
Super Red Dragon

“He said… I wasn't the real hero… He was wrong. I just forgot for a little while… We all forgot…don't let them forgot again…”. The last words of Conner. But, what if he has a new chance? New life? Even in another universe? Let's watch how Conner (ex-Super Boy) will live and fight as Kazuki Hyoudou (Sekiryuutei).

Julian_Clyne · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

I'm not a "Good Guy"

{Si Yeon}: …

{Kazuki}: I'm sorry Si yeon, forgive me for listening to your conversation. I'll leave, and then we'll talk…

Before Kazuki finishes what he was about to say, Si Yeon runs and jumps on Kazuki's chest. She starts crying and shaking like a scared little animal.


{Si Yeon}: Hyoudou-kun… I… I…

{Kazuki}: No need to say anything now. I'll stay with you as long as you want.

Kazuki hugs Si yeon more tightly, trying to give her a greater sense of security. It's not the first time he's comforted a woman in tears. On the other hand, Si Yeon starts to let go of a feeling that she had been confronting in recent months.

{Si Yeon}: (Actually, I'm a weak "adult woman", being comforted by a teenager. Well… Hyoudou-kun is much more mature than the other boys I've met and physically has a strong and attractive body. In this hug I can feel his defined muscles, exactly what I imagined… WHAT AM I THINKING?!?!? This is not the time for this… me…).

{Kazuki}: (Okay, here we are again, a "damsel in distress." The "good guys" would just console, say everything will be fine, blah, blah, blah… I'm not one of "them" so the options we have are: 1 go away and don't get involved with a married woman; 2 call a "friend woman of mine" to advise Si Yeon; 3 get into this and "help" Si Yeon from the loneliness and abstinence she is going through. Si Yeon you should disguise it better, I watched your eyes scanning my body and the comments made by you and the cafeteria female workers).

Kazuki then hugs Si Yeon more tightly with his left arm and with his right hand he starts to wipe the tears from her eyes and starts caressing Si Yeon's face.

{Si Yeon}: Hyoudou-kun…

{Kazuki}: You can call me Kazuki. Si Yeon is a beautiful woman, so don't shed her tears for someone who doesn't deserve them.

{Si Yeon}: Hyou… Kazuki-kun, I…

Without letting Si Yeon finish speaking, Kazuki kisses her on the lips, taking her completely by surprise. Si Yeon makes a "minimum" effort to resist, but then stops and embarks on the pleasure of the moment.

{Si Yeon}: (It's been a long time since I've felt like this… my heart racing, pleasure, sense of danger… Kazuki-kun… you're a bad boy, aren't you… To kiss so well… how many girls are you seducing around?)… Kazuki-kun, this is not your first or second kiss, right? Are you not very experienced for your age?

{Kazuki}: None of that, I'm a "pure" and "innocent" Japanese boy… hehehe (Before I was a hero, not a saint. And in this life I've been getting my dose of teenage romanticism).

{Si Yeon}: Liar!

Without letting her continue to talk, kissing and silencing her, Kazuki begins to "walk" through her body with his hands, in seconds the clothes are scattered around the room and only the contact of the free skin can be felt.

{Kazuki}: Si Yeon, I always thought you were a sexy woman, and feeling that soft skin and that scent of roses makes me more sure of that.

{Si Yeon}: Kazuki-kun…

Kazuki then starts kissing Yeon's neck and slowly descends. With his hands, he massages those beautiful "E cup" breasts, then tastes them with his lips. In the whole process, Yeon lets out little moans that have nothing of pain, but satisfaction. As if examining a gemstone, Kazuki "examines" every part of Yeon, who responds only with moans and calling out the name "Kazuki-kun".

{Kazuki}: Yeon, I will put my "sword" on you. But since it looks like you haven't had sex in a while, I'll start gently, unless you have something else in mind… (The way you look at my "sword" says it all, nymphomaniac).

{Si Yeon}: (This monster… What is this size, this thickness? Isn't Ha-jin compared to him a "baby"? I want… I want to taste it first with my mouth… then later…) Kazuki-kun, you come making me feel like a woman again… so let me satisfy you in a special way…

Yeon begins to massage Kazuki's "jewels" with her hands, and with her mouth begins to "taste" Kazuki's sword. Her face shows all her satisfaction, the desire not to lose that "flavor" ever again.

{Kazuki}: … Aah!… (you're good at this, Yeon… I don't know why that guy despises you, but with a woman with a bombshell body like that and a nymphomaniac in bed, there's something really weird about this guy)… It's not time to think about it… time to seize the moment) That Yeon… You really are the sexy woman I thought… Aah!

A few moments later.

{Si Yeon}: Kazuki-kun, please…

{Kazuki}: Please what? Say it louder…

{Si Yeon}: Kazuki, please PUT YOUR SWORD IN ME…

{Kazuki}: Yeah, you don't have to be ashamed of what you want Yeon, you can tell me everything you want.

{Si Yeon}: Kazu…

{Kazuki}: Here you go… (you're pretty tight, Yeon. Good personality, sexy body, good in bed. I won't let you get away easily)

{Si Yeon}: AAH!! (And this… this is what I wanted… so good… so delicious…) KAZUKI!!!KAZUKI!!!

More than an hour later, close to midnight. Lying in bed, hugging each other. Si Yeon showing a real smile of happiness after a long time.

{Kazuki}: Yeon, I have to go now before it gets later. You have my contact now. Call me in case something happens, I'll come running.

{Si Yeon}: Kazuki-kun… I… should think better…

{Kazuki}: Think again? About what happened? Let me guess what you're thinking right now. You're worried about being a "married adult" woman having an affair with a middle school boy, a scandal!

{Si Yeon}: Kazuki-kun, society doesn't so easily accept what goes against its values. My husband is a terrible man, but before society, he is my husband. I want to be free… To love you… but…

{Kazuki}: Yeon, I won't force you to do what you don't want. However, society doesn't care about your suffering, absent and lying husband, Yeon. The one who has to make the decisions for your life will be you, Yeon. Will you live a life to please the masses with a life full of regrets? Or live a life of your own choices without any weight on your conscience? Believe me, at the end of the line everything revisits us and there is no more time for regrets or hesitations. I want to be with you, I'm not a saint, I will have other involvements possibly, but I enter all relationships without hesitation and knowing that the price of the choices I make will have to be paid. I'm prepared for this. Ok, I'll stop the speech now and let you think. Just remember, it wasn't for that night of sex that I liked you. I started to like you, especially when I realized that your warm smile shown to everyone every day was a way of trying to make others not worried and sad for you. You are so kind.

{Si Yeon}: Kazuki… (thanks).

After giving Si Yeon a soft kiss on the lips, Kazuki leaves the apartment and makes his way home.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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