
Super right hand

The protagonist Li Ye, unexpectedly gaining a miraculous right hand, gradually explores the mysteries of his hand. Not only can his right hand fight and charm women, but it can also traverse between dimensions.

z13155659560 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The restaurant is on fire

With this money, Li Xiaoguo no longer needs to work and can peacefully return to school, while his parents no longer need to run a barbecue stall!

He has the ability and confidence to allow his parents, who have toiled for most of their lives, to live comfortably from now on, and to bring about a complete change in the family's living environment!

And all of this is thanks to the magic tool in his hand!

Li Ye lay on top of the bright red soft currency, silently opening his right hand, watching the black hole slowly spinning in the palm of his hand, feeling as if he had been fully charged, planning all the preparations to enter the magic tool again.

This time, he would definitely not leave hastily and unprepared like the first time. This time, he must bring back enough profit!

This would be his starting capital for a successful future!

Little Black lazily lay on Li Ye's shoulder, unable to imagine what was so exciting about facing a pile of paper in front of him.

It yawned, its curious gaze shifting towards the corner of Li Ye's bag peeking out from within his embrace, its different-colored pupils flashing with curiosity. With a forceful effort, it leaped down from Li Ye's shoulder, its front paws gripping the corner of the bag, pulling it out.


The sound of fabric tearing echoed out.

Li Ye's face froze, looking down at the bag that couldn't be opened no matter what. It had already been torn open by Little Black's claws.

Then the entire bag suddenly inflated like an inflated balloon.

Li Ye's heart skipped a beat, grabbing Little Black and hastily retreating several steps.

With a bang, the bag burst open directly, and a pile of miscellaneous items jumped out from inside, completely quieting down.

This... this opened?

Li Ye was stunned for a moment. He had previously tried tearing the storage bag open, but its material was extremely tough, and ordinary tools couldn't make a dent.

Had Little Black, who had eaten roasted meat from a gazelle monster, mutated its claws as well?

With the bag torn open, there appeared to be items inside that were four or five times larger than its volume.

There were two books written in ancient seal script. Li Ye carefully identified them. One seemed to be called "Records of the Nine Continents," probably a miscellaneous book about local customs and world geography. 

The other one was called "Purple Cloud Heart Technique," and from the name alone, it seemed to be a set of cultivation techniques.

Thanks to Li Ye's major in Ancient Culture Studies at university, otherwise he wouldn't have understood what these two books were about. Even so, he struggled to comprehend them.

As Li Ye had expected, the place he entered through the magic tool was a world of immortality and martial arts, a place where everyone pursued cultivation.

That world was called the Xuan Dao Continent, divided into nine continents, each with numerous countries. Among these countries were countless sects and forces of cultivation. The owner of this storage bag was an outer disciple of the Purple Cloud Sect, a sect devoted to cultivation.

The lifelong wish of every ordinary person in the Xuan Dao Continent was to cultivate into immortality and ascend to the immortal realm.

The immortal realm was the floating continent Li Ye had seen in the sky at that time.

These were the basic framework and information of the Xuan Dao Continent.

Details such as the Xuan Dao Continent having day and night, twelve hours a day, and other scattered information could all be analyzed by Li Ye from the "Records of the Nine Continents."

In general, it was a world similar to ancient Earth, where cultivation was highly revered.

Li Ye didn't rush to look through the "Purple Cloud Heart Technique" because, in his understanding, cultivation required absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Who knows if the spiritual energy that existed in the Xuan Dao Continent existed on Earth? If it didn't exist, then having cultivation techniques would be in vain.

Leaving aside whether there is spiritual energy on Earth, the question of whether he could cultivate like the people on the Xuan Dao Continent was still uncertain.

After all, they were beings from two different worlds, and their physiological structures were unknown. How could beings with different physiological structures cultivate the same cultivation techniques?

What really caught his attention were the dozens of shiny rhombus-shaped objects piled up on the ground, resembling blue sapphires.

Through the "Records of the Nine Continents," Li Ye learned that these objects were called spirit stones, the highest-grade currency in the Xuan Dao Continent.

A spirit stone could be exchanged for a hundred gold beads, and a hundred gold beads could be exchanged for a hundred taels of silver.

He was going to get rich, going to get rich!!!

