

As a successor to the most mysterious family in United States, Leon has to go through a set of trials before inheriting his family wealth according to a group of rules. It has five stages. Since he was only three years old, Leon's father has planned on raising him as a tough person. He invited masters of diverse expertise to train Leon in many abilities, starting from arts, medicine, feng shui, ancient foreseeing techniques, self-defense, and ancient antiquities. Four years ago, when the first phase of the exam started, Leon was sent to live in Oregon's harsh city without a single penny. Leon also wasn't allowed to use the different expertise thought to him by the experts to train his willpower and experience the life of an ordinary man. Leon understood his father's goodwill. His family did all this to avoid unwanted circumstances; even simultaneously, they are also grooming his cousins as potential replacements.

DON_LIL · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 29. My Boss Brother

Chapter 29. My Boss Brother

Tommy furrowed his eyebrows when he saw Sucyanti. He then smiled


"I didn't know anyone who looks like him amongst Oregon's circle of

wealthy second-generations. Don't tell me he's from the capital city,

would someone from there dress up so cheaply?"

Tommy used his sharp words to stab at Leon, then proceeded to

rationally analyze the probabilities of Leon's identity.

"Ms. Sucyanti, you are of nobility! The Wibowos are very friendly with

my family in Oregon. Don't you think it's an embarrassment to walk

around with a destitute like him?"


"He is poor and has no clear background! He's not even worthy to polish

your shoes!'

Tommy's voice is getting louder with every sentence, but Sucyanti is not

backing down yet.

"And so, what? He might not be worthy, but are you? The Dani family

doesn't qualify to polish the shoes of the Wibowo family!". Sucyanti said

it knowing how much her grandfather appreciates Leon.

Sucyanti might question Leon's abilities and felt that he doesn't deserve

Grandfather Indra's attention. But compared to Tommy, Sucyanti hates

his face even more! Despite Sucyanti's arrogant attitude, she sympathizes with the weak. In

her eyes, Leon is currently in a weak position.

"At least I am much better than him! Our family history might be shorter

than the Wibowos, but our wealth can rival yours!" Tommy exclaimed

full of pride.

He pointed towards a golden Patek Phillipe watch inside a glass

showcase. The watch is priced at Two million dollars; one of the most

expensive models available in the shop.

"I want that watch. Wrap it for me"

Three female staffs received Tommy's command and nodded like


Tommy is a regular visitor of the store and he is very prestigeful. Just a

word from him could send the employees scurrying into action!

Who in Oregon doesn't recognize the Dani brothers?

The female staffs looked at Tommy as the god of wealth.

"Look, this is power!"

Tommy showed off his wealth. He scanned Leon with disgust.

Sucyanti was enraged. Although she despises Tommy's attitude, there is

nothing she can do as Tommy belittled Leon.

Leon's financial power is different from Tommy's.

Sucyanti could only shake her head in disappointment. The two million dollars watch isn't something anyone can purchase

easily. Leon won't be able to match that!

Leon said to the store employees, "That gold watch he just bought, give

me more of those sets!".

Leon is anxious he will never find a place to spend his pocket money. Its

not a small amount; he's got a trailer filled with money and there's no

way he is going to spend it without splurging on luxury goods.

The employees didn't take his words seriously and ignored him like air.

The main reason was because the three employees worshipped Tommy

and believed everything that came out of his mouth. Tommy said Leon is

a poor dog; they thought so too.

"You're really funny. Do you think you're buying cake? How many sets

do you want?" Tommy's grin showed his front teeth.

Sucyanti felt embarrassed and regretted going out with Leon.

"Oh, I've changed my mind." Leon rolled his eyes and swept the crowd

with silence.

"Why not? I thought you're going for a few sets. Are you scared?"

Tommy laughed wildly.

"You're wrong. Watches are boring. I'm getting this whole store!" Leon

said confidently with a smug grin.

With over nine trillion in his pocket, he might as well buy all the watches

in the shop… and the shop itself. Leon has no strong interest in money because of his family's overflowing

wealth. He is already familiar with the Wijayas' assets worth beyond

trillions since a young age.

Leon never thought about showing off. He is only going to spend a small

amount of it on shopping.

When Leon finished talking, Tommy and the store employees laughed

loudly like pigs.

"I've met a lot of liars but have never seen one like you. Even I won't

dare talk about buying this store. How would a poor dog like you do it?

Do you have ten billion?", taunted Tommy.

Leon was surprised when he heard the shop is worth ten billion.

"Why are you surprised?", Tommy smirked.

Leon shook his head in disappointment instead. "It's just ten billion…

that's not much at all. No wonder Oregon is no longer an upper-class city.

The consumption price is getting too cheap!"

Leon's words silenced everyone in the store.

Did he say ten billion is cheap? Is he alright?!

Tommy didn't believe Leon. He looked at Leon disgustingly and turned

to Sucyanti. "It turns out your friend here is a deceiver! He had the

audacity to say that ten billion is nothing!"

Sucyanti's face turned red in; she wants to hide herself in a hole out of

the embarrassment. Inside her heart, Sucyanti regretted knowing Leon.

"He… he is not my friend…" Leon stayed quiet. All that he said is the truth. Why didn't they believe


To some ten billion is not small, but it isn't a huge amount either.

Maybe they didn't know what it means to be crazy rich. Leon had an

allowance of nine trillion; how much would ten billion mean to him?!

Leon wasn't disappointed at Sucyanti's reaction. He never took Sucyanti

as his friend.

Sucyanti has no understanding of the bigger matters. To him she is

nothing but a dishwasher girl.

"You small employees haven't seen the world. Call the owner here,

employees like you can't make decisions!"

The shop owner appeared before his employee got to him.

He was watching through the security cameras and heard everything. He

proceeded to ask Leon "Do you want to buy this shop?"


"It's the peak of tourist season right now, so the price will be higher than

on usual days."

"Just tell me the price," Leon knew it wasn't the market price and he

isn't interested in nonsense.

"One million dollars and you can take over. But first, I'd want to verify

that you can pay the amount." The shop owner tried to bluff Leon. Tommy wouldn't dare bring more

than a billion outside the house; he would need to discuss with his family

before making decisions.

"No need to verify. You will receive the payment soon. We will sign the

contract tonight because I hate wasting my time." Leon said.

"I have no problems with the time you want to sign the contract. All you

have to do now is pay." said the shop owner.

Leon appeared relaxed. He took his phone and called the SZ Bank's


Mr. Steven was replacing his infant son's diaper when he received the

call, but he immediately answered the call.

"Mr. Steven, please transfer One million dollars to the Patek Philippe

store in Oregon," Leon instructed.

"Alright, Sir! I will do it now!"

President Steven is now Leon's personal accountant. No matter how busy

he could be, even if his infant son needs him, he will not be careless of

his job.

In Oregon, Leon is the only person to call President Steven his younger
