

Walking out of the warehouse Lucifer was illuminated by the golden rays of dawn. Dirty and unkempt he looked like he had not showered in a long time. He shook his head and looked down feeling how his stomach rumbled.

Walking down he came to a shop that seemed out of place.

"Do you want a donut dearie" said a kind looking old woman. "You look hungry, here's a bag of some." A bag was thrust into his hands warm and sweet smelling. He looked at the paper and discovered the shop name.

"Monster donut" he read aloud.

"Oh yes demigod they make some good food, but I am hungry for something different." The old ladies body transformed, becoming an armoured torso wielding a spear that pushed down into a large snake like tail. A dracaenae. Staring at this Lucifer barely dodged the spear that came for his throat. Taking stock if this he dropped the donuts and ran back.

Leaping and dodging all the while the dracaenae slithered after him surprisingly quickly jabbing and slashing with her spear.

Lucifer ran faster and faster dodging and weaving through obstacles as he leaped back through into the warehouse. He stopped for a moment breathing heavily.

"Sssssso sssssorry dearie but you are going to die now."

Without looking back Lucifer threw himself to the side as a line of hot fire caught alight on his ribs. His clothes ripped and blood started leaking down his torso. He hit the ground and rolled as the dracaenae stared in amusement. She slithered over as Lucifer pulled himself to his feet.

The next few minutes became a blur for Lucifer. Dodging, weaving and small slices across his body. He was leaking blood and bleeding heavily. Quickly looking left and right he saw a rope attached to a crate on top of a pile. Perfectly positioned to fall on the monster. Dodging another thrust he leaped over and pulled heavily on the rope. The box slid off the edge and onto the dracaenae. She hissed as she was flattened on the floor and lay still. Lucifer saw her unmoving state and went to check on her to confirm her death. As his feet went next to the fallen crate it flew up as the dracaenae leaped up and clutched at his throat.

"You sssssshouldn't have done that dearie. You are going to die painfully" she hissed out. The her face went slack and she screamed. She burst into dust like particles as Lucifer was dropped to the floor gasping for breath.

He looked up to see what happened and found a child seemingly the same age as him wielding a glowing bronze knife. The child pushed out a hand for Lucifer to take.

"Hi I am Luke Castellan do you want some help?"

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