
Super Science Academy

We follow the story of our new protagonist Leonard Storm as he continues his goal to find the cure to humanities sickness the "nuclei" his journey is filled with obstacles with individuals who want to stand is way, fortunately he has gained allies to stand beside him on this journey

Lemaud_Sago · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

Chapter 2 Awakening

Chapter 2 : Awakening

After Leonard got shocked he fell down from the tree he's mother (Lucy) and sister (Letoya) panicked.

Lucy: Oh no....no no no no no no....Leonard honey, please wake up!

Letoya: I'll go call for help!

For a few moments Leonard was in a subconscious state, while in that state his mind was experiencing events that happened 25 years ago when it came to the great accident seeing flashes of the people who were there the energy conservation taking place the images started overflowing until he sees his mother as a young girl with a traumatized expression on her face with blood stains to waking up and seeing his mother now with the same look.

Leonard: (starts coughing)....Oh man! What happened?!

Lucy: Leonard! Thank goodness you're awake. (As she gives him a tight hug.)

Letoya: (What a relief.) Don't scare us like that you clown. (As she runs and gives him a tight hug too.)

Lucy: Ok let's get him inside.

Leonard: Even if I didn't realise it yet that was the day my life changed forever.

2 days had passed

Leonard was packing his bag for school

Lucy: Are you sure you wanna go to school?

Leonard: Yeah. Don't worry mom I'm completely fine.

Letoya: By the way your friends are waiting for you.

Leonard goes outside to check on them

Leonard: Hey guys!

Sam: Hey! You ready?

Leonard: Yeah just let me grab my lunch, I still need to say bye to Mom and Letoya.

Kevin: We'll be waiting.

Leonard packs his lunch, as he walks in the living room he sees what's happening on the news.

Reporter: A crisis is on the rise as our beloved children are being kidnapped on the streets folks. Suspects who have witnessed this say that they saw a black Mercedes at the scene of the crime. Let us pray for our children's safety.

Leonard: You've been pretty busy huh mom?

Lucy: You have no idea. Leonard honey please you and your friends should be careful.

Leonard: Don't worry mom we will. See you guys later.

Kevin: Finally.

(As they began walking to school.)

Leonard: Did you guys see what's happening on the news?

Sam: If you mean the kidnapping then yeah it's all over the internet. I mean really who still kidnaps people in 2052.

Kevin: We should be careful. Also Leonard should you really be coming to school?

Leonard: Honestly you guys are too paranoid just like my fam, honestly I'm mega...{should I tell them what happened?}

Leonard looks at the both of them

Leonard: {Nah it's probably nothing, I'd be giving them something even more to stress about.}

Leonard: Anywaaay when's your test taking place?

Sam: They haven't reached out to us as of yet, but it should be before the end of the month it is January after all.

As the 3 of them were talking all of a sudden the trio experienced an ominous feeling then proceeded to hear a little girl scream.

Leonard: {What's going on over there? That guy....wait a little girl and a black Mercedes.}

Sam: {It's him.}

Little girl: Let me go (she says it repeatedly)

Leonard: {What now? My body won't move.}

Kevin: Both of you snap out it! We gotta move!

Leonard: {Honestly I don't know what came over me but seeing Kevin run just made my body move instantly...} Yeah! {I can move again}

As the villain attempts to grab the girl Kevin suddenly is suddenly below and kicks both his hands sky high.

Villain: What the...

Kevin's movements are to fast as he's already out of reach with the girl

Kevin: Sorry about that, I just hate pedos.

Sam: {Nice he's distracted.}

As Sam's running he grabs a big rock throws it at the villain from behind, the villain moves to the side quickly but Sam smiles as the rock starts to curve and hit the villain's face.

Villain: {How annoying, these boys weren't supposed to be the ones to interfere, although they have incredible atomic energy...I see one has a water nuclei which is why his movements are so agile, and the other has the wind nuclei that's why the rock curved just now.} How annoying.

Kevin: We're kicking your ass right now old man!

Sam: Your atrocities end today.

