
Super master system

In a world where magic exists, monsters exist, and different worlds are created. What would happen if a new master arrived? What if this master was not from that world?

Daoist9yHqvG · Fantasy
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2 Chs


In a world where magic exists, beasts are everywhere and powerful people can be found anywhere in the world.

We focus on a nameless small town that is located near the mountains, this town has very new houses even though it has been there for more than 300 years and that is that it is very common for beasts to attack that place and destroy it, it is also a reason why there are not many people that the deaths caused by the beasts are many

We can see a somewhat large house with a large patio with animals and a large food plantation that is being harvested by a boy with black hair, blue eyes, slightly pale skin and who is also 180cm tall, this person is called Kuro and is 18 years.

Kuro is not a person native to that world, he comes from another where there is no magic or the types of beasts that exist here.

-I've already been in this world for 2 years- Kuro thought melancholy as he remembered his old family

After thinking about that, Kuro left with the bag of food and went to the small park that was in the village and began to distribute it to the villagers.

-I still don't understand why do you share your food with people who can't afford it?- an old woman asked Kuro

-I don't need any payment, as long as I help it's fine for me- Kuro replied

-That kindness will cost you dearly in the future, this world is not kind to types of people like you- said another villager

-Don't worry sir, I know who to be nice to and who not to- Kuro answered again

And you may be wondering why he helps the villagers of this small village? That is easy since he sees them as family since when he transmigrated to this world he obtained the memories of this life, and he saw how all the villagers helped him since his parents had died because of the beasts when they attacked the town 10 years ago

After distributing all the food he had, he returned home and began to exercise, his exercise routine does not consist of complicated things since he only did: squats, push-ups, push-ups, running around his farm and planks , but even if it was only that he did it in a peculiar way since he did it until he couldn't,

every time he couldn't keep up with squats to push ups and so on, but you guys think won't that do harm to his body in the long run? and the answer is no, since when he moved into this world he discovered that the body was much more resistant and that it recovered faster.

-I beat my previous record, but I couldn't have done it if it wasn't for this- Kuro said seeing a blue screen

When Kuro transmigrated, he discovered that he has the typical video game system that is used to level up skills and make you stronger, but his system is special since he only brings out his 100% when he has a disciple since this system is called "System of the super teacher"

[name: Kuro

level:3 EXP 0/100%

Strength: 15 Speed: 18

Senses: 13 Agility: 15

Stamina: 20 Luck: 10

Intelligence: 15 Wisdom: 20

Disciples: 0



swordsmanship(high), bowmanship(high), spearmanship(medium), alchemy(low/medium), magic(medium), traps(high)]

[Strength: Shows how much damage you can do to your enemies and how much you can carry

Speed: Shows how fast you attack and how fast you move in a straight line

Senses: Shows how enhanced your senses of smell, sight, touch, taste, hearing

Agility: Shows how well you move regardless of obstacles

Endurance: Shows that you resist in any way, for example: running, exercising or resisting blows

Luck: This stat can only be raised in a special way

Intelligence: The ability to understand what you read and how good you are at magic

Wisdom: Shows how good you are at spiritual thoughts and skill leveling]

-I've raised my stats a lot in just 2 years and without using 100% of the system- Kuro said to himself

-But I would like a child from the village to want to become an adventurer, if only I had a disciple I could defend the village from the beasts- Kuro said with a little melancholy

But out of nowhere he heard screams outside his house, when he went out to see what those screams were, he saw that a crowd of villagers were running from an E rank beast.

In this world the beasts as well as the adventurers are qualified by I-E-H-F-G-C-B-A-AA-S

and in each rank there is + or - to know how strong it is compared to the others of the same rank

Kuro seeing what was happening took a worn sword he had and went to help the villagers.

A mother and daughter are seen running until the daughter who was not seen to be over 5 years old tripped, the mother tried to help her but could not because the other villagers pushed her, the girl stood up and ran but it was already too late since the beast jumped on top of her and by the time he was about to bite her he was pushed by Kuro.

After being pushed, the beast raises him in a rage to attack but when he realized Kuro was gone, but out of nowhere he felt something digging into his flesh, the even more enraged beast turned and attacked, Kuro seeing that could not do anything else He had to defend himself with his sword, but he was pushed by the force of the blow and rolled on the ground, Kuro getting up as fast as he can, he defends himself again but this time he counterattacked causing a wound in the beast's eye.

