

Chen Xu's computer was lost, so he came up with an idea. He took a thick piece of paper and wrote the following paragraph with black ink that wouldn't fade easily: "My descendants, I am your ancestor Chen Xu. The time now is September 1, 2006, Beijing time, 12:07 PM. Today, your ancestor encountered the most miserable event of his life... On the first day of my university, my laptop worth eight thousand yuan was stolen. If you are my descendants, please help your ancestor with something. If the legendary time machine has appeared in your era, then please send a laptop to the time period I am in now. The address is Room 207, Building 14, HeXie University, XX Province, XX City." One minute later, a computer from the future descended from the sky...

DaoistELiy3V · Fantasy
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71 Chs

The first pot of gold (1)

Chen Xu feels that he has always been a good person.

He is a good person, not a bad person, nor a saint, just a good person.

After coming out of the toilet, Chen Xu felt as if he was constipated after taking a pack of Zhang Guozhou Qiangwei Powder and then ejaculating for thousands of miles, which was so refreshing. Because now he has hope.

The incubation period of rabies is very long, so even if it takes ten days and a half, or even half a year, nothing may happen. Of course it would be best to solve it as soon as possible, but even if Xiao Min can't find the data now, I believe it can be restored after a while! Moreover, pure Chinese medicine is different from Western medicine. You only need to know the formula and you can prepare it immediately. Of course, the premise is that the raw materials are not too difficult to find, but Chen Xu believes that as long as such raw materials exist in the world, they can always be found.

As for the future society developing anti-rabies drugs, Chen Xu doesn't find it surprising at all.

Science is progressing, and many difficult diseases are being overcome step by step. It's like consumption, which is tuberculosis. Before the emergence of antibiotics, this disease was considered a terminal illness and highly contagious, but it was solved immediately after the emergence of antibiotics... Of course, we won't talk about drug resistance now, but tuberculosis has been around since then. No more terminal illness!

All things in the world are interdependent. Although Chen Xu does not believe it, he firmly believes in this sentence. Some symptoms may be solved through some drugs, but this kind of drug has not been discovered. Once discovered, it will be very simple. Something happened.

Thinking of this, Chen Xu went to comfort Old Uncle Liu. He secretly pulled the sad old man aside and said, "Old man, don't be too sad. There are no absolutes in anything. My father runs a pharmaceutical factory and is currently studying this aspect. Something, I heard there has been progress, I can also ask him here."

"Really?" Old Man Liu's eyes lit up, then dimmed again, and he sighed and said, "Classmate Xiao Chen, you don't have to lie to me. I am only engaged in medicine. Things like rabies are not something that ordinary people can study casually. Can it be researched? There are too many issues involved. Your kindness to our family is already great. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't know anything yet. Indeed, there is still a glimmer of hope for us now. , but if his illness attacks, we will have no chance at all. "

Chen Xu was most afraid of seeing people like this, so he quickly waved his hands and said, "No, don't say that."

"What I said is heartbreaking!" Old Uncle Liu wiped away his tears: "The results of the spinal fluid test came out today, and we feel like the sky is falling! But we still have to thank you. Anyway, sooner or later It's better to find out later than to find out later. Even if it's really hopeless, you still gave us the last period of time to spend with him!"

Tears fell down as the old man spoke. Chen Xu felt his nose was a little sore when he was infected by his emotions. At this moment, Chen Xu suddenly felt a vibration on his wrist. His face lit up and he hurriedly said, "Old man, please go first." Don't be sad, I'm going to call my dad now and ask them if they have gained anything? Don't worry, there will be good news!

After saying that, Chen Xu helped the old man sit down on the chair, then rushed out like a stray dog and plunged into the toilet again. At this time, it had been less than five minutes since he came out of the toilet. The aunt sweeping the floor at the door shook her head, thinking that the child had eaten something bad. Look at his diarrhea...

"Xiao Min!" Chen Xu shouted to his watch as soon as he closed the door: "Have you found the prescription?!"

"Yes." Xiao Min replied. If she added emotional judgment, she must be very excited now. But Xiao Min was still so calm and said: "I just found the drug formula of 'Rabies Buster' among the information, including clinical trials, drug reactions, etc. According to this information, if conditions permit, we can make it within a few days." into finished product."

"Very good!" Chen Xu looked at it and found that there were a lot of words densely packed on the screen. He scanned it briefly and found that this medicine had very strict requirements on the dosage of several Chinese medicines, and he couldn't understand a lot of the data. It was just the date written on the clinical experiment that shocked him... 2044? !

Looking at this information, Chen Xu hesitated.

