
Super Invincible Battleship

Yan Fei ordered a small drone online, never expecting that the drone would suddenly become his avatar. Amazing, right? But what's even more incredible is that this drone avatar can actually upgrade, into a drone fighter jet, a heavy combat jet, a stealth bomber...... Are these powerful combat units really my avatars? Do they really expect me to take on the entire world? Yan Fei is utterly bewildered!

Diving Fish Out to Sea · Sci-fi
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622 Chs

Chapter 38 Technology Analysis

Translator: 549690339

Yan Fei finally eliminated Zhang Baocheng and the Marquis, thoroughly resolving his own hidden dangers.

With his mind at ease, he noticed a change in his Drone's Merit Points. Before using the Drone to attack, the Merit Points were zero, but after the attack, the Drone's Merit Points had surprisingly become 37. He opened the Auxiliary Brain and indeed found the relevant data explanation there.

Dock missile attack, killed 1 person, gained 1 Merit Point; maritime missile attack, killed 16 people, gained 16 Merit Points; sinking an enemy yacht, gained 20 Merit Points. Total gained 37 Merit Points.