

As a successor to the most mysterious family in United States, Leon has to go through a set of trials before inheriting his family wealth according to a group of rules. It has five stages. Since he was only three years old, Leon's father has planned on raising him as a tough person. He invited masters of diverse expertise to train Leon in many abilities, starting from arts, medicine, feng shui, ancient foreseeing techniques, self-defense, and ancient antiquities. Four years ago, when the first phase of the exam started, Leon was sent to live in Oregon's harsh city without a single penny. Leon also wasn't allowed to use the different expertise thought to him by the experts to train his willpower and experience the life of an ordinary man. Leon understood his father's goodwill. His family did all this to avoid unwanted circumstances; even simultaneously, they are also grooming his cousins as potential replacements.

DON_LIL · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 19. Defeated Wildness

Chapter 19. Defeated Wildness

Leon smiled without saying a single word. He has three big villas in a

better location facing the mountain lake.

"Leon, please come over to my house. I'll wait for you. Let's talk some


The old man held Leon's hand before saying his goodbyes, although

Leon was a bit reluctant.

Sucyanti didn't look too enthusiastic.

She felt her grandfather shouldn't have treated Leon that way.

Before going, Sucyanti looked at Leon with hesitance.

After walking to another area of the hotel, Leon went to his room.

The hotel's daily operationality is under the general manager's full

control. No wonder the director's room looked empty. About a week ago,

Sebastian, the general manager, received info from Mawar that the board

of directors will attend today's meeting.

Sebastian never dared underestimate an agenda with the commissary. He

emptied his timetable today and waited for the commissary's arrival

throughout the morning.

When the commute came, he didn't know and didn't ask. He stuck to

Mawar's instructions. But once there is a mistake, he might lose his job. The Wijaya family is one of United States's most secretive families.

They are incredibly wealthy but mysterious. Not much is known about

their identities. Sebastian is lucky to gain their trust.

Working for the Wijaya family guarantees a smooth career and income.

Starting as a junior supervisor for five years, he finally settled as the

hotel's general manager.

Sebastian phoned Gerald. "Gerald, if you stop by the hotel, don't stir up

trouble! Whatever happens, please hold yourself! Don't embarrass me!".

"Dad, I'm at the hotel already. Trust me, Dad. You can count on me!"

answered Gerald.

"Don't try anything funny or I'll cut you out of the Chows!" Sebastian

threatened seriously.

"Yes Dad, I understand," said Gerald while secretly smirking.

Right now, Gerald is accompanied by Jason, who brought along a

Caucasian dog. It is a giant breed, as tall as a calf. The dog looks wild

and mean.

Gerald closed the call. An evil expression appeared in his eyes.

"Jason, find out where Leon is right now!"

"I found him, Sir. He's in the main commissary's room." Jason answered

while feeling weirded out.

"What? Why is he there? Are you sure?" Gerald seemed doubtful.

"Yes, I am sure Sir!" Jason replied shortly. "How could the idiot be there? Bring the dog and I'll catch up to you

later!" Gerald said while filled with curiosity.

Inside the room, Leon sat on the main commissary chair. He looked calm

and relaxed.

Even when he saw Jason coming in with the dog, Leon kept calm.

To him, Jason is an evil person. He betrayed his own brother, and now

he is going to let the dog attack him. Where is his moral conscience?

Jason did it all for a price of huge sum of money from Gerald.

"Leon don't blame me! This is Gerald's order!"

Jason's face burned with anger, and he held tightly to the dog's leash.

The dog is tough to control. At that moment, Gerald came.

"Leon, you're the dog. Jason, fight him!" Gerald commanded.

Leon stayed brave. He swung his hands.

"Slap! Slap!"

Two slaps landed on Gerald's face. The loud sound resembles balloons


Jason saw Gerald's bloody face. He lost his teeth.

Gerald looked shaken. He had no energy to look for his fallen teeth.

The slap is a Jutsu Leon recently mastered. It was so powerful he could

half a stone using his bare hands. Very dangerous! Gerald was in pain. Using all his strength, he shouted at Jason.

'Jason, release the dog! Kill that bastard!"

Jason was filled with anger. His face darkened, and he threw the chains

on the floor.

The dog immediately lunged at Leon; it was clearly ferocious. The two

smiled at what they saw. But their smile was gone when the dog froze

right in front of Leon. The vicious dog became calm as if it was

interacting with Leon.

For Leon, the dog is not wild at all. It could be easily tamed. Its natural

ferocity disappeared when it faced Leon. The two looked to be in a state

of peace.

The two exchanged stares.

Dog: "I don't want to be a slave!"

Leon: "Ah, you can talk?"

Dog: "Woof woof woof…"

The Caucasian dog immediately obeyed. It lay and curled on the floor,

no longer brave enough to face Leon. Its eyes showed a wish for mercy,

and that is understandable. The dog kept on licking Leon's shoes.

Gerald and Jason were taken aback at what they saw. Caucasian dogs are

notorious for being aggressive and brutal.

Why did it turn cat-like after seeing Leon? Gerald started to suspect he

was tricked by the dog seller. Perhaps Gerald didn't know Leon once survived from a wolf's den.

He fought, ate, and danced with the wolves. In the end, the pack leader

shied away from its territory and only watched from afar.

No matter how aggressive and brutal the dog is, he is no different than

the king wolf.

Leon then easily danced with the wolves and entered their place as if it

was his own.

To him, it is just as easy as flipping his palm.

Gerald and Jason are finished off even before Leon showed his full


They couldn't fathom how a poor student working as a delivery boy

could suddenly become like this.

This is weird!

Gerald's father saw all that happened in the President's room. He was

horrified and furious.

Looking at his son's bleeding voice, he asked Leon in a high voice,

"Who did it to him? You! How dare you hit my son in my own place!

You'll see what you've caused!

The weight in Gerald's heart fell once he saw his father's appearance,

and he became even more arrogant.

He smirked, pointed at Leon, and howled, "It is him who hit me. Your

son is tormented by him. If you don't finish him today Dad, it will bring

humiliation to our family!" Jason screamed along, "That is right Boss! Don't let him make it out


"Both of you shut up! Don't tell me how to finish him. How

embarrassing, even the two of you is not enough to fight him!"