
Super Science Academy

We follow the story of our new protagonist Leonard Storm as he continues his goal to find the cure to humanities sickness the "nuclei" his journey is filled with obstacles with individuals who want to stand is way, fortunately he has gained allies to stand beside him on this journey

Lemaud_Sago · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

Chapter 9 Brawl

Frederick: Humph I see that...[with a smile on his stoic face].. well you successfully got the drive from me, you pass.

In the monitor room

Elizabeth: [while leaping as high as she can] Yeahhhhhhhhhh!

Erica: Not bad.

Tracey: I'm so glad.

Zeus: Well done you three.

On the field

The trio faces are in disbelief, and as the stare at each other they fall flat on the ground and laugh together

Leonard, Sam and Kevin: [raise up their fists] We did it!!

Student: Principal Smith.

Zeus: Yes?

Student: They higher up officials want you to meet someone.

Zeus: [confused] I'll be there in a moment.

Frederick: In a brief moment you'll be given your key cards, your first day begins tomorrow don't be late!

Sam: Yessir.

Kevin: Okay.

Leonard: Yes.

Leonard and Frederick stare at each other for a brief moment as Frederick cracks a smile and shakes Leonard's hand

Frederick: The three of you did exceptionally well don't forget that.

Leonard: [smiles] Thank you sir!

The next day

In the middle of the school quad

Kevin: Okay dudes this is embarrassing. We're totally lost!

Leonard standing there completely nervous

Sam: Calm down its simple we can just ask someone for directions.

Kevin: Forget it.

Leonard: I don't think there's a lot of friendly people here.

Sam: [rubs his face] You two are just impossible.

All of a sudden someone slides infront of the three

Elizabeth: Hey three musketeers!!

The trio stunned again

Sam: What a lame name, and please stop doing that!

Erica: How are you three lost? The number to our classroom is on your key cards.

Trio: Huh?!

The key card shows "Registration room: 47"

Sam: [depressed] How on earth did I not see that? And I wear glasses.

Leonard: [comforting Sam] Hey man it's alright.

Kevin: [embarrassed...clears his throat] Did you say "our" classroom?

Elizabeth: Leonard, Sam, Kevin meet Erica...

Erica: Hey.

Elizabeth: Tracey...

Tracey: [makes a heart sign] Nice to meet you.

Elizabeth: Nick...

Nick: [strikes a peace sign] Sup.

Elizabeth: Annnd Ash.

Ash: ....

*Awkward silence*

Elizabeth: Anywaaay we're so happy that we have you guys in our class.

Ash: "We"?! Please ever since the monitor room I've been thinking about the pain my eardrums have to endure. If you don't get it you freaking loud!

Sam: {Now he decides to talk.}

Kevin: {I liked him better when he had his mouth shut.}

Elizabeth: I-I'm sorry.

Leonard: [steps forward] Hey man what's your problem?

Ash: My problem is that you haven't put tape over your girl's mouth, but I mean why would you? You're the cause of the problem.

Leonard: [angry with sparks of electricity] Oh yeah?

Sam: [grabs Leonard's arm] Let it go Leonard it's not worth it.

Leonard: Let go off me Sam, he just pissed me off.

Leonard stands ready with both fists up ready for a fight

Ash: You wanna fight me?

Leonard stares at him intensely

Ash: [sigh] Fine.

Ash dashes forward and throws a jab but Leonard dodges

Leonard: {Crap! I didn't know he'd be so fast.}

Ash: {How naive he thought because he beat the examiner he's hot shit now he'll learn.}

Elizabeth wants to intervene but Kevin stops her...Ash comes in again throwing another punch this time it Leonard blocks it but the force sends him backwards flat on his back, as Leonard's finding his way back on his feet Ash is ready to know him down but Leonard rolls forward one his back and makes it back on his feet and then catches Ash with a shoulder tackle but Ash uses his elbow to hurt Leonard's back

Leonard: Aghhh!

Elizabeth: Leonard!!

Sam: Stay back.

Ash is ready to leave but Leonard stands up again

Leonard: What the heck?! You think you can knock me down with such a lame attack?

Ash: [irritated that veins start showing] I'm getting tired of you.

Leonard: That day was the best time for me to listen to my head cause if I didn't...

Ash blasts fire at Leonard but Leonard leap away beforehand on the incoming danger

Leonard: I would've been barbecued.

Leonard: {Seriously?! He's using he's nuclei?!} [getting more angry] {Fine then..two can play at that game.}

Sam: I hope he doesn't plan on-

Ash uses fire at his feet to propel himself in the air as he grabs the back of Leonard's collar and pins him down but Leonard throws dust in his eyes which gives him time to charge as Ash is done wiping his eyes Leonard's body overflows with electricity as he speeds forward, Ash throws fireballs but Leonard just keeps dodging them however he trips and falls frontward

Ash: Idiot.

Ash comes in close proximity to finish the fight Leonard smirks and then focusses the electricity in his index finger and shoots it but Ash leaps backward, Leonard gets back on his feet and charges up his body but remains stationery

Ash: {How weak, doesn't even know how to control his own power.}

Ash covers his fists in fire and throws a right hook but Leonard ducks leaving Ash's mid section open Leonard's body enveloped by electricity ready to strike a blow with his left hand however Ash's left side is free he gets ready to blast fire but before the match was decided octopus tentacles grabbed both Leonard and Ash's hands

Chris: Enough!

To be continued