Originally, Chen Xu's idea was perfect, because his father ran a pharmaceutical factory. He originally thought it was easy to give the prescription to his father and let his father's factory produce it. In this way, the good news would not be leaked to outsiders. Tian can not only save Liu Lingtian, but also give dad's pharmaceutical factory another brand, and it is also a world-class brand! What's more, as he is an only child, there is no problem of brothers competing for property, so even if he makes money, it will be his in the future.

But after seeing this information, Chen Xu suddenly became timid... How could he explain the origin of this prescription to his father?

With such detailed clinical verification, even if traces from the future are erased, how can he explain it to his father? Even if Dad was fooled through that test, how could Dad explain it to the world?

In the past few days, because of Liu Lingtian's incident, Chen Xu had done some research on rabies. He was no longer the novice who thought that getting rabies would be solved by getting a vaccine. If such a worldwide problem is easily overcome, will Dad be in trouble? Will people suspect him?

After carefully thinking about all the details, looking at the sad old man Liu in the distance, Chen Xu definitely told a big lie.

He found a place where no one was around and dialed his father's cell phone. The phone didn't ring twice before his father's voice came over: "You brat? Why did you remember to call me? Could it be that this was only half the time?" In less than a month, all the living expenses will be spent?"

Chen Xu felt quite friendly when he heard his father's shameless voice. Probably because he saw Old Man Liu's appearance just now, he also felt that his own home was the best. After calming down his emotions, Chen Xu made a sneaky voice and said, "Dad, are you online now? I have something I want to pass on to you?"

"Oh?" Chen Xu's father perked up when he heard this: "What is it? Is it some wonderful movie? By the way, the Aicheng website you found for me last time can't be accessed. Damn it, please help me quickly. Done, I spent more than 300 yuan to buy the VIP account! I can't just lose it!"

Chen Xu felt so embarrassed when he heard this. Fortunately, there was no one around him... How could he fall in love with such a fashionable father?

However, these interruptions also relieved Chen Xu's nervousness. He asked angrily: "Dad, I want to ask you, is there any medicine that can cure rabies now?"

"Rabies? My son, you won't get rabies, right? Don't scare your father!"

Hearing his father's surprise, Chen Xu sweated again and said it wasn't me who got it, but one of my classmates who got it and is in the hospital now. I just had a lumbar puncture and it was confirmed that I was infected.

"It's not you?" Chen Xu's father also wiped his sweat on the other end of the phone, and then said that if the diagnosis is really like this, there is really no way. The mortality rate of rabies is 100%. As long as he is infected, he will die. A word of death, without any medicine or method... the most it can do is delay it for a while.

After saying that, Chen Xu's father also sighed and told the classmate next to him that he was a brat and had been confirmed to be infected with the rabies virus.

A woman's sigh also came from the other end of the phone. Chen Xu heard it. It turned out that his mother was also there. Her sigh was very familiar to him. She would sigh like this every time she watched that shitty TV series. Sigh.

After Chen Xu thought for a while, he finally plucked up the courage to say, "Dad, when I was browsing the Internet yesterday, I found a document that said how to treat rabies. It was a prescription, a traditional Chinese medicine formula."

"Bullshit!" Chen Xu's father scolded: "How could there be such a thing? If there really was such a thing, the news would have reported it long ago! Maybe he even won the Nobel Prize in Medicine! It can also be found on the Internet by your kid ?"

Chen Xu coughed and said with some embarrassment: "That one is not on the web page, but on someone else's server... I found it after hacking into a company's server. It contains detailed ingredients and clinical information. Record of the experiment."

"Isn't it? Your kid has learned how to hack? Have you become a hacker?" Chen Xu's father said in surprise: "And what else, what did you say? There are clinical trial records?! How is this possible? Such an important thing, How could it be in your hands?"

"It's true! I see that this information is very detailed. Oh, I've been with you for so long and I'm quite familiar with medicines. How could I not tell whether this thing is real or a hoax? It's just written in it. I haven't tested the drug so I don't know."

Hearing what Chen Xu said, Chen Xu's father's tone became serious, and he quickly said: "Son, if this is the case, please quickly find a place to upload it online and let me see it. If it is true... no, no, no, you still Come home quickly, the Internet is not safe right now!"

Chen Xu didn't mind this, because Xiao Min was absolutely safe. Although the computer at home has many garbage loopholes, most hackers treat it as a chicken at best. At most, they can create a Trojan horse to steal account passwords, etc., and it is impossible to monitor their own computer and chat history.

However, for safety reasons, Chen Xu still said: "Dad, it's impossible for me to go back now. It's okay. I'll send you the file from the Internet. After you receive the file, immediately unplug the network cable and delete all the chat history." Yes. Let's chat on the phone."