

Chen Xu's computer was lost, so he came up with an idea. He took a thick piece of paper and wrote the following paragraph with black ink that wouldn't fade easily: "My descendants, I am your ancestor Chen Xu. The time now is September 1, 2006, Beijing time, 12:07 PM. Today, your ancestor encountered the most miserable event of his life... On the first day of my university, my laptop worth eight thousand yuan was stolen. If you are my descendants, please help your ancestor with something. If the legendary time machine has appeared in your era, then please send a laptop to the time period I am in now. The address is Room 207, Building 14, HeXie University, XX Province, XX City." One minute later, a computer from the future descended from the sky...

DaoistELiy3V · Fantasy
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71 Chs

terminal illness

Chen Xu and others scrambled to hail a taxi and took Liu Lingtian to the hospital. After getting out of the car and arriving at the hospital, the doctor saw that Liu Lingtian was stinking of alcohol and was vomiting. At that time, he thought he was alcoholic. He was poisoned and planned to throw him in for gastric lavage, but Chen Xu stopped him.

It is now past nine o'clock in the evening, and the hospital is basically closed. The doctor on duty who stayed behind happened to be an acquaintance of Chen Xu... I met Chen Xu twice. The first time he sent Wuzhong here, and the second time he sent Wu Yuanlai, this young doctor was present.

The doctor's surname was Wang, so people called him Xiao Wang next door. Comrade Xiao Wang was also happy to see Chen Xu, but when Chen Xu explained the matter, he couldn't be happy anymore. He said he should hurry up and get some saliva for examination. one time.

During the examination, Liu Lingtian also recovered. He was held down by Wang Dong and others and could not move, so he stared at Chen Xu with an angry look, but Chen Xu didn't care, yawned and stretched. Then he chatted a few words with Guan Yixiao next to him, with an attitude that it had nothing to do with him, which made Liu Lingtian want to just hack this guy to death!

Ten minutes later, Dr. Xiao Wang came out. Liu Lingtian smiled coldly and looked at Chen Xu provocatively, meaning okay, didn't you always say that I have rabies? Then look at the results!

But soon, the smile on Liu Lingtian's face gradually solidified, because everyone around him fell silent, and everyone saw the solemn expression on Dr. Xiao Wang's face.

Wang Dong asked quickly: "Doctor, is he really okay?"

Dr. Xiao Wang's face was heavy and he said to Liu Lingtian: "This classmate, you'd better call your parents over."

The voice of these words was not loud, but like a bolt from the blue, the expression on Liu Lingtian's face froze instantly. His whole body seemed to have been struck by lightning, and his face instantly turned extremely pale! His whole body seemed to be shaking. If Wang Dong hadn't helped him immediately, he might not even be able to sit on the stool.

"How could it be possible? How could it be possible?" Liu Lingtian no longer cared about Chen Xu at this time, murmuring and repeating these words like a helpless baby. Wang Dong quickly asked: "Doctor, there should be nothing wrong, right? Give me a call Wouldn't it be possible to get a rabies vaccine?"

Dr. Xiao Wang seemed to despise this guy who had no common sense, but considering that the atmosphere was not right, he calmly explained, "The rabies vaccine is only effective against those who have just been bitten by animals and the virus has not yet entered the human body. But once the virus If the infection is transmitted after entering the human body..."

Dr. Xiao Wang didn't say the next words, but everyone knew it, and their faces couldn't help but change drastically, even Chen Xu and Guan Yi were no exception!

Liu Lingtian, who was next to him, kept his eyes open and fainted very simply. The crowd was in a panic and sent him to the ward.

"The doctor is wrong," after sending Liu Lingtian into the ward, Guan Yi pulled Dr. Wang and asked, "I remember that rabies will be fine if you get vaccinated. Even if you get vaccinated after being bitten, it's okay!"

"It depends on how long it will take," Dr. Xiao Wang pushed up his glasses and said, "The main function of the vaccine is prevention and treatment, and after some people are bitten by dogs, it will be more effective if the wound is treated immediately and then vaccinated. It eliminates the virus and does not give the virus a chance to enter the body. But this is not 100%. The function of vaccination is to produce antibodies in the human body. These antibodies can prevent the spread of the virus and eliminate the virus at the same time. I don't know if I get vaccinated after a while, it might be too late."

