
Exposing Hat Trick

Aldrich tossed those numbers around in his head.

Ten million credits to Aldrich. Fifteen million to Seismic. A total of a twenty-five million credit investment.

This was an amount of money that Aldrich would only have dreamt of even grasping at.

His parents, as relatively regular D and C rank heroes, earned almost two hundred thousand credits a year together in Neo-York, which sounded like a lot, but living costs in Neo-York, a tier 1 city, were absurdly high.

Even if his parents could take all of their earnings without spending anything on rent, they would need one hundred and twenty-five years to match what Hat Trick was offering.

But Aldrich did not care about how much that credit amount meant to him. Because soon enough, he was going to have enough power and influence that credits were not going to be an issue.

No, what he wanted to know was how much that amount meant to Hat Trick.

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