The beast roared in pain, but Kuro was not going to let this opportunity pass him by and plunged his sword into its neck, the beast, sensing that, began to move desperately and in that its claws damaged Kuro's torso, causing a very severe wound. big but Kuro still in pain held the sword and plunged it deep into the beast's throat and after a few seconds of struggle the beast falls dead.

This fight didn't take more than 1 minute but for Kuro and the villagers who saw it it was like hours, after going through a long silence the villagers started to celebrate that they had survived and went to help Kuro and the girl.

-Thank you very much- the girl's mother said to Kuro giving him a kiss on the forehead

-There's nothing to worry about, miss, I promised that I would help the village in any way I can while I'm here- Kuro answered, blushing a little because of the kiss that woman gave him.

But he wasn't really paying attention as he was looking at the screen in front of him.

[ You have killed your first beast +100 EXP

You have killed a rank E beast +50 EP

!!Congratulations, you've leveled up!]

Kuro decided that he would see that later, since after the villagers bandaged his wound, he went home to rest and think about other things.

-System show me my status- Kuro said, and instantly his status appeared

[name: Kuro

level:4 EXP 34/100%

Strength: 15 Speed: 18

Senses: 13 Agility: 15

Stamina: 20 Luck: 10

Intelligence: 15 Wisdom: 20

Disciples: 0



Swordsmanship(High), Bowmanship(High), Spearmanship(Medium)


alchemy(low/medium), magic(medium), traps(high)]

-Yeah, I went up a lot, and to think that it took me 2 years to go up 2 levels but killing a low rank beast gave me a level instantly- Kuro said laughing at the end.

-I'm going to prepare my things to go to the capital- Kuro said to himself

And you may be wondering why are you going to leave town? weren't you going to protect them from the beasts? well...

Flash Back

-Kuro take this bag with silver coins- the mayor of the town suddenly said

-Hey, but why could this help to rebuild the houses- Kuro said, somewhat puzzled.

-That's simple brat, this village is not going to be repaired, we are all going to go to a nearby town- said a villager

-But this money could help you get a house for all of you- Kuro said

-Don't worry, we're going to be fine, a rich family from the neighboring town is going to take us in on their land, in exchange for us working for them- said an old woman.

-But... so when are you going to leave?- Kuro asked, sad to see what he considered family leave.

-Next week- replied the mayor.

-Then since no one is going to be here, why don't we make a big meal with my crops and animals? after all you gave me the money to go to the capital- Kuro said with a smile

After saying that, an agreement was reached that they were going to have a big meal as a farewell, and they ate meat and vegetables for a week.

Fin Flash Back

After remembering that, he went to pack the things he was going to need to go to the capital, but not before saying goodbye to everyone and wishing them good luck, when he left town a screen appeared in front of him.

[New Quest: New Life

Go towards the capital and get a new house where you can train your future disciples.

reward: technique "Hurricane Strike"

Hurricane Strike: It is a combat technique where you use your magic to make a small hurricane in your fist, depending on how controlled you are the stronger technique will be]

-Another reason to go to the capital- Kuro said excitedly since this is a magical technique and so he knows that kind of techniques are worth a lot of money

Kuro after having arrived at the capital, had to talk to the guards who supervise who came and went.

"What is your purpose in coming here?" a soldier asked Kuro

-It's to stay and live here- Kuro answered calmly.

-The minimum you must have to live here is about 5 silver coins- said the soldier looking at Kuro and not believing that Kuro has that amount of coins

In this world there are only coins of: copper, silver, gold, platinum, 100 copper coins is a silver coin and 100 silver is a gold 100 gold is a platinum

-Don't worry, I can pay for it- Kuro said hearing what the soldier said

The soldier, after hearing that, didn't care anymore and let it go, when Kuro saw what the capital was like, he was surprised but it was something he expected since his town was very small and only had about 30 inhabitants.

After looking around the city for a bit, he went to a guild to register.

A guild is a place where adventurers go to collect quests in exchange for a sum of money, quests also have ranks that are the same as adventurers and beasts, only an A rank or higher adventurer can do a rank quest A

-Hello, welcome to the guild. How can I help you?- asked the receptionist with a smile.