Li Ye shouted crazily in his heart. These spirit stones were like shining soft sister coins!

If he exchanged these spirit stones for gold beads on the Xuan Dao Continent and brought them back to Earth, it would be a huge fortune! At least tens of thousands, right?!

Li Ye's eyes turned red, wishing he could immediately open the Ruyi Gate and return to the Xuan Dao Continent to exchange for gold beads.

It took Li Ye considerable effort to tear his gaze away from the spirit stones and finally look at the four talismans that looked like ghostly drawings.

Two were red, one was blue, and one was yellow.

Li Ye took a deep breath, and the gleam in his eyes was like burning flames.

Through the "Records of the Nine Continents," Li Ye knew exactly what these four talismans were.

The red talisman was a strength-boosting talisman, the blue one was an agility-boosting talisman, and the yellow one was a defense-boosting talisman!

Moreover, he also learned from the "Records of the Nine Continents" how to use these four talismans!

If these talismans worked on Earth, it would prove that the human physiological structures of the two worlds were the same.

Since they were the same, Li Ye could cultivate the "Purple Cloud Heart Technique" and practice cultivation!

Of course, Li Ye wasn't foolish enough to immediately try using these talismans. Unless absolutely necessary, he wouldn't attempt it until he was sure whether they would have any side effects on him.

The Xuan Dao Continent connected by the black hole was definitely a place Li Ye would venture into again, but before doing so, he had to make thorough preparations.

After organizing the tens of thousands of soft sister coins and hiding all the contents of the storage bag, Li Ye fell asleep in a daze.

The next morning.

Li Ye had an elective class in the morning, so after waking up, he hurriedly rushed to the teaching building of Jiangnan University with Little Black.

Just as he reached the school gate, he caught a strong smell of smoke and dust.

Not far away, a building was engulfed in flames, with students rushing towards it from all directions.

"Oh no! The fancy restaurant in the school is on fire!"

"Damn! I heard that Su Yaqian is trapped inside?!"

"Is it true?!"

A few students, discussing fervently, hurried past Li Ye towards the burning restaurant.

Li Ye knew about the fancy restaurant they were talking about. It was specifically for hosting leaders, extravagantly decorated with excellent cuisine. Although it was open to students on regular days, it was mostly frequented by the wealthy.

The name Su Yaqian resonated deeply with Li Ye. She was the top beauty of Jiangnan University, the dream goddess of countless bachelors.

Hearing that the campus belle was trapped in the burning restaurant, wouldn't these single guys go crazy? This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to be a hero and win her heart! Who knows, maybe they'll have a chance with Su Yaqian after this!

Li Ye frowned deeply and, following the crowd's direction, involuntarily ran towards the burning restaurant.

Before reaching the scene, waves of heat hit him, causing a burning sensation.

"Damn! The fire is too intense, isn't it?! Even the firefighters can't get in!" exclaimed someone nearby.

Li Ye finally made it to the scene, where a cordon had been set up from a distance. A fire truck, with its warning lights flashing, was desperately spraying water at the second-floor restaurant under the command of firefighters.

A group of firefighters and school leaders had gathered nearby, their faces showing anxiety and helplessness.

"Hey, isn't that Lao Si?" A voice suddenly came from afar.

Li Ye turned around and saw it was his roommate, Wang Jian, accompanied by two others, Chen Nan and Zhao Yang.

These three were Li Ye's roommates. Li Ye had only lived in the dormitory for less than a month due to work commitments, but he got along well with them.

"What's going on?" Li Ye asked anxiously.

Zhao Yang was the eldest, a typical big guy from the northeast, tall and strong, with a face full of energetic acne, resembling the surface of the moon.

Zhao Yang, being impulsive and loud, shouted from a distance in his authentic northeastern accent, "Lao Si, where the hell have you been lately? Flirting with girls outside and forgetting your bros?"

After the four of them gathered together, Wang Jian, wearing glasses, gasped for breath and said, "Ah! Don't mention it. The situation inside is quite complicated now, and the fire is too intense for the firefighters to get in."

Wang Jian and Chen Nan were both southerners, speaking with a distinct southern accent.

"Ah! It's a pity that Su Da's campus belle is going to die in the fire! With such a big fire, who dares to risk their life to be a hero and save her?" lamented Chen Nan with a regretful expression.