
Gold Watch

Editor: Henyee Translations

Lu Chuan temporarily numbered the two factory zombies.

01 and 02.

Zombie 01 and Zombie 02 were on the street. Aside from looking slightly strange with their shovels, they weren't any different from the others. They staggered, heading toward the commercial building that Lu Chuan indicated.

The commercial building next to the construction site was only two hundred meters away.

No matter how slow the zombies were, they would arrive in a few minutes.

Lu Chuan looked at this commercial building through the 3D projection. It must have been a high-end area before the apocalypse. The vehicle drop zone alone was luxurious and magnificent; the tall steps and the two dragon-like Podocarpus pine trees at the door were worth millions in modern times.

Lu Chuan could feel his heart shake. If he brought it back to modern times and sold it for a lowered price of one to two million, there would definitely be buyers fighting over it.

Storage space: 1 cubic meter.

Well, right now, he couldn't move it but could only see it.

In front of the commercial building, there were a few zombies wandering around. Some were female white-collar workers; he could vaguely see black silk stockings wrapped around their rotten thighs. There were also shop assistants, dressed in uniforms which were largely still intact.

Occasionally, a fat zombie would stagger by, and judging by the look of the premium watches on their wrists, they were probably bosses in their lifetime.

That was back when they were alive. Regardless of the disparity during their lifetime, they were all of the same level right now.

Zombies 01 and 02 crossed the nine-step staircase and entered the commercial building.

The towering transparent glass had broken a long time ago, and there were scattered glass shards all over the floor. At the first floor entrance, there were several zombies wandering about; security guards, waiters, and customers.

Stepping on the glass shards, the sounds made by Zombies 01 and 02 drew the attention of the other zombies.

However, the zombies didn't pounce over as there wasn't any smell of life. They just paused slightly before returning to their wandering state.

The two zombies entered the building, and even though there wasn't electricity or lights, a world filled with a dazzling array of products appeared before Lu Chuan.

Countless high-end products that Lu Chuan couldn't afford in modern times filled the branded stores.

There were clothing, cosmetics, shoes, bags…

At the sight, Lu Chuan bolted up from the boss's chair with a swish, staring at everything that appeared in the projection. It was all real, everything that appeared in front of his eyes was within reach.

No, it was at his fingertips.


What could he do with one cubic meter of space?

How many bags or cosmetics could he take? Or should he take some high-end clothes?

Lu Chuan considered it for a while, and decisively gave up this idea, instructing the two zombies to wander around the first floor of the commercial building so that he had a general understanding of it.

After a while, under the influence of Lu Chuan's will, the two zombies walked up the stationary escalator to the second floor.

The second floor was for gold jewelry and watches.

The zombies' eyes seemed as though they had severe cataracts; everything they saw was a blur.

Due to the limited lighting, visibility was low.

Without electricity, everything was dark.

The holographic projection showed everything the zombies saw. Visibility was very low and under the dim light, he could barely see the row of large-scale shops.

The gold and watches area on the second floor wasn't like that in ordinary shopping malls, which had their own counter. Everything here was separated by individual shops.

There weren't just the top domestic gold companies, but also many renowned foreign gold and watch companies.

Through the foggy vision, Lu Chuan realized that there was debris everywhere, and the luxuriously decorated gold and watch shops' storefronts were mostly smashed and seemed to have been looted.

Some of the zombies that remained were roaming the floor.

Most of these zombies were shop assistants and had disregarded the scattered gold.


Lu Chuan was surprised. It seemed as though his happiness had been uncalled for

Fortunately, even though this place had been ransacked by survivors, there were still zombies around and they could only do a quick sweep. There was a lot of gold jewelry that hadn't been taken, and some had scattered on the ground.

In contrast to the gold shop, the watch shop was completely intact.

The apocalypse was chaotic, which skyrocketed the value of gold. In contrast, branded watches were disregarded.

"Fortunately, there are leftovers."

Lu Chuan was overjoyed, and immediately commanded the two zombies to start sweeping the shop.

Visibility was bad but they could feel around and pick up anything with a strap.

Hence, a mysterious scene began to unfold on the second floor.

Unlike the other zombies wandering the area, the two zombies seemed to have souls. Their goal was actually the gold in the gold shop, and the watches in the luxury watch shop.

The survivors would be dumbfounded if they caught sight of this.


Under the sun, the two zombies held a handful of gold jewelry, staggering out of the commercial building. They passed through the crowd of zombies and returned to the construction site.

They placed all the goods on the concealed platform and started searching around like headless flies. Finally, each of them found a snakeskin bag before staggering back toward the building.

The platform sank and disappeared into the construction site along with the gold.

The two zombies were like hard-working little bees, traveling between the construction site and the building, acting as porters, delivering the treasures to the greedy Lu Chuan.

Fortunately, they were in the city center. There weren't any survivors around, and no one could witness this unbelievable scene.

With excitement, Lu Chuan retrieved the fruits of the two zombies' labor.

There were gold and diamond chains for women, thick gold chains worn by male nouveau riche, and more gold and diamonds. They were all scrambled together. Under the factory lights, they shone with an alluring luster.

"I'm going to be rich."

Lu Chuan yelled aloud, without regard for his image. Besides, there wasn't anyone here to see him.

In terms of value alone, these things could add up to hundreds of thousands in cash.

On the second floor of the building, there were still many shops the two zombies hadn't patronized. Even though the survivors might have done a sweep previously, as long as the zombies took everything that was left, it would still be worth thousands.

Sure enough, the apocalypse was indeed a good place to get rich.

Aside from the gold, there were more than a dozen watches. Lu Chuan didn't know much about watches, but he could tell that they were costly.

One piece in particular looked premium. The two zombies spent a lot of time getting it, smashing till their shovels were broken before they took it out from the display cabinet. From its location and facilities, it was likely a luxury item on display.

Lu Chuan fell in love with this watch at first glance.

On the face of the watch was a night sky with countless shining stars, making it seem as though he owned the starry skies.

Anyway, it belonged to him. Without hesitation, Lu Chuan wore the watch on his left wrist.

"A real man."

Lu Chuan swelled with joy. With this watch, he felt a little more confident. A successful man's symbol was the type of watch he wore.

Aside from this watch, the other items were all equally outstanding, but they lacked meaning.


Lu Chuan thought to himself. All the gold, diamonds, and watches on the platform disappeared and reappeared in the storage space.

In one cubic meter of space, these gold accessories only occupied a tiny corner.