

Chen Xu's computer was lost, so he came up with an idea. He took a thick piece of paper and wrote the following paragraph with black ink that wouldn't fade easily: "My descendants, I am your ancestor Chen Xu. The time now is September 1, 2006, Beijing time, 12:07 PM. Today, your ancestor encountered the most miserable event of his life... On the first day of my university, my laptop worth eight thousand yuan was stolen. If you are my descendants, please help your ancestor with something. If the legendary time machine has appeared in your era, then please send a laptop to the time period I am in now. The address is Room 207, Building 14, HeXie University, XX Province, XX City." One minute later, a computer from the future descended from the sky...

DaoistELiy3V · Fantasy
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71 Chs

flowering cactus

After the dance, all the people in the field stopped for a moment, sat down on the seats next to the activity room to rest, drank some water, and took care of their poor feet... To be honest, this time it really didn't matter. It's hard to say who is more pitiful. Because most of the male compatriots present were wearing leather shoes, and the girls were basically wearing high-heeled sandals, so the girls couldn't help but go to the pool to wash away the mud on their feet, while the boys were all While holding my feet and baring my teeth, I was discussing which girl's heels were more slender...

Compared with the previous situation where boys and girls were clearly divided, the atmosphere now is much more harmonious. What the seniors said before is right, ballroom dancing is really a seed that can ignite a fire. Think about it, when I first met this girl, I didn't even say a few words before I held her hand, and then I hugged her waist, tsk tsk, Some animals simply won't let go.

Chen Xu went out and bought two bottles of mineral water and came back. He gave Guan Yi one bottle and one for himself... Originally he was hesitant about what kind of drink to buy for the beautiful woman, but the problem was that people said mineral water would be fine, so Chen Xu just went with it and saved the money. Money.

Chen Xu sat with a beautiful woman and was so envious of the surrounding animals, so from time to time someone would come up and pretend to ask Chen Xu if he had eaten and what time it was? In fact, the purpose is to see beautiful women up close.

And she's still a very hot beauty!

But the problem is that Chen Xu can't say anything, because in the eyes of a group of animals, it is already a serious sin for him to dance with a beautiful woman, and his little hands have pulled her waist and hugged her. If they are not even given this opportunity, then go back In the future, he will definitely be accused of "appropriating beautiful women" and be beaten to death by a group of people!

Guan Yi looked very nonchalant. When someone came over and took the opportunity to talk to her, she always responded with a smile and answered appropriately, which made her feel like a spring breeze.

Chen Xu secretly cried in his heart that he couldn't stand it anymore, he couldn't bear it, this goblin was really killing people. Because look at Zhan Jing and Gao Xiaojie, one is quiet and not like a mortal, and the other is like a little wild cat with teeth and claws. These two women make it difficult for the animals in the department to approach, especially Zhan Jing, who is even more plain. Some of them reject people thousands of miles away.

But this goblin is different. She is elegant and generous without the attitude of a little woman. She does not have the arrogant indifference when others talk to her. Although her conversation cannot be said to be full of witty words, it is very comfortable and makes people feel comfortable. A man can feel very relaxed in front of her, but if not, he will have some whimsical thoughts and feel that he is looked at differently in the eyes of the beautiful woman.

Moreover, this fairy is very charming, and the shape of her eyes is called almond eyes in a very particular way. When looking at someone sideways, the person being looked at can always feel the smile and charm in the corner of her eyes, and can't help but feel a little fascinated and self-righteous. And when she laughs, she is also very unbearable. Her eyes are as crescent-shaped, and people can't help but look at her eyes. If she is laughing, it will be even more amazing!

There is a word to describe a girl's smile called "trembling flowers", and when this fairy smiles, not only some of her parts tremble, but it can also make men's hearts tremble all the time...

Having spent some time with this woman, Chen Xu felt that there was nothing he could not say to her face to face. After riding on a few animals and leaving, Chen Xu whispered to sister, can you stop being so arrogant?

Guan Yixiao, I don't do this kind of thing, why are you talking about me like this?

Chen Xu shook his head and sighed: "Sister, can't you feel it yourself? Those animals just came here full of sour smell, and when they went back they were already full of murderous intent."

Guan Yi tilted his head slightly: "What does it have to do with me?"

Chen Xu spread his hands: "I think a beauty like you should be arrogant and drive away these animals in heat with your eyes. But your eyes obviously make them feel that they still have a chance, and then there is a Falling into every hole... Why bother?"

Guan Yi blinked and said, "I don't like to put on airs for others, but you are right. It seems that this kind of personality has caused a lot of misunderstandings. In fact, I really don't have any other ideas."

