
The Three Musketeers

After Lucifer recovered from his coughing fit he scanned the cave for other possible monsters before desummoning his weapons and walking over to Luke and the girl who had collapsed her spear into a baton form.

Luke and the girl were talking as Lucifer walked over.

"You okay Old Nick." Luke asked him with a smile.

"I thought you promised to stop using that nickname Luke." Lucifer said with a frown. "Anyways who is this."

"My name is Thalia." said the girl. "Thank you both for helping me out."

"No worries." Luke said smoothly. "It seemed like you had it all handled until the breath caught you off guard." As Luke talked Lucifer took notes of Thalias appearance. Wiry but well muscled and with spiky black hair that framed electric blue eyes that reminded Lucifer of a clear sky. She wore a top featuring a decapitated doll. The spear come baton was placed in a holster that fitted down her thigh.

Lucifer interrupted Luke and Thalia's conversation.

"Why were you fighting the dragon Thalia? It seemed like you would have to purposely come in here to fight it in the cave." Thalia jumped at the question and turned back to Lucifer.

"Well I am a daughter of Zeus and..."

"Wait a daughter of Zeus." Luke interrupted.

"Yes." Thalia said with furrowed brows. "Anyways I was following Amaltheia and she led me to this cave. Amaletheia is Zeus sacred goat." She explained at their blank expressions.

Luke shook his head and said to Thalia. "Hey did want to go to the city and get a coffee. We can talk more then."

Thalia seemed to consider then nodded at them confirming.

"Cool. Come on then let's go." Luke took off leading the way, Thalia following and Lucifer bringing up the back scanning for any monster attacks.

When they got to a nearby Starbucks and ordered some coffees and cake to eat.

"So why are you following the goat?" Luke asked.

"I think it is a sign from Zeus." Thalia replied. "I believe she is trying to lead me somewhere."

"Well this time didn't work out so well." Lucifer said dryly. Thalia's face looked stone faced at that.

"But it doesn't matter, she led you to us." Luke said quickly shooting Lucifer a look. Thalia's face lifted at that looking happier. Luke continued. "Hey can we come along with you . At the moment Lucifer and I are just drifting up and down the country without much meaning."

Thalia considered this before shooting a smirk at Lucifer. "I guess that explains the Old Nick nickname." She said. "And yessss I think it would be nice for some companions in this." She said slowly.

Luke's and Lucifer's face brightened at that. The prospect of not simply surviving day by day. One after the next hoping the next monster would not kill them.

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