-Hello, I would like to join the guild please- Kuro said,

After saying that the receptionist took out a paper and a pen and handed it to Kuro, Kuro after filling in everything on the paper, he went out and went to find a place to sleep.

After searching for a while, he was able to find a small apartment, which he paid for a night that was 10 copper coins, and went to sleep.

The next day he went looking for a house and found it although it hurt his heart since it cost him ⅓ of what he had, which would be 75 silver coins, although the good thing is that he had a yard big enough to train without worrying.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the quest: New Life

reward: Hurricane Punch]

And so he was finally able to fulfill the mission that the system had given him and obtained his first magical technique

Of course he couldn't bear not to occupy and he took a mission from the guild, the mission was to hunt scarlet wolves of a stripe this is a beast of rank I, it was quite easy to find them and Kuro quickly finished them off and left only one to try their skill


A loud explosion was heard and Kuro could be seen but his arm was somewhat damaged when using his ability, Kuro after seeing the power of his ability was surprised since it was very powerful, but he realized that a sign appeared in front of him

[The host is strongly advised not to use the skill yet]

-I mean, I know I hurt my arm but I just have to lower the power, or not?- Kuro asked

[Your body is not ready for the power that this skill gives you, and if it weren't for the system that under the power of the technique you would have lost your arm]

-So... how much power to use in the technique- Kuro asked since he didn't want to lose his arm

[You used 3% of the power of the skill, and thanks to the system you didn't lose your arm]

-Is 3% already that powerful?- Kuro asked excitedly since he had a very powerful ability

Then he returned to the capital and claimed his mission and returned home to rest

time skip

A week has passed and in that week Kuro did not stop training since it was the only thing he could do since he did not have a disciple, after training towards missions to get more money and he also concentrated on improving his handling of weapons above all in the sword, he also discovered where the library was and went there to read from time to time to improve his intelligence and wisdom stats

-Status- Kuro said.

[name: Kuro

level:4 EXP 34/100%

Strength: 20 Speed: 22

Senses: 16 Agility: 18

Stamina: 24 Luck: 10

Intelligence: 19 Wisdom: 24

Disciples: 0



Swordsmanship(Master), Bowmanship(Very High), Spearmanship(Medium)


alchemy(low/medium), magic(medium), traps(high)]

-I've improved a bit... I have to get a disciple, but how?- Kuro wondered not knowing how to get a disciple, but he stopped thinking about it and went to walk around the capital since in this time he hasn't able to walk because he was focused on his training.

Somewhere else

We can see a girl with black hair, brown eyes and a malnourished body, this girl was in an alley being beaten by some boys who were a little older than her.

-Please stop- the girl said in a whisper.

-Hee, but why are we having fun- said one of the children smiling

-Yes, besides what are you going to do to us, you're just a bum, even though my older brother is interested in you, it would only be one of his bitches- said another boy who seemed to be the leader of that small gang

The girl couldn't do anything but repeat the same words as before and begging in her mind for someone to save her.

The gang was going to keep beating her until someone stops them

-Why are you doing that to that girl- Kuro asked, Kuro wasn't going to do anything but walk but he heard some people say that they were beating a girl again out of pure curiosity he went to see and what he found It was not pleasant at all, since what he saw was 5 boys beating a poor girl who couldn't even move, he couldn't stand that scene and went to help her

-And who the hell do you think you are to ruin our fun- said one of the boys who was hitting the girl

Kuro could bear all sorts of things but what he couldn't bear was seeing people take advantage of the weak, so he tried his best to calm down and said

-You guys better stop in 10 seconds or I'll give you the beating of your life- Kuro said with a terrifying look, and a screen appeared in front of him but he just pushed it away without paying attention.

The children, seeing his look, were stirred up but the leader of that group spoke

-You'd better go, don't you know who my huh is- but he couldn't finish speaking because out of nowhere he felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he saw that it was Kuro who hit him, thus fainting instantly, his little staff Seeing that their leader was easily beaten, he got scared and ran away.

Kuro didn't care as he went to see the girl who was passed out on the floor, so he gently picked her up and took her home to treat her injuries.

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