"No!" Chen Xu quickly interrupted her with a wave of his hand and said, "Sister, I just need to pay attention to your trouble. We have only known each other for less than an hour. There is no need to talk to me, right? Do I look like that? Do you look like a good person?"

Guan Yi smiled: "I think you are indeed a good person."

Seeing her smile like this, Chen Xu almost cried.

Okay, Daqing has been given the good guy card again! It's strange to say that Chen Xu has actually been very popular with women since he was a child, and his good reputation has even spread to the ears of some parents. When they were in high school, there was a beautiful girl in their class who was in love. The beautiful girl had a very strict tutor. She came home late a few times because she went on a date with her boyfriend. When her father asked her, she said she was reading a book with Chen Xu, but she ended up getting older. Dad stopped asking immediately!

At that time, many beauties in the class had a good relationship with Chen Xu, and even shared some little secrets with Chen Xu. This made the surrounding animals very depressed, and they collectively called Chen Xu a beast for occupying so much by one person. Beauty resources.

As a result, Chen Xu felt very happy at the time. As the saying goes, those who are close to the water first get the moon. But later he had a good relationship with a girl who confessed to him even the boring things about when he came here. But the girl turned out to be very... I was surprised and said that I have always regarded you as a brother and a good friend. Then I said, brother, you are actually a good person and you will definitely find a girl who is better than me...

It was only after he got to college that Chen Xu learned that this was a popular "good guy card" on the Internet, because when he saw couples flirting, women would say "you are so bad" in a very coquettish way, and when they broke up, they would be the same as him. , saying "Actually, you are a good person"...

"Sister, you misunderstood me," Chen Xu looked frustrated and serious, "Actually, I am a bad person, very bad!"

After a short rest, the dance continued.

After the previous round of training, Ganchai Liehuo lost their previous restraint, and after becoming familiar with the dance steps, they quickly became able to dance with style. Chen Xu and Guan Yi no longer have to worry about stepping on each other's feet. Chen Xu's receptive ability is good, and Guan Yi has obviously practiced, so under her guidance, the two dance more and more tacitly and skillfully.

Ballroom dancing is a sport that requires tacit understanding. After the dance steps are proficient, the two parties naturally do not need to look at each other's feet, but stare into each other's eyes, which seems to be a flirtation. This made the surrounding group of beasts so angry and jealous that they wanted to kick Chen Xu away and then jump up and down with the beautiful woman.

After Chen Xu jumped so fast, he felt very happy. After all, he was in close contact with a beautiful woman, and the feeling was different. Although he tried his best to tell himself that the woman in front of him was a temptress and not to be messed with, he couldn't help but feel that this woman was actually quite good, beautiful and generous. If she really wanted to be his girlfriend, he would probably be so happy to wake up in bed at night. .

But at this moment, Chen Xu suddenly felt Guan Yi move, and then the two of them couldn't help but stop. Next, Chen Xu was lightly patted on the shoulder twice. He turned around and saw a tall and burly animal standing behind him holding a bouquet of flowers. He then said in a very polite tone: "I'm sorry." , this classmate, can you please give in, this classmate Guan Yi is actually my dance partner."

Although the words were polite enough and the tone was acceptable, the look in this guy's eyes made Chen Xu very unhappy. So where was the discussion? It's obviously a naked threat!

So Chen Xu turned his head again, looked at Guan Yi who was frowning, and asked deliberately: "What? Is this the dance partner you made an appointment with before?" However, he didn't know whether it was intentional or not paying attention, and he held Guan Yi's hand. Her little hand just didn't let go.

Guan Yi first showed an apologetic smile to Chen Xu, and then said to the beast: "Classmate Liu Lingtian, I don't remember when I agreed to be your dance partner. Also, we are dancing now, please don't disturb us. Is it ok?"

The man named Liu Lingtian did not answer her directly, but looked at Chen Xu: "This classmate, you'd better give in. This is a private matter between us." When he said this, his tone was already serious. A naked threat.

Feeling Guan Yi pull his hand, Chen Xu gently shook it back to indicate that he understood.

Originally, he really had no idea about Guan Yi. If this guy asked him for help with nice words, then Chen Xu would indeed get out of the way. But the problem was that this guy's tone was too arrogant, and Chen Xu was a foodie. People who are soft but don't tolerate hard work will respect others as much as they respect me, but if someone wants to show his face to Chen Xu, he will still slap him hard!

Chen Xu looked at the animal holding a large bouquet of flowers and said with a smile: "You have private matters, and so do I. Didn't you see that we are dancing now? You are standing here like a cactus in bloom, blocking the way. Who should give way to our path?"