
Super-Powers are here!? Time to be a Superhero!

I suddenly got powers one day, I thought I was special- as if. Like Mom always used to say -"You are special but not anymore special than the next person." Only the next person got powers and decided to become a Super-villain. "Enough is Enough. Time to bring back justice the Wild West style." Or the story of me blundering my way into becoming a Superhero.

Silvercalibur · Action
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2 Chs

Prologue (But it's in the future I guess? So, Epi-Prologue?)

"Can the power of man overpower the power of society." The old man asked his green eyes gazed upon me almost like an entity of judgement. His wrinkled face developed a small smile upon seeing me shift under his gaze, atleast I thought that's why he did but I got to know the bastard just enough to know seeing me suffer was not something which would make him giddy like a preschooler. No, it was the gears in my head turning, the pause I took, the conflict within myself that got him smiling like my old man on my graduation.

"Whoever tries, hardest I guess?" I said to him clutching my ribs, speaking without weakness in front of him was something I did out of a sense of pride within myself at this point. Faltering in front of him wasn't something I was willing to accept. Even if It meant to not slur my words under what was concussions of the highest order and many-many broken bones.

"I see you are a Napoleonic man, Mr. Conners. But unfortunately, It was a yes or no question." He said with the tone of an irritated parent. His stiff arms shrugged to reveal a silenced pistol in his hand, bit redundant since there was no one to listen to us but it was strong enough to make a clear hole in my forehead. I gazed down the barrel of the gun like a gazed down my girl on prom; face blank but damned if my heart wasn't begging for mercy.

"I didn't know we were playing Kahoot here teach. I mean read the room, not exactly screaming learning environment." I shot back with every ounce of sarcasm my ailing body could muster, spiting the man with my entire being without actually spitting on his face was something that was coming naturally to me at this point. Mocking his threating red aura of a villain was a small victory I was willing to take.

"Dragging your feet will lead to nowhere Mr. Conner we both know, I have all the time I can possibly have and I will have my answer." He said in a nonchalant way at first like all of this was an afternoon walk to him but by the end I could feel the intensity coating his tongue. The absolute sense of finality within his actions was something that made me respect this madman, but I also made me absolutely terrified as well. Because no one- absolutely no one knew it better than me, this man would stop for nothing.

His gun pressed down my forehead, the silencer was cold worse than the marble floor on snowy day, felt odd for whatever reason. The gun pushed harder almost banging my head into the wall behind. Letting out a grunt I closed my eyes to gather the will to speak again.

"Look, Buddy we both know this is going absolutely nowhere. You're trying to lead but I will actually kill myself before I actually follow. So, do me a favour and just get on with it."

He came even closer and kneeled near me. An excellent opportunity to deck him in the face but my ass was thoroughly kicked and that punch would only hurt me.

"You think you know death, Mr. Conners." He said moving close enough for me to feel his breath to my dismay. My body felt each muscle clench into itself with the man staring a hole into me but grinding my teeth to dust and steeling my nerves with my sheer will I kept my silence.

"Well call yourself an Oracle Conners, because you are godamn right." He said with a hum and pulled the trigger.

"N- ---c-"

"-- D--"

The gun slipped through his grip as his hand jerked towards the ground at the speed of light, the gun slipped through his well-adjusted fingers with such force his other hand instinctively went to caress the red-sleeved wrist. The man grunted in well deserved pain, his teeth visibly clenching and gnashing on one another. I immediately bit my tongue to attempt perhaps the most stupid and oaf-like tactic one can do when they have multiple medical conditions screaming-ICU; I leapt at him. Gravity felt like a slipping carpet around me as I grabbed his injured hand which now looking closer was definitely bruised after his gun decided break up with him. The purple bruise however immediately met my nose, with only the tiniest of wince he crashed his injured hand between my eyes definitely making sure he hit them before I could instinctively close them. I felt his fingers roughly claw at my retinas but decided to power through the feeling instead of recoiling at the pain. I grabbed at his waistcoat pulling him towards me and going for a strike at his face with my other hand.

The impact landed, but landing on a mask of red steel was not a pleasant sensation as his now the smug prick with his favourite helmet decked me and sent me hurling right down the railings. The sudden rotation of my axis and center of gravity resulted in another slip within the laws of physics and instead of me dropping down what I believed to be six-storeys to my immediate fate as cranberry sauce, I fell horizontally straight into the concrete wall present on the floor immediately below the philosophical psychopath.

Colliding with the wall, I Physics remembered to exist again and I dropped from my face on the wall to my cheek on the floor.

"When will this shit end." I barely grumbled out picking myself up since I was only out of the frying pan now with the fire just waiting on my ass.

The sounds of the siren came alive in that moment, I turned my head to see through the dirty window pane, my eyes just above the steel railings. And Whoop-dee-doo the police has arrived, late again and about to definitely arrest the wrong guy.

"This is one of those days, isn't it?" I said out loud only to be bombarded with bullets from a trigger happy freak emptying his gun on the floor below.

"Yep, Definetly one of those days."

My first try at writing a new story and uploading it to public. Please be nice to my baby.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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