expect..."

"Kara, stop."

"I'm not trying to make you feel bad. Just trying to be realistic."

"I want to be real too, Kara. And it's not realistic for me to be with someone else. Not when I'm thinking about you." Lena said, letting out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. "Now, you should get some sleep. You've got a lot of training to do tomorrow, apparently."

"Do you think you'll be back in time for the big celebration at L-Corp?"

"You mean on Saturday?"


"Of course I will, darling. Even if I have to come back just for the weekend." Lena reassured her. "It is my party, after all. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Well then. I can't wait to see you."

"Me too. Now, sleep well, Kara. Remember, I'll be dreaming of you."

Lena hung up, feeling anxious that Kara had mentioned the idea of her being with other women. She wanted to get back to National City so that she could show Kara in person how much she meant to her. She didn't like hearing insecurity in Kara's voice.

As she suspected, she and Sam both ended up stuck in Gotham for the rest of the work week. They flew into the National City on a red eye on Saturday morning, flying out before dawn in Gotham but losing time in flight so that it was late in the day and they only had a couple of hours before the championship celebration at the L-Corp building that night. Lena called Kara as soon as they landed.

"Lena, hey. You made it back?"

"Yes. It was not quite as eventful as my flight out." Lena smirked, remembering Kara blowing her in the crew cabin on their flight out. It had only been a week but it felt like much longer.

"Ha! Well, I wish I could have been there to make it more enjoyable..."

"Yes, me too." Lena said wistfully. "But listen, Kara. I need to get to L-Corp as soon as I can. I've invited a lot of potential new sponsors for the team and I want to make sure everything is perfect. We should strike while the iron's hot. And you and your team are hot right now."

"Wow, do you have an off switch anywhere? I think we need to see about getting one installed. You just never stop, do you?"

"I thought you liked it when I keep going." Lena said huskily.

"Oh fuck, Lena..." Kara moaned. "God, I can't wait to see you."

"Me too." Lena said. "But in the meantime, I'm sending a car for you and Alex tonight. I'm really sorry I can't be there to pick you up. But I'll see you at the party."

"You don't have to do that, Lena."

"I know. But I wanted to." Lena said. "I want to make sure you get here safely. And who knows what would happen if I got into a car with you right now anyway."

"Good point. OK, I'll see you there."

"Great. And at the party, don't forget to pour on that Kara Danvers charm. I want to get a new company lined up to deal with the field renovation during the off season."

"Like I said, we need to get that off switch installed..."

"It won't do any good, Kara. There's no way to turn me off when I get around you." Lena heard Kara's pleased hum on the other end.

"See you soon, Lena."

"I can't wait."


Kara POV

Two hours later Kara and Alex were decked out in their best and about to jump out of their skins, waiting for the L-Corp driver to pick them up. The sisters could barely contain their excitement at the thought of seeing Lena and Sam.

When they arrived they could hear that the party was well under way. As they started to walk through the large doors to the event some staff called to them to come and take name tags.

"Of course, everyone knows who you are." Kara recognized one of Lena's staff members smiling widely at her. "It's just...Ms. Luthor has invited a lot of new organizations for the event. She wants to make sure everyone mixes."

"You mean she wants to make sure they all get a chance to meet Kara." Alex said with a scoff.

The staff member just smiled briefly and looked down at the table to help find their names. Just then Kara caught a glimpse of Lena through the doors in the main hall. It looked like she was giving very detailed instructions to one of the catering staff. Lena looked absolutely stunning in a dark suit with a light pink shirt. Kara ached to get closer to her.

She began to join the search for her name tag until she heard a sharp gasp from her sister, who was also searching.

"What is it?"

"Kara. Is...Daxam Industries here tonight?"

"Daxam? What? Why would..."

"Oh, yes! Ms. Luthor has invited several of the city's biggest corporations to the event. I think she's hoping they may become sponsors of the team." The staff member said brightly.

Alex and Kara looked at each other with wide, unbelieving eyes. Just then they both heard a familiar voice.


The sisters turned toward the sound, both recognizing Mikel Daxam rushing towards them.

"Motherfucker!" Alex hissed out loud while Kara added more quietly to herself.

"Oh. Fuck."