"Then..." Guan Yi's pretty face was pale. He couldn't help but hold Chen Xu's hand next to him, and asked in a low voice: "I heard that the mortality rate of rabies is 100%..."

Dr. Xiao Wang also sighed and nodded. At this time, Chen Xu was also anxious. According to his consistent concept... In fact, it is also the concept of many people... Even if he is infected with rabies virus, he only needs a shot of rabies vaccine, it is not a big deal. Unexpectedly, once infected with this virus, it is completely incurable! This had to make him nervous. The initial desire to see Liu Lingtian crying and apologizing to himself and thanking himself for saving his life after he realized that he was wrong was gone.

"We still need to continue checking," Dr. Xiao Wang said: "Please notify his teachers and parents as soon as possible, and notify his classmates in the dormitory to isolate all the things he has used. Although the rabies virus does not survive in the air for a long time, It's long, but it's still good to pay attention."

Chen Xu's eyes lit up: "Does that mean he might still be saved?"

Dr. Xiao Wang sighed: "Let's see, the most terrifying thing about rabies virus is that it infects the spinal cord and meninges. The treatment of infections in these two areas is a gap in human medicine today. Once you are really infected... it will be really... I'm sorry."

Guan Yi's face turned pale when she heard this, and she was about to fall down. Chen Xu quickly stretched out his arms to hug her and help her up, comforting her and saying goodbye. She was so nervous. It was not certain. Let the doctor check it first.

Dr. Xiao Wang said that if he wanted to check, he would have to wait for his parents to come, because testing the spinal cord requires lumbar puncture to collect spinal fluid. This is not a trivial operation and requires the consent of the other person's family, and...

At this point, Dr. Xiao Wang actually blushed, and Chen Xu asked anxiously, "What?"

Doctor Xiao Wang spread his hands: "Money, actually, this is the most important thing. With our hospital's technology, lumbar puncture is just a trivial matter, but the problem is that just the puncture costs a lot of money, and it also requires anesthesia and drugs." Yes, you can do it right now if you give me the money!"

"How much!" Guan Yi said immediately, "I'll put it on first."

Chen Xu looked at this goblin in surprise, and suddenly felt a little sour in his heart, and then immediately yelled... He knew that this goblin was a trap, so he would not go in stupidly, and Chen Xu had always felt that this A goblin of this level is not something a commoner like me can afford, and now I see that this goblin seems to be very rich.

Guan Yi was actually quite rich, because Chen Xu saw that the total price on those messy bills was more than six thousand yuan, and the fairy swiped his card to pay without blinking. So he couldn't help but poked the woman and said, "You are so generous!"

Guan Yi shook his head: "Let me give you some peace of mind first. In short, the earlier the better, hey, I can't just ignore it, right?"

Chen Xu felt that his words were a bit sour: "Do you think you owe him? Or are you starting to change your mind now?"

"What are you talking about?" Guan Yi rolled his eyes at Chen Xu and said, "Really, this matter has nothing to do with me at all, and I won't feel that I owe him anything for it. I don't even know of any boys who have been rejected by me. How much? If everyone feels indebted to me, you might as well split me into countless pieces and give them to them."

"Then you still..."

"We finally got to know each other. There is no need for a reason to do a small favor," Guan Yi said: "Anyway, I can help you now, and it's better to check it out as soon as possible. I can't just put it off like this."

After hearing this, Chen Xu felt that he had to look at this woman differently. After all, more than six thousand yuan was not a small amount, but she didn't blink an eye.

Guan Yi said at this time: "If it were you like this, I would also help."

"She is indeed a good woman!" Chen Xu sighed in his heart, but suddenly saw the fairy's eyes with a smile, and immediately realized something was wrong, and spat and laughed: "Damn, you cursed me to get rabies?!"

Guan Yi also smiled, then lowered his head and said, I hope he is okay.

Seeing her really sad look, Chen Xu felt that he had fallen in love with this goblin. She is generous and not as squeamish or arrogant as some girls. She is very approachable and I don't feel bored when chatting with her. And there is no need to pretend to be a reserved gentleman, and deliberately show your excellent side. It's easy to talk to her, and it's no problem even making some raunchy jokes... plus she's so beautiful, she's really, really a life-threatening fairy!