
Super Warcraft factory

My name is Li Xiuwen, and I got an application called "Warcraft Factory".   These non-human beasts are more powerful than the other, and the products produced are also equipped with special effects.   Quality +5?   Efficiency +100%?   The short and sturdy dwarves and the infinite giants said in unison: See how we can make magical products one by one and sling foreign companies.

MTL · Urban
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127 Chs

Overlord Clause, I like it

Tang Zhi's heart sank, the excitement on his face was replaced by anger, his eyes showed disappointment and shock, as well as a little bit of anger.

  "Mr. Li, 20 million is less? I have never heard of an electric car production line that exceeds this number! Never."

  "So each electric car you make can only make 20% gross profit, and even some factories can only make 1x%. They are struggling to survive and have no money to update production equipment."

  "Let me tell you the fact that each Beastmaster electric car can make 100%. The advanced technology is so awesome. At least I did not increase the price of memory by 3 times a year like Samsung, pushing the gross profit to 300%."

  "You are not surprised at all. You must have dismantled the Beastmaster electric car after seeing it, and understand all its material costs. They are all from the electric car industry, so I won't say much."

  Li Xiuwen just smiled, not angry, calm, as if to explain a hundred thousand reasons to a primary school student.


  Tang Zhi suddenly became dumbfounded, and the words he was about to say got stuck in his throat, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

  I wanted to refute, but found that the facts were really like that. My own electric car factory was just making hard money.

  Don't talk about him, even if the scope is expanded to the whole country, most of the manufacturing industries everywhere make very little, and the worst iron and steel plants even only pay a basic salary of one or two thousand yuan.

  Before coming to the Warcraft factory, Tang Zhi not only dismantled the Beastmaster electric car, but also imitated it more than a dozen times. It was just that he failed to get the technology authorization today.

  Morality or something, he has long been lost in the face of profit, otherwise, how could he have today's success and accumulated tens of millions of net worth.

  "How much does that production line cost? Give me a price so that I have a bottom line."

  Tang Zhi said weakly.

  After discovering that there is no negotiating capital, he chose to give up resistance and look as if he was at your disposal.

  "Six million."

  Li Xiuwen gently said a high price.

  Even though it is very common among multi-millionaires today, 60 million is the price of six houses of 100 square meters in the capital, but such a price can still shock many people.

  "What? Can't afford it, can't afford it, really can't afford it."

  Tang Zhi was shocked by the price and his eyes were staring gold, his head seemed to be hit by a hammer, and his whole person was a little dizzy.

  Before coming here, he was also ready to go out of blood, and no one would sell the hen who laid the golden eggs at a low price.

  It's just that the price is too high, even if you sell Tang Zhi himself, it won't raise 60 million.

  He was full of disappointment, his legs seemed to have lost strength, and he reached out to put his hands on the dark wood-grained desk before he could stand firm.

  "But I would like to ask Mr. Li to explain why it is so expensive! With such a high price, few electric car factory owners can afford it."

  Tang Zhi asked with red eyes and gritted teeth, very dissatisfied.

  If he hadn't heard the ecstasy of buying a production line before, he would not be so disappointed at this time, his chest seemed to be blocked by something, and he was suffocated to death.

  "For your sincerity, I will explain it a little bit to convince you."

  "My workers can produce nearly two hundred Beastmaster electric cars every day through one production line. Then you just have to do a mental calculation to know that I didn't make random prices."

  "You bought the production line, you can pay back in six months, and the rest of the time is a net profit. If you change this kind of good thing, you won't say that I am too greedy."

  Li Xiuwen still smiled, and patiently explained that there was no tendency to sweep Tang Zhi out of the house.

  In such an uncharacteristic manner, Tang Zhi suddenly seemed to understand something in his heart, the anger on his face disappeared, and things became easier.

  The reason is obvious. Merchants will definitely reject consumers with insufficient purchasing power, and will never sell at low prices and reduce their profits.

  The non-discounted burgers at Golden Arches cost 20 yuan each, so it is impossible to sell them for ten yuan each.

  However, in addition to paying in full at the time of the transaction, there are many ways to allow people who cannot afford 20 burgers to eat hot burgers.

  "President Li just state the conditions, and I will carefully consider whether to accept it."

  Tang Zhi looked at Li Xiuwen who hadn't spoken for a long time. Although he knew that Li Xiuwen was waiting for him to speak, he still surrendered first.

  No way, he wanted to buy it very, so he could only put himself at a disadvantage.

  It's just that Tang Zhi was still a little unhappy in the end, and he deliberately stated that he wanted to consider it, not what price you said, I must buy it.

  Anyway, I don't need money, if I can cut down 1%, I can save 600,000 yuan.

  "I allow you to pay 20 million in the first installment, and pay 10 million a month for the remaining four months. It is generous enough, and you will not be charged for the instalment payment."

  "Warning you in advance, this production line does not allow any changes, you must notify our company if you need to move or refurbish it. Unauthorized disassembly will cause production failure, and you will be responsible for the consequences."

  After Li Xiuwen set the harsh conditions, he looked at Tang Zhi's dissatisfaction but had to accept the expression, and he was happy in his heart. He immediately understood the mood of the various communication companies when they formulated the Overlord package.

  Just like to rub you on the ground, see you upset, hit me if you don't agree, don't use a SIM card if you have the ability.

  In fact, in today's smart phone era, UU reading www. uukanshu.com No one can leave the communications company.

  The mobile phone number, like the ID card, has become an indispensable thing for people.

  Mobile phone number authentication is required for posting, mobile phone number authentication is required for live broadcasting, and mobile phone number authentication is required for shopping on shopping websites.

  "Could it be less, 60 million is too much, or divided into twelve periods?"

  Tang Zhi tried to give play to his powerful bargaining ability. You must know that he relied on this to win several competitions, won many orders from opponents, and made a lot of money.

  It's just that he suddenly discovered how abhorrent it is for a stubborn seller who never bargained, and just kept shaking his head and frustrated his bargaining.

  Under Li Xiuwen's impatience, Tang Zhi finally agreed to a price of 60 million yuan.

  Successfully won the production line, but he felt that he was not the biggest winner, but sadly like a house slave.

  Signing the contract of intent, Tang Zhi transferred six million yuan of sincerity into the account of Warcraft Factory.

  Li Xiuwen said that this is to prevent Tang Zhi from repenting not to buy, which may cause losses. Don't want to take it back if you don't buy.

  It was Chi Guoguo's overlord clause again, but Tang Zhi still agreed with blood dripping in his heart.

  "I'm going to take a closer look at my production line now, I won't have to charge for it!"

  "Haha, just go to see, count, and see how efficient it is. It can definitely produce nearly 200 electric vehicles a day.."

  "But I think your workers are not as good as mine, and need guidance and training. However, you know, this guidance is also charged."

  The smile on Li Xiuwen's face was even stronger.

  He couldn't be upset, as long as Tang Zhi's first installment arrived, the funds for upgrading the Warcraft Factory would be almost enough.

  At that time, it will be a new world.