
[Bonus chapter] Panopticon Cure 3

"Interesting," said Aldrich. "I thought the Netwall was human maintained. Supervised by Operators and Panopticon technos beneath them. It's part of the whole pro-humanity movement, isn't it? I've seen enough shows and posters glorifying technos holding the fort against daemons at the Netwall."

"Yeah, and there's that movie series too, the Matrices, right? Super popular with that trench coat toting techno that stops crazy villain plots by day and daemon invasions by night," said V.

The Netwall was a firewall that protected human occupied Cyberspace from outside threats; the primary threat being daemons from the Void. It was actually created with Cyberspace, birthed from the death of Omega, perhaps as a final gift to humanity.

Now, though, it was maintained by the Panopticon and its team of technos. As V stated, being a Watcher, someone who guarded the Netwall, was a well-paid, prestigious job that many techno children aspired to grow up to be that was glamorized across media.

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