Villain: (starts laughing) You think you can beat me with first grader attacks?

Kevin coats both his hands with water

Kevin: We're just getting started.

Villain: Wait! {Where's the girl?!}

Leonard is running at top speed with the girl

Leonard: Don't worry you'll be safe soon!

Kevin and Sam both smile

The villain's body starts to disassemble until it completely vanishes

Sam: !!!

Kevin: What the...?

All of a sudden the villain delivers a critical hit to Kevin's chest and is sent backwards as the villain disappears again

Sam: Kevin!! {Damnit!}

Sam creates a mini vortex around himself

Sam: {Even though I can't see where he's coming from it won't be easy to get through this vortex even if he comes from above he'll still be shredded by the speed.}

The villain drops from above with enough force to crush the vortex and Sam

Sam: {Such....power...}

Stranger: (Annoying brats, they don't know who they're dealing with....I'm The Carbonyl one of the servants to the deceased almighty Spectra. This will teach them to meddle in other people's business.)

Leonard and the little girl run as fast as they can they manage to hide behind a hologram statue of Zeus, as they hide Leonard notices that the little girl is breathing heavily.

Leonard: Hey don't worry, everything's gonna be fine.

She starts sobbing even more

Leonard: (She's completely terrified.) Hey what's your name?

Little girl: (As she wipes her tears) R...Rose.

Leonard: Rose huh? Well that's a beautiful name.

She starts breathing more accurately.

Leonard: (Looks like I managed to calm her down.) Do you think you can tell me what happened, how did that bad man get to you?

Rose: My mommy and me came shopping together but a little bit later she had to go to the bathroom but before we got I see the bad man looking at me from far away, I didn't want to use the bathroom so I waited for my mommy behind the door, but then the bad man came out of nowhere and grabbed and we were here.

Leonard: (I see now that would explain why I couldn't here the screams before, but then what would his power be it could probably some kind of teleporting nuclei?)

And out of nowhere the Carbonyl appears. And Leonard grabs Rose holds her in his arms and then leaps back.

Carbonyl: You brats are persistent aren't you?

Leonard: What do you want with her?!

Carbonyl: Nothing much really I just want her atomic energy.

Leonard: What?

Carbonyl: Yes, I am part of a cult that serves only one purpose....to steal atomic energy from the young like you, your friends, and that girl you keeping, and this cult serves the deceased Absorber who was defeated by the atomic hero Bolt.

Leonard: [Yeah I've heard of that before, 9 civilians died in the attack 15 were injured.]

Carbonyl: Now I need you and your friends and that girl to come with me.

Leonard puts Rose down and she stands behind Leonard.

Leonard: I don't think so.

Carbonyl: Very well.

He disappears and in a split second appears in front of Leonard.

Leonard: Crap!

As he lifts his hands to block the attack a spark of yellow electricity shocks him and backs off, however Carbonyl makes a tight fist tries to hit Leonard.

Leonard: [I won't let him take this girl no matter what!]

Electricity starts surrounding Leonard's body then he subconsciously holds to fists in Carbonyl's direction.


A current of electrical energy hits Carbonyl and sends him flying however Leonard collapses on the ground unconscious.

Rose: Mister! Are you OK?!

Carbonyl starts getting up from the ground.

Carbonyl: Hahaha. Hahaha. Oh man I knew I hit the jackpot. (With a menacing glare) Now you're mine.

He's body starts to pain intensely

Carbonyl: {Damnit! It was a mistake taking that head on.}

Out of nowhere a buff man wearing a suit lands on the Carbonyl and puts him flat in the ground.

Man: I knew I heard a racket somewhere turns out it was well you won't be bothering these kids anymore.

Vanisher: It would appear that I have failed my mission. Hahaha. This won't be our last encounter.

Man: Quit spouting nonsense!

As the man tries to grab the Vanisher he vanishes into mist, and he looks at Rose who is crying on Leonard and looking at Sam and Kevin from the distance.

Man: Looks like I'm gonna have to get you three to a hospital. Hehe, you guys did one heck of a job.

To be continued