
Blackwater Students

Aldrich waited in front of the base doors, admiring just how solid they were. They were like solid blocks of metal that could probably pancake someone flat under their weight. Very much like nomad craftsmanship.

Either nomad tech was light and hyper mobile or it went overboard on just stacking defensive layer on top of defensive layer to create plate packed mobile behemoths.

The doors reminded Aldrich of the neosteel castle wall that protected the Red Circle, the very same wall that needed a cannon round fired from a railgun at mach 6 to actually penetrate. But he doubted these doors had even half the durability as the neosteel doors.

Neosteel was expensive. The highest end commercially available metal on the market. Even Casimir could only afford small amounts of it.

But even neosteel was like paper compared to someone like Solomon Solar, and if Aldrich wanted to take over Blackwater, he knew he would have to go through Solomon.

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