
Super Invincible Battleship

Yan Fei ordered a small drone online, never expecting that the drone would suddenly become his avatar. Amazing, right? But what's even more incredible is that this drone avatar can actually upgrade, into a drone fighter jet, a heavy combat jet, a stealth bomber...... Are these powerful combat units really my avatars? Do they really expect me to take on the entire world? Yan Fei is utterly bewildered!

Diving Fish Out to Sea · Sci-fi
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888 Chs

Chapter 1 Drone Avatar

In the room, Yan Fei watched the drone zipping up and down, his eyes filled with curiosity. Even now, he had not figured out how he had come to possess this drone avatar.

Earlier, Yan Fei had ordered the most affordable Dakong brand drone online. The drone arrived at his home swiftly. After Yan Fei signed for it and opened the package, he accidentally tripped, hit his head on the drone, and passed out. When he woke up, he found that the drone had become his avatar.

This drone was entirely black, with four rotors on the top and a sphere in the middle housing an HD Camera that could rotate 360 degrees. At the bottom was a small elongated cylinder. The drone had a very simple structure, with only the most basic flight and surveillance functions, weighing less than two kilograms and costing 800 yuan – it was an entry-level drone.

Once the drone became Yan Fei's avatar, every movement was entirely under his control. With just a thought, the drone would operate according to his consciousness. Taking off, hovering, turning left or right, moving forward or backward, and even flipping sideways – it was all so effortless, as easy as moving his own fingers. When he reached out to touch the drone, he immediately felt as if he was touching his own body, yet he also felt the actual plastic body of the drone, a paradoxical yet unified sensation that fascinated him.

Ordinary drones are mainly controlled by a remote controller, but the drone avatar acted upon Yan Fei's consciousness. The remote controller that came with the drone had become completely useless; it couldn't influence the flight of the drone at all. Moreover, the entire remote control system installed on the drone had disappeared; the drone only obeyed Yan Fei's commands.

Yan Fei suspended the drone in the air and observed it carefully, while the drone avatar used its HD Camera to watch over Yan Fei's body. In Yan Fei's mind, there appeared two images: one from the drone's camera and one from his own eyes. With a single thought, the main perspective switched to the drone avatar; in the HD Camera, his body was curiously watching the drone, the image crystal clear. Never before had he observed himself so carefully – the top of his head, the back of his skull, and his back, which were normally unseen in a mirror, were all clearly visible. With another thought, the main perspective quickly switched back to his body, and he saw the drone hovering in front of him.

Moreover, if Yan Fei so wished, he could simultaneously share both perspectives, able to see both his body and the drone avatar at the same time. The feeling was slightly eerie, and at first, he felt a bit disoriented, as if he were experiencing schizophrenia. However, he quickly became accustomed to it and fully mastered the method of coexisting and switching between the two perspectives.

Feeling the very real sensation of the drone avatar, Yan Fei was somewhat excited. He had read many online fantasy novels before, envying the miraculous adventures of the protagonists but never imagining that he too would have such an experience and obtain a drone avatar.

After the initial curiosity wore off, Yan Fei discovered a virtual operating screen for his drone avatar in his mind that had appeared out of nowhere. This virtual screen was somewhat like a computer screen, except it was virtual, invisible to everyone but Yan Fei himself.

The virtual screen displayed four simple pieces of data:

Energy — 30

Weapon — 200 (Pea)

Merit — 0/100

Universal Space — 1 cubic meter.

Upon seeing this data, Yan Fei immediately understood their significance.

Energy resembled the drone's battery power, representing its range and operational capabilities. Flying and other actions would consume energy, and if the energy points were to be depleted, the drone would enter standby mode, unable to perform any operations. Energy points would automatically restore to 100% at midnight every day.

Yan Fei had noticed that after the drone became his avatar, some magical mutations occurred. For instance, the drone's battery had vanished without a trace, and there was no slot to connect an external battery. Even the entire body of the drone had become one solid piece, completely non-dismantlable. Instead of a battery, it was these energy points that provided power for the drone.

Weapon represented the drone avatar's attack method; the drone's only attack method now was the Pea Bullet, with only 200 rounds. Under air pressure, Yan Fei could launch peas from the barrel at high speeds to attack targets. Every attack used one pea, and once the Pea Bullets were expended, the drone would lose its ability to attack.

Similarly, the number of Pea Bullets would automatically restore to 100% at midnight every day. Originally, this drone was a civilian model with no offensive capability, but following its mutation, a small elongated cylinder appeared at the bottom of the body that could rotate 360 degrees, loaded with Pea Bullets – this was the drone avatar's weapon.

Merit represented the accolades gained using the drone avatar; for every target attacked and effectively damaged by the drone avatar, 1 score would be awarded, with only 1 score obtainable per target. Once the drone's merit reached 100 points, the drone would upgrade and become even more amazing.